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The Force Awakens: You have to go see this movie!


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The score was John Williams, and a lot of it was familiar from previous installments.


I know that John Williams was the composer who wrote it, it just didn't *feel* very emotional/powerful/etc, like it has in movies past. Also might have been an *editing* error that they made it too soft to be heard over the action sounds.

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I know that John Williams was the composer who wrote it, it just didn't *feel* very emotional/powerful/etc, like it has in movies past. Also might have been an *editing* error that they made it too soft to be heard over the action sounds.


I share your perception (and your supposition that it might be some sort of sound mixing error). I'm quite an appreciator of John Williams' scores — but even during the movie I didn't get any strong 'hooks' or themes, apart from those referring to the previous movies.


(Btw I liked the film overall; it's not that I am disappointed and feel an urge to act it out on every aspect; I was just honoustly underwhelmed by the score.)

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I share your perception (and your supposition that it might be some sort of sound mixing error). I'm quite an appreciator of John Williams' scores — but even during the movie I didn't get any strong 'hooks' or themes, apart from those referring to the previous movies.


(Btw I liked the film overall; it's not that I am disappointed and feel an urge to act it out on every aspect; I was just honoustly underwhelmed by the score.)


Kylo Ren's theme in up on youtube and sounds fantastic - i don't remember hearing it in the movie though, likely because i haven't seen it 8 times and can't effectively pick it apart.



Much of the complaints reminds me of Dragon Age 2 ... it sucked and was panned by critics and gamers alike. Bioware releases Inquisition. Suddenly DA2 was a great game and every bad thing it did was forgiven.

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Kylo Ren's theme in up on youtube and sounds fantastic - i don't remember hearing it in the movie though, likely because i haven't seen it 8 times and can't effectively pick it apart.



Much of the complaints reminds me of Dragon Age 2 ... it sucked and was panned by critics and gamers alike. Bioware releases Inquisition. Suddenly DA2 was a great game and every bad thing it did was forgiven.


Well I saw it a second time tonight, and especially since I was specifically paying attention to a few things I definitely feel that the musical score was too quiet when compared to the sounds from the action sequences. The music is good (Rey's theme is the best of the bunch and I like Kylo's too, the rest was a little lackluster when compared to the expectations that we've become accustomed to) but not overwhelmingly great. The music is better listened to separate from the movie's other noises, which the other films seemed to not have a problem with.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie even more the 2nd time around... :rak_03:

Edited by Zharik
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I know that John Williams was the composer who wrote it, it just didn't *feel* very emotional/powerful/etc, like it has in movies past. Also might have been an *editing* error that they made it too soft to be heard over the action sounds.


Might have been your theater needing to adjust their sound balance. I thought the soundtrack was well done, appropriate to the movie without being overwhelming. (Something home video releases have a problem with - probably due to loudness war)

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After being in no rush to see it, finally went and caught it this evening. I had been spoiled on quite a bit in advance, since I figured avoiding spoilers would be an exercise in futility for the most part and didn't go out of my way to spoil it, but didn't bother trying to keep it from happening either, so I knew a few of the things that would happen, if not the overall story or how it would happen.


The good:



1. I really liked the new cast. The main trio (assuming it is a trio and Poe doesn't get Wedge-d) are all an entertaining bunch, and Kylo actually makes a good contrast for them, since he's about as new to it all as the rest of them.

2. The setting feels really in line with the original trilogy, and that's definitely a stronger point. It's more of a fantasy story with some "in spaaaaaaace" elements than the more sci-fi approach of the prequels or even this game, which I'm not sure I even really noticed was missing until the movie reminded me of it.

3. Never really a dull moment. They kept things exciting from start to finsh.




The bad:



1. The inclusion of the previous generation of characters was, IMO, pretty pointless. To then give one of them a pointless death as well, that's double the pointlessness (especially since I recall hearing Abrams considered him "vital" to the story...but he really wasn't, for the purposes of the story they told). I really hope that now we've established our new main group, we can drop the rest of the old cast for the most part in the next one.

2. Speaking of gratuitous, the Super Death Star was dumb. In the original movie, stopping the Death Star was kind of the whole point, but here, it was barely a thing. It wasn't relevant at all, just a reason for a fight (that could have easily be justified as a rescue mission, frankly). Plus, it only works once, except then they use it again. Whut?

3. As expected after what the House of Mouse did with Marvel, there was too little substance to the actual story, too much attempt at hyping people for the next one with sequel hooks and "mysteries". The movie simply doesn't stand well on its own, it's more like the pilot episode of a TV series.




The ugly:



1. Rey's FREAKING HAIR. I know the few women that are actually in the Star Wars galaxy are, like, contractually obliged to have awful hair cuts, but the furry stegosaurus that died on Rey's head was actually distracting in terms of how abominable it was.

2. Also Kylo's elephant mask! How could I forget the elephant mask!? Hopefully once he completes his training he'll get some better looking gear as a mission reward, or something. Because he looked damn silly with that snozzle.



Edited by JLazarillo
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To me it felt like the new Battlefront, very shiny but no depth at all.


I must also agree with people who say it felt like a TV pilot, way too many loose ends just waiting to get answered but that makes for a bad film IMO. I remember reading that JJ said that the film should be self contained but with so many questions that aren't addressed it doesn't feel like that to me.

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To me it felt like the new Battlefront, very shiny but no depth at all.


So there's about as much depth as the ones that came before?


Seriously, the previous battlefront games had very little depth as far as gameplay went, themselves just being more like Battlefield in a Star Wars suit, than the DICE made Battlefront is.


If anything, there's more depth to Battlefront than its predecessors, due to significant differences between portrayal of weaponry and even the vehicles.

Different strengths and weaknesses, as opposed to same weapon with a different look between the classes of each faction in the previous games.


I must also agree with people who say it felt like a TV pilot, way too many loose ends just waiting to get answered but that makes for a bad film IMO. I remember reading that JJ said that the film should be self contained but with so many questions that aren't addressed it doesn't feel like that to me.


It is largely self contained for casual fans, or people who just enjoy the movies or if it's their first real foray into Star Wars.

Pertinent information regarding the in universe past from the previous films is condensed and delivered to the audience in far less of an mind numbing way than the prequels take of "tell, don't show" exposition.


Over all, I'm pretty happy with what we got.

It wasn't the mess of the prequels with all shine and no substance, and it was faithful enough to the original trilogy that familiarity and identity as a Star Wars movie wasn't limited to superficial similarities of visual aesthetics (and the heavy handed similarities that came off a little too strong i.e. Phase 1 Clone Trooper armour looking like trimmed down Stormtrooper armour with Flash Gordon inspired helmets) and the existence of the Jedi, and the title of each movie -> Star Wars <insert Episode subtitle here>.


I'm certain that much of the vitriol some fans have been expressing has been because of a few things.

1: Dislike of JJ Abrams.

2: Hype (specifically personal hype over getting worked up about a new Star Wars film)

3: Dislike of it being a sequel to the OT that takes place without the "beloved" Expanded Universe being used as biblical canon for characters and events.

Edited by Fyurii
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I'm certain that much of the vitriol some fans have been expressing has been because of a few things.

1: Dislike of JJ Abrams.

2: Hype

3: Dislike of it being a sequel to the OT that takes place without the "beloved" Expanded Universe being used as biblical canon for characters and events.



i've seen many use outright incorrect statements in their judgement/criticism of the movie and its characters. Like Finn, someone was mad because he says he wont kill then starts killing stormtroopers - Finn says he won't kill FOR THEM, that was the decision he made. He never says anything about not killing to defend himself.


the outright wrongness of so many statements and ability to misunderstand basic plot points, its like they sat through the movie but didnt watch it, or, and this is more likely, read early spoilers, immediately judged the movie, then went into it with negativity and preconceptions so they could come out and post about how jj destroyed their childhood (there are some here claiming this!) and this was the worst star wars movie because...


...Suddenly hey midichlorian space jesus lets go race some pods and while you're at it go fly around saying WHOA!! a lot is deep and meaningful, and the preferred saber battle are the one where the majority of attacks are clearly never once meant to land because they're over choreographed with CGI kicks that do no damage.



7%ers indeed.

Edited by maxetius
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I hated it, it just didn't feel like a star wars movie, despite lifting the plot entirely from ANH, I'm so disappointed right now while I write this, Im happy so many seem to love it but for me, even the prequels had more of the originals feel, ugh, I miss George. :(


your an idiot

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Wow, there is no pleasing some people right? You whined during the prequels that it didn't feel anything like Star Wars, and now when they're litteraly bringing in elements from the first 2 movies you're whining that it's too similar. I'm actually dumbfounded by some of the posts in here.


Anyway, I'm totally in the camp that this is probably the 3rd best movie in the franchise, easily. Pretty much everything worked in the movie except some of the old throwbacks (we get it R2 played space chess against Chewie, you don't need to shove it in my face). I loved Kylo as a villian, and it actually made me upset because THIS is how Anakin should've been in the prequels instead of the, well you know *shudders*.


Now was the movie perfect? Hell no! Did it need to be? Absolutely not. This is just Disney playing their safe card to get people that pretty much turned their backs on the franchise after the prequels on board again. But the only thing I find funny is how people are complaining SO MUCH about some of the plot threads in this movie, but RotJ gets a pass somehow? That ENTIRE segment on Tatooine has NO relevance to the rest of the movie and it's only there to tie up a loose end from Empire which could've been solved a lot quicker.


Anyway I'm rambling, but there's my 2 cents.

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It's gonna go dawn as the movie that did a lot right (especially after the prequels) while wasting too much time on remaking the 'greatests hits' from Original Trilogy. Was decent, but to be honest I think KOTFE had much more interesting story that was better executed than TFA.


But the new cast is very good and the small bits of new story seem promising so Episode 8 & 9 can do a lot of it.

Edited by Pietrastor
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It's gonna go dawn as the movie that did a lot right (especially after the prequels) while wasting too much time on remaking the 'greatests hits' from Original Trilogy. Was decent, but to be honest I think KOTFE had much more interesting story that was better executed than TFA.


But the new cast is very good and the small bits of new story seem promising so Episode 8 & 9 can do a lot of it.


I don't know if I would consider KOTFE a better story. Look at all the plot holes people are already complaining about :p The main character isn't even bothering to ask questions about their old crew. People complained about the PC surviving a lightsaber stab to the gut. Many don't think the bit of dialogue they put in to make the non fore users seem like good picks for Valkie. Speaking of which, 8 characters and no one knows what happened to the other 7. This is just what I thought of at this time :p


KOTFE is not better writing than TFA :p

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I don't know if I would consider KOTFE a better story. Look at all the plot holes people are already complaining about :p The main character isn't even bothering to ask questions about their old crew. People complained about the PC surviving a lightsaber stab to the gut. Many don't think the bit of dialogue they put in to make the non fore users seem like good picks for Valkie. Speaking of which, 8 characters and no one knows what happened to the other 7. This is just what I thought of at this time :p


KOTFE is not better writing than TFA :p


At least KOTFE has a plot. There really is very little plot to TFA and what is there is a new hope ver 2.0.

I can enjoy the movie when I switch off sure but given time to think about it, TFA falls short of being a good star wars movie.


For me it is not even plot holes that I find as the main issue. There is just a lack of passion for something creative and new and ground breaking that comes across in J.J. abrams films and it shows in TFA.

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It might be a good stand alone movie, but if you start putting it in relation with Star Wars, it simply fails on so many levels. The whole remake of ep. IV is just one thing fail out of many.


I for one did not like it at all, and more then once, I found myself wanting to leave the theater in anger.

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But not really a good Star Wars movie.
This sentence pretty much sums up.


The movie is ok. The cast however is great in its roles. And Ep. 7 ist by far the less Star Wars Experience, even it is a way better movie than Ep.1.



The thing is, Ep. 7 is missing the key elements of the classic Star Wars. You can only get the time to get warm with only 2 of the new cast members, it is actually a one man show of Harrison Ford. This is the only thing I can still remember. He did a great work though. But thank god Han is finally gone. This was not only a fan service but almost a entire Han Solo ***********. :D


Everything seemed rushed and it lacked of any recognizable score, ...beside the old ones. For people who wached the 6 Episodes before, almost everyone remind of at least one score from each of the movies.


The worst thing however, and the most un Star warsy thing was the last scene with Rey and Luke. WTAH?! Whats with the 360° camera shot?:confused:



Frankly I've seen way better fanmade Star Wars movies, which caught the Star Wars athmosphere better than Ep. 7, even if those lacked of good CGI effects.


But should you watch the movie? That's up to you to decide. I had a good time during the movie, but hadn't had the impression of watching THE new Star Wars at all. If you go see it, don't expect to get the 100% Star Wars experience, because you'll get disapointed.

Beside that, I hadn't had the impresion similar to other people who wrote that Ep. 7 is telling the same story all over again with different protagonists. I found mysself quite confortable with the new ones. IMHO the only thing that is repeditive is only the template of the protagonists. The lost kid from the deser planet, the spacejockey, the general, the tragical baddie, yada-yada. But EP. 7 is telling an entire different story.

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I still have yet to see the film but I have heard various things about the film, it sounds to me like its ripping off some of the EU characters like Jacen (Han & Leia's kid) turning dark but lets not call him that lets go with Ben (Luke & Mara's kid). How was Jacen defeated in EU oh it was by his sister, seems a bit obvious, we took away lukes son so we will drop huge hints that Rey is lukes daughter so now its his cousin that will redeem/kill Ben, she even looks similar to what I imagine Jaina would look like, lets look at her abilities Rey is a great pilot and guess what Jaina was a ace pilot during the Vong War.


I really hope that Rey is not a Skywalker.

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I still have yet to see the film but I have heard various things about the film, it sounds to me like its ripping off some of the EU characters like Jacen (Han & Leia's kid) turning dark but lets not call him that lets go with Ben (Luke & Mara's kid). How was Jacen defeated in EU oh it was by his sister, seems a bit obvious, we took away lukes son so we will drop huge hints that Rey is lukes daughter so now its his cousin that will redeem/kill Ben, she even looks similar to what I imagine Jaina would look like, lets look at her abilities Rey is a great pilot and guess what Jaina was a ace pilot during the Vong War.


I really hope that Rey is not a Skywalker.

Well this is acutally entire wrong. None of the existing protagonists from the movie have their origins in the SWEU but from internal developement at Lucasarts. We do however not entirely know who had there the first idea and if it was copied from the SWEU.


One thing for sure, Kylo Ren ist not a mix up from the SWEU Ben Skywalker and Jacen Solo later Darth Caedus. And Darth Cedus ist deifinetely not the origin of Kylo Ren. Another thing I am quite sure is that Rey is not Jania Solo or has the origins from there.


Do not make the error to mix those totally different timelines/alternate realities withc each other, because they have quite litte parallels.

Edited by Isnogut
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I still have yet to see the film but I have heard various things about the film, it sounds to me like its ripping off some of the EU characters like Jacen (Han & Leia's kid) turning dark but lets not call him that lets go with Ben (Luke & Mara's kid). How was Jacen defeated in EU oh it was by his sister, seems a bit obvious, we took away lukes son so we will drop huge hints that Rey is lukes daughter so now its his cousin that will redeem/kill Ben, she even looks similar to what I imagine Jaina would look like, lets look at her abilities Rey is a great pilot and guess what Jaina was a ace pilot during the Vong War.


I really hope that Rey is not a Skywalker.


Well, I'd say: prepare yourself for it, because she probably is.


And really, let go of the EU after RotJ, it doesn't exist anymore (oh boy am I glad about that).

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And really, let go of the EU after RotJ, it doesn't exist anymore (oh boy am I glad about that).


Care to ellaborate why?


Is it because it lacked originality? (Looks at Episode VII´s structure copying Episode IV).


Is it because it had overpowered things and characters? (Looks at Starkiller base macking a mockery of the Sun Destroyer and Kylo Ren stopping a laser blast in mid air).


Is it because it had plot inconsistencies? (Looks at Finn´s motivations and Rey´s sudden mastery of the Force).


Yeah, clearly the new story is soooooo much better. Also, the old EU mustn´t have sucked so bad if Disney so blatantly copied stuff from it.

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