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Please keep the taint that is episode 7 away from the the old republic *spoiler*


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Anyone with melee training can use a lightsaber, however only force users can master the art of lightsaber combat, and even then the only thing that sets them apart from other swordsman is the force.

The lightsaber is a weapon it isnt a wand that only magicians can use.

On a side note i even heard people complain about Han using a lightsaber in the SW comic when his blaster was disabled, i mean they can argue he shouldnt have been able to use a lightsaber to cut open the tauntaun because he isnt a jedi and he used the sword? My main point is it's just a weapon


and un-related, anyone else think it was hypocritical of Ren calling Finn a traitor ? lol


This is how I interpret it as well. I liken it to a katana (after all, aren't the Jedi's essentially space samurai?). Anyone can use a katana, but in feudal times, only a Samurai was trained in its use and they were the only ones allowed to carry one.

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I really liked the movie, what you have to keep in mind is that Kylo isn't a full fledged villain yet. I feel that the intent was to show that Kylo believed his sacrifice would put an end to his doubts about sticking to the Dark Side but in the end only weakened him. Compare this to RotS where Anakin goes from saving Palpatine to slaughtering kids in the span of five minutes with no trace of hesitation.


Was the last fight bad? From what I remembered Kylo absolutely wrecked Finn and Rey spent most of the fight running in the other direction. Add up the fact that Kylo spent a lot of time with an open wound in his side + the emotional revelation that his big sacrifice amounted to squat and I can see how he would have lost.

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Plenty of non force users used lightsabers, I don't see it as a them not being able to use it, they will just never be as effective at using them as a force user, so typically no real reason for them to wield one regularly.,


Anyways, on the whole Rey vs Ren thing. Look, he isn't a fully trained Jedi/Dark Jedi. But, he is not a novice either, from what we get in the movie, he is about 10 years Rey's senior, and he has trained with Luke as a kid. At the VERY LEAST he is padawan/apprentice level. You see first hand his ability to wield the force through and through in the movie itself.


Rey has had 0 formal training that she can remember, and when she was abandoned on the planet she was a little girl. So at the MOST she had a couple of years of training that she might not remember. Meaning any way you cut it, he has many more years on her as far as training is concerned.


The big problem with this movie is consistency, and a toilet paper thin story. If you really pay attention, most of the big events just kind of happen, and the character development is based upon our previous knowledge of the original heroes essentially. What makes Rey's character so likeable and familiar? Because its Luke Skywalker with *******. I really like her role, but the amount of character building is laughable. You are just told about something a few times, and you come to accept it, and they make a point of mentioning it a few times, so you know they mean business. Like how Poe is the best fighter in the resistance... really? Ok... we'll take your word for it... that lets them get away with him doing things early on that you wouldn't otherwise expect.


As for the duel between Finn and Ren, Rey and Ren. Even with a shot to his gut, he flung Rey like a ragdoll at first, and he was able freeze her earlier, and read minds of others etc. This is not "novice" level force usage.


As for Rey, I am sorry, but her mastering the force in 5-15minutes is lust laughable, this basically makes the entire concept of training that Luke underwent with Yoda, and years of training that Ren had, pretty much obsolete. She had no idea what a Jedi was 5 minutes before her encounter with Ren, then suddenly she can read his mind, Jedi mind trick, and force pull as if she had been doing it for years.


I mean, this is a huge problem for the story for me, that really craps all over the previous canon, all because the writers were too lazy to move the story along in other ways. I could understand him having a hard time or not being able to read her mind or get info out of her, as innate force resistance I would be able to stomach just fine. But the way they handled it was too much.


As for blowing up star killer base. Come on, that entire meeting went along the lines of something you would expect in a crime boss film with Joe Pesci deciding how to knock off a bank. Yeah, see slim, you was the janitor yeah? Lets bring down those shields, and tiny over here will go in and clobber the safe open see? Kapish?


Look at return of the jedi, it took the entire rebel fleet plus quite a few fighters to pierce through and help from a ton of mostly useless teddy bears. And that death star wasn't even complete. This was a much bigger base, with full capabilities and fighters, and 12 fighters, and only 12 fighters made it through, with the help of some hand explosives.


There was no real climax to the movie, or sense of suspense, they just moved from scene to scene with easy. Even the meeting between Han Solo and Ren was stupid and predictable. I really wish Harrison Ford got his wish and Han had been killed off in ROTJ like he wanted.


This movie is basically everything you would expect from a JJ Abrams movie, cheap thrills, relying on Nostalgia and already established ideas to entertain the masses, meanwhile taking a steaming pile of **** on the canon, and other work, as well as the heart and soul of the franchise.


The originals were not perfect by a long shot, but they had a prophetic, theological aspect to it. The force, the battle of good and evil was handled in a very eloquent way, Episode VII is basically a version of "Star Wars for Dummies". If you truly think this was a great Star Wars film, you probably missed the point of what Star Wars is about. And I know people will rag on George Lucas because he has lost his touch over the years, but say what you will, even with the terrible writing, and dialogue in the prequels, they did at least handle a more complex story. Those movies suffered from terrible dialogue and acting, but overall storytelling was not bad. This movie has good acting, and visuals, but the storytelling is just crap. I know it should come to no surprise to anyone, that Lucas himself was not a fan of it, whether through bitterness or that someone else has taken a direction of his baby somewhere he did not wish it to go.

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Really people are jumping to conclusions and are damn good at it.


At this point it's far too early to tell, like in TPM when you had no clue on what would trigger this technological-genius-force-prodigy-space-jesus-superkid to become the Darth Vader we know and love.



But seriously. Rey was the worst thing about the movie. Which is why i compare her to Anakin in TPM. Glaringly amazing, no apparent or obvious flaws. Finn bold face lies to her repeatedly to where even Han takes him to task but she's just 'oh its cool mate'

Edited by maxetius
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Really people are jumping to conclusions and are damn good at it.


At this point it's far too early to tell, like in TPM when you had no clue on what would trigger this technological-genius-force-prodigy-space-jesus-superkid to become the Darth Vader we know and love.



But seriously. Rey was the worst thing about the movie. Which is why i compare her to Anakin in TPM. Glaringly amazing, no apparent or obvious flaws. Finn bold face lies to her repeatedly to where even Han takes him to task but she's just 'oh its cool mate'


Rey was the worst thing?


In my opinion, she's by FAR the best actor in the whole film. To compare her with Anakin in TPM is strange. Anakin was the worst thing in TPM after Jar Jar.

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Plenty of non force users used lightsabers, I don't see it as a them not being able to use it, they will just never be as effective at using them as a force user, so typically no real reason for them to wield one regularly.,


Anyways, on the whole Rey vs Ren thing. Look, he isn't a fully trained Jedi/Dark Jedi. But, he is not a novice either, from what we get in the movie, he is about 10 years Rey's senior, and he has trained with Luke as a kid. At the VERY LEAST he is padawan/apprentice level. You see first hand his ability to wield the force through and through in the movie itself.


Rey has had 0 formal training that she can remember, and when she was abandoned on the planet she was a little girl. So at the MOST she had a couple of years of training that she might not remember. Meaning any way you cut it, he has many more years on her as far as training is concerned.


The big problem with this movie is consistency, and a toilet paper thin story. If you really pay attention, most of the big events just kind of happen, and the character development is based upon our previous knowledge of the original heroes essentially. What makes Rey's character so likeable and familiar? Because its Luke Skywalker with *******. I really like her role, but the amount of character building is laughable. You are just told about something a few times, and you come to accept it, and they make a point of mentioning it a few times, so you know they mean business. Like how Poe is the best fighter in the resistance... really? Ok... we'll take your word for it... that lets them get away with him doing things early on that you wouldn't otherwise expect.


As for the duel between Finn and Ren, Rey and Ren. Even with a shot to his gut, he flung Rey like a ragdoll at first, and he was able freeze her earlier, and read minds of others etc. This is not "novice" level force usage.


As for Rey, I am sorry, but her mastering the force in 5-15minutes is lust laughable, this basically makes the entire concept of training that Luke underwent with Yoda, and years of training that Ren had, pretty much obsolete. She had no idea what a Jedi was 5 minutes before her encounter with Ren, then suddenly she can read his mind, Jedi mind trick, and force pull as if she had been doing it for years.


I mean, this is a huge problem for the story for me, that really craps all over the previous canon, all because the writers were too lazy to move the story along in other ways. I could understand him having a hard time or not being able to read her mind or get info out of her, as innate force resistance I would be able to stomach just fine. But the way they handled it was too much.


As for blowing up star killer base. Come on, that entire meeting went along the lines of something you would expect in a crime boss film with Joe Pesci deciding how to knock off a bank. Yeah, see slim, you was the janitor yeah? Lets bring down those shields, and tiny over here will go in and clobber the safe open see? Kapish?


Look at return of the jedi, it took the entire rebel fleet plus quite a few fighters to pierce through and help from a ton of mostly useless teddy bears. And that death star wasn't even complete. This was a much bigger base, with full capabilities and fighters, and 12 fighters, and only 12 fighters made it through, with the help of some hand explosives.


There was no real climax to the movie, or sense of suspense, they just moved from scene to scene with easy. Even the meeting between Han Solo and Ren was stupid and predictable. I really wish Harrison Ford got his wish and Han had been killed off in ROTJ like he wanted.


This movie is basically everything you would expect from a JJ Abrams movie, cheap thrills, relying on Nostalgia and already established ideas to entertain the masses, meanwhile taking a steaming pile of **** on the canon, and other work, as well as the heart and soul of the franchise.


The originals were not perfect by a long shot, but they had a prophetic, theological aspect to it. The force, the battle of good and evil was handled in a very eloquent way, Episode VII is basically a version of "Star Wars for Dummies". If you truly think this was a great Star Wars film, you probably missed the point of what Star Wars is about. And I know people will rag on George Lucas because he has lost his touch over the years, but say what you will, even with the terrible writing, and dialogue in the prequels, they did at least handle a more complex story. Those movies suffered from terrible dialogue and acting, but overall storytelling was not bad. This movie has good acting, and visuals, but the storytelling is just crap. I know it should come to no surprise to anyone, that Lucas himself was not a fan of it, whether through bitterness or that someone else has taken a direction of his baby somewhere he did not wish it to go.


100% agree. If you are from the generation that saw 4-6 first time around and were disappointed with 1-3, this film is categorically NOT made for you.


There was no reason Ren couldn't have force held Rey and Finn, then stabbed them in the face.

Disney took a massive dump on the existing movie lore.

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Well according to some article I just glanced, this horrible new Star Wars trilogy might now be taking a massive dump on a critical key planet in our beloved swtor lore, Tython. It seems they might be calling this new planet that rey found Luke on Ach-TO, the site of the first Jedi temple.
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Well according to some article I just glanced, this horrible new Star Wars trilogy might now be taking a massive dump on a critical key planet in our beloved swtor lore, Tython. It seems they might be calling this new planet that rey found Luke on Ach-TO, the site of the first Jedi temple.


I don't think this will be a horrible trilogy in any sense of the word. But i do agree with you in the fact that i hate them changing the names of things just to change them. I mean what would be the harm to just call it Tython? Its like everytime they borrow something from the old EU they said screw it we'll do everything completely different because our canon is better anyway. Shoot they'll probably say rakata prime is a light side nexus just to be different.


I havent had an issue with wiping the canon because i can always go back and read them. But there are things you can include and leave them as we know them. If you want something different use a different thing. Dont get me started on what they did to Quinlan Vos in TCW show....

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Regarding Rey's improbable technical and jediish expertise.


I remember River Tam in Serenity beating up a bar all by her lonesome self, later jumping only armed with a summer dress into a pile of crazed berserkers and emerging on a pile of corpses dualwielding a sword and an axe. Later she expertedly piloted the serenity. Oh and she reads minds too.And she doesn't even have the Force as an excuse. Rey has a long way to go before she becomes that ******. :p


For an action hero she is rather subdued, when it comes to improbable feats. Other people shield-sled into an orc-army and go to town on them or kill oliphants with bow and arrow.


My personal solution to this is to assume that all action heroes are unknowing reality warpers and that mundane limitations are mere guidelines to them.

Edited by drakensang
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Well according to some article I just glanced, this horrible new Star Wars trilogy might now be taking a massive dump on a critical key planet in our beloved swtor lore, Tython. It seems they might be calling this new planet that rey found Luke on Ach-TO, the site of the first Jedi temple.


This planet might be given another name, later. I saw an explanation somewhere. It looks like "Act Two", aka the story will continue on this planet(?)

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To all you who goes; "Its a ****** movie - 3rd trilogy that start on a desert planet!!" /LOOK OUT - IT*S A TRAP!!!!/


It's so obvious that it's painful to read all these trigger happy haters as they expose their limitations . . .


I'm gonna walk it through in turn; The "Same hero" theory/criticism"; The "OMG She's a full mastered force jedi user" theory/criticism


"Same hero"

I would go as far as they to some extent grew up on a sandy planet and of course the obvious they are all, well probably, are Skywalkers :eek:, but there the similarities end


Anakin was born in to slavery, raised to the age of 10? by his mother to who he have a very deep attachment, he is cared for by a loving mother and bossed around by his Slave owner, hence he is capable of great emotion, but battles with a inferiority complex, both of these portraited very clumsy by Lucas, but obvious, thru out the whole PT.


Luke placed as an adoptive child at the Lars Family, raised in a somewhat sheltered environment with two caring foster parents. This makes also Luke capable to great emotion, but as he is held back by Owen, his foster parent, he suffers from a lack of belief in his own abilities, hence the long learning curve under Obi-wan and Yodas guidance and the failure of Force lifting the x-wing from the Dagobah marshes.


Rey is left on a desert planet at an age of 5 - 10 roughly, this we learn from her partial and blurry flashbacks. When we meet her we learn that she is on her daily search for the mean to get food to survive. There are no foster parents in sight, no one seem to care for her. We also learns that she waits for who ever left her on that planet, hence she live in fear of being abandoned, but with a strong will to survive and she is capable not only to find the means to get food but to fend for her self against criminal elements, as she with some ease take down those who try to steal BB-8. She got a strong survival instinct and is a reflection of the environment she's been growing up in.


Conclusion; These are different heroes with different circumstances in which the find their way to the Force, what they share is that their 'heroes journey' starts on a desert planet, and, this is speculation on my part, they probably all is Skywalkers. And of course the all are force users, but, as stated earlier, thru different backgrounds and circumstances they find their way to the Force !!


"OMG She's a full mastered force jedi user"

Stop here and reflect for a moment!! Is Rey really in control of her self when she manage to fight Kylo, and secondly did she really beat him? OR wasn't the fight interrupted by the earth quake caused by the destruction of Star Killer Base? And thirdly; in what way does Rey tap in to her Force Powers what instincts drive her?

From what we know from the early parts of the movie is that Rey got a strong survival instinct, from here flashbacks we learn that she was 'abandoned'? on Jakku. So Fear is a driving motivator for Rey, fear of dying, fear of being left alone. We also see the attachment she under a short period of time develops toward Han Solo, who in that way and intent represents a Father figure, some one who cares and sooth her feelings of loneliness. As we are led to understand this attachment thru the movie, we are also presumed to understad that when Rey witness Kylo's killing of that said father figure, she develops a Hate towards Kylo Ren.


Here I ask you to stop and reflect again! What do we know of 'Fear' and 'Hate'? They are strong catalysts and amplifiers of the Force!!! Fear for her own life and that of her friends make her able to tap in to the Force and pilot the falcon when escaping the Tie-fighters on Tatoi... sorry Jakku. That same Fear acts as an catalyst to help her to tap in to the Force when she learns, by chance or guidance of the Force?, to preform what we know as a 'Jedi Mind Trick'.

When she later fights Kylo and not really beat him but rather wins a temporary victory, her force abilities are not only fueled by Fear but amplified by Hate!!! Kylo is cought by surprise by this burst of Fear and Hate and raw powaaah of the Force that lashes out at him. In those moments of Fear and Hate fueled Force use, Rey manage to wound Kylo, but would she have beaten him? We don't know really as they clearly are interrupted by the planets earthquakes!!!


Conclusion; In a short moment, being fueled by fear and hate, Rey manage to shake Kylo so that he loses his guard and ultimately gets wounded, hence the need for Snoke to compete Kylos training.


As for the third trilogy to start on a desert planet; It's a nod to the earlier AND it is the obvious intentional placed trigger to all the haters; In Short; You were supposed to rage at this as you are so very predictable and never can be bothered to do more then a, at best, shallow analyse of what you been showed.

But what we could discuss is if Abrams should be more pedagogical in his attempt to explain all this . . . OR if he overestimate the knowledge and capacity for ALL fans to grasp the story of the movie.

Edited by t-darko
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On the question of whether or not non-force sensitives can use a lightsaber...they can. In the Clone Wars - which is canon by Lucasfilm before and after the Disney merger - Cad Bane, Cato Parasitti, and Pre Vizla all used lightsabers with varying degrees of success.


Pre Vizla in particular went toe to toe with Obi Wan and Maul. He lost both times, but he acquitted himself quite well.


"OMG She's a full mastered force jedi user"

Stop here and reflect for a moment!! Is Rey really in control of her self when she manage to fight Kylo, and secondly did she really beat him?


My interpretation of the fight is that she was not in control of herself at all. I believe she completely surrendered herself to the force and it was working through her and controlling her, a call back to Luke when he destroyed the first Death Star.


Even though it's not canon anymore, a similar thing happened to Luke when he fought Vader in A Splinter of the Mind's Eye.


During the moment with Rey, time appears to slow down as well before she back Kylo away.


And lastly, Kylo Ren was not trying to kill her. Some people seem to forget that. Snoke specifically told him to bring the girl to him.


But whatever, if some people don't like it, they don't like it (that's not aimed at you T-darko).


I personally would probably put this fight number four out of the movies fights?


1. Vader/Luke -Rotj


2. Vader/Luke - Esb


3. Maul - TPM


4. Rey/Kylo/Finn - TFA

Edited by CaulderBenson
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Finn does not have the ability to use the force. Han Solo states that Finn does not have the force. When they were using the Falcon's cannons, Rey was using the force to guide Finn's actions.


Finn's mental flashes, at the start of the movie, were the results of breaking his brainwashing. Nothing more.


"Star Wars: the Force Awakens" was all about Rey's awakening. Rey will be carrying on the Skywalker legacy.



Edited by Linyivee
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So much hate on Kylo it's ridiculous hes gonna slowly become the new Jar Jar. I think he is an awesome character and an awesome villain. He is by no means a Master and judging by Snoke's build he isnt exactly martially trained to a great extent, not to mention he was injured when he was fighting Rey. Kylo is clearly a pretty unstable guy that cannot control his anger or will not, and he has already succeeded where Vader failed, he made damn sure not to fall for the same seduction again to the light. He is no master and still has training to undergo. All the haters can hate Kylo Ren is awesome.
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On the question of whether or not non-force sensitives can use a lightsaber...they can. In the Clone Wars - which is canon by Lucasfilm before and after the Disney merger - Cad Bane, Cato Parasitti, and Pre Vizla all used lightsabers with varying degrees of success.


Pre Vizla in particular went toe to toe with Obi Wan and Maul. He lost both times, but he acquitted himself quite well.




My interpretation of the fight is that she was not in control of herself at all. I believe she completely surrendered herself to the force and it was working through her and controlling her, a call back to Luke when he destroyed the first Death Star.


Even though it's not canon anymore, a similar thing happened to Luke when he fought Vader in A Splinter of the Mind's Eye.


During the moment with Rey, time appears to slow down as well before she back Kylo away.


And lastly, Kylo Ren was not trying to kill her. Some people seem to forget that. Snoke specifically told him to bring the girl to him.


But whatever, if some people don't like it, they don't like it (that's not aimed at you T-darko).


I personally would probably put this fight number four out of the movies fights?


1. Vader/Luke -Rotj


2. Vader/Luke - Esb


3. Maul - TPM


4. Rey/Kylo/Finn - TFA


That's what I thought at the last fight scene when shes like. "The force..." and just kind of like...becomes one with it, kind of becomes the weapon instead of wielding the weapon like Gnost Dural was saying to the sith apprentice in the Annihilation novel.

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Well according to some article I just glanced, this horrible new Star Wars trilogy might now be taking a massive dump on a critical key planet in our beloved swtor lore, Tython. It seems they might be calling this new planet that rey found Luke on Ach-TO, the site of the first Jedi temple.


Because these guys are so full of themselves, they will not work with what has been written so far. Instead they named the planet with a Hebrew name.... Geee how original

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To all you who goes; "Its a ****** movie - 3rd trilogy that start on a desert planet!!" /LOOK OUT - IT*S A TRAP!!!!/


It's so obvious that it's painful to read all these trigger happy haters as they expose their limitations . . .


I'm gonna walk it through in turn; The "Same hero" theory/criticism"; The "OMG She's a full mastered force jedi user" theory/criticism


"Same hero"

I would go as far as they to some extent grew up on a sandy planet and of course the obvious they are all, well probably, are Skywalkers :eek:, but there the similarities end


Anakin was born in to slavery, raised to the age of 10? by his mother to who he have a very deep attachment, he is cared for by a loving mother and bossed around by his Slave owner, hence he is capable of great emotion, but battles with a inferiority complex, both of these portraited very clumsy by Lucas, but obvious, thru out the whole PT.


Luke placed as an adoptive child at the Lars Family, raised in a somewhat sheltered environment with two caring foster parents. This makes also Luke capable to great emotion, but as he is held back by Owen, his foster parent, he suffers from a lack of belief in his own abilities, hence the long learning curve under Obi-wan and Yodas guidance and the failure of Force lifting the x-wing from the Dagobah marshes.


Rey is left on a desert planet at an age of 5 - 10 roughly, this we learn from her partial and blurry flashbacks. When we meet her we learn that she is on her daily search for the mean to get food to survive. There are no foster parents in sight, no one seem to care for her. We also learns that she waits for who ever left her on that planet, hence she live in fear of being abandoned, but with a strong will to survive and she is capable not only to find the means to get food but to fend for her self against criminal elements, as she with some ease take down those who try to steal BB-8. She got a strong survival instinct and is a reflection of the environment she's been growing up in.


Conclusion; These are different heroes with different circumstances in which the find their way to the Force, what they share is that their 'heroes journey' starts on a desert planet, and, this is speculation on my part, they probably all is Skywalkers. And of course the all are force users, but, as stated earlier, thru different backgrounds and circumstances they find their way to the Force !!


"OMG She's a full mastered force jedi user"

Stop here and reflect for a moment!! Is Rey really in control of her self when she manage to fight Kylo, and secondly did she really beat him? OR wasn't the fight interrupted by the earth quake caused by the destruction of Star Killer Base? And thirdly; in what way does Rey tap in to her Force Powers what instincts drive her?

From what we know from the early parts of the movie is that Rey got a strong survival instinct, from here flashbacks we learn that she was 'abandoned'? on Jakku. So Fear is a driving motivator for Rey, fear of dying, fear of being left alone. We also see the attachment she under a short period of time develops toward Han Solo, who in that way and intent represents a Father figure, some one who cares and sooth her feelings of loneliness. As we are led to understand this attachment thru the movie, we are also presumed to understad that when Rey witness Kylo's killing of that said father figure, she develops a Hate towards Kylo Ren.


Here I ask you to stop and reflect again! What do we know of 'Fear' and 'Hate'? They are strong catalysts and amplifiers of the Force!!! Fear for her own life and that of her friends make her able to tap in to the Force and pilot the falcon when escaping the Tie-fighters on Tatoi... sorry Jakku. That same Fear acts as an catalyst to help her to tap in to the Force when she learns, by chance or guidance of the Force?, to preform what we know as a 'Jedi Mind Trick'.

When she later fights Kylo and not really beat him but rather wins a temporary victory, her force abilities are not only fueled by Fear but amplified by Hate!!! Kylo is cought by surprise by this burst of Fear and Hate and raw powaaah of the Force that lashes out at him. In those moments of Fear and Hate fueled Force use, Rey manage to wound Kylo, but would she have beaten him? We don't know really as they clearly are interrupted by the planets earthquakes!!!


Conclusion; In a short moment, being fueled by fear and hate, Rey manage to shake Kylo so that he loses his guard and ultimately gets wounded, hence the need for Snoke to compete Kylos training.


As for the third trilogy to start on a desert planet; It's a nod to the earlier AND it is the obvious intentional placed trigger to all the haters; In Short; You were supposed to rage at this as you are so very predictable and never can be bothered to do more then a, at best, shallow analyse of what you been showed.

But what we could discuss is if Abrams should be more pedagogical in his attempt to explain all this . . . OR if he overestimate the knowledge and capacity for ALL fans to grasp the story of the movie.



You are a bit dense are you?


Luke and Anakin being on Tatooine makes sense, considering Luke being Anakin's son, and was left with family. Jakku is basically Tatooine 2.0 because... well they didn't want to use Tatooine again, but still wanted to use it, so they just changed the name and BAM.


Wow such prophetic writing you are right, the struggle these guys must have had to write this all in, and design the sets.

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I really liked the movie, what you have to keep in mind is that Kylo isn't a full fledged villain yet. I feel that the intent was to show that Kylo believed his sacrifice would put an end to his doubts about sticking to the Dark Side but in the end only weakened him. Compare this to RotS where Anakin goes from saving Palpatine to slaughtering kids in the span of five minutes with no trace of hesitation.


Was the last fight bad? From what I remembered Kylo absolutely wrecked Finn and Rey spent most of the fight running in the other direction. Add up the fact that Kylo spent a lot of time with an open wound in his side + the emotional revelation that his big sacrifice amounted to squat and I can see how he would have lost.


Where does it mention a revelation? Or that he got weakened? He was shot thats what weakened him, he pretty much destroyed Rey before she did the force trance or whatever... I don't think he thought killing Han would make him stronger I think he just did it to be no longer "Torn apart" between light and dark and embrace the darkness completely. He hoped that act would end those pulls he felt towards the light. He will be stronger he still has to continue his training. I think it takes a lot of "strength" to do what he did, I mean... He knows what happened to Vader, he made sure it didn't happen to him. I honestly didn't think he believe he'd get more powerful from killing Han lol. It was more of passing his biggest challenge.

Edited by Bouncy_Hunter
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YEah but Rey is 100% not a skywalker.


Really? This new trilogy will be "all about the Skywalkers" according to Kathleen Kennedy and we've only seen a Solo yet (and a dark one).... Makes sense to me that Rey is 100% Skywalker and will be a light one, to restore the balance in the family..... Also I think she's 100% a Skywalker, because the rest of the new people that we've seen are clearly NOT a Skywalker. (Finn lol)

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Really? This new trilogy will be "all about the Skywalkers" according to Kathleen Kennedy and we've only seen a Solo yet (and a dark one).... Makes sense to me that Rey is 100% Skywalker and will be a light one, to restore the balance in the family..... Also I think she's 100% a Skywalker, because the rest of the new people that we've seen are clearly NOT a Skywalker. (Finn lol)


Yeah but think about it, firstly why would Luke abandon Rey on Jakku? Because of why Satele abandoned Theron? Probably not because Luke was never against emotional attachment or a traditional Jedi. Also since Kylo and Ren seem to be around the same age Luke wasn't betrayed by anyone yet as far as we know so what would be the reason? Luke and Leia wanted him to train Kylo so you think Luke (the guy who is also ditched as a baby on a dustball) would leave his daughter to train other kids? Rey also mentions that she is waiting for her "Family" not her "Father" and from the flashback she definitely looks old enough to at least remember the faces of her family or who they are. I still remember my fathers face and the last time I saw him I was 4 years old. All the signs in the movie point to Luke but I just don't think how it would make sense. Rey also has a British accent ( I know daisy is British IRL but so is Boyega and only Rey gets to keep the accent in the movie, even the little girl in the flashback sounds British. My conclusion is that Rey may remember her family it's just us the viewers that don't know who they are, Rey might not know them and their significance though if there is any. Finally at the last seen I really think she would recognize Luke if he was her father or would at least sense it in the force or something. Maz also says to her that her family is never coming back but there is Luke. Did anyone notice obi wan's voice at the end of the flashback by the way ? My theory is that at some point obi wan might have had a child maybe on tattooine and Rey is his grand daughter.... I know it's crazy

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Really? This new trilogy will be "all about the Skywalkers" according to Kathleen Kennedy and we've only seen a Solo yet (and a dark one)....

Just because he has one non-Skywalker parent doesn't mean Kylo Ren isn't a Skywalker. It's not like a father's blood overrides the mother's (heck, there's a decent chance he doesn't even have Han's last name - Leia is still General Organa in the film).


Even if she is Luke's daughter, unless Rey sprung fully-formed from his head then she is only going to be 50% Skywalker, too.

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Also since Kylo and Ren seem to be around the same age Luke wasn't betrayed by anyone yet as far as we know so what would be the reason? Luke and Leia wanted him to train Kylo so you think Luke (the guy who is also ditched as a baby on a dustball) would leave his daughter to train other kids?

I was wondering whether Kylo Ren and Rey were supposed to be roughly the same age, since that would have put a big ol' plot hole in the 'she was left on Jakku after the new Jedi were betrayed' theory - but it turns out Kylo Ren is supposed to be about 29-30, while Rey is significantly younger (18-19 according to the Visual Dictionary book). If Rey was supposed to be around 5 when she was left on Jakku, then it could have been after a 16-year old Ben betrayed the Jedi (Ben being that young when he betrayed the Jedi would even help explain why he was still pretty under-trained).


Personally, I really hope that they go a different route than "Rey is Luke's daughter!", but the relative ages of the characters don't really rule out any of the legs under that theory.

Edited by DarthDymond
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