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Why are sith so arrogant?


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I mostly mean the force using sith mostly but even the non force users really are arrogant that is not to say jedi are far from that but their really not as arrogant.

But my question is why? While I get why a sith would be arrogant towards the trooper or the smugler and at a certain extent the agent but why against the BH or the JC?

Even the JK but not at that extent. For example the JC just freed a planet like a boss and defeated and killed a Darth trained by the strongest Dark Councilor named Darth Marr then destroyed several imperial bases on Hoth and Quesh and yet the sith force users he meets act so arrogant towards the JC like their superior in some way. One of them knew of his feats in detail and still acted arrogant why is that?

Even normal non force using sith act arrogant like they are superior in some way berrating the PC in spite that the PC just killed hundreds of imperials. Really now why?

Where does that arrogance comes from?

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First of all, it is the question of upbringing and society. The Sith are the highest nobility in the Empire and they never forget it. It seems that only Sith can outrank another Sith, except some given circumstances (I can easily imagine Darth Gravus specifically ordering Taris officers to ignore Thana's orders if they are not backed by his permission). And that touches all Sith, even new ones. Those who are from strong ancient families... well, aristocracy tends to behave in such a way.

Second, we may attribute that to the Dark Side practices. The Sith ideology talks about weakness and strength much, and it is quite expectable for a Dark Side practitioner to consider himself or herself the best, not to think about failures and thus become arrogant towards the others. Not that they are always right, of course.

And Sith just like to consider Jedi weak and inferior. Though it suits bad with the fact of losing almost all the previous wars against them and the Republic.

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Yeah well I do not get their attitude against jedi. They lost every single war against them and they had a few from the great hyperspace war to, Exar Kun's war to Revan and Malak and the Triumvirate. All of them ended with the jedi victorious yet even a sith apprentice like the one that the BH was send to kill thought that she can only be killed by another sith, a lucky jedi or bomb.

Yeah why would she think that even dark council members where defeated by Jedi. Really now do they not teach them to be careful when fighting jedi?

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My own personal opinion is that arrogance is a byproduct of what being a Sith is really about.


A lightsider works in harmony with the force, like rider and a mount. Sometimes letting the mount go where it wills and just going along with it, sometimes urging it on.


A darksider makes the force bend to his will. Always being the master and never a passenger. This requires great force of will. This mentally unyielding nature makes the Sith appear arrogant, in my opinion. But a Sith always strives to back up that arrogance with strength. They are arrogant because they have to be.

Edited by Karkais
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Good point but do they not overrate their power sometimes because of that?

Better said do they know of that weakness in the attitude?


And the Jedi don't?


Since you brought up that little brat at Grathan's compound in the BH story. See what happens at the end of chapter 1, the end of chapter 2 and the whole chapter 3.


The Jedi are both self-righteous and arrogant. The Sith are just arrogant.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Jedi are less arrogant in general, but in their case it goes in a different way: "I wield Light Side, the Force is with me, ergo no opponent can win". Which is often wrong.

And I should mention, that definite Sith can estimate definite Jedi correctly. Baras, for example, directly characterizes Nomen Karr as a dangerous opponent.


As for previous wars - I can easily imagine how Vitiate's Sith explain them: "Naga Sadow fell because of inner feuds. All the others before our return were not true Sith, true heirs of the Old Empire. We are, so we'll prevail undoubtedly".

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And the Jedi don't?


Since you brought up that little brat at Grathan's compound in the BH story. See what happens at the end of chapter 1, the end of chapter 2 and the whole chapter 3.


The Jedi are both self-righteous and arrogant. The Sith are just arrogant.



Yeah I know what happens at the end of chapter 1 that dude tries to mind trick us but does not work. But I must admit he was sure of himself but it backfired when it did not worked. At the end of chapter 2 we where a attacked by a jedi strike force but I am pretty sure they where not arrogant especially since it was a strike force not one jedi.

Chapter 3 is foggy to say the least but I do remember the jedi battle master being arrogant and sending his fellow Jedi away saying implying he can take us alone. He could not.

How did he became a battle master I do not know.

Where not Raven and Malak made Darth by Vitiate making them true sith of the sith empire?


Edited by adormitul
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Yeah well I do not get their attitude against jedi. They lost every single war against them and they had a few from the great hyperspace war to, Exar Kun's war to Revan and Malak and the Triumvirate. All of them ended with the jedi victorious yet even a sith apprentice like the one that the BH was send to kill thought that she can only be killed by another sith, a lucky jedi or bomb.

Yeah why would she think that even dark council members where defeated by Jedi. Really now do they not teach them to be careful when fighting jedi?


Realize that Sith have to survive korriban just to become Sith. Then assassination attempts, backstabbing, etc. Those that make it to lord and Darth have already killed quite a few rivals. Possibly even other Jedi. Basically there's only one way to go up in rank as a Sith. By standing on the corpses of those around you. Basically every Sith is alive because they haven't fought someone who was capable of killing them. The moment that happens they die. So each Sith believes they are invincible and unbeatable. If they were wrong they'd be dead already.

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There is a dialogue in the Sith warrior class quests shedding some light on the matter. To become a Sith, you leave quite a hefty trail of blood behind you. Arrogance becomes second nature, since you won't be humbled, it's always kill or be killed.
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Realize that Sith have to survive korriban just to become Sith. Then assassination attempts, backstabbing, etc. Those that make it to lord and Darth have already killed quite a few rivals. Possibly even other Jedi. Basically there's only one way to go up in rank as a Sith. By standing on the corpses of those around you. Basically every Sith is alive because they haven't fought someone who was capable of killing them. The moment that happens they die. So each Sith believes they are invincible and unbeatable. If they were wrong they'd be dead already.

^This is the best explanation I've seen yet.


When one can take out most of the galaxy's population (yes, lots of force users, but they're still a minority) even when they team up against you, you tend to get arrogant.

It's really surprising how many characters you encounter, on both sides, Force users or no, who are arrogant to the point of suicidal. Like that gangster who thinks he can extort your Inquisitor into becoming his "personal Sith" - at least until you fry him.

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