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Everything posted by Shadowsentinel

  1. I think it's because Outlander never met Thexan.
  2. Nobody makes you to do everything Baras tells you to do. Help yourself when you do his bidding (not that would affect anything). Although, it's a pity that you can't pick Vengean's side and kill this Sion wannabe.
  3. Story was the most satisfying. Traitors are dead, Arcann is finally dead (he survived what, 4 times?). And I finally get rid of the Emperor in most satisfying manner, having his own family kill him and using phrase he used against Vaylin against him. Gameplay... It's still SWTOR. Some variety is here, but still boring.
  4. After she tried to glass Voss only to kill her family, I doubt mystics would accept her. Severing her connection is impossible too, because story is same for all characters and half of them have no training in force at all, and none of force classes learned this ability. So, the only option to deal with psychotic force user is to "shishkebob her".
  5. Do you really want to have a psychopath in your head? At least Emperor pretended to be sane and rational being.
  6. Books fare a little better than movies in that department. I think it would be better if Rowling made no pairings at all.
  7. Sue me, I grew up reading stuff like Lord of the Rings.
  8. Wasn't Sentinel always one of the most squishy classes?
  9. So instead it allows females to write utter garbage like 50 shades, which initially was just Twilight fanfic or other nonsensical crap like Hunger Games or slash fics. Sometimes I regret that you can't burn this **** from Internet with flamethrower.
  10. Scattergun for Agent would break class identity. Agent supposed to be subtle while scatterguns are anything but subtle. That's why SI uses vibroknife as silent and lethal close range weapon.
  11. After stuff he did? People were killed for far less.
  12. She would be sold to Hutt long before she had chance to pick advanced class. Would make a better pet than monkey-lizard.
  13. Great, a necrophile. That's the last thing this thread needs.
  14. And there you are. When you out of arguments you just spew out indirect insults. Pathetic really.
  15. Don't know about Sentinel, but there is NO CUTSCENE in SW class story where marauder used 2 lightsabers. In fact, story-wise Warrior clearly picked juggernaut route, because he uses force push in cutscenes.
  16. Please, US is cause for wars like that. They fund terrorists, so-called opposition for they own reasons and then pretend doing something useful while calling countries who ACTUALLY fight terrorists war criminals.
  17. That pit-fighting stuff is pretty much easter egg to KOTOR, where Revan can fight as Mysterious Stranger (which is forced on player in SWTOR).
  18. My warrior is DS but makes LS decisions when it benefits them, like killing Lord Grathan instead of his son, sparing hutts on Nar Shaddaa (what point of making allies and then kill them without any reason?).
  19. Valkorion is not actively opposing us.
  20. Except there's probably no tangible proof that it was Outlander who did it. After all, Kaliyo used locals to plant bombs. And there was no one alive when Outlander pressed the button. So, in the end galaxy will hear that someone managed to blow up few buildings on Zakuul.
  21. That Organa general in SW's story. She asks me to spare her lover and I do it... but kill everybody else, including her. Same with my Warriors (always male) and Inquisitors (always female, because Zash trying to steal male's body is so wrong and female's voice a lot better).
  22. I had seen more than once in my life people enjoying others suffering and even further taunting people who already suffered by hand of others for no reason. And people of Republic and Empire have 5 years of reasons to hate and enjoy suffering of people on Zakuul. You're really naïve if you think that all people have really high morals. Truly high moral people are just as rare as complete monsters. Majority is somewhere In middle.
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