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Does Companion Influence Affect Story?


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So when the game first came out and companions were introduced, it seemed like the Devs were saying that how you treated them would influence your story in some ways. Not only would they help you if treated well, but if treated poorly, they might even end up betraying you.


Has anybody actually had something like that happen? How is the new Influence system affecting companion behavior if they agree or disagree strongly enough?


For example, if my Jedi Knight gets too many disagreements from Lord Scourge, would he eventually turn on her?

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So when the game first came out and companions were introduced, it seemed like the Devs were saying that how you treated them would influence your story in some ways. Not only would they help you if treated well, but if treated poorly, they might even end up betraying you.


Has anybody actually had something like that happen? How is the new Influence system affecting companion behavior if they agree or disagree strongly enough?


For example, if my Jedi Knight gets too many disagreements from Lord Scourge, would he eventually turn on her?


Not in the vanilla content. I think they were more talking about the KotFE content, which hasn't been fully released yet, so we don't know what the ramifications are quite yet if a companion disagrees with you too much.

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I think an example of this is during chapter 9 with Koth



On some of my characters that had more actions where Koth approved, he did not storm out when they said they wanted to talk to someone during the party in the cantina. With my other characters who regularly got the "Koth disaproves" message he would storm off.



EDIT: I don't remember if this is true or not so I could be wrong here.

Edited by Evasmi
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I think an example of this is during chapter 9 with Koth



On some of my characters that had more actions where Koth approved, he did not storm out when they said they wanted to talk to someone during the party in the cantina. With my other characters who regularly got the "Koth disaproves" message he would storm off.



EDIT: I don't remember if this is true or not so I could be wrong here.



This is true. Happened to catch a video of this on youtube.


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Imo no it doesn't. Influence only effect your companion's power and how good they can craft and nothing more...they removed the previous affection system (very good move imo). Now you don't have to reach certain affection/influence level for them to talk to you. They will no matter how you have treated them....tho I hope it makes a big difference later.....like it was pointed out already - Koth is a good example of this....he just left at the current end of KoFTE with my SI who didn't care to treat him nicely/did things he disapproved of instead of waiting as he did on my JC....imo the new system is like a tree while the last (the affection one) was...well....not:)


...if you are replaying 1-50 you don't have to worry about being nice to companions....afaik they will talk to you after a certain points whether they like you or not....which might be a little awkward with LS Jaesa/Ashara I guess ''Hey I just wanted to say that for a Sith you are actually a nice guy/girl!''....said to your Dark V Sith:)

(but these characters were always badly done imo)

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...if you are replaying 1-50 you don't have to worry about being nice to companions....afaik they will talk to you after a certain points whether they like you or not....which might be a little awkward with LS Jaesa/Ashara I guess ''Hey I just wanted to say that for a Sith you are actually a nice guy/girl!''....said to your Dark V Sith:)

(but these characters were always badly done imo)


They also did it back in the day. You just had to give them a lot of candy to make up for all the destruction and mayhem you were sowing through the galaxy.

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...if you are replaying 1-50 you don't have to worry about being nice to companions....afaik they will talk to you after a certain points whether they like you or not....which might be a little awkward with LS Jaesa/Ashara I guess ''Hey I just wanted to say that for a Sith you are actually a nice guy/girl!''....said to your Dark V Sith:)

(but these characters were always badly done imo)


Because it would make sense for them to be with you, if you were evil. Most of the crews should have been able to easily leave by the end of Chapter 3.


If one kept the collar on Vette, does she just keep popping up with a chat scene to take it off?

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Because it would make sense for them to be with you, if you were evil. Most of the crews should have been able to easily leave by the end of Chapter 3.


If one kept the collar on Vette, does she just keep popping up with a chat scene to take it off?


I have no idea to be honest...


...and I assume there is a ''not'' in the first sentence? That depends....yes it will make absolutely no sense for a LS Jaesa or Ashara to travel with you and befriend your char if he/she is dark V but, but well....for me dark 2+ can be defined as evil as well:) Dark V for me is that you have become a sadist and simply kill/torture for no reason. Dark 2+ you are just very selfish and are perfectly fine to step on others to reach your goals.....maybe LS Jaesa/Ashara try to act as your (missing) moral compass?

...or maybe LS Jaesa came so wrong for me because my Sith left her LS because she didn't think Jaesa had the will to not utterly fall to the DS and become dark V...and not because she was hoping for them to go out and save kittens together like LS Jaesa thought:)

Edited by Saelinne
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