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EU Maintenance Time Campaign


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Also took the whole day off to play, then I have to hear inside the game from an Admin that the servers are going down. It just makes no sence at all that maintenance is during the day when a lot of people play. Throw our own EU Maintenance time during the night.

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Def /sign this.


Very annoyed.... Knew nothing about the maintenance until now so i couldn't plan in advance (many countries have a public holiday today) seems a very on the spot patch update and i see no reason why they had to update today, especially at this time.


Get separate maintenance times please or choose the time more wisely for both!


Rant over XP

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HAHAHA but our notes are not on verge of collapse like ITaly Greece Spain so on so forth...:)



We Americans can handle our debt cause we will invade you if you ever try to collect!:)


what the hells this got to do with maintenance in Europe for a PC game?

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It really depends how much thye want to pay their tech staff. I have a friend who remotely runs data storage sites and he says it costs him a fortune to do any kind of hardware repairs out of office hours, regardless of where in the world the servers are.


But I agree, all the other games I have played do have an EU schedule, BIOWARE pay for the service we want!

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This is stupid. MANY gamers in Europe have holidays right now and thus would've been able to play most of the day. Come on guys, just stop up and think for a second. You could've tried to find a compromise instead of just plain favouring the american community.

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