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The lack of a raiding community since the exploit


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^^ THIS ^^


I feel for you, because I'm dealing with the same thing. You need to be optimally geared or you're not good enough, even for SM. I got kicked from a SM party because I only had full 220 crystal armor, 220 weapon, 216 earpiece and implants, 208 relics, all 14 pieces with purple 208 power augments. It's times like this that I REALLY hate raiders.


I've done multiple SM PUGs in PvP gear, sub level 65, and in 190 greens. Haven't been kicked from a group yet.

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I'm not sure why but there is 75% less people raiding and even trolling Gen chat on the harbinger....


This could be because:


1. Gree

2. Exploiters logged out until it blows over

3. Bans?

4. Had enough Bs with pugs

5. No real new content

6. Upset with how long it took for the exploit to be handled


What do you think?


There's probably virtually no correlation between the exploit, and the raiding community's perceived population decrease. If there is a decrease (which wouldn't be surprising) it would be much more of an educated guess to connect this to the nightmare loot kerfuffle/ general philosophy of end game pve that Bioware is putting forward.

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Why I don't do SM ops?

Because "you need 220/224 optimized, fully augmented to be good enough for us". No, they don't accept anything from Radiant Crystal vendor (220) so high endurance mods and enhancements = "you're undergeared for SM".


You've been saying this now for all of 3.0, and now 4.0. We've told you countless times that you never were under geared! And, let's be real here, if anyone is telling you that you're undergeared for story modes in today's swtor they have NO idea what they're talking about since everything is bolstered in that difficulty. I sometimes wonder why you're perpetuating some myth about raiders being total d bags lately. Me thinks you just are trolling. And, I mean, that's cool. I sometimes come on here and troll to pass some time at work and the like. So I get it. It's just your premise for now two expansions has been incorrect, and never changing, in that you're always seemingly undergeared. So in my mind it's one of two things a) the circle you're running in/ server you are on/ whatever community you are part of in game is just a horrible fit. or b) you're not being truthful here, since no pug on my server has ever said anything about gear requirements for story mode operations.

Edited by Shwarzchild
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You've been saying this now for all of 3.0, and now 4.0. We've told you countless times that you never were under geared! And, let's be real here, if anyone is telling you that you're undergeared for story modes in today's swtor they have NO idea what they're talking about since everything is bolstered in that difficulty. I sometimes wonder why you're perpetuating some myth about raiders being total d bags lately. Me thinks you just are trolling. And, I mean, that's cool. I sometimes come on here and troll to pass some time at work and the like. So I get it. It's just your premise for now two expansions has been incorrect, and never changing, in that you're always seemingly undergeared. So in my mind it's one of two things a) the circle you're running in/ server you are on/ whatever community you are part of in game is just a horrible fit. or b) you're not being truthful here, since no pug on my server has ever said anything about gear requirements for story mode operations.


Lol so much this. Im assuming that guy has no idea what bolster is. got told that once a long time ago before bolster and posts same garbage over n over

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To answer the OP, I think the Gree event is the largest thing atm. However, the NiM announcement is probably a close second. The exploit situation, I don't believe, affected too much of the attitudes of the raiding community. In my guild, most of the members weren't even aware.
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I know of 15+ players that quit because of the nim loot post that broke everyones back. I for one unsubbed because there is no more reason for optimism. And i was one of the people that spammed for ops cause i did them on my 8+ characters.


id say its more along these lines, imo a lot more subs where canceled then you guys think, I mean why play a MMO that has very little MMO content and that content is years old? There are plenty of games out that provide MMO type gaming and with the latest announcement confirming that star wars is going the single player route for the foreseeable future I bet they lost a lot of subs. I know I canceled my sub, lving up a toon on GW2 atm, in fact just spent 50 bucks to get the xpac (money that would have went to get the new malgus armor, but I play MMO's not online single player games). Think this whole single player route will be the death of the game, but that's just my opinion.

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id say its more along these lines, imo a lot more subs where canceled then you guys think, I mean why play a MMO that has very little MMO content and that content is years old? There are plenty of games out that provide MMO type gaming and with the latest announcement confirming that star wars is going the single player route for the foreseeable future I bet they lost a lot of subs. I know I canceled my sub, lving up a toon on GW2 atm, in fact just spent 50 bucks to get the xpac (money that would have went to get the new malgus armor, but I play MMO's not online single player games). Think this whole single player route will be the death of the game, but that's just my opinion.


The player base was/is going to change because the focus of the gamed has changed. Say some veteran ops playing subs were looking for new ops, they were disappointed so they left. That would explain a decline in people doing ops. That only leads to the death of the game if you assume no new subs came in who are more interested in story and lighter group content like FPs. Believe it or not a casual who plays mostly for the story and light group content can be just as good a paying customer as a hardcore raider. As long as they keep new chapters coming.

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Why I don't do SM ops?

Because "you need 220/224 optimized, fully augmented to be good enough for us". No, they don't accept anything from Radiant Crystal vendor (220) so high endurance mods and enhancements = "you're undergeared for SM".


omg... dude... :rolleyes:

Some day you gonna have to realize this sad story of yours telling us how you are getting ignored and kicked and not invited to ops by very mean people and blah blah because of "undergeared" is really old....


Yes, prior to 4.0 it was something that could have happened, but not even remotely close to as often as you imply over and over and over...

And now ? Bolster is ludicrously powerful and as long as you have something in all your slots, it'll do greatly. People know this. Yesterday a lvl 51 powertech successfuly tanked DF sm having crap like blues 112. No one said one word about it. No BS.

I've personally leveled to 65 all my non-raiding characters (which is most of them) through sm ops sporting blues 172 in imperial pilot legacy gear. Not once the gear I was using was mentioned in any way.


It can still happen ? Sure, though it may happen to you once in a while and that's it. But not as you keep saying over and over.


People will ask a lot of gear for the HMs, but not for the SMs

Edited by wainot-keel
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Those weren't raiders, those were the elitist toadlickers who want a free ride. :D


People suck. I hope you don't give up on raiding because of them.


I call ********.


Not ONCE since 4.0 have I seen the message: "LFM for SM Ops - please be geared"

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Why I don't do SM ops?

Because "you need 220/224 optimized, fully augmented to be good enough for us". No, they don't accept anything from Radiant Crystal vendor (220) so high endurance mods and enhancements = "you're undergeared for SM".

Can't comment if you speak about Red Eclipse, but if you speak about Progenitor, I call BS. Also, as others mentioned in this thread, your "poor undergeared me" card is way overplayed by now.

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Can't comment if you speak about Red Eclipse, but if you speak about Progenitor, I call BS. Also, as others mentioned in this thread, your "poor undergeared me" card is way overplayed by now.


not true on red eclipse either, unless he's talking about that one guy who thinks that his joke pug call with insane requirements is funny enough to do every other day. I do tons of ops and no one ever gives a **** what others are wearing or what level they are. Both tanks in the last EC sm I did had about 30k hp before entering and it was fine.

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Devs proudly stated KOTFE is going to be " all about story"

Active work on anything having to do with group content doesn't seem to be taking place at all.

As a meaningful and rewarding past-time, NiM raiding got pretty much flayed off the game entirely.

Guy responsible for OPS devving left SW:TOR.


Despite all this, you blame something as obscure and minor as few people getting banned?

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