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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pack Changes Coming With the Strategy Alliance Pack


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They don't listen;


EA/BW just felt the loss of revenue as players realized the new packs are not worth the expenditure and the packs are selling poorly in game.


BW needs to do a complete U-turn and change the packs back to the way they were before the bright ideas club got hold of them.


It was most likely EA's idea. BW are just the poor messengers. I guarantee BW would love to say no to a lot of stuff (I'm hoping anyways) but they have to because they are EA's property.


One poster responded perfectly though...


Group content: Low priority

Cartel Market: High priority

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since you listen to the feedback of us faithful players on the forums, can we safely assume you have notified whomever it may concern about the vast amount of negative feedback your other post spawned, and that they are hastily reconsidering their decision about it?

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^ Yea, I have to give credit where credit is due... they do listen, when it comes to some things...




Can I have my Stronghold Slot Machine back now? :D


Do they listen to feedback posts or do they listen to the cash register in the CM slowing down, that is the question.


My bet, actual sales data mirrored forum feedback, so players speaking with their wallets were the real impetus for changes, not players posting on forums.

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Do they listen to feedback posts or do they listen to the cash register in the CM slowing down, that is the question.


My bet, actual sales data mirrored forum feedback, so players speaking with their wallets were the real impetus for changes, not players posting on forums.

Pretty much this. There were less packs and cartel items on the GTN after the last pack. I guess the numbers forced them into changes. Not whining on the forums.

Edited by jankiel
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Do they listen to feedback posts or do they listen to the cash register in the CM slowing down, that is the question.


My bet, actual sales data mirrored forum feedback, so players speaking with their wallets were the real impetus for changes, not players posting on forums.


Actually I don't think they listen to either. What I think they actually do is put a bunch of ideas on a wall and throw darts at them.

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They don't listen;


EA/BW just felt the loss of revenue as players realized the new packs are not worth the expenditure and the packs are selling poorly in game.


BW needs to do a complete U-turn and change the packs back to the way they were before the bright ideas club got hold of them.


Ewwww no then ill get more stacks of useless Space Mission XP boosts...

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Hey folks,


As we moved into the launch of Fallen Empire, the Cartel Market team has been making continuous changes to improve the overall Cartel Market experience. Much of this based on the feedback from those of you right here in the forums. One of the pieces of feedback they received regarding new packs is that they felt a bit lean.


With the new Strategy Alliance Pack releasing tomorrow, they will be adding back the second Primary Slot to each pack. This is similar to how previous shipments worked. That means that the contents of this pack will look like:

  • Primary Slot (Mount, Armor)
  • Primary Slot (Mount, Armor)
  • Companion Gift
  • Jawa Junk

Thanks everyone, keep the feedback coming as the team looks to continue on improving packs.




Thanks for using our real money to beta test your greed. "best experience" my butt, more like "how little can we give and still sell a ton" obvious is obvious.


and what about the damn Cartel Certs???

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At this point bioware team members should just have a disclaimer in their signatures:


"Here at Bioware, we have different teams working on different things, Meet Bob, he works on CM items. Meet Joe, he works on level designs. Meet Peter he works on combat coding. While you might assume because Bob works for Bioware he can do Joe and Peters job too. But he cant. No amount of yelling and tantrum throwing will change this fact"


CM team is separate from pvp/fp/ops teams.


Yelling at the janitor at Starbucks because he wont make you a Latte while the barista cleans the machine wont get you that latte, just potentially kicked out. (And most likely pointed at and laughed! :p)


At my work, I sell patio furniture. Whenever someone comes and asks me about how to bring the houseplant they neglected back from the dead I have to refer them to a gardening assiciate because, heres a suprise, i was trained to know about and sell patio furniture, not raise and tend plants. Same principle, no matter how franticly they wave that dead plant in my face, i cant fix it :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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As has been said many times in this thread, and in every other thread about the CM changes... but which apparently still needs repeating as the new changes don't mention it:


Please put the Cartel Certificates back into the packs, either as a chance drop in addition to the 4 existing items which will now be available, or as an option either/or drop in the companion gift slot. Certificates are still an active currency used in the game, and there is no other place to get them. It's pretty mystifying that they were removed in the first place, and even more so that they haven't yet been restored.


Additionally, in this and the other suggestions threads people repeatedly ask to have a reputation vendor associated with new pack shipments. People do buy backs just to increase reputation for some nifty rare items, so this is just added incentive to get people to spend money.


Thank you for responding to feedback, and to the sales figures you were no doubt seeing, by making changes. Please don't stop there - just a few more tweaks to fill in the Certificate oversight!

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Group content: Low priority

Cartel Market: High priority


Group content: difficult to implement = more time

Cartel Market: easy to implement = less time


And you probably know that there are two different teams working on.


As for the certificates why not just get rid of them at all. Change the vendor prices to just credits and that we can exchange the existing certificates for credits. Easy solution, no new certificates needed.

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A definite step in the right direction.


Just add cartel certificates and it'll be a great deal.


+1 it seems cartel certs are the only thing really missing from the packs now.


Reputation would be nice as well but I understand that we're halfway through a shipment so now is not the best time to put reputation in packs (previous packs within the same shipment would not have it). Better now to add reputation items to the beginning of the next shipment.

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They were suppose to put out more slot machines for all the cartel reputations. Of course, that went down in flames after the nerf from hades crushed the contraband slot machine into worthlessness. They really do need to do something about those reputation vendors. What happens when everyone has no more cartel market Certificates left as well as no one else getting reputation for them? Those vendors just gonna sit there and collect dust. lol
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