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NiM Loot Issue / Update


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Wow. This is a terrible idea. I'm going to be quitting if this isn't changed to a guaranteed drop in nim. And if crafters do indeed get the chance to craft 224 gear, I'm definitely leaving. Better players deserve access to better gear. You don't even have to deviate from your story focus to give us that.
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Hey BW it seems u wanna get rid of all player that like to raid ?


i mean its 1 thing do bring only solo content for month in a mmo. the next issue is reccling old and boring content for the 3rd time. every normal raider know the mechanics. and now, u decide to reward braindead hardmode raiding with better loot than nightmare operations ?


i bet when u relase a new operation there are no progress players left.

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NiM is significantly harder than HM and it would take much longer to get the same amount of gear (assuming every Boss would drop 224 gear)

On the other hand, HM is so brain dead easy that most bosses can be 8-manned in 16m mode to get double loot.


I've got 5!!! 224 rating mainhands within 2 weeks, just by running highlighted! This would've impossible with NiM.


But that is why I mentioned highlighting EV and KP was a poor decision for BW. At least with SnV, TFB, and EC, the last boss offers some challenge. I know most groups needed 5 DPS to clear Styrak. And I wouldn't say MOST bosses can be 8-manned. But EV and KP definitely have 5 bosses that can be if you know what you're doing.

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I'm thinking hardcore progression raiding is a thing of the past, at least in SWTOR. Personally, I am in between. I've done progression raiding but can also work with this. I just get something else out of it now.


A lot of class and operation guides are written by said progression raiding players and benefit the whole population in ways not easily accounted for. If they go away, everyone will suffer.

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Instead of giving raiders an incentive to do nightmare, this is just one of their tactics to get skewed metrics in the future.


They have HM drop better gear so barely anyone will bother wanting to do nightmare and just farm Priority HMs for better gear, and then claim not enough players are doing nightmare content to warrant more nightmare modes.

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This will most likely be the straw that breaks the camel's back for most guilds that are struggling to keep their communities together due to a lack of new group content.


As someone on reddit mentioned earlier... 2 months to change a percentage value to apply your "fix"??


Seriously Eric, I can only see 2 possible options for this to take 2 months (and as most have pointed out - making this a chance to drop in NiM is utterly beyond stupid).


  1. BW either don't give a damn about their communities, as they are all falling apart slowly but surely, and most of us probably already agree on this point, since you give no new group content to all your loyal players/payers that have been here since the start. You guys always seem to know whats "best" for your game, but you seem to be trying to tank it intentionally and thats leaving a lot of people very frustrated. Given that you don't give a damn about those communities, then this is logical that there is no rush to fix it.
  2. The other remote possibility that lies somewhere near the impossible, is that you don't want to fix it due to crafting changes coming in 4.1 and/or the fact that there may be a new Op in the works and you guys feel like it'll only be worth fixing when that comes out... but yeah... who am I kidding, that ain't happening.


Seriously, there are issues running rampant on servers as I type and what do we get from BW?! Silence...

If its option 2 you guys really should say something... it would save you about 50% of the backlash you're already getting.


Seriously Eric, do you guys even care anymore? Do you guys even know what that means? The fact that people are getting upset and frustrated should be a clear sign to you guys that they care a lot about this game... and what do we get in return?!...

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To BW Devs:



I gotta say, this was funny and appropriate. Also, what made it even better, was the commercial before the video played. I was gonna skip it but it was a video game, and it was showing what was obviously a raid, though with animation that looked pretty cool, not in game video obviously. Just thought it was funny, a new game (seems more destiny-ish since it also said ps4) showing a badarse raid before your clip.

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None of this makes any sense Eric. The operations blog was released 5 months ago, so if it's information was incorrect as you are stating here, what can we trust to be correct? Not to mention that with this, your removal of Nightmare Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace doesn't make sense since their highlighted hard modes drop 224 gear, and their Nightmare modes only have a chance of dropping 224s.


All this states to me is that there is no coherent vision or plan for anything other than story content in this game, and you'll make whatever changes you think make you look more competent in the eyes of the most players. This is only exacerbated by the minuscule communication that you have with players, including the fact that it took you more than a month and a half to figure this out.

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This doesn't really slow getting to full 224 as much as encourages people to get there with more boring way. Sometimes 60 level tokens appear at GTN for just over 3 million, this just encourages people to get their 224 with alts by passing around legacy gear and getting 60 level chars with tokens and power leveling them to 60 in one op or 2, and grinding especially EV/KP hm when highlighted. But I guess this will increase sales of 60 level tokens from Cartel market...
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Ok, but to be fair, that's after 4 weeks. If all NiM operations dropped 224 at all times, you would have something like 7 or 8 different opportunities at 4-7 pieces of 224 gear on each character per week. Highlighted HM limits you to 1 opportunity per week.


That said, it would be easy enough to do a potential drop in all NiM raids with a guaranteed drop in a highlighted NiM each week. Gives players willing to do NiM content the potential of 224 all the time and 2 guaranteed ways to obtain it each week rather than the 1 that HM raiders get.


But gear becomes obsolete at some point for top tier raiders. I don't think they wanted NiM to drop gear because they expect you to have it. I'm not sure BW is capable of delivering a mode hard enough to run just for the challenge, but I imagine that was their plan.

You are forgetting that pretty much every endgame raider who takes it somewhat seriuosly has multiple characters, so there's not much point to lockouts anymore. Like one player in my guild has five characters of the same class; he may not have the best implants/relics on all of them but he can easily run the same operation multiple times. And he also only needs one set of legacy gear because he can use it on all his characters.


I'm pretty sure that the developers are aware of legacy gear and that it is so easy to funnel gear that having one highlight HM vs. five nightmare operations won't make much of a difference to how quickly players can gear up.

Edited by Jerba
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I write this as someone who slots out as a HM raider for whom NiM raiding at level is a pipe dream, but this?


It is by design that the best and most consistent way to gear up in Operations is to run the highlighted Hard Mode each week.


What the actual ****. Whoever thought that running the mid-tier content should be the 'best' way to gear up? Between that design philosophy and the item to make Nightmare Mode even easier, what possible motivation is there for people who strive to best the hardest content in the game?


The chances of me being able to run NiM successfully are very small, but even I don't think that's fair to those players and teams for whom hardcore progression is their reason to keep giving y'all money.


If anything Eric it should be the other way around. NIM should be guaranteed 100% chance as the nim community puts in the extra effort of going there and bashing there heads against bosses. And hardmode should have the chance drop for 224 gear.


This would be an excellent way to recitfy the current design mistake. And SWTOR has done something like this before, with the random Underworld drops off the last two bosses of the SM Oricon Ops in 2.x


+1 vote

Edited by AlixMV
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I'm just speechless, what in the blue moon did we do to you guys to deserve that? If your goal is to shy away more raiders than you already have you succeeded. How long are we suppose to farm the same old operation? I don't raid 5 times a week or so and even I have almost 2 chars full 224. The only thing KOTFE did way delivering short term content which has 0 replay ability and it doesn't seem like you guys want to change that. Sadly this game will probably be remembered as yet another failed mmo instead of something awesome as it should have been.
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As a whole, I'm quickly losing faith in the Dev team since FE dropped. It is becoming quite clear that they are struggling to make logical, structured, coherent decisions about the game. Starting with comps, continuing with NiM mode, and the apparent incoming nerfs.
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If this is to slow down how fast a group can accumulate 224 gear, it makes no sense considering you highlight EV and KP, which can be done with random alts sharing legacy gear.


Give the NiM people a reason to go into these places... not a reason to go tickle Soa 8 times a week.


Terrible, terrible decision.

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You will address this next February?


Stellar job BW. Stellar job.


This took you almost two months?


Stellar job BW. Stellar job.


Are you worried people will gear too fast with NiM gear dropping?


Stellar job BW. Stellar job.


So far the worst PVE decision you have made.


Stellar job BW. Stellar job.


Inb4 "Super-hype-fail from Austin: With super nightmare buff from cartel market your chances of better loot is increased by 50%".

Edited by Ruskaeth
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None of this makes any sense Eric. The operations blog was released 5 months ago, so if it's information was incorrect as you are stating here, what can we trust to be correct? Not to mention that with this, your removal of Nightmare Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace doesn't make sense since their highlighted hard modes drop 224 gear, and their Nightmare modes only have a chance of dropping 224s.


All this states to me is that there is no coherent vision or plan for anything other than story content in this game, and you'll make whatever changes you think make you look more competent in the eyes of the most players. This is only exacerbated by the minuscule communication that you have with players, including the fact that it took you more than a month and a half to figure this out.


So much this.

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Except if the plan is to gate to extend progression then they should have never dropped 224 on every focused hard mode boss, especially without bumping focused boss HP at the EXTREME least. Focused Hard Mode is just Normal Hard Mode done in controlled waves. Sure Relics and Implants as well as main hands and off hands to some degree are gated by limiting to one ops per week, but that just means people will hammer the ops that has the main hand and off hand in those weeks and Legacy smuggle the parts. Meanwhile they'll live with extremely slightly less stats on a few implants and relics. If you want to double gate endgame NiM, make focused NiM modes instead, not that such would fix this decision.


I am sorry. I see this as nothing short of an announcement that we have until 2016's new raids to get current NiM cosmetics on our characters before all existing NiM modes are shut off forever. Clearly you are wheening current ones out of progression in favor of your double gated focused ops scheduling of HMs for the current endgame that is likely to be extended to future tiers and level bumps. In this way, you'll have an endless cycle of asking us to repeatedly run EV and KP (and others),any time a level actually increases again.

Edited by Aieranda
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This crap is now pissing me off. After the release of 4.0 i was optimistic. After the announcement of the "Subscriber rewards" i have lost much hope that you people aren't morons that can make good decisions.


As someone that loves the star wars universe. It is becoming harder and harder to stay just because of that. This game is losing its appeal because of horrible decisions by the developers.

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The root problem isn't the silly loot design of 4.0, the problem is the lack of new operations content and the lack of nightmare mode difficulties for content added since 3.X.


Unless or until they decide to add new content and create multiple difficulties, including a nightmare level, those of us wishing to pursue fresh, tightly tuned, and difficult mechanics based content will need to get our fix elsewhere or stay with SWTOR and accept that typical MMO raiding progression is dead in this game.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Bioware...I will just leave this here. Whatever it means is up to you to find out.


I'm not a raider. I'm not a hardcore PvE player. I'm not a game designer.


But even I can see how that is a bad decision. I've been playing MMORPGs on and off since 2003. Twelve years. I've sat through the NGE and Cataclysm. The decision you just made is one of the most useless decisions I've ever seen, only being toped by the NGE/CU implementation.


Bioware, this is a clear **** to the raiding community. Eric...you praised yourself so high during the reward live stream. How you are so in touch with your playerbase and how you appreciate all feedback. I think you couldn't have been more wrong. At this point? I think there is no way you could become any more disconnected from the issues in this community.

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In ~4 years, as a more HM player than actual NiM, this is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in this game in a while. How can you justify hours of wiping and repair bills (if it's fixed), to just get 220 gear drops and "maybe" a 224 you could actually use (or to just optimize your 224 gear stats)??


All for a mount or a title?

Not even the slightly flashy animated detailed gear like we had with Kell Dragon ones...***

You completely lost it this time...




*** (not that matters much, though, endgame gear designs are worse and worse as years go by).

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