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Top 5 annoyances


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These are not bugs or game-breaking things. These are just things that annoy the heck out of me sometimes.


1. Going for one of those "jumpy" datacrons and falling off at near the end - and having to start it ALL over

2. Getting stuck in furniture and/or scenery.

3. Dying in a heroic that puts you outside the instance.

4. Having enemies go "invisible" on the screen so you have no clue what your companion is fighting, they are just fighting some invisible thing that you can't get to another area until you get past it, but can't attack it with anything but AOE attacks because you can't see it.

5. Having blue or purple loot drop and being unable to loot it because you " aren't close enough" - when its RIGHT THERE, and has a visible line going up to the sky.

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1. No male romancable Force-users

2. Inability ro reject or kill certain companions

3. Bad romances for female characters

4. Lana Beniko/Theron Shan

5. Vaylin (and also being ragdolled by Arcann)

DId I already say no male romancable Force-users?

And also making our characters seem weak compared to Arcann, Vaylin or Valkorion

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Ok, 3 are bugs, but they annoy me!


1. Vector Hylus and Lord Scourge wearing bras for going on 4 years when equipped in clothing that shows skin.


2. Companions give you the silent treatment after you reach their story culmination (please go back to dragon age origins style interactions!)


3. Having to rebuff companions every time you get off your mount.


4. Any type of server maintenance making you get mails that say: "Someone has bought something you put up for sale on the GTN"


5. KOTFE companions not customizable.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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These are not bugs or game-breaking things. These are just things that annoy the heck out of me sometimes.


1. Going for one of those "jumpy" datacrons and falling off at near the end - and having to start it ALL over

2. Getting stuck in furniture and/or scenery.

3. Dying in a heroic that puts you outside the instance.

4. Having enemies go "invisible" on the screen so you have no clue what your companion is fighting, they are just fighting some invisible thing that you can't get to another area until you get past it, but can't attack it with anything but AOE attacks because you can't see it.

5. Having blue or purple loot drop and being unable to loot it because you " aren't close enough" - when its RIGHT THERE, and has a visible line going up to the sky.


I do get annoyed by 1, but I suppose it is supposed to be that way. Annoying none the less. 2 and 4 are VERY annoying to me, and the "you are not close enough" bug is extra annoying.


Aside from those, here is my list...


1) NAMEPLATES THAT WILL NOT DISAPPEAR OR TAKE A VERY LONG TIME TO DESPAWN....like the stronghold nameplates. No way to move or resize them (since they are not part of the editable UI), no close button on them. VERY annoying.


2) Open world missions that have more mobs to kill, nodes to click or items to activate then actually spawn. This is especially irritating when there are a bunch of folks there that refuse to group. One heroic on Taris, Republic side is a perfect example of this....I'm looking at you MUTATIONS.


3) Ship to airlock to space station to shuttle to ground station to exit. Feels like an airline flight with too many stopovers sometimes.


4) We used to be able to craft mods one level above vendor mods. A bit irritated when I found out that was no longer the case...now it seems we have to depend on Operations drops to get mods to RE. Sounds great! Lets require Ops for SM entry gear, that is a great idea!!! lol.


5) No legacy bank. It is beyond irritating to constantly have to shift funds around my characters to pay for crew missions. It is past time to have a collective bank to draw funds from IMO.


6) Level sync is one level too low quite often, which creates some rather hilarious differences in difficulty. Nothing like being level 65 in really good gear and gettting god smacked by 5 regular mobs because I am level synced to THEIR LEVEL....only to move on to the next planet and barely make an effort because I am 3 to 4 levels above the content. This is just plain obnoxious.


7) Have to run to my ship to activate unify colors on my companions, does not work in strongholds. A bit of a nuisance.


8) Dailies on Illum and Makeb that simply went POOF...what is the point of having Illum in the priority transport terminal when no dailies exist any longer (at least not to my knowledge)...and why remove them in the first place?


9) CC to use the appearance designer. This is beyond obnoxious IMO. This is NOT something that should be gated behind CC IMO.


10) Companions that will not hold class buffs, lose them every time I phase in any way...speeder, phase transition, transport, shuttle, whatever. Constantly having to reapply class buffs to some classes, others hold them just fine.


Just a few, might add more later.

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Just 3 really bug me


1. The final Macrobinoculars and Seeker missions not being in groupfinder.


2. No account-wide ignore option


3. Pierce/4X recruitment means characters you like to PVP with don't need to and characters you don't like to PVP with have to.

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Garza needs to learn how to use a holo comm. :p


LOL so do the jedi masters, sith leaders, Imperial Intellegence, Oh and travelling to those 20 different space stations as a smuggler was fun as well :p


Master Hyperspeed

Build Lightsabers


Cant use a holo phone on a encrypted line! :D


But my 5 things are




2) 2 year old bugs still not fixed and when you send in a bug report they say its not a bug and to contact cust service, So you send in report to cust service and they reply that its a known bug and needs to be fixed in a upcoming patch and to submit a bug report. (and I WISH WISH WISH I was even exagerating on any of that statement)


3) No repeatable crafting for conquest each week. Conquest (except for the rare crafting week) is dead now with same guild basically being given a free win each week because of horrible changes. (This is why my account ends in 6 days FTR)


4) Everything is easymode now. Send your companion in and go afk for coffee. You companion will win. There is no special feeling of accomplishment or acheivement. Use to love running dailies and weeklies. Now I just do the few conquest ones as its all so freaking dull and boring being so mindlessly easy. Last night I did the Maken Heroics solo on a 61 level guardian in level 45 gear and a influence 2 companion. Didnt even remotely come close to dieing, not even remotely. Where is the excitement and challenge? Do the modern era gamer really want everything just handed to them mindlessly??? Come on, have a little self respect.


5) PVP (including GSF). The GSF NEEDS joystick compatability. The PVP needs to move outta crappy warzones and into open world planets (but with massively reduced stuns and no PVP gear) and have capturable outposts and compounds (which should be claimable and upgradable by guilds....for a cost ). Basically put DAoC PVP (but with massively reduced stuns) into SW:TOR. The current PVP model bites dead penquin ..... (yeah we will leave it at that)

Edited by Kalfear
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  1. The lack of lightsaber hilts (and other moddable weapons) outside of the CM now.
  2. Long GSF queues because no one's playing.
  3. Not enough stronghold decos outside of the CM
  4. The inability to unlock certain items in the collections menu for all characters.
  5. [Most important] Game breaking bugs, like BHs not being able to go beyond Chapter 1, not being hotfixed within a week.

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1- Old romances still not unlocked for Everyone after all this time

2-Stronghold being useless .

3-Genchat being Toxic and supposed to be 'normal' thing.

4-Impatient players (lvl65) who rather steal something during a heroic then Invite you/or wait their turn.

5-Being sent an e-mail that someone purchased your Item and you will get the money in 1h . Just send 1 e-mail geez!

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The game engine.

The post 4.0 nerf to comps

The removal of 12 x XP

Bioware's customer treatment

The community


I like this thread and your list. I hope Bioware invests in Megaservers and definitely need to bring back 12x XP. Double XP is not going to work. Even the 6x XP that people are calling it now is still lacking from 12x XP. This is a great community so I have to disagree with you there. Bioware's treatment of customer could improve. Most companies have that problem. Lack of transparency.


Here's my list.


1> Removal of 12x XP (bring it back)

2> GTN Inflation of in-game items. Needs something more stable. Look at other games. IE. : NeverWinter Auction/biding.

3> Decorations that everyone should HAVE ACESS too. not just pack openers and gamereasy people who have billions worth of credits.

4> Bring back more credits in game that was nerfed from 4.0. Dailies, Operations, Missions.

5> Merge servers into Megaservers. More stable population for Group Finder, WZ and GSF. ADDRESS THE ERIC MUSCO PHRASE (BETTER THAN CROSS SERVER PVP)

Edited by shdwgrndGlider
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1) NAMEPLATES THAT WILL NOT DISAPPEAR OR TAKE A VERY LONG TIME TO DESPAWN....like the stronghold nameplates. No way to move or resize them (since they are not part of the editable UI), no close button on them. VERY annoying.


They need to fix this for sure. For me, it became an extreme annoyance since I keep my stronghold options at the top of the screen instead of above the toolbars and such, which meant that nameplate covered it and prevented me from hitting the Edit Mode button despite having been in the stronghold for ten minutes. However, there's actually work around for this that came out a while back that can bandaid it until they go through and fix it somehow. When a nameplate comes up but doesn't disappear, disable and reenable your UI (ctrl+U). When it reenables, the nameplate will show up and then quickly disappear as it should so it's no longer in the way.

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Number #1. If I wanted to play Mario brothers, I'd get out my Wii. I effing hate the datacrons.


Yes...this ^^. For this reason, I never do datacrons unless I just happen to run into one I can just grab and go. I grouped to do one of the jumpy ones before and wanted to throw my computer out the window by about the third try.


Other things that annoy me:


1. The fact the it's called "Empire Territory" and not "Imperial Territory". That just makes me twitch for some reason.


2. Non-instanced Heroics that have a long respawn for mission mobs/objectives. There's nothing more irritating than fighting your way past a bunch of silver and gold mobs just to have some other douche run right past you and snag the objective....forcing you to stand around forever to wait for it to respawn.


3. The fact that armor doesn't look the same between Empire and Republic. Ever since the Outfit Designer came out, I've tossed things into my Legacy Storage, thinking they would look awesome on my opposite-faction characters, only to find that they look completely different. That sexy Sith robe? Looks like a nun's robe on my Jedi. Cool-looking Trooper armor? Looks like blah generic armor on my BH. That funky formal-looking headdress? Just a headband on the opposite faction. I can see tweaking things a little bit, but I hate when the look is completely different.

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