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Need your guy's honest opinion here.....


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Do you guys think anything new/meaningful will happen to pvp in the next year? (open world pvp work, new wz's ect...)


Do you guys think any new end game content will be added in the next year? (I don't mean fluff crap that will be completed in the first hr 1/2 of play, Im talking about new OPs, planets..ect.... not stay subbed for 6months to earn a hr of play as a robot type stuff)


So what do you guys think, in the next year will we get any meaningful end game content?

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I do not think that PvP is even fixable, even if they added new maps (I've heard rumors about one coming with 4.1, but that would likely be a minimum-effort arena or Huttball if it's even true). For chances of success, just look at the buggy mess that's Quesh Huttball, so even if they tried they'd probably rather not publish the results.


No. I think BioWare has realized that they're BioWare and remembered what they're good at which is story content.


"Were" good at. I really can't get myself to look at or listen to that stuff anymore after dragging one character until some point in chapter 8 :( It's such bland, incoherent fanfic-level drivel.

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Mayeb we'll get a new SW MMO since there are new SW movies coming out. A proper MMO.


Made by EA? :o Since they have the license I doubt that they'd give it away to a different company than theirs to make a Star Wars MMO.... We're doomed hoping that they'll implement some content soon™ or just cancel your sub instead.


My guess is that there won't be any new PvP content until summer or rather fall next year, don't have any more hope that they could surprise me/us.

Edited by Eskala
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ya if what was announced is going to be it for the next year I know it wont keep me subbed, I can very easily miss out on a single chapter of playing as a droid, I have a couple more toons to complete out, my ocd wont allow me to leave them not finished but id say ill have them done in the next month, month and 1/2 at most, and with nothing new to accomplish I think ill be gone, don't get me wrong, I love star wars and really WANT to stay but I also wont spend my free time doing nothing, I can always come back in 2 years (if the game is still going) and complete the content that they have added in that time in a month or 2. Cant wait for a real MMO like Camelot Unchained to come out!
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when i get bored, i will log in and people watch. the judge said it was a lot less creepy to do it online than at the park.


edit: and i have never had any issue with PVP in this game. in fact, i enjoy it to the point that i would find myself not doing anything but pvp for a long time. this left me with many toons leveled, but not even finished chapter 2 (and some not even the DK/Corc).


i just dont get the issues, i guess.

Edited by Qouivandes
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Do you guys think anything new/meaningful will happen to pvp in the next year? (open world pvp work, new wz's ect...)


Do you guys think any new end game content will be added in the next year? (I don't mean fluff crap that will be completed in the first hr 1/2 of play, Im talking about new OPs, planets..ect.... not stay subbed for 6months to earn a hr of play as a robot type stuff)


So what do you guys think, in the next year will we get any meaningful end game content?




PVP is and always has been a small demographic of the existing player base and its simply not big enough for EA to program for


The conquest change of forcing people into GSF and PVP is probably the last real incentive PVP will get

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I do not think that PvP is even fixable, even if they added new maps. For chances of success, just look at the buggy mess that's Quesh Huttball, so even if they tried they'd probably rather not publish the results.

This guy's right man, is pvp even fixable? What could Bioware possibly do to revive PvP servers to pre-Shadow-of-Revan population levels.



Nope. Balance will remain atrociously bad and there will be no new "thing" for PvPers.
Balance? LOL, you first need players before you can worry about the finesse of class balance.


People abandoned pvp servers wholesale for PvE to get better flashpoint, operations and warzone queue times.


Nobody cares about balance, if they play warzones at all, they just care about queue pop time.


Do you guys think anything new/meaningful will happen to pvp in the next year? (open world pvp work, new wz's ect...)


So what do you guys think, in the next year will we get any meaningful end game content?

One year is a long time from now, how many of us will keep a subscription up that long.


The answer is, yes, there will be new content, but how long are you willing to wait for it. AND like Laurreth said above, will it even matter?


Bioware have studied their metrics and all their fancy statistics, graphs and charts point that singleplayer is key focus to grow the MMO.

Edited by Falensawino
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Do you guys think anything new/meaningful will happen to pvp in the next year? (open world pvp work, new wz's ect...)


Do you guys think any new end game content will be added in the next year? (I don't mean fluff crap that will be completed in the first hr 1/2 of play, Im talking about new OPs, planets..ect.... not stay subbed for 6months to earn a hr of play as a robot type stuff)


So what do you guys think, in the next year will we get any meaningful end game content?



this game is a single player game with a subscription at this point

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The game engine simply cannot handle wpvp beyond very small numbers. This isn't something even worth considering when demanding Bioware produce actual content for players.


I wish it was otherwise but yeah that sums up OW.


The very limited RVR they tried with Ilum bombed from the start.


Get a 150-200 factional battle on an open, lightly populated planet and you can crash your server.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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No, and to be honest I'm not sure what could be done. There are only so many different ways you can have two groups of players smacking the crap out of each-other. You can't really increase the scale of the battles either because the engine goes into fits if more than 16 people are in an area at once.


Now if they would just give us a way to play pazaak...

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Of course! Bioware promised "better than cross server!" ....

But seriously, no. What in the history of the game would make anyone expect otherwise?

At best, all we can hope for are class balances - anyone remember that little tidbit from Bioware that disciplines were supposed to make this much easier? How is that working out?

Or, as is becoming more common as the MMO market is in decline, the merger of servers into a Mega Server, which would at least dramatically increase the pvp population, or so one would hope.

Once again, another (probably fruitless) attempt at me asking for a 2016 Road Map from Bioware, which could clarify such things...

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bioware is shortstaffed and barely supporting this game as is.


their idea of an expansion was a short, linear solo quest series.


they simply dont have the manpower to pump out content and certainly dont have the manpower or skill to balance classes in pvp. they have balanced things around pve and left a lot of pvp extremely broken ie healing.

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PvP has been bad since the start, when you compare it to other games that have PvP.


They have had all this time to work on pvp, and what we have today is the culmination of all that potential, so read into that what you will.


The 'Bolster'/Expertise system is way too cryptic for pvp to be inviting. I wouldn't not speak for everyone but I imagine that there are a lot of people who wouldn't even care to pvp until they are at max level, until they are done with their story at least. Problem with that is: being at that level puts them in a tier with players who have the maximum amount of pvp specific stats putting them at a significant and very noticeable disadvantage. It is then somehow the player's responsibility to figure out that since they are level 65 they will need to be in a full set of 192 gear or else everyone is going to 1-shot them. This is completely unintuitive. - Not impossible to figure out, (broken bolsterizer makes it harder) but we can't expect the unwashed masses to learn it.


Then, because of how the game engine is optimized or however the programming is coded (idk?) , there seems to be an entirely different set of system requirements for PVP then there are for any pve content.


I feel like pvp these days is best left to games that set out to create pvp First, and other games just tack it on as an afterthought.

Edited by PulseRazor
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