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Dear Developers...


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Dear developers,


First of all i want to thank you for all the fun time i could spend in swtor, had a great deal of fun and enjoyed it a lot! When KOTFE came out i was really enthusiastic, what a nice addition to the game! Quickly i completed all chapters, fully expanded my alliance and did all star fortresses. When i completed all that, for me personally, i had the feeling there was not much to do anymore. Sure the story aspect was fun, but it was fun for a few hours, doing the story again on my alts was not fun anymore, we need more mmo stuff! Of course we had operation teams in my guild, but everyone got bored because there are no new operations they just got scaled up and this was fun... for a week.


In the last few weeks there are less and less people online and our guild has lost over 200 qualifying accounts, they are still in the guild, but they just stopped their subscription. I didn't stop my subscription, why? I still had faith in swtor, i love the game and i had this little bit of hope that the developers would listen to the people and turn the tide.


Unfortunately... they didn't.


Yesterday's livestream, i'm speachless! You guys say you listen to the players, but you clearly have a very selective ear about what you want to hear. Do you really really think that we want a mission as HK-55? We want PVP, Operations, MMO content for god sake, even a new stronghold would make me a bit happy! Stop making stuff that makes us enjoy the game temporarily for an hour or two and create something that lasts. Only this was will you get your players back because the game is slowly dying and this singleplayer oriented story stuff is not helping towards making the game lively again. After yesterday's livestream i stopped my subscription and i will happily return when there will be new pvp, operations or other mmo oriented stuff implemented in the game.


See you when the next expansion arrives, in which you hopefully implemented the things players really want.

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Well, here is someone losing something they'll wish they hadn't and not even that but chapter 10 as well. Why not wait and see if you'll actually be disappointed in the new thing they are planning instead of jumping the gun? Good God. This is an RPG with MMO aspects what you expect? Oh well. Your loss not Bioware's...
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You know...Stefan..is right...Don't know how much time i will last too..as i intend to finish every little **** thing from old content and soon i will be stuck ...and this game tend to become borring from day to day...


Try with cola ...try with pepsi...but it's still the same poison.:confused:

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And when people hear how great chapter x is they'll wish they had kept their subscriptions... Sometimes things are worth the wait you know?


Somehow I doubt that will be the case. All the chapters so far last for about +- an hour.

Adding bowdaar to it, let's assume it's a terrible grind, 1 day at best.


Is that worth 2 months of waiting? Eh, your call.

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I pay for access to a theme park MMO set in the Star Wars universe, not a piece of serialized interactive fiction with nothing to do. I'm not cancelling yet, partly because I still have stuff to do and partly because there isn't another game out there that looks better. Not yet, anyway. Legion will get me back in WoW but will I cancel this sub or the other game I pay for to go back?
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Somehow I doubt that will be the case. All the chapters so far last for about +- an hour.

Adding bowdaar to it, let's assume it's a terrible grind, 1 day at best.


Is that worth 2 months of waiting? Eh, your call.


I got to say this. What people don't seem to click in their heads is that we got a month between chapters ergo Bioware's not idiots and knows what they are doing meaning that the next chapter will have more content then we know or they are revealing as more will be revealed later so ergo. Why plan to release chapters month by month and not give people something to do in the mean time? Hmmm... Bioware must really be thick to do that... If say they think this out and plan a months worth of stuff for people to do and people only finish it in a matter of days.... I don't think that's Bioware's fault.... Someone has too much time on their hands and has to have sleep deprivation then...

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I got to say this. What people don't seem to click in their heads is that we got a month between chapters ergo Bioware's not idiots and knows what they are doing meaning that the next chapter will have more content then we know or they are revealing as more will be revealed later so ergo. Why plan to release chapters month by month and not give people something to do in the mean time? Hmmm... Bioware must really be thick to do that... If say they think this out and plan a months worth of stuff for people to do and people only finish it in a matter of days.... I don't think that's Bioware's fault.... Someone has too much time on their hands and has to have sleep deprivation then...


Passive aggressive gibberish aside, there's no real argument here. The previous 9 chapters were all about an hour each, tops. That has nothing to do with sleep deprivation or having too much time on your hands, that's just how long the story chapters were.


Now I understand that content takes way longer to make than to play, and that's the whole problem with adding nothing but new story content. Adding something like a new raid will keep people busy for a lot longer.

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You know why don't people just say it they want SWTOR to be over. It's got nothing to do with development issues, or all the ******** people keep complaining about. Just admit it that you are bored with the game and that it's been running for far too long (four years) and it's time to end it instead of just pussyfooting around it? How about that?
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Quick point as to a drop off in subs.


The original date for the bonus Nico companion and early access was July 31st. That means a lot of people who are normally not subscribers (probably the preferred players) subbed slightly before July 31st. Now, 4 months later it would hardly be surprising that those people are going back to being preferred players by not re-upping their sub. As the incentive to do so has gone.


It may not be a dissatisfaction with the game specifically as much as now there's not as many (not really any at this point) reasons to be a sub and this is the natural ending point of those who just signed on for all the bonus goodies.


Probably why Bioware rushed to fix companions before Thanksgiving and why we've gotten this new subscriber rewards livestream. Because the end of November was kind of a hard deadline to keep all the subs they added with the Nico event.


Another thing to consider is just because people are leaving doesn't necessarily mean the retention isn't good. They may have kept more than they thought they would, or they may have lost more than they thought they would. Only Bioware's metrics guy really knows, and he never tells all the secrets.

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We want PVP, Operations, MMO content for god sake, even a new stronghold would make me a bit happy


Who is this "we" you speak of?

Cant be me,or it cant be the 200 guild members we have in my guild because oh would you look at that NONE of us pvp so i guess that proverbial "we" you use so much its just a ME right?


^^^Nothing to see here folks,another MENOW throwing a tantrum.


P.S:MENOW=Current generation of whinny cry baby gamers that crave instant gratification,i call them Menows,because its all about ME ME ME and NOW NOW NOW

Edited by Tuskenkiller
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Who is this "we" you speak of?

Cant be me,or it cant be the 200 guild members we have in my guild because oh would you look at that NONE of us pvp so i guess that proverbial "we" you use so much its just a ME right?


^^^Nothing to see here folks,another MENOW throwing a tantrum.


P.S:MENOW=Current generation ofwhinny cry baby gamers that crave instant gratification,i call them Menows,because its all about ME ME ME and NOW NOW NOW


This seems a bit harsh. He didn't say just PvP, he said "PvP, Operation, MMO Content". As in content that is fun if done repeatedly, instead of something you do once and never again. (such as the story content added in these chapters.)

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i find myself perplexed by the reactions


when bw announced something huge for subs, did you actually expect something huge? I was expecting a coat or another companion skin. shocker, a companion skin.


i would understand having this sort of reaction had bw not over-exaggerated EVERYTHING and continually LIED for the last 4 years, but geez. fool me once...how are people still falling for this stuff?


kotfe will have decisions that matter!

each chapter is an hour!


how do people believe this stuff? I have some magic beans to sell you.

Edited by Pagy
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This seems a bit harsh. He didn't say just PvP, he said "PvP, Operation, MMO Content". As in content that is fun if done repeatedly, instead of something you do once and never again. (such as the story content added in these chapters.)


Harsh? maybe,but well deserved,this person hasnt been appointed by anyone,he doesnt speak in anyones behalf nor has he contacted EVERY PLAYER that plays the game to find out their thoughts on the current state of the game so hence me saying his "WE" is BS,its a ME with a cherry on top.

Edited by Tuskenkiller
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Harsh? maybe,but well deserved,this person hasnt been appointed by anyone,he doesnt speak in anyones behalf nor has he contacted EVERY PLAYER that plays the game to find out their thoughts on the current state of the game so hence me saying his "WE" is BS,its a ME with a cherry on top.


I don't know man, you are talking about a **** generation and stuff like that.. but if i see your messages. Caps this caps that, think about your heart mate ;) And the 'we' i am talking about is just the group of guys i play with :)

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I don't know man, you are talking about a **** generation and stuff like that.. but if i see your messages. Caps this caps that, think about your heart mate ;) And the 'we' i am talking about is just the group of guys i play with :)


wow....18 letters in caps,your eyes/ears ok?

Yeah i used caps because those few words were important,heart is ok dont worry about me,im fine although the condescending tone you're using with me isnt,but hey go ahead and rail on me with your witty humour,you actually remind me of this:



Time 2:57,enjoy.

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Semantics of who is represented by who and how much their opinions matter to others aside:


I personally think that this is a valid complaint/ issue at the present. The story of Kotfe was superb. And, I really enjoyed it. I liked running star fortresses, and I enjoyed the heroics as a replacement for the daily areas. However, I still haven't gone through the story a second time, and now that I've maxed out my star fortress achievements, and gotten the decos Ive wished for from them, and gotten my alliances up to 20 the content does seem to feel like it dries up a bit. I have my raid group to lead still which does effectively extend my play times even so I can't justify two nights a week for our group. Running the NiM ops is not an option since the loot is broken on it. Working on Revan or Cortanni why exhaust ourselves in two nights when we can work on them in one night and still remain fresh. Conquest offers some modicum of enjoying content, but it does get bland over time. Leveling is about my only answer which gets stale after about an hour or so . Regardless I've noticed my desire to do things in game has gone down. Maybe that's normal, who knows. Overall though, it would be nice to have something new that would require that gamer's spark to get re-lit.

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Well, here is someone losing something they'll wish they hadn't and not even that but chapter 10 as well. Why not wait and see if you'll actually be disappointed in the new thing they are planning instead of jumping the gun? Good God. This is an RPG with MMO aspects what you expect? Oh well. Your loss not Bioware's...


exactly, just let them release better than cross server

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I just want to point out.

If the "masses" wanted pvp, ops, etc, they wouldn't have created a huge s--tstorm over companions being overbuffed or underbuffed. You can't use them in either situation anyway.


People are out just to complain one way or another. Nothing you can do about it. But I've seen the same people who complainted about one, complain about the other.


There's No Story!

There's story but it's short!

There's level sync!

Level sync sucks with overpowered comps!

Level sync sucks with underpowered comps!

PVP sucks with the forced PVP!

There's No PVP!

There's no no OPS!

There's no new FPs!


blah. blah. blah.

you don't like the game, don't pay for it. don't play it. etc.

I pay because I enjoy the stories. I pay because I enjoy the community. I pay because I want to support what I enjoy wasting my time on. If you don't, then you don't.

Would I be content with single player? Possible. But then I lose out on so many things. Challenging Ops. Great community (most of the time). Recurring events that take me out of my usual grinding routine. Etc, etc, etc. :)


With that said... Do what you will. People will never be happy. I for one am staying as long as I can. I don't care about the subscriber perks. I do it because I enjoy it. The perks are an extra on top of what I was already paying for.

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