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Producer Letter Livestream Wrap-up


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I'm not sure where you got the idea that I suggest you not ask questions. People have been asking for group content since we found out there wouldn't be any new group content. In my post you quoted, I even suggested you voice your opinion! But if you go back through the tweets and FB posts about the producer stream, they only mention Fallen Empire updates and subscriber rewards. Wouldn't you expect them to mention new group content to get players to tune in if it was going to be discussed?


I have no issues with players being upset due to a lack of content they desire or voicing their opinion as such. But people angry about no updates in this livestream that was never advertised to contain such updates sound ridiculous.


State of the Galaxy has always been about updates to new content.

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While it nice to get some fluff things for being a sub I was extremely let down by the live stream. With the whole reboot of the game and all the star wars hype there is no better time to push swtor and yet we get no new OPS, PVP, or GSF maps at all. Or even a hint hey we know this what you all want and we are working on it here so fluff to try to hold you over for a minute. again the fluff is nice but it seem like a huge waste of resource that could be better spent on give the community what we've been asking for every time , Which is NEW OPS,PVP and GSF maps. I was really hoping that with the more of story being opened up it would lead to that and I'm still hoping that is does. I've played since launch and want to keep playing but as its been pointed out doing old content even at max level wears off fast. I know story is the big push, while it has been amazing ( great job dev ream) I really feel like you the dev team are missing the mark on some important things in other areas. Please relook at what we are asking for as a community , thank you Edited by swiftrav
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Group content drives MMOs. I don't know how else to say it. Without group content this all falls apart. To those of you disagreeing, don't say we didn't warn you.


I don't disagree with you that it's one of the major factors that drives MMOs, but you can make the argument that both solo *and* group content do this. Every other MMO I play -- WoW and GW2 now, others in the past -- have successfully provided both enough group and solo content to meet the needs of both. I have an enormous problem with the people here who say that it was the outcry over companions not allowing people to solo content that resulted in a lack of group content, because this is a game that always has provided both... until recently.


We give BioWare a free pass when we pit solo players versus group players, when in actuality we're all unhappy about the same thing: the lack of playable content, sacrificed for "renewed focus on story" which amounts to nothing more than cutscenes with a few fetch quests in between them. We've always had story in this game and it peacefully coexisted with content before.... it's a failure of this game designing company that it's not a current focus.

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I agree with Novablast actually. I'm a similar sort of player as he is. I understand your frustration with the lack of variety, you want new social things to do, but please, realize that not everyone is like you. I'm not unreasonable, I stated in another post that variety and new things are important for everyone, because I realize there are several different types of players. I'm just getting tired of watching you try to run roughshod over another person because their playstyle and what they want out of the game differs from you.


You and I...are on different sides of the fence in that way, we'll have to agree to disagree, just as you and Novablast will have to agree to disagree. You're coming on here, speaking for that person, and that's not the thing to do. People hate that. Don't speak for him, speak for yourself.


Even in real life you have social butterflies and you have people who are recluses. The recluses still require others to buy things from and sell things to, but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy life, just because they choose to be alone. I'm an introvert...being around other people tires the heck out of me. It's the same in game. I don't feel like I have freedom to do as I please because I might be letting someone down. I truly love this game for it's story and solo-able aspects, it's why I stay. But I do know that for it to stay healthy there has to be new stuff for people to do.


I believe I read your earlier post and you seem quite reasonable. I'm not one of those saying that story isn't content. I'm saying that it's not content that will keep people subbed long term by itself. And bioware knows that. That's why we are seeing this announcement of "subscriber rewards". They are trying desperately to convince people to stay.


I still say the amount of story they are giving us is a bad value for what they are asking us to pay. And that's bad for the game because people will leave. It's great that you and nova will stick around, but my prediction is not enough other people will.


I believe you stated that variety is good for the game, and that's the problem. There is a significant faction of players that don't care about story. Or at least not enough to stay based on that alone. They will leave if nothing else is offered, and that's bad for everyone. Entire guilds are unsubbing and that's not a good a sign.


As Avinler said, I see an iceberg on the horizon and am screaming at anyone I see hoping against hope that I will be heard. Because if this problem continues to be ignored, this game that I have loved for so long will die. And I don't think anyone wants that.

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ok, what crafting changes?


it is these types of statements that are tossed around willy nilly that tend to put me on edge. im not concerned about companions, tbh.


My bet - they add the 'missing' 200 / 208 modifications (hilts, barrels, mods, armoring, enhancements), relics, implants and ears, add some 208 / 216 / 220 relics crafted with exotic / conquest materials, and maybe clean up the schematics so that the correct mission skill material is used for crafting instead of slicing materials (for example a 220 hilt currently requires purple slicing materials - not purple TH materials).


They could also raise the skill cap to 550 (which should have been done at 4.0 along with the level cap increase) and / or add new grade 9 materials (again this should have been done at 4.0 along with the level cap increase).


Of course any skill increase or new materials would not fit with what we have right now seeing as we can craft items up to 220 using existing materials at skill level 500, so having new 200 / 208 items at a higher skill level or using new materials would make no sense.


Still, I wouldn't put it past them to remove or force the existing 208 / 216 / 220 schematics to a higher skill level and or require new materials to craft - though that would be the straw that breaks the camels back for me.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I believe I read your earlier post and you seem quite reasonable. I'm not one of those saying that story isn't content. I'm saying that it's not content that will keep people subbed long term by itself. And bioware knows that. That's why we are seeing this announcement of "subscriber rewards". They are trying desperately to convince people to stay.


I still say the amount of story they are giving us is a bad value for what they are asking us to pay. And that's bad for the game because people will leave. It's great that you and nova will stick around, but my prediction is not enough other people will.


I believe you stated that variety is good for the game, and that's the problem. There is a significant faction of players that don't care about story. Or at least not enough to stay based on that alone. They will leave if nothing else is offered, and that's bad for everyone. Entire guilds are unsubbing and that's not a good a sign.


As Avinler said, I see an iceberg on the horizon and am screaming at anyone I see hoping against hope that I will be heard. Because if this problem continues to be ignored, this game that I have loved for so long will die. And I don't think anyone wants that.

This. This 3000000x.


I've run KOTFE 13 times. I'm the minority. I stuck with this game so long because I've seen it grow and become shaped into something fun, and now it's all fading away. This game needs diversity of content and right now the game is hurting for it brutally. Bioware has stretched player goodwill to the bare minimum, and it's about to break. You need to announce something real, anything real, even a roadmap for when you expect to release new pve or pvp content, anything.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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I don't disagree with you that it's one of the major factors that drives MMOs, but you can make the argument that both solo *and* group content do this. Every other MMO I play -- WoW and GW2 now, others in the past -- have successfully provided both enough group and solo content to meet the needs of both. I have an enormous problem with the people here who say that it was the outcry over companions not allowing people to solo content that resulted in a lack of group content, because this is a game that always has provided both... until recently.


We give BioWare a free pass when we pit solo players versus group players, when in actuality we're all unhappy about the same thing: the lack of playable content, sacrificed for "renewed focus on story" which amounts to nothing more than cutscenes with a few fetch quests in between them. We've always had story in this game and it peacefully coexisted with content before.... it's a failure of this game designing company that it's not a current focus.


Oh absolutely. I don't understand what there is to disagree about. For the record, I have actually enjoyed the KotFE story so far. But one chapter a month and another useless companion will not keep me subbed, and I am far from the only one who feels that way. More content is good for everyone. But if more group content isn't announced, those players (myself included) are taking their balls and going home. There is no way that's not bad for the game.


Even if that really is only 10% of us (which I'm not convinced of) that's a big loss for bioware. They need to address this because despite what some people are saying, it is a big deal. And if bioware can't figure out how to keep both factions happy, they will lose the group content players forever. And that benefits literally no one.

Edited by chelbelle
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Eric and Ben,


New repeatable content is needed for all player types. I'm usually pretty easy going about this sort of thing since I spend so little consecutive time in the game. However, when nearly everyone with whom I interact - on multiple servers - is frustrated with the lack of new repeatable content to the point where they share it in-game, there is definitely a problem.


If I had to pick the most vocal group, I would say that, in particular, those who ran/run dailies are really annoyed with the drastic reduction of mob credit drops. The time to complete these has not gone down, but the payoff sure has.


I love the new story (please keep it coming), and PLEASE figure out *some* way to work this additional content into the game with regularity. There has to be a way.





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I'm not sure if this has been asked yet (and I don't really feel like reading through 59 pages of posts to find out), but I'm curious about how exactly this permanent HK-55 is going to work. Is this like Nico Okarr, where everyone gets him regardless of whether they subscribed or not, but subscribers get the "reward" of not having to play the game to get him? Or is this a companion that only people who were subscribed at the right time will ever be able to get? Will subscribers just get an Instant HK Droid kit dropped in their mailboxes, or will there be a quest chain of some sort?


I'm mostly curious because, as someone who really enjoys the story of the game, the Nico Okarr reward fell very flat for me. He looks like a neat character; why would I want to skip over his entire story just to have Random Cowboy Man follow me around? It's a similar issue I have with not usually finding pets or mounts in the game proper, at least not new ones. I understand that the Cartel Market is where the money is and all, but finding things in the game just means more to me. I kinda wish there was a lesser unlock for the Cather and Togruta that we could buy, honestly. Something that had similar lore-based restrictions on the classes they could be or the customizations available, which could then be overcome when a character reaches level 50 (or perhaps whatever higher level was the cap at the time they were introduced), just like all the other species.



I guess I got a little off-topic there. My point is, I like the story; I don't want to have to skip parts. That's not really a "reward" to me, and if Permanent HK works the way Nico Okarr did, I'd just as soon earn him the old-fashioned way.



And again, because it can't be repeated enough: Could we please, PLEASE hear something back about all these broken romances with our companions? That would be that story thing again.

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Group content drives MMOs. I don't know how else to say it. Without group content this all falls apart. To those of you disagreeing, don't say we didn't warn you.




As good as the past few KotFE chapters have been, and even if the new chapters would be awesome, this game needs some form of retention mechanic. I'll ask a simple question, I'd like an adequate answer to it:


The general assumption is that the 13€ a month I'm paying for this game is a great substitution for going to the cinema, or even buying a SP game. Now here's the question: I can buy the whole Witcher trilogy on Steam for 30€. That's two months of subscription. Alright, 3,99€ more. Witcher 3 alone can yield up to hundred hours of gameplay, considering two different playthroughs for both LI and two different endings. Add Witcher 2 to that, which would be another ~25 hours for each path, totalling at 50 hours. That's 150 hours of unique content for 30€. SW:TOR will offer 45 minutes of unique content each month for 13,99€.


Now here's the question: Is the great price/usage balance still fullfilled now? I can get 150 hours of unique and new content for 30€. Or 1 hour of new content without any retention mechanics for 15€.


That's coming from someone who joined this game for Bioware storytelling. At this very moment, I'm hard pressed to justify spending 120€ over the course of nine months, when all we get is ~6 hours of unique story contet without any retention. Even the shortest game I played in recent months (The Order 1886) has more unique content for half that money.


I do love the new story focus, it's something I've been meaning for this game to happen since 1.2. But not at the expense of all PvE/PvP content. That's why I play an MMORPG. Not KOTOR. I don't care whether it is operations or warzones we're getting. An overhauled GSF system or cross-server ranked queue. We need something to add any form of retention to this game. We have flavour (story), give us the substance (content). We need options.

Edited by Alssaran
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Is this like Nico Okarr, where everyone gets him regardless of whether they subscribed or not, but subscribers get the "reward" of not having to play the game to get him?


You're mistaken. Only the subs that were subscribed during that time have got Nico. He will NOT be a companion for everyone.

Eric even stated that. So yes, HK will be like that.


Now you may have a quest like Nico does but you will NOT get to keep HK.

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We will also be running Life Day and Double XP, more info on those tomorrow.


Humm, it's getting late in the day in Austin (almost 3)..... I get the feeling the longer they push this out today the more we are not going to like it...


i.e. Same exact things as the last 2 years. No new stuff (or 1 new item), and no way to shut off the extra XP... though really what is the point of Double XP now anyways?

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Musco companion you are asking for???


Just make sure you get him with a pureblood sith and the *slap* emote hehe


Rewards are ok, just didn't like the chapter pushback and I would like to see non-reskinned and attractive/unique sub rewards monthly. I'd like to see a couple of new ops also, just no more level cap increases for a couple years minimum.

Edited by Darkwords
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As good as the past few KotFE chapters have been, and even if the new chapters would be awesome, this game needs some form of retention mechanic. I'll ask a simple question, I'd like an adequate answer to it:


The general assumption is that the 13€ a month I'm paying for this game is a great substitution for going to the cinema, or even buying a SP game. Now here's the question: I can buy the whole Witcher trilogy on Steam for 30€. That's two months of subscription. Alright, 3,99€ more. Witcher 3 alone can yield up to hundred hours of gameplay, considering two different playthroughs for both LI and two different endings. Add Witcher 2 to that, which would be another ~25 hours for each path, totalling at 50 hours. That's 150 hours of unique content for 30€. SW:TOR will offer 45 minutes of unique content each month for 13,99€.


Now here's the question: Is the great price/usage balance still fullfilled now? I can get 150 hours of unique and new content for 30€. Or 1 hour of new content without any retention mechanics for 15€.


That's coming from someone who joined this game for Bioware storytelling. At this very moment, I'm hard pressed to justify spending 120€ over the course of nine months, when all we get is ~6 hours of unique story contet without any retention. Even the shortest game I played in recent months (The Order 1886) has more unique content for half that money.


I do love the new story focus, it's something I've been meaning for this game to happen since 1.2. But not at the expense of all PvE/PvP content. That's why I play an MMORPG. Not KOTOR. I don't care whether it is operations or warzones we're getting. An overhauled GSF system or cross-server ranked queue. We need something to add any form of retention to this game. We have flavour (story), give us the substance (content). We need options.


They seem to be going toward a "mini-grind" to cover the 3 week downtime between chapters (1 week to take alts through). The Arena they referenced seems to play that purpose, just as the "Grand Grind" did after Chapter 9 (the Alliance/influence/companion grind is much larger to cover the longer downtime).


Before you say "grinding is not content", what would you call HM/NiM ops after the initial 21 day window for first kill? The nature of the MMO is grinding of some sort, whether filling gear slots from group activities, running dailies or doing the "Grand Grind".


Grinds that tie into story and "mini-grinds" are at least more interesting ways of dealing with downtime.

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Group content drives MMOs. I don't know how else to say it. Without group content this all falls apart. To those of you disagreeing, don't say we didn't warn you.

Traditionally, this is true.


Now we get to find out if that is the only way to do things - or if this experiment of BW's will successfully expand the MMO paradigm.

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I'm a long time subscriber and was seriously underwhelmed by the announcement yesterday of the new subscriber rewards. In addition, don't they realize with how they changed leveling, double exp is no longer anything to get excited about? We need new operations, flashpoints, and warzones. one of each would be enough to keep players happy for 6 months or more.
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I was super excited when I first heard about SWTOR. I was a long time player of SWG (7 years) and had many complaints at the time so I was looking forward to a new Star Wars game. Im sorry to say that it took the game coming to an end for the devs to add some great content and for me to really appreciate the game. SWG was a great MMO and the best sandbox game ever made, and the best immersive game for the Star Wars universe.


Now I have played SWTOR since pre launch but not steady, in fact I have taken many breaks some lasting over a year. The simple fact is that it is barely an MMO unless you count the PVP, WZ's, Heroics, and flashpoints. I don't mind that so much as I like soloing but the social aspect of an MMO is seriously lacking in SWTOR. I like to solo but I also like to get together with my guildmates and do stuff but unless its standing around waiting to kill a WB or running a flashpoint for the hundredth time, we mainly just get together on the guild flagship and talk a while before everyone leaves to go do something on their own. The game is major boring for a player like me, a non PvPer and as much as I like soloing and the new content, its still boring because its so little content.


In 7 years playing SWG I still had so much I never did and had so much I could do without repeating anything. This game is all about running through content and then going back and repeating it over and over through dailies and weeklies. I hate to keep comparing the two games but The reason I played both is because they are Star Wars and that's one of 2 reasons I still play ( the other being my friends from SWG). As for keeping me playing now, I see no need to stay subbed until aug. I will do what I need to until feb and get HK and the next chapter and once that is complete I will take another break. Honestly im ready for one now but once again I am following the carrot to get something for my sub $$$.

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I kinda want to see more english speaking companions rather than a few recorded lines for huttese or barking of a wookie. Not that I dont want the wookie but they seem to be taking the easy road here. Lokin, pierce and m14x i think are the only previous english (basic) speaking companions to return so far right? Tano had a new voice actor but so far isnt recruitable to my knowledge.
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The final opinion about whether my contribution here is worthwhile or not is entirely up to me. Up until this point there was enough content to go around, farming alliance influence and playing with friends. It remains to be seen if my subscriber status will be renewed in december thanks to the holidays, but I'll most certainly be back in february when the new chapter releases and subscribe for the next few months. I'd have done that regardless of a subscriber reward promotion, which did nothing for or against paying those 12€ a month.




So: You're skipping through the cutscenes of a story focused expansion, then complain it is too short and it isn't worth anything? Alright, suit yourself. Just...suit yourself.


Ok my bad i said repetition, took me 2 hours with cutscenes maybe a bit more, there isnt replayability for me ..



I can't really say anything about that, but we could exchange totally subjective evidence at this point: The Progenitor doesn't feel much emptier or more crowded than before 4.0. It was crowded when 4.0 released due to the content locusts showing up, but the overall numbers are steady right now. A break was to be expected due to the release of Fallout 4 and Battlefront, but those people are slowly returning to activity right now.


At this point the server status is a bad indicator of the games overall health compared to pre-4.0, courtesy to an increased server capacity with 4.0. The status only indicates how much of a servers capacity is in use, not how many players are on the server at this given moment. An example:


A server that was "heavy" before can be "light" now. The server was previously able to handle 3,500 players at the same time without going to full. Using 75% of that capacity would result in a "heavy" status. Bioware increased the overall capacity of each server to 5,000 (that's a theory, not an actual statement). Now the same amount of players would only use up roughly 50-60% of the servers capacity, resulting in his status being "medium" without actually decreasing the number of active players.


Light at 8 gmt tofn tre heavy. Its december sw movie release etc.


It's perfectly possible that the increase in server capacity caused this status message, with the playerbase setting itself back to 3.2 numbers until the chapter release starts again. Making a case for the games population declining because of the server status is as subjective as the case I just made, hence there is no need to discuss it.




You don't have to feel or guess an agenda here, there's an official statement confirming that, dating back as far as July. Nim were not feasible in the long run. Money and development time was used on content that was never even touched by 95% of the games active PvE playerbase, with only 1% of said minority ever defeating a NiM boss. Even less actually clearing the content.


Bioware has stated that it is because of this very reason that no more new NiM content will be produced. There's no hidden agenda here, it was stated plain as day. Good riddance I say. Wasting development time on that content was idiotic to begin with, at least when looking at it from a strict business point of view. Using hours and hours of development time on barely a thousand players, when 299,000 others need different content, that's a bad decision.


Could we stop pretending that everyone has loved to run NiM at this point? I barely see anyone with the NiM achievements at all. The last time someone actively ran an NiM operation was before 4.0 to get the achievement before it vanishes. I've yet to see a big portion of the PvE playerbase run these on level and for weeks.


Yesmy point being that they are manipulating this situation to their advantadge.

Whos this we you speak of buddy, i am entitled to opinions over here you know.

Yes i like nim, i am experience enough today to run them, learnt to raid on this very game, so please spare me the hipocrisy and ilusion of understanding.

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I believe I read your earlier post and you seem quite reasonable. I'm not one of those saying that story isn't content. I'm saying that it's not content that will keep people subbed long term by itself. And bioware knows that. That's why we are seeing this announcement of "subscriber rewards". They are trying desperately to convince people to stay.


I still say the amount of story they are giving us is a bad value for what they are asking us to pay. And that's bad for the game because people will leave. It's great that you and nova will stick around, but my prediction is not enough other people will.


I believe you stated that variety is good for the game, and that's the problem. There is a significant faction of players that don't care about story. Or at least not enough to stay based on that alone. They will leave if nothing else is offered, and that's bad for everyone. Entire guilds are unsubbing and that's not a good a sign.


As Avinler said, I see an iceberg on the horizon and am screaming at anyone I see hoping against hope that I will be heard. Because if this problem continues to be ignored, this game that I have loved for so long will die. And I don't think anyone wants that.


It's hard to say when you don't have current facts and figures or metrics or what have you in front of you, but I do think you're underestimating the number of people who are into story and who would remain subbed for it. I'm glad that you're not one of those that say 'story isn't content' because it is. :) While I agree there is a significant faction that might not care about the story, there are plenty who are. I do hope for everyone that they'll find ways of implementing more things for people to do. I think we can agree that we all care about the game in our way and would like it to succeed.


I ran a petition a while back for more class story, mine was only one of many, but you can see by the responses and interest, that many people would stay for story. It just has to be quality story and it needs replay-ability, which right now, as the chapters stand, it doesn't so much. Below is the link to my petition I did, so there are many who are into it.


I think the main reason for offering such rewards at this time is owing more to the debacle with the companion nerfs. Many left for that reason, and they're trying to say sorry for what they did. That's why people left in droves, the companions were a big thing for many people.


Anyways, lets not make enemies of each other, we can like different things, and disagree about stuff, but in the end we all love the game. :)



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I'll make this brief…


Story is not content. To be clear, I started playing this game in the first place because of story. However, even with that enthusiasm and focus, I wasn't planning on playing for very long. Because story doesn't last. I played KOTOR I probably over 30 times, and ME1 almost that much, but that is dwarfed by the amount of time I've spent in SWTOR.


The time I've spent in SWTOR has not been because of its story. I've certainly played all of the story content, and I've enjoyed it… the first time through. But now it's over. I have no desire to re-play even the KotFE storyline, despite its excellence. Story doesn't retain ongoing activity in the game.


Story is flavor. Content is substance. Content is something that you do in groups, because people are what give meaning and variety to repetitive actions. PvP and GSF are the embodiment of this philosophy, but PvE (especially operations) are as well. Operations, GSF and warzone maps. These are content. These are what players have poured endless hours into repeating, despite the unchanging nature of the boss fights or objectives or terrain. Nobody is pouring that amount of time into any story.


SWTOR needs new content. Desperately. There hasn't been a single piece of new PvE content since 3.0. There hasn't been a single piece of new PvP or GSF content for even longer. Without content, communities have nothing to do. Guilds die and players leave. All you have left are solo players who log in for a few hours every week, trickle-consuming the story.


I'm not even sure there's a question in here, other than the obvious "when will you release any new content?" And don't say story, because story isn't content.

While I do Belive we do need content I don't Belive in some of the bull crap that's in here I'm a solo player that usually logs on every day for a couple of hours while story is good after I did it 10 times on my alts, we do need more content, I'm not one for ops but I do PVP a lot and when I get enough money to get a new computer I will infact look forward to more maps for Pvp so yea we need content but I think if they went back to normal class story's I think they would do better of not making story dull.

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