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Can we not force Bioware to nerf this into the ground like companions? The leveling speed is perfect. Here's what I recommend doing:


Make 4 chars in each faction. One of each class. Split ALL OF THE CONTENT available between those 4, without repeating. Do that, and you won't out-level all of the planets, I guarantee you, because I've done it.


A lot of us play this game for the only thing BW is good at--the story (People who disagree with this can save their silly thoughts on the matter, believe me when I say I'm the last person who cares what they think). So we don't want to do the same mission on 4 different chars in a Faction--it is very 'non-canon' to us.

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Can we not force Bioware to nerf this into the ground like companions? The leveling speed is perfect. Here's what I recommend doing:


Make 4 chars in each faction. One of each class. Split ALL OF THE CONTENT available between those 4, without repeating. Do that, and you won't out-level all of the planets, I guarantee you, because I've done it.


A lot of us play this game for the only thing BW is good at--the story (People who disagree with this can save their silly thoughts on the matter, believe me when I say I'm the last person who cares what they think). So we don't want to do the same mission on 4 different chars in a Faction--it is very 'non-canon' to us.


If they actually Nerf experience because a small minority wants the grind to last even longer. I am quitting I am going to another MMO. There are limits. The Companion Nerf was one. If they manage to actually make the grind even longer then it currently it. I will happily play something else. I completed most of the class quest. People are forgetting. It's been a slow burning grind for past three year. How many subs has this game gotten. Under a million in less a year. This is literally killing the game. People will go play something else a small amount of hardcores on very light severs will be happy.

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So, in a nutshell, you're calling me a liar because my leveling experience is different from yours? Really?


Start a sage. Don't activate any legacy or consumable boosts. No guild EXP. Follow the same exact storyline you did during 12x EXP. Do the H2 on Tython and the half dozen H2's on Coruscant. When you get your ship and leave the planet, you should be level 16. (results may vary if you farm a lot/full clear the H2's)


Ok, I am sorry about "do not believe you" part, was a bit shocked by my own progress without x12. So, you want to get story at normal rate you have to do exactly that - only story and without even a resting boost.


As I said, personally have no problem with overlevel and kind of glad I can make my own story by choosing which quest to do. Still, good to know how to moderate that lightning-speed leveling.

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Could you please explain how level sync does not allow you to play the way you would like to? Thats precisely why it was introduced in the first place, to allow people to play the way they want and not be bothered by overleveling..


The only thing it doesn't allow is to overlevel planetary content and feel "overpowered".. which it appears you are against anyway..? There is a contradiction here somewhere.


First I'm not against feeling overpowered if it's up to players to decide if that's what they want or not.

If you are happy with the game like it is atm, I have no problem with that. I don't want to remove anything from people that are happy. My goal isn't to force people to play my way, I just would like BW to add ways for players to adjust things, for themselves only, so they can enjoy the game more.


There's 3 things mainly I would like:

  • a way to reduce XP or to stop earning it
  • a way to adjust my synced level
  • a way to adjust my companion efficiency


Thoses 3 things would be optional and off by default so players that don't want thoses things or are unaware they exist would have 100% the same gaming experience they have now. Again, I can understand that some people are happy with things how they are and I don't want to make things worse for them.


I explained that before the companion nerf and I can do it again...


Nerfs and buffs like BW did are terrible ideas. There are many different kind of players playing MMOs, the usual "groups" we talk about are in fact way more complex than that. You can't simply reduce people to basic archetypes like hardcores, casuals, PvP'ers or whatever. In all thoses groups, while they share Something, they also often disagree about something else. So when BW releases thoses buffs and nerfs, they only please a part of the playerbase, which is stupid. Even when they try to find a compromise, they still don't please many people. Some people still want companions to be like they were in 4.0, some people still think companions are too good atm...


So instead of trying to find a decent compromise that is just ok for a part of the community and wrong for some other part, why not let each player define for himself how things should be ? Why force feed us a general "solution" when each player could define its own, making the game better for himself without changing anything for others ?



I can tell you how I play and what's the problem for me but that's not relevant, I don't want the game to change to answer my playstyle, I want it to change to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal isn't to make the game good for Joe Schmoe or me only but for lots of people with many different ways to play and many different interests.


Anyway here's the main things I do in game

  • missions
  • warzones (regs)
  • GSF


I'm crafting for myself and do once in a while normal flashpoints.


The consequences of doing thoses things are for me:

  • I'm leveling too fast
  • I'm always overleveled
  • My character is always too good
  • My companion is always too good


Just in case, yes I know I don't have to do all theses things, I also know I can play without a companion, or in passive mode, or with some abilities disabled and I can choose to play without upgrading my gear or with a hand tied in my back or whatever...


The problem with thoses "solutions" is that they reduce what the game is, removing features just to make some others acceptable. Also they are completely unpractical, I would be spending my time micro managing things, summoning/unsomming companions based on content and conversations, enabling/disabling skills based on the mobs I'm facing, keeping multiple sets of gear, some times even for multiple roles to have good gear while doing warzones or flashpoints and bad gear for solo missions and somewhere in between for harder content, switching between them based on content, the companion I would use in convos couldn't be the one I fight with...



Again the goal isn't to force players to play my way, nor it is for you to tell me I should be happy because I can do this or that crap, the goal is to increase how adaptable the game is to various playstyles because in the end, the more people are happy, the bigger the playbase is, the more EA/BW makes money, the more they can expand and improve the game....

Edited by Turshek
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I knew that there would still be boosted XP after the white acute modules became obsolete. Even as I start in on the KotFE content, I knew this, attaining 65 in a leisurely couple of days. But then came a new alt...


I hit level 10...immediately take a trip aboard the Black Talon. After three turn-ins from ONE flashpoint run (the FP itself, introduction to group finder, plus one at the dropbox whose name escapes me at the moment), I'm halfway through 16 towards level 17.


This is, in a word, nuts.


I have never previously encountered anything in this game I truly disliked to the point where I'm unhappy with the experience - there's always been a way for me to work around it. But this is insane - I'm taking this toon back to finish Korriban at level 16? Sure, the effective level is 12, but that's not the point. Level 16? Really? And combined with more insane XP for just the daily warzones, I'll be what level before I'm even off of DK?


Sad panda. :(


8 characters planning to level some more so thank you i love the leveling speed. I don't want to slog through same content i seen zillion times already to finally get to where i want to enjoy the en game content.

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First I'm not against feeling overpowered if it's up to players to decide if that's what they want or not.

If you are happy with the game like it is atm, I have no problem with that. I don't want to remove anything from people that are happy. My goal isn't to force people to play my way, I just would like BW to add ways for players to adjust things, for themselves only, so they can enjoy the game more.


There's 3 things mainly I would like:

  • a way to reduce XP or to stop earning it
  • a way to adjust my synced level
  • a way to adjust my companion efficiency


Thoses 3 things would be optional and off by default so players that don't want thoses things or are unaware they exist would have 100% the same gaming experience they have now. Again, I can understand that some people are happy with things how they are and I don't want to make things worse for them.


I explained that before the companion nerf and I can do it again...


Nerfs and buffs like BW did are terrible ideas. There are many different kind of players playing MMOs, the usual "groups" we talk about are in fact way more complex than that. You can't simply reduce people to basic archetypes like hardcores, casuals, PvP'ers or whatever. In all thoses groups, while they share Something, they also often disagree about something else. So when BW releases thoses buffs and nerfs, they only please a part of the playerbase, which is stupid. Even when they try to find a compromise, they still don't please many people. Some people still want companions to be like they were in 4.0, some people still think companions are too good atm...


So instead of trying to find a decent compromise that is just ok for a part of the community and wrong for some other part, why not let each player define for himself how things should be ? Why force feed us a general "solution" when each player could define its own, making the game better for himself without changing anything for others ?



I can tell you how I play and what's the problem for me but that's not relevant, I don't want the game to change to answer my playstyle, I want it to change to appeal to as many people as possible. The goal isn't to make the game good for Joe Schmoe or me only but for lots of people with many different ways to play and many different interests.


Anyway here's the main things I do in game

  • missions
  • warzones (regs)
  • GSF


I'm crafting for myself and do once in a while normal flashpoints.


The consequences of doing thoses things are for me:

  • I'm leveling too fast
  • I'm always overleveled
  • My character is always too good
  • My companion is always too good


Just in case, yes I know I don't have to do all theses things, I also know I can play without a companion, or in passive mode, or with some abilities disabled and I can choose to play without upgrading my gear or with a hand tied in my back or whatever...


The problem with thoses "solutions" is that they reduce what the game is, removing features just to make some others acceptable. Also they are completely unpractical, I would be spending my time micro managing things, summoning/unsomming companions based on content and conversations, enabling/disabling skills based on the mobs I'm facing, keeping multiple sets of gear, some times even for multiple roles to have good gear while doing warzones or flashpoints and bad gear for solo missions and somewhere in between for harder content, switching between them based on content, the companion I would use in convos couldn't be the one I fight with...



Again the goal isn't to force players to play my way, nor it is for you to tell me I should be happy because I can do this or that crap, the goal is to increase how adaptable the game is to various playstyles because in the end, the more people are happy, the bigger the playbase is, the more EA/BW makes money, the more they can expand and improve the game....


That's a nice little list you wrote out. The last time we heard about an "Optional" thing was the Companion Nerf. The entire time it was sold as Optional and to appease "all of the playerbase" I very seriously doubt if they tweak experience its going to be a hundred percent optional. It's more like mandatory. There lies the problem.


Many people like myself have done nearly all the side quests for every class. So often we remember what they say by heart. You basically want to reduce experience for it to take even longer for it to level then it currently is. For me personally I felt they already caved on companion nerf. If they reduce experience to make a small minority happy. That would be the last straw for me as in playing this game.


Basically if you want more of a grind. Maybe you should play a different game that fits your style. I'm not sold on the "optional" experience tweak. I heard this same thing before it wasn't what they said it would be. The majority already think experience is too little if anything they need to buff it.

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I tend to do a lot of the missions with a character as I want to pick up titles and more importantly - crystals.

Once you get in "full orange" gear, as you progress you want crystals to keep gear updated.

So, a brand new Sorcerer. Did everything on Korriban. Once on fleet I collected my crew skills and then went and collected Treek and a Probe Droid. I of course clicked on any lore items as I passed them.

I then did 2 WZ's so as to complete the tutorial item and the first "complete 2 warzones" from the terminal. I then completed a single flashpoint - again to clear the "introduction to" mission.

I completed Dromund Kaas, didn't do all the heroics, but the majority.

Now I'm on Balmorra and I'm currently level 33. OK, so planet cap drops me, but it's not like I'm a "real 22" as I have loads of abilities that I shouldn't have etc.

I suppose, what with me going to be 36+ by the time I leave Balmorra I can literally do class quests only - but it's insane XP gain.

I want to do PvP and I want to do Flashpoints, but if I did those regularly too - I'd be 65 before I hit Nar Shaddaa.

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That's a nice little list you wrote out. The last time we heard about an "Optional" thing was the Companion Nerf. The entire time it was sold as Optional and to appease "all of the playerbase" I very seriously doubt if they tweak experience its going to be a hundred percent optional. It's more like mandatory. There lies the problem.


Many people like myself have done nearly all the side quests for every class. So often we remember what they say by heart. You basically want to reduce experience for it to take even longer for it to level then it currently is. For me personally I felt they already caved on companion nerf. If they reduce experience to make a small minority happy. That would be the last straw for me as in playing this game.


Basically if you want more of a grind. Maybe you should play a different game that fits your style. I'm not sold on the "optional" experience tweak. I heard this same thing before it wasn't what they said it would be. The majority already think experience is too little if anything they need to buff it.


Dunno, don't remember a dev post saying they wanted it to be optional, only players like me asked for an optional nerf. The fact BW has troubles understanding their playerbase is another problem. There have been many threads about that. The thing is as they could understand any critic the wrong way, you think it would be better if we only posted things saying this or that is good and shut up about things we think can be made better ?


Each time they don't please people, even a small minority, it reduces the playerbase, which reduces the money they get and thus the things they can do. Players should push game companies to do more, not less.


And btw for me atm missions are a grind even more so than they were before 4.0. Sure the xp makes it a short one, it's still a grind, a time-sink that serves no purpose.

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If they actually Nerf experience because a small minority wants the grind to last even longer. I am quitting I am going to another MMO. There are limits. The Companion Nerf was one. If they manage to actually make the grind even longer then it currently it. I will happily play something else. I completed most of the class quest. People are forgetting. It's been a slow burning grind for past three year. How many subs has this game gotten. Under a million in less a year. This is literally killing the game. People will go play something else a small amount of hardcores on very light severs will be happy.


I find your conclusions completely ridiculous. The game suffered in the beginning because there was nothing to do at endgame. People blew through the 1-50 grind WAY faster than BW envisioned, even at launch xp rates.

People don't quit because what there is to do takes too long, they leave because there is nothing to do.


Speeding up leveling to get to a barren endgame is MMO suicide. Time will tell if this story experiment works out or if the population goes into a death spiral in a month or two. I'm envisioning hard times ahead if something isn't done about the lack of new endgame content.


Also, if you do quit, good luck finding any other MMO with easier leveling and/or less grind than this one. This game is sleepwalk easy compared to every other MMO out there.

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I'm with the OP, except that I don't think excessive XP gains are the problem.


All XP does is grant access to content further along the chain of the story or stories. Access simply means the freedom to advance through whatever content the player wants at his or her pace.


I myself like to do everything. I'm an explorer and I enjoy exploring while uncovering the map, locating codex items and completing achievements. I like challenging myself against champion class enemies to gain a greater understanding of the mechanics of a class.


When I heard a level sync system was being implemented, I fell down on my knees and worshiped at the alter of Bioware. And the idea of legacy datacrons, meant that I'd have to option to skip the jumping puzzles if I wanted to while still gaining those benefits as I advanced through each planet; the same way they had always been balanced except without the need to go to them. I was thrilled to the point that I subbed for the six month rate rather than the one month rate I normally used. Finally, I could play all the stories I had been saving for four years because the game wouldn't consist of killing gray mobs.


Well mission accomplished, sort of.


It's utterly fantastic for players who want to fly through the planets and get to endgame. But for people who want a steady evenly presented series of obstacles, it flat sucks. The problem is that level sync and legacy benefits have been horribly implemented for gamers like myself. The only mildly challenging solo content that I've found since 4.0 went live are the 2+ Heroic missions, which ironically are designed for 2 players. But even then, the missions on the starting three or four planets are a walkthrough.


Level sync should be designed to sync players to the general level of the zone not the entire planet. And where players enter an instanced encounter, the sync should be to the original level of the mission.


Secondly, I think players have the right to turn off legacy benefits if they want to. The legacy they have built is their own, why should they have to force that level of overpowering on starting characters if they don't want it?


The way things are now, if I want to have a character that is semi balanced to the content, I have to start a new character on a new server where no companion conversations have unlocked bonus presence, abilities and buffs. Likewise, having the full benefit of the entire datacron catalog on a level one character is grossly out of balance and remains so until about four planets into the experience. And this has been made particularly bad since all the primary stats were merged into a single stat; mastery.


Look, I'm not interested in taking anything away from other players or gating their experience to serve mine. I just want a few sensible options to make the experience I'm paying for at least semi enjoyable. The OPTION to make my experience more difficult, even tedious, in no way takes away from anything that KotFE hopes to achieve.


What I'm asking for is that the game be designed with STORY as it's primary purpose. When combat is easy to the point that it creates no tension, then there is no drama. Without drama the STORY BECOMES FLAT AND BORING which makes the entire experience flat and boring. Can you imagine Luke Skywalker in the trench run of the Death Star being at all epic if there was not even a flicker of a chance for failure? Besides I'm never going to learn my class if every enemy dies before I even have a chance to target them.

Edited by smurftube
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I barely logged in at all for the last two months and the main reason for that is the new XP gain.

With my playstyle, It completely throws me off balance. I still like to do all of the sidequests and I still can, but I also enjoy growing more powerful along ALL of the way by levelling up and steadily upgrading my gear and gaining new abilities which provide me with something to look forward to. I also PvP on the side and would like to have enough WZ comms to buy me a full set of PvP gear once I achieve max level.

As it stands now, one or more of the things I enjoy will suffer from this insane XP gain.


Would it really be so hard to update the white accute module to put the XP gain back to the old level for all of us players who enjoy the journey?

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