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Get TEAMS OUT of Unranked


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I agree, the answer is match making, premades should only be able to que up against premades, this can work once(if) they put in cross server pvp. But atm, premades are rare enough that they're only on one side and dominate enough that there's just about zero chance against them, making it pointless and dumb.


If you are a person that values good pvp you should be against allowing premades in the current form, that way more "good" players will play ranked making both regular and ranked pvp more competitive and fun.

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I agree, the answer is match making, premades should only be able to que up against premades, this can work once(if) they put in cross server pvp. But atm, premades are rare enough that they're only on one side and dominate enough that there's just about zero chance against them, making it pointless and dumb.


If you are a person that values good pvp you should be against allowing premades in the current form, that way more "good" players will play ranked making both regular and ranked pvp more competitive and fun.


It all comes down to population. If they would do something to make full use of the existing PVP population, match-making would even out and a lot of these issues would be resolved. If they would just make PVP cross-faction within the same server, it would help (although I guess not for premades, since you could only form those within your faction).

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I solo queue constantly. Do I think people who group up, or have min/max pvp gears in regs are a problem? No.


You know what the problem is? It's this epidemic of quitters that now populate the game. I have never seen so many, whining, crying, babyish players in a MMO, ever. I don't know if it's the modern generation, or just degeneration of people in general... Whatever it is, it's awful.


In the past, on all the different PVP mmos I been on, I always understood there are better players than me. I also would talk to those guys who demolished me, hoping they could give me tips and ideas on how to be better. That's what we used to do, players who got beat tried to figure out what THEY were doing wrong, so they could get better!


Now? The common player enters the WZ, dies fast, and after a few more deaths feels they cannot compete. They quit the match. They do not stay in it, to try to glean more experience by fighting against overwhelming odds... They don't fight through adversity which will improve their abilities over time... No.


Instead, as soon as it's a losing experience they quit the match and cry. They cry the teams are unfair. They cry the gears are unfair. They cry their team is awful (it's not themselves of course).


I am SICK of this attitude with these players we now have on the game. Just quit the game, uninstall and leave the entire game if you have to quit every match that you begin losing in, because you are a **** player that will never get better because you are a QUITTER.


Quitting and not trying to improve yourself leaves yourself in a pool of subpar mediocrity which you will drown in over time. Look within, instead of looking out for the problems. Sometimes you'll be surprised what you find.


Let me give you a counterpoint: You've played years, learned your class, use your entire toolkit, know what to do vs each spec, and still get slaughtered in a match.

This can happen because:

1) The team isn't focusing down the clearly marked, unbalanced horde of Healer Sorcs/Sages on the enemy team.

2) The clearly marked, unbalanced horde of healer sorcs/sages don't die regardless of your best attempts at killing them.

3) A majority of the other team is premade and are better players than your solo queue team

4) Your 4 dps vs their 2 dps tank and healer in an Arena


There is nothing YOU, as that player, can learn from these matches. You basically just accept that you lose despite your best efforts. Nothing you could have done would change the outcome.


Now, try to imagine this happens quite often lately. I'm genuinely tired of it all, so I'd rather give up in those scenarios and just make the match end quickly for the dailies and weeklies.


PS: It's not myself that needs improvement. I don't boast, but I know what I'm doing. Obviously there are a ton of people that don't know much and just whine and *****, but then there's the other end of the spectrum where someone's just tired of these matches.

Edited by CannotDeny
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I agree, running premades in regular warzones is pretty pathetic, mostly when you see full teams with tank+sorc heals+random dps..


Its quite annoying, really annoying.


I notice warzones tend to be a lot more fun when there is a minimal amount of sorc or powertech. So tired of facing off against 4+ of either of those classes. I always think, oh they have four sorc...its like fighting a miniboss or something. You dread facing it, Healers put ops and mercs to shame....their endless insta casts, barrier, phasewalk, and so on leave you never satisfied because they don't die.


Nothing beats having a face off against Gods while playing subpar classes such as operatives or mercs.

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Let me give you a counterpoint: You've played years, learned your class, use your entire toolkit, know what to do vs each spec, and still get slaughtered in a match.

This can happen because:

1) The team isn't focusing down the clearly marked, unbalanced horde of Healer Sorcs/Sages on the enemy team.

2) The clearly marked, unbalanced horde of healer sorcs/sages don't die regardless of your best attempts at killing them.

3) A majority of the other team is premade and are better players than your solo queue team

4) Your 4 dps vs their 2 dps tank and healer in an Arena


There is nothing YOU, as that player, can learn from these matches. You basically just accept that you lose despite your best efforts. Nothing you could have done would change the outcome.


Now, try to imagine this happens quite often lately. I'm genuinely tired of it all, so I'd rather give up in those scenarios and just make the match end quickly for the dailies and weeklies.


PS: It's not myself that needs improvement. I don't boast, but I know what I'm doing. Obviously there are a ton of people that don't know much and just whine and *****, but then there's the other end of the spectrum where someone's just tired of these matches.


Imbalanced teams, skewed skill levels, and incompetence will always happen with players queueing into a completely random match. I queued with a guildy this weekend on his healer and we kept getting 4 healers on our team. He swapped to his tank after finishing his daily and we got 0 healers. The game mode is about quick queues and gearing up, not so much being competitive.


And for every one competitive 4 man you remove from the queue, you also remove significantly more 2, 3, and 4 man groups of friends trying to play together for fun.

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And for every one competitive 4 man you remove from the queue, you also remove significantly more 2, 3, and 4 man groups of friends trying to play together for fun.


That is a good point. My IRL buddy and I queue as a duo pretty much every night, but it has nothing to do with seeking some advantage (we are both guardians). We just like playing together.

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My guess is that you play solo all/most of the time. PvP is so much more enjoyable when you are organized. Join a guild, group up, and go have fun! :)


People shouldn't be forced to group just to jump into a warzone and not get stomped. POT5 server died because of this and now they've all moved over to Shadowlands and have basically killed the casual unranked warzone matches.


SWTOR is probably the only mmo where they force solo players to go up against teams. Other games figured this out early on. Solo play is nothing like team play. Solo play is more like Quake on a Lan Free for All.


I hadn't pvp'd in awhile but returned to hit conquest goal and found the "Premade vs Pug" was more pronounced than ever.




Best way to avoid them do a who search for their guild name, if their guild name is in your warzone and not on your team best to just leave before the match starts

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That is a good point. My IRL buddy and I queue as a duo pretty much every night, but it has nothing to do with seeking some advantage (we are both guardians). We just like playing together.


That's great and all, but they should just force 4 mans specifically to **** of unranked.

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There is nothing YOU, as that player, can learn from these matches. You basically just accept that you lose despite your best efforts. Nothing you could have done would change the outcome.


No. Just no. If I am going to lose, I find ways to make the game itneresting for me as best I can, if i manage to get 1 kill, and the other team had 2-3 sorc healers it's an accomplishment for me and I feel rewarded.


I expect to lose it's part of playing a game... I do not quit matches because I might lose it. I also do not feel that I can only gain and learn from matches where I am winning.


I find small personal victories in a match and I really believe I might learn something new in every match even the terrible losses.


Yes, they are frustrating, and it sucks getting steamrolled. It really sucks. But, come on.


We are pitting pixels against pixels here and it doesn't require a lot to try to win the match, or at the very least simply don't give up or quit a match leaving the team with less players and yourself with no opportunity to learn.

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No. Just no. If I am going to lose, I find ways to make the game itneresting for me as best I can, if i manage to get 1 kill, and the other team had 2-3 sorc healers it's an accomplishment for me and I feel rewarded.


I expect to lose it's part of playing a game... I do not quit matches because I might lose it. I also do not feel that I can only gain and learn from matches where I am winning.


I find small personal victories in a match and I really believe I might learn something new in every match even the terrible losses.


Yes, they are frustrating, and it sucks getting steamrolled. It really sucks. But, come on.


We are pitting pixels against pixels here and it doesn't require a lot to try to win the match, or at the very least simply don't give up or quit a match leaving the team with less players and yourself with no opportunity to learn.


No, sorry. I've given my 100% multiple times and enough is enough. When I run across the same one-sided skewed matches in which one team has the Sorc Healers while we end up with none (Seriously, this happens so often it's ridiculous) I just sit at a node and get my 70 or so comms and daily.

It's insanity to keep trying the same thing over and over and expect something different. I don't play this game to get stressed anymore.

In a team effort, a single person can't make a difference. If that were the case then I would try harder for sure.

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No, sorry. I've given my 100% multiple times and enough is enough. When I run across the same one-sided skewed matches in which one team has the Sorc Healers while we end up with none (Seriously, this happens so often it's ridiculous) I just sit at a node and get my 70 or so comms and daily.

It's insanity to keep trying the same thing over and over and expect something different. I don't play this game to get stressed anymore.

In a team effort, a single person can't make a difference. If that were the case then I would try harder for sure.


The problem is, when the entire team has this attitude, then you are right there is no chance. If the team all tried and put forth maximum effort at least the match has a chance to be respectable.


I just see too many players that give up way too fast, go sit on a node and /dance and do stupid ****, chatting it up and it becomes clear to me they never entered the match wanting to win anyway. they wanted a win handed to them.

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Question: what is a premade? I can get 6x sorc + x2 sin tank and laugh my shebs off while I rotflolstomp the queue, yes, and that would be a premade. But what about 1 healer + 1 tank in a group, because I need practice tanking, and the healer needs practice sticking close to the tank, working together to prepare for team ranked?


Oh sure, I can certainly dominate, but hey, even if we didn't queue in a group, we'd stiill be on the same team because no-one else is quing at 3 AM server time on my faction.


Or how about when my guildie gets tired of no-one peeling for him and we manage to solo-hold a pylon in AHG against 6 people -- I being a VG mitigation tank, and he a slinger. Is that because we are a premade, or because we just have more skill then the 6 people attacking?


What about when my guildies, as I said, queue at 3 AM server time, not in a group but just together? We aren't even on a voice server. Are we a premae, or are we quality players who don't S-key and know there is this nifty thing called Focus Target?

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All I hear is a bunch of crying noobs who need to get gud or stop queing pvp altogether.. I personaly never solo que because if I did 90% of the time I am teamed up with complete and utter trash/*******/pve players. Best matches are always double premade vs double premade. How about you solo queing scrubs get out of unranked.


If only pvp players who had any sort of skill what so ever qued pvp I would give in and say fine, I'm cool with that but its just not the case.. When running a 7 man premade it never shocks me to see our 8th player running around in pve gear being completely and totally useless.

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2 ppl teaming up isnt premade and mostly ppl who practice for ranked dont do 8v8 as everything is remotely viable not in 4v4 . 2 thing are messing up with pvp atm m14x farmer or tons of premade (guild) running whats fotm atm so they can faceroll the 8v8 . Thats why the pvp is mostly dead and these day you see premade everywhere . ppl do leave when they see this because its a waste of time to even try if you pwn that premade they are sheety.. But like most premade have mumble or whatever the voice chat and team comp will rock out every non premade it would be fair if premade would face premade and there would be a real yolo queu option and cross server pvp like i said
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2 ppl teaming up isnt premade and mostly ppl who practice for ranked dont do 8v8 as everything is remotely viable not in 4v4 . 2 thing are messing up with pvp atm m14x farmer or tons of premade (guild) running whats fotm atm so they can faceroll the 8v8 . Thats why the pvp is mostly dead and these day you see premade everywhere . ppl do leave when they see this because its a waste of time to even try if you pwn that premade they are sheety.. But like most premade have mumble or whatever the voice chat and team comp will rock out every non premade it would be fair if premade would face premade and there would be a real yolo queu option and cross server pvp like i said


Frelling line-breaks, buddy!


Blah, blah, solo blah blah, even pugs can take on premades and win. Did that several times when good people are in queue.


Not to sound like a raging, intolerant elitist, I think there needs to be some system isolating the yobos from the yolo q. Then premades won't be a big deal.

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The problem is, when the entire team has this attitude, then you are right there is no chance. If the team all tried and put forth maximum effort at least the match has a chance to be respectable.


I just see too many players that give up way too fast, go sit on a node and /dance and do stupid ****, chatting it up and it becomes clear to me they never entered the match wanting to win anyway. they wanted a win handed to them.


Understandable, but the players react that way due to a cause. No doubt a lot more people expect "The easy mode", but PvP was never about that. Unfortunately with the retarded amount of Sorcs and Sages you see, it gets very frustrating no matter what. Wins feel like you gave your all and you're so burnt out, then next match you have to do the same simply because the enemy is playing a stupid overperforming class. It has nothing to do with skill vs skill.


God I hate Sorcs and Sages, I will spit in their faces once they get nerfed. Maybe 2 years from now but I'll still hold resentment.

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I am SICK of this attitude with these players we now have on the game. Just quit the game, uninstall and leave the entire game if you have to quit every match that you begin losing in, because you are a **** player that will never get better because you are a QUITTER.


dude, chillax :) i think you're the one who should uninstall, because you're taking it way to seriously.


Tell me though, what would be the point of staying and getting farmed, when you can see that your teammates drop like flies and you can't make a dent on one of 2 healers with a tank, whille getting killed in 3 seconds through all you dcds? Just what?


There were many times that I had top damage, top protection, top heals (on a guardian) and most damage taken, then 5 people from enemy team, then the rest of my team. Does that prove anything to anybody? Does it mean anything? We would still lose terribly and all that effort is lost on nothing.


Besides all gameplay in lopsided matches is just you respawn, run to the fight, get whitebarred and killed - respawn - that's it. My life does not depend on it, and I play to have fun, not for premades to farm me.

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dude, chillax :) i think you're the one who should uninstall, because you're taking it way to seriously.


Tell me though, what would be the point of staying and getting farmed, when you can see that your teammates drop like flies and you can't make a dent on one of 2 healers with a tank, whille getting killed in 3 seconds through all you dcds? Just what?


There were many times that I had top damage, top protection, top heals (on a guardian) and most damage taken, then 5 people from enemy team, then the rest of my team. Does that prove anything to anybody? Does it mean anything? We would still lose terribly and all that effort is lost on nothing.


Besides all gameplay in lopsided matches is just you respawn, run to the fight, get whitebarred and killed - respawn - that's it. My life does not depend on it, and I play to have fun, not for premades to farm me.


See, and that's fine if you feel that way. if you feel that you need to quit a match because it's a waste of your time, feel free to leave as you do, whenever you want.


My choice is to resent players who leave every match early because they think they can't win it. That's my choice.


IMO quitters are wasting other people's time by leaving every match that seems to be a challenge because all that does is liken the chance the team will lose.


They should penalize quitters and that would eliminate some of it.

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I solo queue constantly. Do I think people who group up, or have min/max pvp gears in regs are a problem? No.


You know what the problem is? It's this epidemic of quitters that now populate the game. I have never seen so many, whining, crying, babyish players in a MMO, ever. I don't know if it's the modern generation, or just degeneration of people in general... Whatever it is, it's awful.


In the past, on all the different PVP mmos I been on, I always understood there are better players than me. I also would talk to those guys who demolished me, hoping they could give me tips and ideas on how to be better. That's what we used to do, players who got beat tried to figure out what THEY were doing wrong, so they could get better!


Now? The common player enters the WZ, dies fast, and after a few more deaths feels they cannot compete. They quit the match. They do not stay in it, to try to glean more experience by fighting against overwhelming odds... They don't fight through adversity which will improve their abilities over time... No.


Instead, as soon as it's a losing experience they quit the match and cry. They cry the teams are unfair. They cry the gears are unfair. They cry their team is awful (it's not themselves of course).


I am SICK of this attitude with these players we now have on the game. Just quit the game, uninstall and leave the entire game if you have to quit every match that you begin losing in, because you are a **** player that will never get better because you are a QUITTER.


Quitting and not trying to improve yourself leaves yourself in a pool of subpar mediocrity which you will drown in over time. Look within, instead of looking out for the problems. Sometimes you'll be surprised what you find.

I dunno, the five conceal op stealth gank squad I faced yesterday four times in a row wasn't much fun....only thing I learned from that was don't que up for that day. Why spawn just to feed their egos and pad their stats?

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Nobody mentioned PVE premades of full 216-220 conquest heroes who all go to the home node and stay there for entire match. Imho these premades are truly what ruins regs, not the proper ones.


Queuing as 4 ppl is the best way to eliminate 3 out of 7 possibilities of getting an afker, M1-4X hero or a simple terribad. And why does everyone assumes that all premades are queueing with trinity comp? Half the time it s 4 DPS with 3 of them being mercs. Also, not every premade consists of 4 ppl of the same guild and when you see a bunch of same 78k window-lickers, or several players known to be good on your team in several warzones you quickly realize that they are also a premade. Once you get to know your server's PVP population you should find out that there are alot of 2-3 man groups of various skill levels who also always queue together. Some of them mean an insta-loss, some are almost a guaranteed win.


What is truly ruining the game is lack of awareness regarding bolster mechanics, ezmode PVE which does not prepare ppl for actually challenging PVP meta, balance issues and class stacking.


Being in a premade is simply the easiest way to make sure that at least half of your team will not be a pure aids..

Edited by wmst
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I'd like to say the opposite. Get solos out of unranked TEAM play.

In case you didn't notice the bold underline of the word "team," then please note below:






Also, ranked warzones would be nice.


If they gave us comms outside of warzones I would hardly ever enter another warzone. But, since they don't I'll continue my solo death match play in every warzone I play. Hehe, been playing them this way since I got bored with the monotony about couple months or so after release.

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What is truly ruining the game is lack of awareness regarding bolster mechanics,

No, it's the fact that how bolster works is not mentioned anywhere... Expecting players to come to the forums, then grind for a set of PvE gear to PvP in, is stupid at best.


ezmode PVE which does not prepare ppl for actually challenging PVP meta,

Even if PvE were hard it would not matter. PvP and PvE are two totally different game types. People who spew this misunderstand hard and different. Playing other people does not make the game hard. There are plenty of people I can mop the floor with....


balance issues and class stacking.

Both are problems, and both will never be fixed...

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I'd like to say the opposite. Get solos out of unranked TEAM play.

In case you didn't notice the bold underline of the word "team," then please note below:






Also, ranked warzones would be nice.


Have to agree they should disable the que unless grouped why because most solo players don't know how to play as a team. There to busy winning on dps charts then going i am winning at dps only to find out they did 200k in a 1.9mil fight. I also would like to see a I.Q test to hit the PVP button. LOLOLOLOLL

Edited by Neoforcer
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I also would like to see a I.Q test to hit the PVP button.


Also need a social ability test, on how to read a chat, write in a chat, be positive even when behind, stick to a reference point when calling incs (minimap OR respawn pov) and so on.


IQ tests + social tests + necessity to be a full party, and pvp will be better, that's for sure, the obviousness.

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