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10 Good
  1. stupid game and a stupid dev team they wont even care if pt can crit for that much or if htf in matter of sec all they care about is the friggin cm and the new story even if the 2 stated classes are broken as heck im sick of this game and aint coming back till they fix something .. prob wont happen but been sub since launch and cant stand those morons
  2. 2 ppl teaming up isnt premade and mostly ppl who practice for ranked dont do 8v8 as everything is remotely viable not in 4v4 . 2 thing are messing up with pvp atm m14x farmer or tons of premade (guild) running whats fotm atm so they can faceroll the 8v8 . Thats why the pvp is mostly dead and these day you see premade everywhere . ppl do leave when they see this because its a waste of time to even try if you pwn that premade they are sheety.. But like most premade have mumble or whatever the voice chat and team comp will rock out every non premade it would be fair if premade would face premade and there would be a real yolo queu option and cross server pvp like i said
  3. Simple cross server pvp would solve this *excuse my poor english* just make it so there would be an option to do team or premade pvp pretty much like ranked but with cross server so there would be no waiting time same for fp and ops
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