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Has anyone found any "sense" in using a non-Force character in Kotfe?


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Well, the story feels off if you aren't a Jedi Knight anyway.


At the very least, playing an Inquisitor or Consular leads to a very silly silly moment in Chapter 8 where



Your ranged caster mostly fights Arcann in a melee and even charges right back at him once some distance is re-established, or forgets to ignite the other half of their saberstaff if they are a Shadow/Assassin.



Though, I suppose Commandos might have it worse since every time the action cutscenes roll around, they apparently decide they are so awesome that the need to handicap themselves by strapping an assault cannon almost as big as they are to their back and shooting at people with their dinky little Plot Pistol instead :p

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Personally, I always thought that the KotFE story line better fit the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior than the other classes. After all, those are the two classes that have the most interaction with him, the Knight by being a constant thorn in the Emperor's side, and the Warrior being "the Emperor's Wrath." The Jedi Consular *might* be another good candidate, having dealt the most with the "Emperor's Children," but the Sith Inquisitor doesn't even have a story with the Emperor (at least, not until Shadow of Revan). And I just can't see the non-Force users even registering on the Emperor's radar (that said, I haven't played through either Shadow or Rise of the Emperor yet).
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Though, I suppose Commandos might have it worse since every time the action cutscenes roll around, they apparently decide they are so awesome that the need to handicap themselves by strapping an assault cannon almost as big as they are to their back and shooting at people with their dinky little Plot Pistol instead :p

But that happens in *every* trooper and IA cutscene in the game, from the moment you get a blaster rifle as a humble no-AC trooper/agent. It's just a bit worse when you're a Commando. (And there's the broken animation in one cutscene on Ord Mantell, where you are going around with the HBG on your back, and your empty arms in a holding-a-rifle pose, because the animations were scripted before it was trivially simple to be a Commando at that point in the story.)

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I actually find more sense in using non-Force characters.

There is no way the force using ones can be so pathetic and weak in cutscenes, after the class story and the other planets after that. Especially when refusing Vitiate's help.


I really hope this turns out to be because of the Carbonite poisoning and in later cutscenes they won't so pathetic.

Edited by Kaedusz
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The Jedi Knight I can see, but the Sith Warrior only really speaks with the Emperor once during their class story, so I never really felt there was any particular connection there. Even the class-specific dialogue they get from the Emperor during Shadow of Revan and The Rise of the Emperor content struck me as more mocking of that relationship than anything else.


As for the Inquisitor...technically putting up with Force Ghosts that may not have their best interests at heart in exchange for power is old hat to them by KOTFE, but if their history or the unique benefits they enjoy from that compared to the other player characters has ever been brought up since their class story ended, I haven't seen it. =/


The Rise of the Emperor story does provide pretty decent justification for all classes to not only be on the Emperor's radar, but be fawned over by the time KOTFE rolls around.



The storyline on Ziost has your character contend with him when he's in full "possess armies and strip planets bare of life" mode, and you do a good enough job of that he flat out says that his life is so much more interesting with you in it that he doesn't even really want to kill you anymore until after he's done eating the galaxy.



But that happens in *every* trooper and IA cutscene in the game, from the moment you get a blaster rifle as a humble no-AC trooper/agent. It's just a bit worse when you're a Commando. (And there's the broken animation in one cutscene on Ord Mantell, where you are going around with the HBG on your back, and your empty arms in a holding-a-rifle pose, because the animations were scripted before it was trivially simple to be a Commando at that point in the story.)


Oh, I know! And it can be a bit silly when a rifle-using class does it, but I just find it especially ridiculous looking when the Commando decides to holster a 50-pound assault cannon back across their back. Bonus points if it happens in the middle of a fight so they holster, draw their pistol, and then draw the assault cannon again because the gameplay started up again. Especially if the cutscene as them get knocked back for fall. Then it looks like they were dragged down by the weight of that thing as much as the force that struck them. XD

Edited by CaptainCaim
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I felt my gunslinger was right at home. Fighting the odds, relying on skill and luck. And being a natural leader (crime boss rp ) being the outlander suited him. On the other hand. My all powerful SI seems lacking. Being tossed around like an acolyte by literally everyone and their mother. Seemed dumb.
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I've done this on an insta-60 sorc (who I disappointed by clicking on the wrong button in the conversation in the bar in chapter 9, so now he doesn't get to get horizontal with Lana, boo!), a fully-developed from-1 65 Gunnery F!Commando, an insta-60 gunnery M!Commando (easiest way for me to get a bloke into KotFE quickly), and my from-1 F!Slinger (currently about to go hunt parts with Koth having been seduced by the Lana/pool scene).


Of all those, I found that while the animations for Lightning Sorc are dramatic (lightning ftw!), with a raw/harsh sounding HBG, it's difficult to beat the impression of power given by the animation for Boltstorm.

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I actually doubt that there is such a thing as a non force user class in the game at all.


Force Sensitive.......you have accass to the force and can use it to a basic extend.............I feel this is very much reflected in the "heroic moment" type abilites.


To me this is what seperates my "non" force user from the others....it WHY I am the hero, why I am the protagonist in the story.......I am different, I am force sensitive.......but not a force USER as in trained in jedi/sith technoques.......but to me Things like the heroic moment ability ( different name on different class) IS being ba force sensitive and thus a force user.

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To me this is what seperates my "non" force user from the others....it WHY I am the hero, why I am the protagonist in the story.......I am different, I am force sensitive.......but not a force USER as in trained in jedi/sith technoques.......but to me Things like the heroic moment ability ( different name on different class) IS being ba force sensitive and thus a force user.

Perhaps more to the point, on a finished Heroic Moment skillbar, there are four force-using abilities. It's fun taking a break from Bubblebeaming my enemies to dose them with a bit of lightning...

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"You cannot wield the Force, yet you triumph over powers far greater"


From Valkorion in Chapter 2 to the non-Jedi or Sith classes. And that's without going into how someone like the Imperial Agent wouldn't have been shipped off to Korriban if they were indeed Force Sensitive.


While you can ignore all that and have your Troopers, Agents, Smugglers, and Bounty Hunters be Force Sensitives who just aren't trained in your head-cannon, it definitely seems a bit much to assert that it's impossible that any of them might just be skilled and well equipped enough to triumph without the Force in any way.


The Heroic Moment and its skills are more of a gameplay mechanic than anything else.

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"You cannot wield the Force, yet you triumph over powers far greater"


From Valkorion in Chapter 2 to the non-Jedi or Sith classes. And that's without going into how someone like the Imperial Agent wouldn't have been shipped off to Korriban if they were indeed Force Sensitive.


While you can ignore all that and have your Troopers, Agents, Smugglers, and Bounty Hunters be Force Sensitives who just aren't trained in your head-cannon, it definitely seems a bit much to assert that it's impossible that any of them might just be skilled and well equipped enough to triumph without the Force in any way.


The Heroic Moment and its skills are more of a gameplay mechanic than anything else.


He did say we can not wield the force you know there was a jedi who could not do the same only in very sparse situation? And no he was not cut from the force but either way now that you have entity in you that can use force who knows it might give you that ability later like a mutation just saying.

Edited by adormitul
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I actually doubt that there is such a thing as a non force user class in the game at all.


Force Sensitive.......you have accass to the force and can use it to a basic extend.............I feel this is very much reflected in the "heroic moment" type abilites.


To me this is what seperates my "non" force user from the others....it WHY I am the hero, why I am the protagonist in the story.......I am different, I am force sensitive.......but not a force USER as in trained in jedi/sith technoques.......but to me Things like the heroic moment ability ( different name on different class) IS being ba force sensitive and thus a force user.


The game didn't start with Heroic Abilities.

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"You cannot wield the Force, yet you triumph over powers far greater"


From Valkorion in Chapter 2 to the non-Jedi or Sith classes. And that's without going into how someone like the Imperial Agent wouldn't have been shipped off to Korriban if they were indeed Force Sensitive.


They would have been shipped off to Korriban. That's the whole reason Temple was in the Chiss Military hiding away from the Empire. You have force abilities, you go to Korriban.

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Gah, that "wouldn't" was a typo. It should have been "would've".


But yes, I'm pretty hard-pressed to think of any way the Imperial Agent could possibly avoid being shipped off to Korriban if they had any Force Sensitivity. And also what was said about the Heroic Moment legacy abilities only being added in later.

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I'm playing my agent and it just feels...weird...

Felt cool on my JC, SW and SI



Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say that it does not make sense. But it is true that it is odd at times.


The rest of the post contains SPOILERS for Knights of the Fallen Empire.


It starts with Darth Marr right in the beginning. A non-force user has to ask "what the blazes are we doing here". Force users feel the emperor's presence. It isn't entirely clear what Darth Marr wants of the player character if they aren't force users because the entire issue is really a strongly force related one.


Another moment where it is really odd is where the Gravestone is lifted out of the swamp. If the player character is a Force user then Senya, Lana and the player character lift the Gravestone out of the swamp together, using the Force. If the player character is not a Force user he just "gives them cover", turns his/her back on the other two and the Gravestone and stares into the swamp.


I believe that Knights of the Fallen Empire has the general problem of letting the player character feel they were merely bystanders and a figurehead for the Alliance, whereas Lana is the real protagonist. If you're not a Force user the problem is further emphasized, often you're just another guy/gal who tags along as well.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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