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Recieved a mail "Share Your Opinions About Star Wars: The Old Republic"


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Folks, today I got a mail asking my feedback about the game.


to "Help shape the galaxy."


Well, I do appreciate what you are doing folks. Talking to the developers, or the people behind that, but just 400 words to give you feedback is quite bad in my opinion. I had around 5000 words to say, but well. I was reduced to just four-hundredth-words. Please do note that I fully understand that they state in the email: "Please take this short survey" I fully acknowledge that.


It asks this:

1) How likely you will recommend the game to a friend 1 - 10

1.5) Feedback [400 words limit]

2) Your age

3) Sex


That's not a way personally to give you very good feedback and help shape anything about the size of this video-game. It's not like I am telling you how to do your job. I know that everything you do has a purpose and you are the ones with the experience, but... please, if you read this post. Which I really doubt. Let us express better and raise that count to maybe 10,000 words. That would be my suggestion and opinion in this matter. It quite surprised me what you did right there. It feels weird. Then, I see in the mail with huge words "YOUR OPINION COUNTS." Well, I personally don't feel that way after that 400 words limit.


Anyways, just my opinion. I hope this helps to any fella that is going to do the survey and is not aware of that. If you want to give any feedback. Try your best shot at 400 words limit. Quite impressive.


I know many of you will not care and will say. Oh maii. What a drama, but think about it. 400 words really let you say what you really want to say? In the end I got this:



Survey Completed - Thank You


Thank you for taking our survey. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!



I really felt like a slap in the face. I don't know folks, but whatever. It's just an opinion, just another random customer :)


No drama intended haha, but I am super curious about what you think. I had heard that many players are young people, probably the most. I am curious since I know I will find a lot of young people in here and I want to know how the new generations think especially [13 - 17 PD: You don't have/need to tell your age]. Anyone else is more than welcome. Anyways, Is 400 words good for you? [Pointing the founder, 1, 2, 3 year old players] Are you happy with that? 400 words can help to shape anything about this huge video-game for real? What do you think? let me know in this post. I am curious about what people thinks regarding this in the community. It's interesting. So, to end this text wall I shall say. Have fun if you take the survey!


Happy Thanksgiving folks!

Cheer up :)

Edited by jamyz
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400 words is better. For a survey like that where they're going to be getting thousands of replies, it would be ridiculous to have everyone writing a massive essay.


Just break your thoughts down into bullet points. :)


I ended doing that, not that I had another option to resume 5000 words into 400 words anyways.

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Honestly, what did you need 5000 words for???


Flow of ideas mainly. To explain the why of my points of view [feedback]. You can do a bullet-point list, but it is always better to explain and flow those bullet-points into full detailed thoughts. Again, many people don't care about this, but I do. Finally, well. I understand and know that this is how it is, but it's the first time in a feedback that I actually get limited to 400 words. It just felt weird after support them for 2 years to just get 400 words. I wonder if they really care about what we say, or if they just did that to know the ages and sex of the actual people playing. It's how it is, and I totally get it. It's Ok. :)

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The email appeared in the inbox but when I clicked on it I was welcomed with:Our records show that you are already taking this survey. If that's not correct, please wait 15 minutes and refresh this page. Thank you.


ERROR: SE-06 Variable 'UID' with value '140914376169' already in progress for list='0'


And despite refreshing the page, still, received the error message...

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yeah had the same..how can you really tell them what you feel about the game in 400 words (thats about 3 sentances if that)...just seems they really don't want to actually know or are they to afraid to ask for serious reponses/views Edited by Avorniel
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I can't believe the entire servery is would you recommend the game to a friend. Why (but keep it short) age and gender.


Surely if you really want to work off feedback, as something about peoples experience and what they think is done well and what is done badly.

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yeah had the same..how can you really tell them what you feel about the game in 400 words (thats about 3 sentances if that)...just seems they really don't want to actually know or are they to afraid to ask for serious reponses/views


If 400 words is three sentences to you, you might need to work on not writing run on sentences. :p

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yeah had the same..how can you really tell them what you feel about the game in 400 words (thats about 3 sentances if that)...just seems they really don't want to actually know or are they to afraid to ask for serious reponses/views



That paragraph was 44 words... You could have written 10 times that amount and if you only wrote 3 sentences then it's only because you didn't use grammar....

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Two paragraphs, 800 words. Pared it down to acceptable levels.


Rated a 6 on the referral meter. Loss of a massive amount of orange gear, forcing the purchase of outfit slots, the continued emphasis on the CM along with the gutting of the packs, and the lack of anything to do at endgame other than grind influence all contributed to my rating.


The story content is still top notch up to Makeb and is still worth playing beyond that point at least once on both factions. That is why I rated it as high as a six.

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If 400 words is three sentences to you, you might need to work on not writing run on sentences. :p


The question is so open ended, 400 characters is not reasonable limit.


I had started with seven or eight sentences, not a whole lot, already concise, but I was two hundred characters off. By the time I pared it down to 400 characters, much of the flavor was lost. I wasn't ranting or just spewing words on paper, but even then, 400 was not enough.


I was thinking, as I finally got the verbiage down to 400, how useless it would be to the survey recipients, a waste of time.


EDIT: Was going to rate it a 6, but ended up on 7. Talked mostly about the emphasis on maximizing profits to the detrement of the gameplay as reasons for not recommending to others. That, and button bloat.

Edited by CosmicCleric
Added rating number and reason.
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I got the email but when I opened it, it was just an unintelligible mess of code. for some reason my pc wont decrypt email from EA. This is not the first time this has happened to email from EA. Oh well, probably for the best.


Its basically a web page, so maybe you have JavaScript turned off in your email program, or an older email program that doesn't handle HTML well?

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Some people write in more details than others. It's simple. :p



Yes, but that doesn't make it useful.


You can spend 5000 words saying what you could say in a tweet and all you did was either waste 25 minutes of someone else's time having to read it, or 25 minutes of your own time writing something no ones going to read.

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That paragraph was 44 words... You could have written 10 times that amount and if you only wrote 3 sentences then it's only because you didn't use grammar....


Its amazing what people will get on other people's cases about.


Also, not sure by how you replied, but its characters, and not words, that was the 400 limit. 400 characters is a few sentences in total.

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Its amazing what people will get on other people's cases about.


Also, not sure by how you replied, but its characters, and not words, that was the 400 limit. 400 characters is a few sentences in total.



The first post says 400 word limit.


All I know is what I've read, if it's characters, then it should have said characters.

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The email appeared in the inbox but when I clicked on it I was welcomed with:Our records show that you are already taking this survey. If that's not correct, please wait 15 minutes and refresh this page. Thank you.


ERROR: SE-06 Variable 'UID' with value '140914376169' already in progress for list='0'


And despite refreshing the page, still, received the error message...


Try clearing your cache and cookies. I've taken many surveys and sometimes the cookies end up overlapping if it's a similar survey site and they'll give a false "You've already taken this survey" message.

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