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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 50. My view of the current state of the game (wordy)


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I agree and disagree with a lot of what your saying.


1. BUGS: I have played just about every major mmo release since I got PSO on my dreamcast years ago. If you think this game is bug riddled you would of sliced your hands off to stop trying to log into Anarchy Online or Asheron's Call 2. There are a few serious bugs, like HP not updating in warzones or one of the JK's companions being mute on the ship. But overall most of the problems don't affect your ability to play the gam. There has been no emergency downtime due to EXPLOITing bugs, nor has the server crashed yet. Overall this has been a very impressive release IMO.


2. PVP. Yes queuing at lvl 50 with lvl 10's is annoying, especially since it seems like I get - to my stats while in there. I heal about half as well as I do outside of the warzone in it. However if they weren't queuing all atm then the warzones would not spawn nearly as fast. I am expecting them to put in some brackets and the ability to choose which WF you want to join instead of just queuing all at some point in the future. The CC is pretty silly, there is supposed to be some kind of diminishing returns in place but hell if I can tell how it works, especially after getting stunned/knocked down repetitively till death. As far as Ilum goes I am not sure if there are any rewards atm outside of the daily and weekkly quests. I have killed about 10 people out there, some of those guys multiple times and never got a point of anything. I am also assuming this is because they want to get a good system in place for merc points so that it does not get exploited by players with 2 accounts or buddies on oppisite sides.


3. SOLO GAME?: The only basis for this imo is the fact that they brought a lot of classic rpg elements into a mmo environment. Which to me just makes the game different, since there is not much of any content I am forced to do solo, and they even integrated group behavior into npc conversations, i feel I can safely say this does not feel like an offline game to me, at all.


I am not sure how many MMO's the OP has played but about the only mmo that did not feel unfinished to me at release was RIFT, but that game had some other problems, like hiring that ******* from warhammer to do character balancing/tweeking. I also disagree on the amount of unfinishedness he seems to attribute to the game. Other than the legacy system most of everything seems to be in place. Crazy buggy **** in warzones is not unfinished, just broken.

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I am sorry but I just can't sit back and not say anything.....


These threads no matter how informative and introspective and descriptive are just flat out useless.


The game is BRAND NEW......Even if you are saying that you aren't expecting perfection you are contradicting yourself in your post....You are complaining about the issues in the game.


Have you never played an MMO from launch???? How many mmos had major MAJOR issues from day one? Pretty much every single MMO....It is the nature of MMos and it is something that you and every other gamer will have to accept or just quit MMOs all together.


I understand that you are not trying to cry but I still cant help but scratch my head and wonder whether you have ever played an MMO.....I played WoW from day one and it had its ups and downs.....The biggest MMO ever and it definitely had some game braking issues.....Did Bliz fix them? Yes but it took time..... You need patience. I am not saying you should have to wait 2 years but I mean wow its been what a week or 2......


Bioware will make this right and if not then just move on.

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Regarding pvp, people need to realize (They've said this countless times) that level 50's will get their own bracket once there is a lot of them.


It would be incredibly stupid to have only a level 50 bracket right now because there isn't a lot of them on each server. You'd be sitting in queue for 5 hours.


Regarding your single player game comment, that's personal opinion. There is tons of incentives to make people group up, the instancing is required to tell a story. It wouldn't be very immersive if you go to fight some bad *** sith lord out in the middle where there is 20 people running by doing other quests.


The sharding system is being removed once the game settles down a bit so people aren't waiting on the 500 people who want to kill the gang leader on corruscant.


It's alright if you don't enjoy the game, but to be expecting it to be so much fun as you got level 50 in a week when everyone else is still leveling is silly. Go find the datacrons, do some world pvp, go to illum etc tons of content for release.


LFD system is not needed. If it's ever implemented, it should be only server wide.



Also the only thing I agree with you on is the ability delay lag. It only happens to me in PVP but that should be top priority to fix in my opinion.



I heal about half as well as I do outside of the warzone in it.


You are aware there is a 30% healing penalty when in pvp combat right?

Edited by KhealThar
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Gratefully i have a job, so I can only play SWTOR about 4-5 hours per day, i´m currently level 32 and i´ve been playing wow since 2006.


I do the maths... if you´re level 50 since 5 days, you leveled up on a rush. I really am not interested in doing that. I agree with u, the game has issues that need to be solved. But i think you´re playing SWTOR from the WOW point of view...


I strongly advice you to play SWTOR from the SWKOTOR point of view, and see where it meets WOW. SWTOR is NOT World of Warcraft, and i think it has no interest in going that way.

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is it just me that feels like this game has no replay value since there's only 1 planet per lvl bracket? First character is fun but why would I make a second one? I don't feel like doing all the same boring side-quest only to see a new story thats probably doesnt even represent 10% of my quests. WoW usually had atleast 2 zones per lvl brackets.



there seems to be a lot of open space on the map, I tend to think a lot more will be added over time.

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omg another i hit 50 thread and bored.

who asked you to run ahead of the crowd and now complain its boring.

i bet all those "i am annoyed and quit " threads in other now popular mmorpg regret it.

most of wow first to hit 50s at launch said or did quit and came back .

i remember a guy we guilded in wow said he was 50 in first week and quit and came back 1 year later and thought we must treat him special because he did not sleep for a week at launch and came back after 1 year.

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I agree, the game does play like a single player game, which is an amazing feat. For years folk like me have not taken mmos seriously because they don't resemble any traditional rpgs created in over 20 years. My experience in Skyrim/Neverwinter Nights should feel like my experience in an MMO, except, there should be many other live people around instead of npcs.


I get this from star wars, to a point. There are always tons of people on our servers in our zones. (they should have put a limit not just on server, but on sides on a server as the republic is very overwhelmed everywhere. ) I can always find someone to do a flashpoint or heroic with in the area, even as my trooper.


I do agree with you that the game is flawed. It's designed so that at some point you can do alt characters with its legacy system. It is also designed so that you can appreciate the story. I don't watch movies more than once, i don't read a book but once. So why would I want to go through the same sidequests more than once. There needs to be at least twice as many planets.


In Rift, there are 2 or 3 zones I have never gone in. Honestly, if Rift had an interesting story, I'd be eager to do these zones or make an alt for them.

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Very well written and polite OP. However, it sounds like you just described WoW after it's initial release (minus the zones on rails... WoW didn't have that issue imo).


Nearly every MMO I've played (and I've been playing since EQ), has suffered a poor release. Most of the time there are AWFUL bugs, little endgame content, extremely unbalanced classes, and just a general beta feeling.


Sadly, many players were introduced to MMO's by WoW and started playing WoW long after it's initial release. Thus they assume all MMO's should be as polished and as content rich as WoW is now.


It shocks me how pissy people are getting over TOR's problems, because nearly ALL of it's problems are basically expected of an MMO at release.


100% agree and this is it right there.

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I think its funny that people power leveled to 50 and then started to qq about end game content/pvp content for a game that has officially been out for 7 days..


I played Beta and I played early game access... I mean it took me the whole of 5 days to find my first char that I even like I have 3 chars that are all lvl 20+ and I have finally narrowed it down to two different chars that I really enjoy playing.. But for those people who "beat" the game in 7 days I know you didn't read the story-line that well.. I know you didn't take your time to talk to your companions or do flashpoints or heroics..


As for the game feeling like a solo game, i do not agree at all.. I played WoW for a long time and SWTOR is a lot better than WoW, in the fact that it actually gives you something to level towards and the missions feel like something a real hero of the Sith or Republic would actually do... Not only that but people seem to for get that the only time you really need a party in WoW is to raid/instance or get power leveled or ran somewhere... In SWTOR you need a party for the same reasons but you do not waste your time running around as much as you did in wow..


So in short you decided to power level your char to 50 and now you qq... Good job...

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Sorry can't relate to anything said by these people that rush the game. Your words are pointless in my opinion, we're simply very different kinds of players.


Noone can go to 50 that fast without playing the game "on rails".


And what about people like me, who have been playing for 2-weeks now, and just hit 36, who also see a lot of the issues of the original poster?


It's so easy to use the boilerplate answer that people shouldn't rush to 50 as a means of discounting his statements, yet I see the same issues.


There are rarely enough people around to do the Heroic 4-mans at level, I have to use my companion and be very creative to do most of the 2-mans. The fact that talents which are supposed to grant 100% success effects don't work, or having mid-level abilities which cannot be used on Elites or in PVP (Head Shot and Cheap Shot) that share the same cool down but are pretty much useless anyhow (and yeah I get the fact that Head Shot is from range, and Cheap Shot is melee distance, they both suck and are only useful 33% of the time).


It doesn't take a level 50 player to see the ability lag either, and I play on a rig which is overkill for this game, and sit at 23ms latency. Rushing through the game doesn't change the fact that there are chain stuns which for some reason ignore Resolve, try playing Huttball against a team of Inquistors/Sages all spamming their snare/stuns/knockbacks.


Enough of the "you rushed so you don't have a say" argument, the OP is complaining about **** that is broken throughout the game; he's not sitting there asking what to do now, he's asking that they fix the **** that affects you as you level and continue at level-cap.

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Why is this an unreasonable expectation?


Blizzard set the bar with WoW, so if other companies aren't meeting the bar, why should people stoop down to poorly thought out games and unfinished products which ask for $15 a month?


It doesn't matter that the game just came out, they are trying to pull subscribers from WoW therefore they need to offer similar quality from the get go. If they aren't able to provide that then they should have stuck to single player games.




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Having played "the king of the bugs sw galaxies" , believe me they are nothing. I 'm enjoying the game so far . Keep in mind that when you powerplay , skip planets, locations and quests and rush to level cap, you cant enjoy any game at all. Cliche but true , give it a couple of months and all will be better I'm sure. And BTW there is no game that satisfies everyone's expectations %100
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Okay, so the common argument is that it's a single player and that its quests are all linked down a single path and we have to go this area after doing quests in this one, and that they all run smoothly together in an awesome story of twists and turns and that this.. is.. bad? for a MMORPG?


Okay, okay hold on... Time out!


MMORPG's are a social experience. So why do they sometimes seem to work so hard to punish you for playing with other players when trying to quest? If I’m out hunting and another player walks by, shouldn’t I welcome his help, rather than worrying that he’s going to steal my kills or consume all the exp because he’s fifteen levels above me? And that there isn’t anything I can do because my giant assault cannon couldn’t even scrape this guy, so I’m suck without EXP and dislike for that person?


Doesn't World of Warcraft as the common comparison push us down a line of quests, take Elwynn forest for example.. Why exact are we collecting candles of the helmets of kobolds again? killing someone's prized pig... and what's this!? I'm in westfall all of a sudden.. because i was following quests.. down a linear path!


So, If i am reading this correctly, You all prefer the broken separate random small story lines in comparison to a bigger picture where you're playing an actual role, because this is a role-playing game.. on a Massive scale, But wait there's more if you're going to argue low level content.


World of Warcraft's Cataclysm, Hey folks to begin questing we're going to send you a mail that throws you into Vashj'ir's story line if you like it or not because we aren't going to tell you about Mount Hyjal's possibilities?¿? no hints no clues, it's a hidden option?


Okay, so to conclude all this based of what you say, You prefer randomised small non linking quests that have no relation to any sense of rich story line, we can not immerse ourselves into our characters because we are punished for playing with others, so we all go play by ourselves and find an area on our own in an MMORPG anyway? isn't this just Biowares method of remedying this?


On the other hand we have these rich linking area's Taris for example has a theme, a deep lore involving the locals (withheld to avoid spoilers) and all the quests are linked, well spoken and in general are fun to listen too, Then the multiplayer takes it one step further by twisting your dialog another direction.


I guess i just don't get why you are arguing about it being a single player, because world of warcraft and in fact all MMORPG's up till now Punish us for playing with others, If its a high level ruining our quest mobs or someone kill stealing us with statements of "Should of tagged it noob" unless its designed specifically, To be done as a group.


I think SWTOR has said sod it to the grief and offered us immersion because they realise we will only play by ourselves when we quest in a MMORPG anyway, so why should they not appeal to our story hungry sides and keep grief and the things we hate about MMORPG's away, instead of offering us candle collecting quests? And if you want to bring a friend along you can! each quest offering interesting twists and turns!

Edited by ShibbiTheSheep
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Having reached level 50 5 days back and having a chance to do pvp, finish my class questline completely and run some flashpoints, I feel somewhat dissapointed overall. Now im not a cry baby troll looking for sympathy as I rage irrational expectations to the masses and declare "Im quitting" after investing a lot of time and 60 bucks into the game. The BIGGEST problems I feel this game has is as follows:


1. It really feels like a single player game with multiplayer functionality. (the diablo series is a good example of what I mean.) Every server is overpopped with empire and underpopped with republic. I rolled republic and its astounding how few of us there actually are. Another thing that contributes to this feeling is the constant storyzones and instances. Now dont get me wrong, I think bioware did a fantastic job with the story and the immersion of your character aspect. Unfortunately much of this is lost when you see how railed the zones and planets are. Everything feels like a straight line.


2. So many bugs. Now I am not naive enough and unrealistically demanding enough to expect a bug free MMO launch. Far from it. The problem here is many of the bugs are debilitating to the entire game and are broken/flawed core game mechanics. Examples: Ability delay (and at times they dont even go off at all), Raid Frames not updating properly and showing actual health (feel so bad for you healers), the absolute dependency on your companion for survival in everything outside of raids and pvp. The chat window becoming active if you click on it or near it on accident. The extremely buggy UI (again see the raid frames) and the fact that you cannot move it, customize it or change it in any way. The CC bar that displays that you cant be ccd for a short time seems to never work right. Im getting ccd when its full all the time. Abilities canceling themselves in mid attack because you happened to dodge or parry an attack. The guild window never updating. The list goes on and on. I have to reload the UI at least ten or more times per play session. These bugs were present in beta for a long time and were not ever addressed and dont even get me started on the fact that all my romantic storyline options with Kira Carsen are bugged. I have max affection rating with her and have had no dialogue with her at all. Constant settings getting changed back to defaults each time you zone. Confirmed bugs back in beta.


3. Features that the game should have but doesnt. A good example is the ability to /roll or the fact that you have to constantly run to your airlock and cant use your mount in the shipyard every time you want to leave a planet. The fact that when you queue for a WZ as a group and when the warzone ends you are no longer in a group. The inability to queue for the WZ that you wish to queue for. No mailbox on your ship. No dual spec feature and an extremely high cost to respec. The inability to search/filter properly on the AH.


4. PVP feels incredibly out of whack. I thought there was too much CC in WoW and then I played SWTOR. You move at less than 60% speed 90% of the WZ. The lack of brackets for pvp combat. The broken RNG system of getting pvp gear... why make getting pvp gear so RNG based? Feels like arch in WoW all over again. Of course I know the classes need to be balanced and that it takes time, I realize that and accept that. But how in the hell do you balance a game where level 50s are put on the same team as a level 10? No real rewards for world pvp at all. Even Ilum. Have done it, you get practically nothing.


Overall the game has potential if bioware can make the necessary changes and make them quickly. Right now though as a whole, the game feels unfinished. I am not a QQr crying for everything to be like wow, nor am I a fanboi. But the excuse I hear the most from fanbois when any issues are brought up is "They are adding that soon." or "They are doing that but it wasnt ready for launch." The WHOLE game wasnt ready for launch imo with so many glaring problems with basic core functionality that any modern MMO needs to have.


In the end I stand by my previous statement. The game feels like a single player game with multiplayer functionality. It doesnt feel like an mmo to me. Im not rage quitting, Im going to give bioware and EA a chance to make things right, but Im not going to wait around forever for basic functionality features and bugs that have been present since the first beta phase to be repaired. Worst case Id quit and come back in a few months if things are different.


The game has a lot going for it... Descent PVE flashpoints, awesome crafting system and a great storyline with descent voice acting, but in the end of that is all it has Id rather play SW:KOTOR 1/2 or Mass Effect because those have even better and more immersive stories.


Flame if you will.


1) I dont feel its a single player game, since i always group with my friend, but maybe we feel differently because of that.


2) I agree with all these bugs, would be nice to have fixed.


3) Completely agree!


4) Agree. Also healing (im a healer!) is quite underpowered in PvP. I can hardly outheal 1 dps, no chance vs. 2 (and its normally 2vs2 or something like that, guess who they focus fire on -> the healer). So 2 dps vs 1 dps+1healer is sure win for the dps'ers.

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Why is this an unreasonable expectation?


Blizzard set the bar with WoW, so if other companies aren't meeting the bar, why should people stoop down to poorly thought out games and unfinished products which ask for $15 a month?


It doesn't matter that the game just came out, they are trying to pull subscribers from WoW therefore they need to offer similar quality from the get go. If they aren't able to provide that then they should have stuck to single player games.


couldnt have said it better myself, now a days we accept anything , why shouldnt developers/inventors/engineers be held responsible for there short commings?

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1 First off all if you think this is a singleplayer with a MMO functionality .


Then you are way off , infact this game is as much MMO as any other , just cause you reach 50 too fast , means too little 50 around to play with .

there lies the issue , imagine WoW not putting everybody in Stormwind Dalaran ETC .

Infact go to exodar and do a /who ... or as horde thunderbluff .


Logged in yesterday saw 260+ people in the imperial fleet , not trunked the list full numbers .

Well how much do you see in most MMO staging area ? if you use /who

Usually not more then 49-50 on the list .


Problem lies that people expect it to be like wow once you reach max level , it will be like wow in due time , but currently enough people have issue of being selfsufficient .

Gearing issues starts already in the level 30 , infact the learning curve in this game is quite high compared to other MMO .

The action cause of no autoattack is quite frantic infact too much action for a MMO .

Chatting while fighting example gets you killed if you fighting strong or elites .


Most of the issue you have OP is that you do see the core , but you cannot see the community .

And guess what this game is not on rails , cause i skipped 3 planets only went there to do class quests .. and skipped the tokens cause no good items from the vendor that , am 47 and doing the last chapter on corellia .


Imagine what my alt would do ? cause you only do the whole rail track for gear .

Imagine what my alt could skip cause of the gear my main provides making most planet plots redundant .


The issue is that this is too much like classic WoW with same issues .

UI bugs , Latency problems , GCD was introduced in WoW aside from players also to NPC .

Currently NPC have no GCD , AOE templates are still not scripted to avoid targeting .


This game is infact very very infant in a lot of department , but very very grand in others.

Replay value , what if I do things different does the outcome matter .

In most MMO there is no replay value , see cataclysme once you done the story .. sadly you have to do the same garbage again just for getting the tabard to rep grind in dungeons.

Atleast here you can do the same stuff and get epics to sell , or gear up on for your alt wit the tokens .


No you can whine a lot OP , but infact you forgot the main issue , you are one of the few that made it to 50 , and like all MMO it is boring when there isn´t many people around to play with .

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I agree that developers should finish a game before releasing it and charging players for a game that's clearly not ready for release. However, for those of you who played vanilla wow at release, you'll remember similar issues. I was actually credited about 25 days worth of playtime in the first few months of wow, because there were times where it was completely unplayable for days, and most of their patches made things worse before they got better.


So, I agree with the original poster, Bioware should have finished the game before releasing it, but at the same time, they had a deadline of Christmas, and pushed it as far as they could... It would be nice to see them give us all a free month or so, to compensate players for all the issues, server queues, and debilitating bugs... but I guess we'll see if that happens.


I also agree with the original poster, that Bioware needs to have its people working overtime to get these issues fixed... For instance, my questlog is going to be full of grey quests that I can't abandon by the time I'm 50, if they don't fix that bug...

Edited by John_Hefley
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not flaming just pointing out many of you people are griping about things are common in all mmo launches. These problems will get fixed in time but if want a well fleshed out mmo that has 0 bugs and amazing game play hate to tell you this but it doesn't exist.


Just because all MMO's had these issues at launch doesn't make it right. I do greatly enjoy the game and only encountered a single bug (for an optional quest objective), however as MMO's have became more available I believe that Bioware could have learned from how WoW evolved over the years. In all fairness, the only perk is the AoE looting which is awesome and the person who came up with it needs a raise but it's missing in a lot of areas.


If I had to point out 3 things that need improving *NOW* they would be:


- A proper LFG system. People are scattered over all kinds of planets and areas and you'll often end not being able to compile the required setup from the Imperial Fleet. I want to go off questing while being able to have people find me if they are grouping for a dungeon I want to participate in.


- A 'hearthstone' that lets me return to my spaceship from anywhere in the game. I got tired of running back to spaceports during the beta, let alone in the final game.


- I really dislike the fact that I'm only doing 'green' quests. I'm the type of player that doesn't leave a planet before everything I can do is done and after the 'bonus' missions on Balmorra I haven't done a single yellow or orange quest making the entire game to easy.


P.S. Make optional quest objective appear when you pick up a quest, especially for a stealth class I notice I miss out on 70% of the optional objectives as I don't necessarily kill mobs that are in my way.

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i dont get this, the OP has some valid points ofc, not denying that, but some stuff i read here is like... i honestly wonder if blizzard is paying some people to come here and spam this forum, because when you play in the servers with the 90 % of people that matter, the 90 % that is happily enjoying the game at around 20-30 lvl, you dont see complains, people are having fun, groups being formed constantly for hc quests, i never grouped so much like swtor while lving, i dont know maybe we are all wrong....or not.


played wow for seven years, the launch was a disgrace, swtor is light years ahead of any mmo on that department, in wow nowdays 1 to 85 is a desert of everything, of ideas, of people , of story you name it, after lvling my first char the rest of my alts i think overall were ganked less than 10 times, thats how lifeless the game became once Bgs were inserted, people just sit in the capitals waiting for raids/pvp , yet people in this forums complain swtor is lifeless ( lol ? ) and boring ?


the game has been out for 7 days, has yet to get a pactch, at least have the moral decency of giving bioware a month or 2 to work on the patches, the game is not perfect but i wouldnt trade it for nothing, skyrim is a absolute pile of bugs with a 2 hour mainstory yet people elevated it to god status , i wonder where the low tolerancy for swtor comes from.


and then we get the reviews, the official site of reviews aka http://www.gamerankings.com/pc/index.html list 2 official reviews averaging atm 94 %, yet the amount of tards mentioning obscure sites on this forum where people give the game 0 because of queues seems to be the standard, or reviews from people who rushed to 50 and now feel alone so come here to complain about everything, poor things...


the current state may not be perfect but the game is here to last, its star wars, bioware is rich enough with mass effect and dragon age and has lucasarts and EA behind, they will do everything to make the game work, have a little faith and patience.

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I am going to use the famous WoW as an example, leveling 1-60 now is something that can be done in 2 days, with no group quests whatsoever and limited to non-existent contact with other players unless you LFD, hardly anyone are in the zones anymore!


How can you say "WoW is a great mmo! Great multiplayer!" and then turn around and say swtor is single player, yet has more group quests than BC + LK combined, and you see other players in the zone with you, does that make sense?!


Lets start using some logic please, its like some of you are putting 2 + 2 together and coming up with 5, its not making sense!



*applause* I play wow, have 7 max level toons, and I approve this message above!!!!!!!!!!!!

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