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Please reduce the required number of pvp matches to get certain companions in KotFE


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Did you eat the veg. your parents insisted you did, or did you do the absolute minimum you could?

This is the same situation, PvE players were told "YOU WILL DO 20 PVP MATCHES" or possibly lose out on 8 companions, so they do 20 PvP Matches and watch a movie or cook dinner while waiting for it to be over!


Only difference is liking veg. might do you some long term good!


Where do you get that from? As far as I can tell, the PvP companion quest gates nothing. If it does in the future I might agree with you. Not now.


And FYI, I actually did eat all my vegetables. Except for lima beans. I hate lima beans. Thankfully my mother realized she wasn't winning that fight. :D

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I get that from Eric's poor reply and the fact that like many I am assuming that we get 7 more episodes of re-recruit everyone's companions, and the existing examples from chapter IX.


I VERY CLEARLY said it is a possible outcome!


Hopefully EA will get the Lima beans example and realise that they are losing this fight.

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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Where do you get that from? As far as I can tell, the PvP companion quest gates nothing. If it does in the future I might agree with you. Not now.


And FYI, I actually did eat all my vegetables. Except for lima beans. I hate lima beans. Thankfully my mother realized she wasn't winning that fight. :D


No you must eat your lima beans or no desert! :D

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I get that from Eric's poor reply and the fact that like many I am assuming that 7 more episodes of re-recruit everyone's companions, and the existing examples from chapter IX.


I VERY CLEARLY said it is a possible outcome!


Hopefully EA will get the Lima beans example and realise that they are losing this fight.


You are not required to eat your Lima beans, but you are also NOT entitled to the reward for eating them if you choose not to eat them.


The choice is yours.

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So I'm a PVP player, I've been subbed since launch and pretty much PVPd only since then. Just wanted to give you guys a perception of this problem from my pvp point of view.

Generally I think Biowares idea to "force" people into pvp is ok. But the approach has been catastrophic. Because quite honest we could use some new players. And it's not like if you don't get this companion you might as well quit your sub because you can't play the game anymore. Companions since 4.0 are all the same. So in my opinion it's not a big deal if you don't get all of them.

That being said, I was quite surprised of the things that people are willing to do to get this "pvp companions".

People entering pvp games and afking through the whole game, willingly ruining fun for others. People not even trying to be productive in a game. People coming in high end pve gear and ignoring any advice. I have just one thing to tell them.. you should be ashamed, I honestly can't understand this kind of behavior.

I mean I agree that if you don't like the content you just don't play it. Absolutely nobody is forcing you, holding a gun at your head, to get this 1 companion out of (how many? 20?).

I am quite a patient guy, I understand that people playing pvp for the first time are more then confused, I understand that it may be overwhelming at first. I tried to give advice, talk and instruct them. I've been insulted, ignored and hated on.. People still afking through a match..it's crazy.

I mean just imagine you guys would list yourself for a flashpoint/op and you get half your team afking, and you're not able to kick them out. Match after match..

I'm sorry guys but I tried to be polite and patient and all.. but at this point I would also rather see the requirement gone.. because this has done more harm then good. It's ruining the fun of all the players participating in the match.

Guess Bioware was counting on people behaving like adults, but it didn't work.

It could have been a good idea, maybe some new players would have discovered their new passion for pvp.. but with people behaving like this... no way..

Well this is what you get when BW forces us NON-pvpers to pvp I for one just log into a match do nothing for that very reason "They are making us have to do this" so until they change this all of my alts are going to get Piece/4X and if we have to do these matches well your not going to get any help out of me....
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Well this is what you get when BW forces us NON-pvpers to pvp I for one just log into a match do nothing for that very reason "They are making us have to do this" so until they change this all of my alts are going to get Piece/4X and if we have to do these matches well your not going to get any help out of me....


I'm not a PvP fan by a long shot (see some previous postings), but while we are forced to play if we want the companion, this is not the answer.


Just because we don't like it isnt a good reason to ruin the fun for other players in an area of the game they enjoy (though us sucking so much probably doesn't help their day too much either).


It'd be a bit like a dedicated PvP player inviting you into a heroic or FP that has an area where you are both required to push a button to continue, but every time you get there they refuse. Again, that would ruin your fun and not be good form.


I really cant believe I am defending the PvP side of the game, but 4.0 has brought about some strange choices. :eek:

Edited by Ferretfur
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I frawned at this PVP requirement at first.


Mostly becuse my experiences With PVP on SWTOR had been less then "Nice".


Becuse of a lack of actully "intresting" rned pvp content, most ranked players then seek out the unranked zones, naturally wanting to keep in the "pvp" spirit of Things.

HOWEVER this where the problems start, they ( pvpers) entr the same WZs at the less PVP oriented players, or even the "I don't give flying F in PVP" type players..........

Both sides complaining on eachother...............or as Call it playes a blame game....THIS is waht keeps Things like the pvp requirement to get M1-4X into a problem.


I am sure that if anyone did 20 rounds, I did in 18 I think, and BOTH sides try to either ignore "blame nd complaint idiocy" and simply don't give an F, then BOTH sides can be there.


I went back to pvp here to get M1-4X, after a almost 2 year "permanent" break from a PVP environment too influenced by Complaining Ranked plyers, in the unranked areas...............With a result in they Chase away non dedicated players.


Bioware MADE the requiremnets to introduce players to the game's pvp side, to encourage PVP....too bad complaining from A ranked community, that for good reason WANT the pvp here more streamlined, more serious and more FUN........however....both sides are in the unranked zones, initially MADE to be a unserious "play" and learn, NOT expectin so and so seriousness in a win or loose ratio, that ONLY in ranked pvp have any game function at all.....perhaps other then "save" a round or two in getting a comp With a winx2 Count.


Ignore complaining PVPers.......is simple

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No you must eat your lima beans or no desert! :D


TRUE STORY: When I was about 10, my mom made that exact threat. I stopped and said, "Mommy, I don't like lima beans and never will. I don't want dessert if it means I have to eat lima beans." I finished dinner and went to go play ColecoVision (that was a video game system kids!).


That's when she gave up.


Now the lesson is that I was willing to refuse a reward (dessert) because I wasn't willing to do what it required (eat those filthy awful lima beans). So if you genuinely don't like PvP, just move on, let M1-4X and Pierce go. If they wind up gating something behind them later, I'll be with you to get that changed.

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TRUE STORY: When I was about 10, my mom made that exact threat. I stopped and said, "Mommy, I don't like lima beans and never will. I don't want dessert if it means I have to eat lima beans." I finished dinner and went to go play ColecoVision (that was a video game system kids!).


That's when she gave up.


Now the lesson is that I was willing to refuse a reward (dessert) because I wasn't willing to do what it required (eat those filthy awful lima beans). So if you genuinely don't like PvP, just move on, let M1-4X and Pierce go. If they wind up gating something behind them later, I'll be with you to get that changed.


The problem is HOW the compaion system now Works, to me and to many others it appears that the "alerts" M1-4X being one those is depended on finishing the previous..


One guy you "could" recruit was ONLY awailable IF you have Quzen Fess FIRST, and then he was ONLY availble during certain events.......


SO you did't have any "punishment" by not eating the beans for desert, HOWEVER had not eating the desert resulted in you NOT being fed the NeXT they, would you then have NOT eaten.


The problem is that the "missions" to recruit Companions CAN, and mostly do "open" other missions........meaning by Your logig I don't want copanion 1...............and then since I don't like "how" to get him, forget him.............and ALSO froget EVERTHING ever comming after........and since we do not know, maybe een "important" Things opening later.


Your Logic is flawd

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Where do you get that from? As far as I can tell, the PvP companion quest gates nothing. If it does in the future I might agree with you. Not now.


And FYI, I actually did eat all my vegetables. Except for lima beans. I hate lima beans. Thankfully my mother realized she wasn't winning that fight. :D


From Eric's post he gives a indication that companions may be gated behind other ones and the evidence we have is if you don't do Qyzen's quest you are not able to get to Lokin. There is no way to reject a companion as of yet and they honesty should do that.


It was easy for me to recruit Qyzen (I'm a consular) but some people don't want qzyen but they wanted Lokin so they had to recruit and do the quest for Qyzen before they could even talk to Lokin.

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TRUE STORY: When I was about 10, my mom made that exact threat. I stopped and said, "Mommy, I don't like lima beans and never will. I don't want dessert if it means I have to eat lima beans." I finished dinner and went to go play ColecoVision (that was a video game system kids!).


That's when she gave up.


Now the lesson is that I was willing to refuse a reward (dessert) because I wasn't willing to do what it required (eat those filthy awful lima beans). So if you genuinely don't like PvP, just move on, let M1-4X and Pierce go. If they wind up gating something behind them later, I'll be with you to get that changed.


Wrong approach, should have been eat your lima beans or no ColecoVison for a week ;)

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does pierce open up any additional missions? no. at least, not at this time.


if pvp is such a pain, then why not wait to see if pierce opens a door to something you do want?


it seems silly to me to make the assumption that he DOES then suffer through something you may not want to.

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does pierce open up any additional missions? no. at least, not at this time.


if pvp is such a pain, then why not wait to see if pierce opens a door to something you do want?


it seems silly to me to make the assumption that he DOES then suffer through something you may not want to.


The problem you have I am sure is NOT being in a pvp zone for max 20 rounds ( win x2 ), BUT the extremely "POISENOUS" social environment there, becuse the dedicated PVPers feels equally "forced" to be in unranked zones.



The ONLY real solution is for BIO to make the ranked/dedicated PVP zones more apealing to that side of the players, so it "free" up the unranked zones, for EXACTLY the intended purpose.........get better at pvp, get coms for/and gear , AND "be" there for upto 20 rounds to get the Companion.


I doubt you "problem" is the PVP, I suspect like my in my own case, it is the "hostility" there that makes me "hate" it



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I'm with Delta_leader - post #145 here.

It was short-sighted to gate something behind PvP if PvE- players were just gonna ruin it for other players.


IMHO they should've gated it behind Wins only - and >1900 expertise. With a requirement to gain >8 medals or > target number of heals, dps or protection. - so that people participated instead of AFK-ing or otherwise harming the group.


However, for those who never want to set foot inside a WZ - there should be a PvE based alternative - Either so many hand-ins like Qyzen, Pierce of C2-N2 Or so many credits - 100s of 1000s / millions/ 10s of millions or a cartel coin unlock - so everyone had a chance to complete it even if it was the path of greater resistance/longer grind.


My only wish was that they'd put this aspect on the PTS, +unrelated reward for testing, listened to the feedback and acted appropriately, by upping the participation factor or reducing the number of matches - but only wins count.


Let's hope BW realise the harm they caused in both types of players when they gate something else behind an aspect of the game that isn't everyone's cup of tea.

- An introductory sample yes: certainly.

An alternative way: Recommended.

Ruining other people's fun over and over: Never.


Personally I can't wait to do more PvP with different characters instead of the same old 3-4 I normally play.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I'm with Delta_leader - post #145 here.

My only wish was that they'd put this aspect on the PTS, +unrelated reward for testing, listened to the feedback and acted appropriately, by upping the participation factor or reducing the number of matches - but only wins count.


Personally I can't wait to do more PvP with different characters instead of the same old 3-4 I normally play.


While making it wins does stop the AFK issue, it doesn't make it any more fun and would probably alienate even more people, myself included.

I had to play 18 matches and took part in every one of them to the best of my ability, which isn't great in PvP, but only got two wins in that 5 hours period. I do NOT want to have to spend 100 hours to get 20 wins!!!

Really it should have been linked to the weekly PvP quest completion or have the option to "refuse to recruit".


Wins only is not a "win-win" solution. Less matches required could have got people to take it more seriously.


We still talking about Lima beans...

Edited by Ferretfur
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The PvP in this game is toxic and gating companions behind that many matches just makes it even more terrible. I'm going to wait until I find out that there are really awesome companions after that miserable droid to even think about suffering through Those PvP matches.
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It would have been worth it. Lima beans are and always have been fail.


Works for my grandson, a "Blackout" - no electronic devices, is the worst punishment he can envision :) Of course he only has to try new things once and has become very good about it and is often surprised by liking things he was sure he wouldn't. Although it can take him a while to admit it.

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Works for my grandson, a "Blackout" - no electronic devices, is the worst punishment he can envision :) Of course he only has to try new things once and has become very good about it and is often surprised by liking things he was sure he wouldn't. Although it can take him a while to admit it.


The nice thing about being somewhat old is that such a threat would be mostly empty. I read as much as I played video games or watched TV. And my parents weren't crazy enough to tell me to stop reading. It's not like the plethora of electronic devices we have now.


I gave lima beans a good fair shot. They are terrible. I'm only thankful for this post to allow me to get the message out about that terrible legume. :jawa_tongue:

Edited by Master-Nala
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To repeat from the other thread: I'd like it if you could earn a BoL item with warzone comms so that I can PVP on characters that I like PVP-ing on rather than ones I don't. Because, for example, I like PVPing on my Assassin and Operative, but gave up PVP-ing on my Merc at valor 15, which means that my two characters I like to PVP with didn't have to PVP for Pierce, and the one I don''t like to PVP with does. If the other two could earn an item for the Merc to give to Pierce and gain influence, then I'd be having more fun and making a stronger contribution to my team, which seems like a better outcome for everyone involved to me.
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So I'm a PVP player, I've been subbed since launch and pretty much PVPd only since then. Just wanted to give you guys a perception of this problem from my pvp point of view.

Generally I think Biowares idea to "force" people into pvp is ok. But the approach has been catastrophic. Because quite honest we could use some new players. And it's not like if you don't get this companion you might as well quit your sub because you can't play the game anymore. Companions since 4.0 are all the same. So in my opinion it's not a big deal if you don't get all of them.

That being said, I was quite surprised of the things that people are willing to do to get this "pvp companions".

People entering pvp games and afking through the whole game, willingly ruining fun for others. People not even trying to be productive in a game. People coming in high end pve gear and ignoring any advice. I have just one thing to tell them.. you should be ashamed, I honestly can't understand this kind of behavior.

I mean I agree that if you don't like the content you just don't play it. Absolutely nobody is forcing you, holding a gun at your head, to get this 1 companion out of (how many? 20?).

I am quite a patient guy, I understand that people playing pvp for the first time are more then confused, I understand that it may be overwhelming at first. I tried to give advice, talk and instruct them. I've been insulted, ignored and hated on.. People still afking through a match..it's crazy.

I mean just imagine you guys would list yourself for a flashpoint/op and you get half your team afking, and you're not able to kick them out. Match after match..

I'm sorry guys but I tried to be polite and patient and all.. but at this point I would also rather see the requirement gone.. because this has done more harm then good. It's ruining the fun of all the players participating in the match.

Guess Bioware was counting on people behaving like adults, but it didn't work.

It could have been a good idea, maybe some new players would have discovered their new passion for pvp.. but with people behaving like this... no way..


I'm sorry the game has also been ruined for you too, you do seem very patient and reasonable, and I agree with much of what you're saying. I'm a PVE player that has been here since before launch, and while I did try pvp on two different servers, one an eu-pvp and one a na-pve, the experience sucked and I'm not eager to do it again. If they want to give people a taste, then five games should be enough. As someone who hates it, I'd be willing to compromise and do 5, and I would do my best to help, even though I suck. My hubby is less willing and says he'd strip naked and stand there or not go at all...so that's where we stand.


The part I don't agree with, is where most of the pvp players say 'what's the big deal? the comps are all identical, it doesn't matter who you have. It's a skin.' But it's not just a skin. Maybe to someone who values pvp, the story/romance aspect of play isn't important, but I'm really worried about losing a comp that matters to me because it comes after another one through this gate system they have. I'd be devastated if I couldn't run with Quinn, or Vector, Scourge or Doc or Andronikos. I'd be upset if I couldn't have the romances with them again. It might sound silly to some, but after spending years running with these characters at your side and playing their stories again and again, I think a lot of pvers, get attached to them, I know I am. They're almost like real people, real friends and you want to see them again after a long hard day at work. It's an escape and a welcome one for me, so it *does* make a difference, it's not just a skin.


A compromise like you suggested is good...a reduction, or an alternative to pvp like hunting, both very welcome ideas. A by pass comp choice button, is great too. Or make the availability of the 'pvp' comps a legacy prize for those who have legacy 50, or who are 'legendary players'. Make that new designation mean something...anyone who's played through all 8 stories, should have done enough to get the comps.


Ruining the game for both sectors of players is unacceptable, and I wish Bioware would see and understand this. Comps are important to pvers and story lovers, especially cause the one's they're keeping from us we earned through playing story.


And forcing people to do things they hate, and forcing others to put up with people who don't want to be there isn't fair to anyone.

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I did pvp for the first time tonight. Everyone was nice and we won 2 out of 3, so I earned 5 credits towards the companion in a short time. It was NOT the nightmare I imagined by reading some of these threads. I sincerely doubt I will want to do it on all my alts. But one never knows.
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PvP can be great fun if you do it with a good team. But it can be sort of a horrifying nightmare if you find yourself dropped in the middle of a rabid pack of jerks via the Group Finder. And there are some truly devoted grade-A hardcore jerks PvPing out there. One of the first times I landed in a Warzone I remember someone saying something like, "Get the #$% out of here NOW, you can't play with that gear you #$%ing &^$%#@." It is reasonable to point out to newer players that you need to work towards getting gear, of course, but I remember the tone in which the message was delivered. It was a rare flower of true jerkness, a foulmouthed jewel worthy of comment sections. Edited by Altus_Esterhazy
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The level of self entitlement in this thread is laughable. Seriously the companion locked behind a pvp wall is fine as it is. Really 20 pvp matches and you get a companion or valor rank 40 . This isn't an unrealistic gate. It's a good way to introduce new blood to pvp. Of all the crying people complaining wah we don't like pvp ... how many have actually bothered to que up and try a match or two ? I'm willing to bet less then 1% of the complainers have ever tried.


I have...more than once. And the experience itself is what made me hate PvP on here so much. I have no problem with PvP in general....I participate in PvP in other games and, in some cases, actually enjoy it. Here, not so much. Too many people that seem to think that being a PvPer somehow makes you "elite" compared to all the pitiful "noobs" and that PMing so-called "noobs" after a match, telling them how badly they suck, how they should leave the game, etc is something that's going to make someone want to just run back for more.


For the whinning wimps , be thankful that BW didn't put a companion behind an Operations wall(s) . where you'd have to clear some storymode Operations. Or worse yet some hard mode Operations ... oh the horror !


And attitudes like this from PvPers is what make people like me hate PvP so much. It seems like most of the "hardcore" PvPers are just a bunch of mental children strutting around, trying to show off how "******" they think they are because they get to beat on other people's pixellated representations on a computer screen. As the OP stated, I play to have fun, not to endure the schoolyard bullying that seems to be prevalent in PvP Land.

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