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PvP Challenge Mode, an exciting new way to PvP


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Tired of seeing sages/sorcs topping the leaderboards? Getting bored with your 25k crit PT dps God? Try new and improved Commando Combat Medic. With exciting new features such as:


  • Being focused because your are a healer.
  • Being focused because you are a Commando.
  • Being focused because you have no good anti-focus abilities.
  • Being focused because you play for the Republic.


Not excited by these amazing features? Buy your level 60 insta-token now and we will include MED SHOTTM. For those rare PUG matches where your life is a little too easy, this ability will instantly draw a bright green line of convenience from the person being attacked to you. We guarentee you will be jumped by at least 1 Sith warrior within 2 GCDs or your money back!


So try new and improved Commando Combat Medic, and get auto-focused TODAY!!!! (also available in Imperial Merc flavor)


Combat Medic is a trademark of Bad Balance Incorporated. The statements made in this post are not endorsed when applied to PvE or other sub-65 content. If you feel that this thread is a lie, disregard and continue living in ignorance. Bad balace incorporated does not support going into ranked. Despite the masochist style of this class dont commit suicide. Please dont flame me. Im soft.

Edited by thereter
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Nerf Commandos. Buff mercs.


But really, If they gave mercs an ability to build supercharge when Koltoshell heals someone, reduced the cost of Kolto Missile, and reduced the cooldown of Emergency Scan (Oh and nerfed sorcs) I think we would be fine.


Or maybe not fine, but it wouldn't be quite as bad.

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I play Commando healer and I love your post :D I have never played a sage/sorc, so I don't know how it is with them, but I regularly take in the most damage in a warzone, even when there is another healer on the team.


But commando healer is fun, has some cool abilities (not "strong' ablities like the sage/sorc). I mean, who doesn't like pushing people off the bridge with concussion charge :)

I wish they'd nerf the sage/sorc. A lot of people on this board are crying about healing being OP, but I can assure you that mando healer is NOT OP. Of course, our situation is improved when there's a tank (as it should be), but that is another issue.

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I play commando heals, and it can be really tough, brutal and thankless at times. - OTOH laughing in the face of the enemy when we win feels so much sweeter than Sorc heals, Scoundrel heals, Snipers or Jugg tank, which are my other main PvP chars.


Maybe we should add: Additional bonus: "Dress up in a skirt and pretend you're a sage."


Funny post OP - liked it. - Especially the "green please-kill-me-now ray of impending death." or "Little helicopters of imperiling doom."

Included in this set: Whiny little trauma probes

NOT included in this set: God Bubble, Phase walk, flash grenade, force speed, another Mando heals....etc.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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As a rage jug it is your imperative to utterly ignore your own mortality, find the largest grouping of red that you can on the battle field, and leap headlong into said group in utter disregard of any line of sight issues this might cause to your healer and/or your health (or lack there of at the time). It is also a class requirement that the concept of 'objectives' only relates to aforementioned leaping into the largest group of red and thrashing about wildly.

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Tired of seeing sages/sorcs topping the leaderboards? Getting bored with your 25k crit PT dps God? Try new and improved Commando Combat Medic. With exciting new features such as:


  • Being focused because your are a healer.
  • Being focused because you are a Commando.
  • Being focused because you have no good anti-focus abilities.
  • Being focused because you play for the Republic.


Not excited by these amazing features? Buy your level 60 insta-token now and we will include MED SHOTTM. For those rare PUG matches where your life is a little too easy, this ability will instantly draw a bright green line of convenience from the person being attacked to you. We guarentee you will be jumped by at least 1 Sith warrior within 2 GCDs or your money back!


So try new and improved Commando Combat Medic, and get auto-focused TODAY!!!! (also available in Imperial Merc flavor)


Combat Medic is a trademark of Bad Balance Incorporated. The statements made in this post are not endorsed when applied to PvE or other sub-65 content. If you feel that this thread is a lie, disregard and continue living in ignorance. Bad balace incorporated does not support going into ranked. Despite the masochist style of this class dont commit suicide. Please dont flame me. Im soft.



Commandos are op cuz cannon, nerf commandos and give them a knife, then, nerf the knife

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As a rage jug it is your imperative to utterly ignore your own mortality, find the largest grouping of red that you can on the battle field, and leap headlong into said group in utter disregard of any line of sight issues this might cause to your healer and/or your health (or lack there of at the time). It is also a class requirement that the concept of 'objectives' only relates to aforementioned leaping into the largest group of red and thrashing about wildly.


I'm very apriciated of your comment, especially when u didn't play this match and never saw what i'm doing there. Next time i will try to "farm" objective points when i'm trying to reach the point under focus by 2-4 burst specs. Cheers and thx for l2p comment.

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Commandos are op cuz cannon, nerf commandos and give them a knife, then, nerf the knife


U don't know ur own mortality u should stay in LOS 99% of time. :rak_03: Or i've got better idea just don't q, play PvE mercs OP in PvE. Don't thanks me.

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