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Best Server for Pub PVP


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So I'm currently on Harbinger and Imp side is fun, but the pub side is pretty much dead in terms of PVP. I was thinking of transferring my pub toons and I was wondering what the most active server is for pub PVP. Preferably it would be great if it was east coast with a decent ranked presence.


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Ebon Hawk has a pretty solid pub side.


Yep. Just be sure not to judge the server by lowbies or mids. For some reason, imps seem to love mids (41-64), and constantly have "pvp guilds" running premades there with 1-3 healing sorcs every match.


The Ebon Hawk is solid in 65s though, pub side is equal if not better than imp side, with nearly just as populated of a team.


I just find it funny that the imps only dominate mids on Ebon Hawk, and like to stick to their 60-64s in that bracket. I see the same people running alt after alt that is still in pvp gears and lvl 60-64.


I don't get it, because honestly the imps are great players and can pvp, many of them are well-known vets too. Why do they stay in mids? That's a mystery to me.

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Primarily because in mids, they have a measure of superiority thanks to the old PVP gear they ahve.


If they are in 65, they have a level playing field.


As far as TEH goes though, I am considering moving to a different server, tbh. Pre-season ranked is dead, mid-season ranked usually doesn't happen unless you nag fleet for a day or two and then you have some sithers qsyncing for that. Team ranked...lol team ranked. Team ranked is like a PVE raid night - you have to pretty-much coordinate across two guilds/factions to get teams in queue, and then you run the rist of being detected for "wintrading" or something because you are the only two in queue.

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Primarily because in mids, they have a measure of superiority thanks to the old PVP gear they ahve.


If they are in 65, they have a level playing field.


As far as TEH goes though, I am considering moving to a different server, tbh. Pre-season ranked is dead, mid-season ranked usually doesn't happen unless you nag fleet for a day or two and then you have some sithers qsyncing for that. Team ranked...lol team ranked. Team ranked is like a PVE raid night - you have to pretty-much coordinate across two guilds/factions to get teams in queue, and then you run the rist of being detected for "wintrading" or something because you are the only two in queue.


That's always been TEH though. Hopping in the beginning of season and end of season all the people who didn't T1 a toon on their home server come to "farm the bads" on TEH. Group ranked hasn't been a serious thing people strive for outside of the niche group that does it since...uh...forever.

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Why do people keep saying pubs are dead on harbinger? About4 hours ago from the time of this post we went 3 wins to 1 loss. And its usually like that for that time of day.

I'm talking about the ranked scene especially when I say dead. But if you play Imp side, queues pop SO much faster than on the Pub side

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Primarily because in mids, they have a measure of superiority thanks to the old PVP gear they ahve.


If they are in 65, they have a level playing field.


I suspect a similar thing. A simple play of domination over others. Or, in other words, trolling.

And trying to make others quit through that. So that they won't have as much competition in later levels, if they want to play there.


Hopping in the beginning of season and end of season all the people who didn't T1 a toon on their home server come to "farm the bads" on TEH.


So, farming is a real thing there ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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So, farming is a real thing there ?


I suppose it is. It's no secret TEH has been an easy server to nab T1's on, in the past. Since the end of season 5 though, it's seemed to pick up as a place for republic players to que for solo's. I haven't played much solo ranked since the middle of season 6, but I still see the same names floating around.

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Why do people keep saying pubs are dead on harbinger? About4 hours ago from the time of this post we went 3 wins to 1 loss. And its usually like that for that time of day.


Pubs still suck in none ranked, went 2-13 last night.....that's losing 85% of the matches I did yesterday. Today I'm 0-3 which is why even bother playing Pub atm when you lose literally majority of the time cause every scrub and their mom decided to roll a Imp cause they want that extra 20 people on that fleet population board.


It's also getting to the point that every damn match vs Imps they are using stims out the arse, in fact I've yet to be in a match the past two weeks that the majority of Imps didn't have a stim buff, while I'm lucky if I have two people with stims on my team.


BW really ****** up the population by letting people transfer over for only 90 CM coins.


/end my salty rant

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on TOFN its just pathetic playing republic... 1 or 2 wins tops , which is randoms vs randoms.


Usual imperials have double premades with guards + healers (sorcs what else) + marauders + powertechs while on republic theres at best one healer. Whats sad is imperials have also premades running on low level queues... i guess it will end up beeing a imp server with no republics playing whatsoever, (which already kinda is)

Edited by xxIncubixx
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Why do people keep saying pubs are dead on harbinger? About4 hours ago from the time of this post we went 3 wins to 1 loss. And its usually like that for that time of day.


Yep, I don't know about ranked because I don't do that... but I have no trouble queuing up pub side on Harby and getting wins. I don't know the ratio, but it hardly feels like a rare thing. Sure there are nights you get in sync with an imp "premade" and get stomped several matches in a row, but meh... sometimes you are the bug. And I have the same thing happen on the imp side. Just the dangers of queuing mostly solo.

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Yep, I don't know about ranked because I don't do that... but I have no trouble queuing up pub side on Harby and getting wins. I don't know the ratio, but it hardly feels like a rare thing. Sure there are nights you get in sync with an imp "premade" and get stomped several matches in a row, but meh... sometimes you are the bug. And I have the same thing happen on the imp side. Just the dangers of queuing mostly solo.


Just today (the past few hours), 0-8 as Pub, 2-1 as Imp. Sorry but the only time Pubs win on Harb is if you have Imp people queued up on their Pub alts. I don't know about you but that "win" ratio for Pub is kinda crappy.

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Just today (the past few hours), 0-8 as Pub, 2-1 as Imp. Sorry but the only time Pubs win on Harb is if you have Imp people queued up on their Pub alts. I don't know about you but that "win" ratio for Pub is kinda crappy.

Yeah the pubs are sooo bad on Harbinger. The other day I was in a Hypergates guarding the node on my Shadow. when a stealth operative pops. I said PYLON in chat, hard stun the operative twice (nobody has come to help at this point) then finally pop and start attacking the operative. During this time, a vanguard runs up, drops off an orb, sees me fighting, and then runs away. Operative hard stuns me after I break and they double cap. I never thought I'd meet worse PVPers.


So from the general consensus I'm getting, The Ebon Hawk seems to be my best bet? I'm just a little bit worried about the lack of ranked on it though. Unless someone wants to throw in another good word for Beregen Colony or another server.

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Yeah the pubs are sooo bad on Harbinger. The other day I was in a Hypergates guarding the node on my Shadow. when a stealth operative pops. I said PYLON in chat, hard stun the operative twice (nobody has come to help at this point) then finally pop and start attacking the operative. During this time, a vanguard runs up, drops off an orb, sees me fighting, and then runs away. Operative hard stuns me after I break and they double cap. I never thought I'd meet worse PVPers.


So from the general consensus I'm getting, The Ebon Hawk seems to be my best bet? I'm just a little bit worried about the lack of ranked on it though. Unless someone wants to throw in another good word for Beregen Colony or another server.


Yea I ended up 2-12 the other day, the only 2 wins happened when I switched to my sage healer. The difference between Imps and Pubs is night and day, like literally watch a match and you can see why Imps dominate, they move as a group and call incs.

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Primarily because in mids, they have a measure of superiority thanks to the old PVP gear they ahve.


If they are in 65, they have a level playing field.



It never occurred to you that they are most likely levelling all their alts ready for the new season?


I have levelled 8 from 60 to 65 via pvp only so far since 4.0, 8 more to go, all now fully geared, and awaiting the next season and on all but 2 of those toons, have not played one match at 65. Now is the time you get ready, prepare yourself for the next ranked installment.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Yeah the pubs are sooo bad on Harbinger. The other day I was in a Hypergates guarding the node on my Shadow. when a stealth operative pops. I said PYLON in chat, hard stun the operative twice (nobody has come to help at this point) then finally pop and start attacking the operative. During this time, a vanguard runs up, drops off an orb, sees me fighting, and then runs away. Operative hard stuns me after I break and they double cap. I never thought I'd meet worse PVPers.


So from the general consensus I'm getting, The Ebon Hawk seems to be my best bet? I'm just a little bit worried about the lack of ranked on it though. Unless someone wants to throw in another good word for Beregen Colony or another server.


Holy ****... the same thing happen to me the other day. Except I had 2 Ops on me and still managed to stay alive for far too long... one sorc came and drop off a orb... while one of the Op was capping and just keyboard turn and run away. I have NEVER seen something like that before... EVER in any mmo game.


Pugs are just uber bad on Harb. I would love to start a premade but at this time, I think is best to just xfer off somewhere else that at least you have a change.

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What I'm reading is Pub sucks on Harbinger most of the time and in ranked. Ebon Hawk is even--but has a lacking population.


I not leveled past 40s because I"m not sure where to play either. I'd go Harbigner, but my ping varies from 90-150 there-and that's kind of bad especially for any melee. Ebon Hawk is where I am now, and it's 20-35 there--but queues are kind of long in low and mids. There don't seem to be many/any large PVX guilds here, so I'm concerned about population. I wish East Coast had a Harbinger size server instead of a close to even split across 3 servers.


What to do...

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During this time, a vanguard runs up, drops off an orb, sees me fighting, and then runs away.


Maybe he saw that other thread and was trying to let you have your solo kill medal? :p


Yeah, I don't know. Maybe I have a higher tolerance for losing than most people and so don't notice it as much, or maybe I'm lucky with the time slot I tend to play in (I'm EST, so I'm usually playing earlier than a lot of "natives"). I played pub for several hours yesterday, and saw more wins than losses. Wait! I know! I know! It's because I'm just that good! I'm carrying! Hey, why is everyone laughing? :D

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