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What Republic class to start first?


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I heard about the Republic stories being more...y'know, compared to the Imperial stories. I wanna know what class(es) I should do before the others. I'm pretty much done with all the Empire stories (except the IA,getting close to wrapping up chapter 2 with him). I'm quite like the gameplay styles of the Sage and Vanguard,so should I start doing a Consular and Trooper?
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One of my favorite class stories is on the Republic side ... I've adored the Smuggler class since beta and completed the story three times. If you count my beta Smuggler, though, that becomes four rather. It's a purely fun story, lots of funny and engaging encounters. The only class story I enjoyed more, was the bounty hunter, and that one only because I absolutely fell for the entire Mandalorian mystique of the lore.


Honestly, my Main is on the Republic side. While I love my Imperial characters ... (I'm eyeing my hunter, agent and warrior characters specifically) ... the truth is you can usually find me playing through a Republic class. It's actually kind of amusing.


The Republic stories are ranked, imo:

(1) Smuggler, for pure inveterate fun.

(2) Jedi Knight, for epic heroism straight out of the best Star Wars lore.

(3) Jedi Consular, for being true to a class from the table-top game, for making you THINK.

(4) Trooper, for being soldiers, nothing less. And for having a character voiced by Jennifer Hale.

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You go with what you want, I did the 4

The consular jedi is dedicated to the light side of the force

The jedi knight to Kira and his 3rd light saber :p

The smuggler has fun and flirts everyone (getting into trouble)

The soldier is commited to his job (boom boom!)

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I found the Trooper to be the most boring.


The Consular was a tad annoying in Act 1, if only because this supposedly genius learned Jedi took until like Alderaan to solve the identity of the plague master, whereas I'd figured it out on Taris.


I'd say Knight or Trooper to get the 'republic feel' and to be involve with it right from the beginning :)


Proof that everyone will have their own opinions. That said my own disagrees with Ashala, and agrees with Laz. The thing with the Trooper is that unlike the Jedi (where you feel like you should be making light side choices cause you're a jedi) or the smuggler who's basically kind of out for himself, the Trooper I feel has a much harder storyline choices to make. To me the Trooper's job is to protect the Republic from all threats, foreign and domestic, and with out spoiling anything you really do protect the Republic from all threats. As such when looking at things that way, the right thing to do isn't always black and white. What's best for the Republic, may not be what's moral, or good and sometimes tough choices need to be made for the good of the Republic. Other times you have to ask yourself, is this really the type of Republic I signed up to serve? These people are no better than the Empire and if I don't stand up and say something who will? Can we let this go on? Those are the types of choices you get put into, and for me at least it gives the game a lot more flavor than many other classes.


You also as expected deal a lot with military things from important people that must be dealt with to super weapons of mass destruction. While yes Jedi stuff is important, the war isn't won by a single powerful Jedi or Sith in my opinion. Sure they have a lot of influence in how a battle goes, but really when you get right down to it, wars are won on the backs of the front line troops, and given enough of them even powerful Jedi and Sith can be taken down. Your job as a trooper is to make sure that the military functions to it's full potential, helping where ever you can to insure that happens. Thus that to me, is what makes the Trooper story better than a lot. Also and again just my opinion, but unlike other classes I don't really hate any of the trooper companions. They're not all great or memorable, but at least they don't have the weird, idiotic companion that you're like God I wish I could just space this ****er.

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I found the Trooper to be the most boring.


The Consular was a tad annoying in Act 1, if only because this supposedly genius learned Jedi took until like Alderaan to solve the identity of the plague master, whereas I'd figured it out on Taris.


LOL if the consular was boring, I wouldn't be commenting here, he was my 1st character. The fact is the 8 have a different feel, you take the one fitting your mood and play along


Trooper and agent were the last I did, but they have funny twists too. And stories cross also :p

Edited by efffel
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