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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion Change Feedback


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Pretty sure f2p/preferred is the majority, which makes forums minority already, not to mention minority of subs also visit forums.



Thats funny. You consider me an elitist raider, yet I'm pretty much one of the only raiders I know who actually visit the forums... Lotsa casual from guild visit here though :) especially the community content area



Your opinion is just as biased as anyone elses, its called personal preference. Everyone has one.


Kiesu, just face it dude, obviously the majority weren't happy with the nerf like you are, which is why BW has done such a dramatic about-face. They're rolling back the nerf within a few days time, almost entirely from what I understand. When has that ever happened?


Looks like 4.0 is here to stay :D

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Kiesu, just face it dude, obviously the majority weren't happy with the nerf like you are, which is why BW has done such a dramatic about-face. They're rolling back the nerf within a few days time, almost entirely from what I understand. When has that ever happened?

Oh, I have. If you've been following I'm even completely fine with buffing them (which i have stated in multiple threads too). For some reason people have just decided to ignore this part of my messages and would rather keep insisting their own beliefs than read what has been said..

Edited by Kiesu
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Okay I'll bite. Since my subs will run out before the weekend does I'll stick around for one more month just to see how this goes.

I'd still like to see an admission that the PTB's went way overboard and an apology to paying customers .. like that will ever happen, but still, it should.

Since I've now invested in some other games, it's gonna have to be good to keep my accounts here.

Why do I get the feeling that I'm being reeled in again and that I'm going to be kicking my own *** for allowing myself to trust anything this company says? :eek: Maybe it has something to do with CC investments during the honeymoon period, pre-nerf.


What more can I say than I said on other threads or has been said here by others? But I'll say that at 65 Arsenal Merc with mostly 216 gear except MH barrel (the one thing we STILL can't get with coms) and relics (because now you've made them use items as if we didn't have enough button bloat going on), Mako at 30+ influence as heals or tank depending and just doing H2 planetaries (forget even attempting SF since the nerf); this is pathetic. There are some H2s where there are 2 gold and 3 or more silver mobs in one pull. ***?! Yea....no problems there. Never mind the ones that aren't that brutal are now just T E D I O U S. It was nice not having to stop and rest after EVERY. SINGLE. PULL. Which, BTW, doesn't fill my companion's HP if it's below 1/4 or so...so I've got to rest twice. Good job with that.


Don't even get me started about the trivialization of Treek. A companion for which myself and many others paid real money.


Then let's talk about tacticals and how you ABSOLUTELY can't do them with any random group of four. No healer? Don't bother accepting that queu because you won't make it. Three weeks out and they still haven't addressed that.


And level sync?! Why bother leveling up and gearing?


Then of course there's my juggy who's been sitting for 3, going on 4 days, waiting for a CS response since I can't click the shuttle panel to go to Zakuul.


Oh, and the agent quest that's been bugged since launch. Or the full mailbox error when trying to mail something to another toon. Or getting kicked to fleet instead of back to my SH when leaving a FP. Or crapping all over the slot machine. Or the wild camera swings. Or the 100 other things I've either forgotten or don't feel like listing.


As a positive, legacy datacrons was a huge improvements and I've always been a huge fan of legacy reputation; though I'm still mystified why social and valor haven't migrated to legacy.

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Quote: Originally Posted by geschmonz View Post

Solo players and normal players usually dont show up in forums. Only if the game they play severely gets ****ed up. As in like this case.


BS, if you bothered to check the posters history of the loudest whiners you will see ALL of them been posting faithfully all the time and will see they made same demands (reverse or I quit) over the slot machine


They just want it handed to them


Dont pretned here this has anything to do with players normally not on forums.

90% easily here every day before the fix and will be here after their account "runs out"

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That's not what a forum is for.


So now you don't only want to tell people how or how not to play, how or how not to post, how or how to voice criticism, but you also want to tell them what a forum is for.




Enjoy raging by yourself when everyone ignores you.

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Which, BTW, doesn't fill my companion's HP if it's below 1/4 or so...so I've got to rest twice. Good job with that.


You do know you can dismiss a companion and resummon it, right? Takes three seconds and fills his HP gauge to the maximum? I guess you knew, right?

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And you just want to take it away from them.

If they would have been on this performance level to begin with nobody would have cared... But once you get a taste of that sweet stuff you dont want to quit on the candy to eat those vegetables. Thats why you eat the vegetables frst and then go for the dessert. Bioware kinda failed on this order of updates.

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There, thats exactly the bias i talk about. 4.0 gave the opportunity to play endgame content to average solo players, which was being removed with patch 4.0.2. Which lead to the desaster we have now.


Try to get rid of your bias, take of your pink tainted goggles, and see the reality.




It was way more accessible in 4.0 than it is now in 4.0.2 after nerfing companions to oblivion.


What other games i played? Mainly rpgs. As like witcher, diablo II and III. I started playing games in 1978, my first game was Pong. My first mmorpg was WoW, which i play since claissic (inb4 "oooh yes thats the reason then.."). I have played any kind of playstyle (from hardcore raider to pvp arena player).. and at the end of my gamer career i became a casual gamer that only is interested in story and fun, and not in challenges or competition anymore.


From my nowadays point of view, organized raiding is the most toxic part of any mmorpg, as devs tend to cater the game completely to them only.


First, I don't understand why everyone is biased except for you. Human beings are inherently biased.


From my point of view, speaking as a solo player who has never raided, the game is still not very difficult. I can walk into planetary heroics with a level 1 influence companion and mash my keyboard with no thought, without using defensive cooldowns, and still prevail. I don't see how anyone could want the game to be more accessible than that. We're talking about content with a big 2+ label on it, meaning it's balanced for people to play in pairs, and an inexperienced player like myself can tackle it solo without really trying. I just cannot fathom how people are having trouble with this. Heroic Star Fortresses, that's a different story. Those are harder but Bioware said they only wanted the most experienced players to complete them solo.


In 4.0, the game went beyond merely accessible to the point where combat was but a mere formality. You could not lose with one of those OP companions at your side no matter what. Someone explain to me how it's fun to walk into a fight that you can't lose even if you do nothing. There are no video games that I know of where you can just stop fighting and let your AI teammates kill everything, and yet that is apparently what the playerbase of this game wants.


And I really don't see how you could even reach the end of half of those games with the attitude you have toward difficulty.

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i think what got lost in the conversation was the fact that when the last patch hit we lost our pocket tank / healers that allow us to take on challenging content , like the Heroic Mobs in the Rak Tunnels ,and the Gree Event ,


I might have spent all of my early time in game in Heal spec , but when they nerfed Healer DPS it became boring , and slow beyond belief to do any of the normal daily activity with my companion in Tank spec,


The silver lining of that nerf so long ago was that I just turned Healing to the companion and changed to DPS / Tank specs


What the Nerf did , was force players to go back to Heal & Tank Spec because both of these stances are either broken.

Healing because the script is broken.

Tanking because it has no mitigation.


I would much prefer that the fix was that Companions were at 90% of the average armor / weapon rating of a player , and with rank 50 they could reach 100%.


its a simple fix that would give players a companion thats unpar with their gear and level

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




This right here shows Bioware's ignorance... Did they not pay attention to the fact people are pulling and stopping their subs in protest of the nerfing and want full restoration of what we had? We're not asking for "buffs" *******es! We're asking you to put our comps back as they were... Nice job listening... Be proud when you **** this up and cost yourselves less money when more and more people stop their subs...

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I did another test. Some general rules I followed to emulate more of a noob.


Things I didn't do:

- Interrupt (notable exception below)

- Out of combat heal or wait around for combat heals between battles

- Use on use relics

- Use heroic moment

- Intentionally set any CC

- Group with anyone or seek any assistance

- Use ANY defensive cooldowns


Things I did do:

- Personal CC break

- Broke comp set CC (didn't go out of my way to break it every time, but did if it was convent)

- Use good DPS rotation

- All bonus missions


Your level - 32

Roughly Average Item Rating: (exact) 198.14

Discipline - Vengeance Jugg

Companion - Lana

Companion role - Heals

Companion Influence level - 12

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) - All of the Heroics from the terminal on Alderaan and Voss

Your personal experience while playing this content:


In all of the heroics following the rules above I died a total of once. The one death was in Cleanse the Corrupted on Voss. The death occured because as listed above I was not interrupting or healing between fights. There are series of champions that hit like a truck with interrupt able moves. These champions are close together so my health was typically not full when attacking them. The one I died too was about the 3rd in a row and I was at 29% damage and Lana around 50% when I pulled (a sane person wouldn't have pulled a champion in this situation). I completed the rest of Cleanse the Corrupted with adding in interrupt for that one heroic only.


When I was 55 in the ~2.0 days I used to regularly do the Voss heroics to grind Voss rep for adaptive armor. I remember these heroics being more challenging at 55 with raid level gear then they are now with level sync at 48 and entry level gear. So people saying the comps are weaker than 3.0 are either remembering wrong or using hyperbole....


Overall the content difficulty was light as Eric said was the target. So I think the nerf hit where they intended and I don't recommend any changes to that. Nerfing Cleanse the Corrupted would probably be a good idea though, that one was on the low end of being medium difficulty.


It took me about an hour to do all the Alderaan ones (would have been quicker but not being familiar with them I lost a lot of time figuring them out)

It took me about 30 minutes for Voss.


I hope this helps.

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




UGH companions do not need a buff... Looks like my days with this game are probably gonna be over if the over buff comps again.

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In 4.0, the game went beyond merely accessible to the point where combat was but a mere formality. You could not lose with one of those OP companions at your side no matter what. Someone explain to me how it's fun to walk into a fight that you can't lose even if you do nothing. There are no video games that I know of where you can just stop fighting and let your AI teammates kill everything, and yet that is apparently what the playerbase of this game wants.


I got this feeling too, there was no real fear of failing any solo content (or h2+) after kotfe. I was bummed by this, but i didnt go burning bridges over it.


UGH companions do not need a buff... Looks like my days with this game are probably gonna be over if the over buff comps again.


well we dont know yet if its just small buff of ovebuff.

Edited by Kiesu
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Things I didn't do:

- Interrupt (notable exception below)

- Use on use relics

- Use heroic moment

- Intentionally set any CC

- Group with anyone or seek any assistance

- Use ANY defensive cooldowns



I never have to do these things. The current heroics system with the current companions simply doesn't demand it. I can clear these using less than half the abilities at my disposal, and unlike you I don't even use good damage rotations. Truth be told, I never even looked up what my optimal rotation is supposed to be because it is not necessary for solo play. The game is accessible as hell. Probably the easiest game I've played all year. And people still complain.

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In 4.0, the game went beyond merely accessible to the point where combat was but a mere formality. You could not lose with one of those OP companions at your side no matter what. Someone explain to me how it's fun to walk into a fight that you can't lose even if you do nothing. There are no video games that I know of where you can just stop fighting and let your AI teammates kill everything, and yet that is apparently what the playerbase of this game wants.


Well said!

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You do know you can dismiss a companion and resummon it, right? Takes three seconds and fills his HP gauge to the maximum? I guess you knew, right?


Doesn't really address the issue though does it? And yea, you can also mount or use boots to fill it.


Good job on trying to point out what a n00b I am.

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Look Bioware just change the damn comps back good God! I went through all the Herioc 2+ on Dromund Kaas by myself with hardly any issues but as soon as I hit Nar Shaddaa, bam, I'm getting my *** handed to me cause of the nerfing and that's a low lvl world my characters a lvl 65 it should not be that hard...


I use all my comps as healers I liked that. I fought they healed me and made the game fun... Now I'm lucky if I kill one person cause the comps too a major hit....


I could careless about the tank and other parts I just want the healing part resorted.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Healing a companion is an issue? Since when?


Since day 1 if you're a Mara, Sent, etc. but the issue was needing to rest twice to fill a comps HP. So you either missed the original post or just wanted to jump on the noob train.


I'd like to think the former but experience has taught me it's probably the latter.

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Char: Lvl 65, Avg iLvl 216

Class: Gunslinger/Sharshooter

Companion: Corso Riggs (retrieved early): Influence Lvl: 50(!), Current Role: Heals


I completely get where your team wanted to make things more challenging in your reduction of companion help. I mainly play my dps or my tank. I have stopped playing my tank now that you did this reduction and have stayed only with my dps listed. Since I don't run my companion in any role other than heals, I cannot say what has changed there. The heals part of that is more than a disappointment. With a healing follower, even without mods when we still could, I got better heals than I get now:


IE: Courscant: H2 lvl 12(12): "Retrieve the Passkey".. Damage is minimal 68-110k from mobs, but my heals are comparable at 71-110. Close in numbers.


Now: Belsavis: H2 lvl 48: "The Tyrant"... Damage 698-1600 from mobs, but my heals are 117-229.. even with CC's, CD's. I'm dying. REALLY?? Do you see the numbers and see why?


I have the screenshots from both areas but I see no button to link then here as proof of what I am addressing.


Unlike some, I am not quitting swtor over this. I also cannot say what a tank or dps companion may be, but I have been mottling thru this week wondering WHY? Even though a reduction was fine, why you would make it borderline to where a healing companion is almost a non-viable thing..

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Since day 1 if you're a Mara, Sent, etc. but the issue was needing to rest twice to fill a comps HP. So you either missed the original post or just wanted to jump on the noob train.


I'd like to think the former but experience has taught me it's probably the latter.

Oh. I guess I'm just more chill about the speediness of combat then. Mained Sent since first year and used vanilla Scourge as main tank companion for years, just because i found him coolest out of my companions. Regeneration was never a thing i considered an issue personally.

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Hey folks,


First off, we want to thank all of you for your feedback about Companion balance following 4.0.2. As we go into the weekend, we wanted you to know that we have gone through this thread, the forums, Reddit, and social media to gather everyone’s perspectives. We have come out of this with quite a few action items that we are going to take, including buffs for Companions. On Monday, we are going to release a forum post highlighting our plans to address current Companion balance, along with the state of Heroic Missions and Star Fortress.


Thank you all once again for your feedback.




Oh Mr Musco, I see you're going to make me eat crow.....


Outstanding. Regardless of what you do, just the fact that you are willing to visit the problem goes a long way IMO.


Bravo. I look forward to Monday.

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