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Mass Exodus , due to patching, Nerf and bugs


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This is 100x worse than slot machine. I never posted once on the forums in all my years. I'm fed up to my ears about this change, and so are a lot of others.


This is a game changer, and not in a good way. Look at the server drops, and yes it had been slowly declining since expansion, but now it's jumping off a cliff.

This is exactly why I think this needs an emergency fix...but like Beachdudeca just said, it'll be too late...they sincerely don't seem to care if players quit over this.

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Lack understanding how? Push buttons, kill stuff, have fun...or do you mean they should learn their "rotations" and min/max like hardcore gamers do?


I guess I just don't understand your mentality...if Bob'Vader just spams whatever skill is off cooldown, but can still enjoy the game and he keeps playing, why do you care if he understands his class at all? He's not on your PvP team or your HM Ops group, he's out doing solo content that you find easy to do...what the hell does it matter to you what Bob'Vader does?


If you've progressed beyond the need of the crutch that a companion provides, why not dismiss them if you want a challenge, or turn off some of their skills? Create your own difficulty level if the challenge is all you want...why support an environment where Bob'Vader can't even complete solo heroics and he quits?


I'd rather cater to someone like Bob'Vader, who's playing the game and enjoying it, because given time, anyone can become a better player once they get hooked...hooking them and letting them feel "powerful" while having fun, isn't a bad move at all...it creates a game players return to.


except the so called elitist in this game simply do not care about anyone or anything other than themselves as they have proven time and time again...they want what they want at the expense of all else and will parse it any way they can to get their point across,,,maybe when there is only one server left someone will get a clue or again, maybe not.

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yea , thinkiing the game is heading to the trash heap over this because ,


In the posting by the devs of what their game expectation was , they did not bother to state what testing if any the did to suppot the 75% reduction in Compation healing, which took it down to a fraction of the 3.0


This means that any change , and if one were to happen will not be for at least 2 - 4 weeks , and then again for only token amounts 10 - 15 % from the nerfed levels,


I really just wish they had lied , and said the nerf was more extreme then they had intended , and that a significat fix to restore Healing to 75% of the prior levels was in place to be release this week.


But thats not how it played out , so will enjoy the game until the sub ends , cause the game is heading for the trash heap due to this mistake by the devs

Edited by Beachdudeca
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I wasn't here for SoR, but wasn't that a clusterfrack of bugs and unbalanced content, too? It's almost as if there's a pattern...
there are bugs in the operations from SoR that still arent fixed.


they released it before xmas, and didn't even fix the last boss of the operation for at least 8 weeks. people were exploiting loot...it was ridiculous. they literally disappeared for weeks after it was released.

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This is exactly why I think this needs an emergency fix...but like Beachdudeca just said, it'll be too late...they sincerely don't seem to care if players quit over this.
im wondering if they recieved a mass amount of cancellations saying "game is too easy" and they are just wildly overreacting.


this entire situation has definitely proved that casual players REALLY liked the changes and really want content they can solo and enjoy with low-moderate difficulty.


now if you ask me: who is happy, the casuals or the hardcores i think my answer is "no one"

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there are bugs in the operations from SoR that still arent fixed.


They haven't even fixed the loading screen text for non-Instant-60 characters; it's still stuck on Shadow of Revan, Lana is still just taking over Sith Intelligence. The thing you see WHEN YOU LOAD INTO THE GAME is still broken! But no, let's jerk around over companion healing...

Edited by damonskye
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They haven't even fixed the loading screen text for non-Instant-60 characters; it's still stuck on Shadow of Revan, Lana is still just taking over Sith Intelligence. The thing you see WHEN YOU LOAD INTO THE GAME is still broken! But no, let's jerk around over companion healing...


Quoted for truth. There are dozens of minor, but legit problems this game has that are just getting buried under an avalanche of crap as every hour some new person who thinks their opinion is so brilliant that they have to make a whole new thread just like all the others about the same exact thing over and over shovels another pile on top.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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To be honest, subscriptions are a big part of their revenue, but F2P accounts actually spend so much on unlocks and cartel market stuff that all they have to do is add a few more skimpy armors and speeders, and they won't feel the difference.


The decision to nerf was made because we're chewing through KotFE too fast, bypassing the introduced grinds for companion influence and for upgraded equipment. They don't care how we feel, they're just looking at what we're doing, and what it means for their bottom line.


Chewing through what? 9 hours of content? 5 levels that took less than 2 hours of that content? Grinding heroics that have been in the game since each planet launched? Oh... or the one instance they created, then copied for each planet these fortresses were hovering over? Sorry... that's right... they named each champ something different.

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im wondering if they recieved a mass amount of cancellations saying "game is too easy" and they are just wildly overreacting.


this entire situation has definitely proved that casual players REALLY liked the changes and really want content they can solo and enjoy with low-moderate difficulty.


now if you ask me: who is happy, the casuals or the hardcores i think my answer is "no one"


And here is where we agree .


Its a cluster of a problem , because ,

Companion Healing was , and still is horribly bad with them taking long coffee breaks between healing ,

This was masked by the fact that they were able to do a certain level of burst healing , but with the changes this is gone , and one of the last things that can be done in game are now gone ,


Before 4.0 ,

You could pug a Tactical , you would be crazy to do that any longer because of the inabiltiy to complete with most groups


You had a mid range HM , the Classics , again somehting you could do , but those are all gone


You used to be able to farm some easy credits in game , but all the mobs had their drops nerfed by 90% ,

You were even for 2 weeks able to farm soem Planet Heroics ,(weekly only) but again nerfed if you were used to running them with a Healing comp , meaning they take a lot more time then they used to ,


Now , understand ,

My game focus is normally Operations ,

But for when your not in Ops its nice to be able to do other things , and Bioware has made the game increasingly unplayable , or at least where the reward matched the effort extended


Its why so many are saying ,, Farewell this week

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This Poll is pretty telling. http://strawpoll.me/6044247/r


Its not 80% but its in the 70's of those that have voted so far. If they had in game polls like this they could get some real data.


And I voted 8 times in that poll and explained how I did it and no, I won't say which way(s) I voted. In addition to being very easily scammed polls are only marginally useful if there is a valid sampling technique used to get a representative cross section of the target population.


"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Mark Twain


P.S. If Bioware really wanted, or were inclined to listten to a "Poll" they'd put it on the launcher and tie it to login credentials.

Edited by Erasimus
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I cancelled my sub already due to the massive nerf I know one needed to be done but it was far to extreme it doesn't end till next month now so I will still play bit till my sub ends but its no longer as fun as it was for a solo player
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There are a very vocal group that like the direction of the game, and they represent about 10% of the paying customer base.


But with 80% of the community ready to leave the game because of the bugs, patching issues, and the companion Nerf that reduced companion healing to a 1/3 of what it was even back in 3.0,


Did you know that over 60% of all statistics found online originate from the posters rectum?

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And I voted 8 times in that poll and explained how I did it and no, I won't say which way(s) I voted. In addition to being very easily scammed polls are only marginally useful if there is a valid sampling technique used to get a representative cross section of the target population.


"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics." Mark Twain


P.S. If Bioware really wanted, or were inclined to listten to a "Poll" they'd put it on the launcher and tie it to login credentials.



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Quoted for truth. There are dozens of minor, but legit problems this game has that are just getting buried under an avalanche of crap as every hour some new person who thinks their opinion is so brilliant that they have to make a whole new thread just like all the others about the same exact thing over and over shovels another pile on top.


The problem would be with Bioware's inability to manage their priorities.


Apparently companions being OP was such a game-breaking issue that it needed to take precedence over bugs and the likes.

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Do you have any idea how 4.0 has affected any and all group related content?


Do you know what instant 60 and broken companions have done to FP groups, wz teams and heroic groups?


Never in my years of playing this game have I encountered a level of such stupidity and incompetence from people playing an easy game, to the point that its pointless queuing for a FP or entering wz.


Companions may have helped solo content but they *********** destroyed group content.


Do a pug FP, get a group of morons who can only saber strike, never used a taunt or heal, think they can pull 3 groups, stand in AoEs... Etc. Why? Because companions allowed them to do it before in solo so why would it be different in a fp?



Do a wz and half your team just have no clue at all. They cant kill anything, they cant follow objectives they have no situational awareness. Coz their companion played the game for them. Bombs planted in front of them, healers free casting on the tank their saber striking. Its unbelievable.


I don't expect people to be good, but I expect people to have a brain and use it when playing GROUP content.


Was I ok with comps at 4.0? Yes, until I realized the side affects. Do I support the nerf? Hell yes.


This is a game which the player must engage in. If you cant be bothered to learn simple mechanics, tactics, abilites or simply learn to play your class then just unsub like you're threatening to.


No argument I've seen has a leg to stand on. All I see is poor players moaning that they cant solo difficult content and want an "I win button".


Its not a hard game. Adapt or abandon ship.


EDIT: No, I'm not an elitist, just low on patience.

Edited by tomius
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The problem would be with Bioware's inability to manage their priorities.


Apparently companions being OP was such a game-breaking issue that it needed to take precedence over bugs and the likes.


That wasn't a minor bug though, It really was game-breaking, and they were risking losing a very real chunk of their player base if the game became an easy walkthrough, as opposed to the very vocal minority screaming about unsubbing because they can't be indestructible any more.


Companions may have helped solo content but they *********** destroyed group content..


For the record, some of those FPs got way harder, but I know what you're saying. There's been a dip in ability since 4.0 and I've had to do a lot of in-game coaching with pick-up groups to help them along, none of which involved calling them "incompetent". Seriously, it's not their fault they got handheld, so the best thing for everyone is to work with them.

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That wasn't a minor bug though, It really was game-breaking, and they were risking losing a very real chunk of their player base if the game became an easy walkthrough, as opposed to the very vocal minority screaming about unsubbing because they can't be indestructible any more.


Gr8 source, there. Just truly enlightening, can't argue with it.

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