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A question for those defending the nerf...


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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?



No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


I think this is a bit extreme. I defend the nerf not because of any of the reasons you've listed but because they needed to be changed. When there are reports that actual live players were getting replaced in favor of companions that sealed it for me (whether or not the reports were accurate or not is above my pay grade). The fact that companions were able to out perform a living, breathing, paying player wasn't correct. In terms of the amount of the nerf in terms of percentage changed (which is like 75 percent redux) I can't really comment on. Bioware had the numbers crunched, and those numbers led them to nerf the companions by a heavy amount. They did the research, and found that to be the solution to the problem. Luckily, and selfishly I guess, I haven't felt the nerf nearly as much as other people have (which may be because I'm a healer so I don't have to deal with a healing companion).


It's not, and never has been, about players trying to keep content locked to themselves above other players. In terms of post nerf player antics: this sensationalism is extreme.

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Stop being obtuse you know what I mean. The % of a nerf is only as important as the effect it has on game play. Yes Companions are A LOT less powerful BUT with that companion I can still solo the H2 SF withoput the alliance buffs as is the intended FIRST step of their design, what EFFECT did the nerf have? This is the issue you keep dodging.


btw I appreciate you raise the numbers, most don't bother. My only issue is numbers are about analysing the actual effect they have on a specific problem. In this case the problem is "how is game play practically effected?" You post the numbers but do not address the problem/question the numbers are designed to effect.


You are the one being obtuse.


The developers have explicitly said that companions should serve as an adequate replacement for a player when doing content such as heroics. They are not an adequate replacement, they are less than a quarter of a player in raw stats, and much less when you take into account that they don't have a brain.


So either the developers are flat out lying, or they went overboard with the nerf. Take your pick, but there is no way you can tell me with a straight face that companions are even close to being comparable to a player as the developers claim.

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I think this is a bit extreme. I defend the nerf not because of any of the reasons you've listed but because they needed to be changed. When there are reports that actual live players were getting replaced in favor of companions that sealed it for me (whether or not the reports were accurate or not is above my pay grade). The fact that companions were able to out perform a living, breathing, paying player wasn't correct. In terms of the amount of the nerf in terms of percentage changed (which is like 75 percent redux) I can't really comment on. Bioware had the numbers crunched, and those numbers led them to nerf the companions by a heavy amount. They did the research, and found that to be the solution to the problem. Luckily, and selfishly I guess, I haven't felt the nerf nearly as much as other people have (which may be because I'm a healer so I don't have to deal with a healing companion).


It's not, and never has been, about players trying to keep content locked to themselves above other players. In terms of post nerf player antics: this sensationalism is extreme.


This is far better than I could have explained it. More than once in an FP I saw this happen (I tank). I always voted no because I just won't say yes... I would rather fail a FP, that doesn't matter to me, hurting another person does. Most of the time the reason was "better chance at loot drops" and we still finished the FP. That kinda power is ridiculous.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.

Yup! The people supporting this are either elitist or myopic thinkers. There's no good that will come from this nerf, the only possible outcome is a decline in subscriptions.

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Part of a MMO is progression, both in terms of character abilities, gear, and yes, players learning to play. We shouldn't have to intentionally under gear ourselves, or not use companions to make the game not so face roll easy.


if this is the case why is BW selling lvl 60 tokens?

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Question has been answered many times in many threads, but I guess it shouldn't surprise anyone that someone too lazy to read existing threads and post in one of them instead of creating yet another thread didn't see it.


Part of a MMO is progression, both in terms of character abilities, gear, and yes, players learning to play. We shouldn't have to intentionally under gear ourselves, or not use companions to make the game not so face roll easy.


I would have been perfectly happy with a difficulty slider so that people that want to be able to semi AFK their way through the game can be happy, people that want to at least have to pay attention while playing would be happy, and people that want every fight to be a nail biter could be happy, but failing that, they absolutely needed to nerf 4.0 companions. A super easy game bores people faster than a hard one, and this game was NEVER hard.


I rarely throw the L2P card, but if you thought solo content in this game was ever hard, then L2P does apply. If you couldn't solo 90% of the H2s in meh gear before 4.0, L2P does apply. You level so fast now, even if they put companions at 3.xx ability, you still level faster than you ever did before. The only grind in this game is alliance, and casuals aren't doing it...they're just doing the story.


Why do you assume casuals are automatically people that want the game so easy a 6 year old can beat it? I'm a casual. I don't even have any 65s, FFS.


I love how no one reads your full post.

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Again, you are asking the players themselves to disable core aspects of the game and this is somehow rational logic to you?


In reality here though, this little companion battle is ridiculous. It is up to the developer to somehow find that balance, NOT the player's. Now granted, it is virtually impossible to please everyone but I do believe Bioware is trying to find that balance. They realized the companions were way too OP so they nerfed them. Chances are they are still striving for that balance and will give them a slight buff in the future. That is just my guess by the way.


You're not disabling core aspects, you're tweaking them after your play style. People did that long ago in Dragon age origins to challenge themselves by playing on the hardest difficulty naked. There was even a way for anybody, even casuals to complete the game on the hardest difficulty. *cough* arcane warrior *cough*.


The players are the ones who play the game, so if something is bad they should make their voices heard. I think Bioware likes that more than people just unsubscribing without saying a thing.

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You are the one being obtuse.


The developers have explicitly said that companions should serve as an adequate replacement for a player when doing content such as heroics. They are not an adequate replacement, they are less than a quarter of a player in raw stats, and much less when you take into account that they don't have a brain.


So either the developers are flat out lying, or they went overboard with the nerf. Take your pick, but there is no way you can tell me with a straight face that companions are even close to being comparable to a player as the developers claim.



Adequate does NOT mean equal. People are still doing most, if not all of the H2s with the current companions, just not as fast. Adequate: acceptable in quality. If you still get the job done it is technically acceptable. If it was mass failures cool, I would get that BUT I don't see that. what do I see "If have to meditate now", "trash mobs take more time". These aren't people complaining about "acceptable" it is people talking about optimal. There is a BIG gulf between those two concepts.

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Yup! The people supporting this are either elitist or myopic thinkers. There's no good that will come from this nerf, the only possible outcome is a decline in subscriptions.


Employing a straw man isn't exactly a sign of deep "thinking" either, chief. I know it's comforting to think everybody else is just stupid, but the facts are inescapable: Pre-4.0.2. your companion made YOU irrelevant. There wasn't a game. There was ProgressQuest! The game where you click a button and are rewarded like a rat in a maze (except not quite because at least the rat had to find his OWN way through the maze).


That doesn't mean they got the nerf right. But it does mean something needed to change. What I think a lot of people are getting wrong though is pointing to the greatest solo challenges in the game and demanding everything be balanced around them. That's not much in the way of "thinking" either. If those challenges are a problem, fix them. Don't make literally everything else that isn't that hard utterly trivial or else a lot of new people will never see enough of your game to PLAY those harder missions. They'll have quit long ago after realizing they weren't really playing the game. The game was playing itself.

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For personally I am one that would perfer in game difficulty over crippling myself, doing so is just not fun. Besides the suggests you guys make are pretty lame anyhow. IF you dismiss your companion the combat feels awkward. As range you are constantly having to kite back, as a healer you are killing slow as hell, as melee dps you are having to heal after every fight, its lame. IF you remove skills then you have to constantly remove them every time you load in or get in a boss fight also companions just overall dont function properly with half their skills removed, sometimes they just sit there doing nothing . Its better they just fix the problem . The companions were so op they literally could beat the game for you. While every mmo has gotten to the point that leveling is a joke none of them go as far as letting a npc play for you that is bloody ridiculous . With the previous buffs and nerfs to leveling I think everyone should be happy ... As poster above said


- You still only need like 2 missions per planet to keep up with the story

- You still do not need to gear your companion

- The game is STILL relatively easy

Leveling in this game is STILL ridiculously fast and easy compared to how it was the only thing that changed is now you can't afk while your companion beats it for you which is how it should be. IF you dislike the combat in this game soo much that you don't want to be bothered with it at all , you are honestly better off playing a different game.

Edited by crimsiden
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Employing a straw man isn't exactly a sign of deep "thinking" either, chief. I know it's comforting to think everybody else is just stupid, but the facts are inescapable: Pre-4.0.2. your companion made YOU irrelevant. There wasn't a game. There was ProgressQuest! The game where you click a button and are rewarded like a rat in a maze (except not quite because at least the rat had to find his OWN way through the maze).


That doesn't mean they got the nerf right. But it does mean something needed to change.

I never said it was perfect before, I'm talking about those who think it's fine as it is now...it's clearly not. At least when they were OP, we had more people playing. Those who favor the current extent of the nerf support less people playing.

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Adequate does NOT mean equal. People are still doing most, if not all of the H2s with the current companions, just not as fast. Adequate: acceptable in quality. If you still get the job done it is technically acceptable. If it was mass failures cool, I would get that BUT I don't see that. what do I see "If have to meditate now", "trash mobs take more time". These aren't people complaining about "acceptable" it is people talking about optimal. There is a BIG gulf between those two concepts.


Let me nerf your stats by 75% and let's see if you feel adequate now.


I'm not talking about equal, I'm talking about adequate. Saying they are comparable to a player and then putting them at 25% of what a player could do, are two very different things.


If they had 50%, or 75% of a player's output, I could see that as being comparable. They aren't comparable, they are weaker than they have ever been in relation to the player's power. This game has never had companions this weak, not even at launch if you bothered to gear them even in your old gear.


Why are you being so obtuse? You have already admitted they are vastly inferior than they were before. You even parsed and seen that their output is less than what was possible at level 50 if you geared them. It's like you don't want to admit they made a mistake and went TOO FAR.


I'm not sitting here saying they should do a complete rollback, but they shouldn't be this weak either. It's so far off from their claim about being able to use a companion as an adequate replacement that they would be perjuring themselves in court if they made that claim.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?




No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


They don't care about the nerf or the situation. They saw nobody was crying for help anymore and they couldn't play "hero" in their pathetic little pixel lives anymore. They don't want a challenge, they want to show you how cool they are lol. They are pathetic, stop giving the time of day.


Do what I do, start excluding them from all activities. Show them what you think of them and stop entertaining them. Most of humanity can't stand their type anyways. It's always the same types, the liberals..the atheists..the pc feminist lol all trash wit no moral values. They get a kick out of pissing you off and that is all this is about so when you see them defending the nerf in chat.../ignore. One less ahole to deal with.


If everyone started doing this the world would be a better place.

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by grind I mean time to complete. That is what MMO companies do. They say "okay we need to make the content so that it takes the average player X amount of time to complete." The grind here was obviously getting to the point you could clear the H2 SF solo... which I cleared in a mix of 192/190 and 186 the day I finished the story because the companions were so dang powerful. The stronghold stuff, character decorations, those are nice but niche as well. That is not the grind that governs how a dev house sets about designing the playable content which is the life blood of an MMO.


This isn’t a progression game, if you think their making their cash from progression raiders you’re mistaken. They’re making their money from the collectors playing Star Wars dress up and decorating strongholds. When Bioware’s done nothing for PVP in 3 years and added no new content for raiders in this expansion except outdated their armor and offered them the same content to run its pretty obvious those players are not their core source of revenue . They make their money from selling cartel packs and mounts to pokemon collectors … gota catch em all! … And there’s nothing wrong with that, they just have to admit there not WoW, they’re not going to be WoW and it’s time to shake that off and be more like Diablo. They have a giant game but they’ve decided to delegate anything worthwhile doing to handful of instanced areas that largely people want to solo …just like they solo’ed the 65 levels getting to cap. When they find out they can’t and there collecting of things grinds to an end they move on.

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This isn’t a progression game, if you think their making their cash from progression raiders you’re mistaken. They’re making their money from the collectors playing Star Wars dress up and decorating strongholds. When Bioware’s done nothing for PVP in 3 years and added no new content for raiders in this expansion except outdated their armor and offered them the same content to run its pretty obvious those players are not their core source of revenue . They make their money from selling cartel packs and mounts to pokemon collectors … gota catch em all! … And there’s nothing wrong with that, they just have to admit there not WoW, they’re not going to be WoW and it’s time to shake that off and be more like Diablo. They have a giant game but they’ve decided to delegate anything worthwhile doing to handful of instanced areas that largely people want to solo …just like they solo’ed the 65 levels getting to cap. When they find out they can’t and there collecting of things grinds to an end they move on.


Progression does not necessarily imply progression raiding. Progression can be obtaining more companions, increasing their influence to gain power, getting better gear to be more powerful, leveling up the recruiters to get their buffs, etc. If the game can be soloed by your level 1 companion, then your character is never going to gain power and you're essentially working towards nothing until a new chapter of story comes out.

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I never said it was perfect before, I'm talking about those who think it's fine as it is now...it's clearly not. At least when they were OP, we had more people playing. Those who favor the current extent of the nerf support less people playing.


You know me, Tux. I focus more on nuts and bolts. Nuts and bolts wise, we can examine the server populations to see if truly less people are playing (aside from the normal ebb and flow of population density). I haven't done all that, but from what I can discern from tor status at least for shadowlands (my home server) is that there is no discernible difference in the ebb and flow to suggest that less people are playing due to the nerf. Granted there seems to be a plateau of sorts, but there is no discernible dip. Even if you examine the Harbinger the peaks and troughs show no discernible dips or prolonged lowering of those peaks or prolonged duration of the valley's. There is the strong dip when no server was online, but overall if we take two highly populated servers as our sample there has been virtually no drop off in players playing. Which leads me to not being able to accept your position. We can re-examine next week to see if there has been a change. But, ultimately this makes me wonder if all this un sub talk is merely sensationalism (which I think is more what's going on here).

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Its not any harder now.


It just takes more time.


That is more time doing content I first did in 2011, for the same reward. And you think that is progression?


HK does less damage now at level 65 and influence 41 than he did at level 60 and in full yavin gear. Is that progression too?


Nothing in this game has ever been hard. Pretending there is difficulty now is just making excuses for conceited people who want something to show they are better and different in game. Its just a bigger time sink. That isnt a challenge, its just frustration for most of us who don't associate our toons with our own self worth.


Exactly, good post. This sums it up so you may as well kill the discussion now. Nothing in this game is "hard" other than maybe the NIM ops if you haven't done them yet. Nothing else in this game is hard or challenging and it's OLD. We do not want to repeat the same OLD content in slow motion. What is so hard to understand about that?


Oh people will not leave? lol okay let's see how quick people will leave when it takes ages to do what you did in an hour before. Slow people down and see how good that goes, go right ahead. Why would they stay? To group with some aholes who caused this to repeat OLD content that they could solo quickly before? What a complete joke.


A bunch of trolls and people with no lives are the only ones supporting this nerf, don't try to sound intelligent lol I know better and so do others.

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You know me, Tux. I focus more on nuts and bolts. Nuts and bolts wise, we can examine the server populations to see if truly less people are playing (aside from the normal ebb and flow of population density). I haven't done all that, but from what I can discern from tor status at least for shadowlands (my home server) is that there is no discernible difference in the ebb and flow to suggest that less people are playing due to the nerf. Granted there seems to be a plateau of sorts, but there is no discernible dip. Even if you examine the Harbinger the peaks and troughs show no discernible dips or prolonged lowering of those peaks or prolonged duration of the valley's. There is the strong dip when no server was online, but overall if we take two highly populated servers as our sample there has been virtually no drop off in players playing. Which leads me to not being able to accept your position. We can re-examine next week to see if there has been a change. But, ultimately this makes me wonder if all this un sub talk is merely sensationalism (which I think is more what's going on here).


Go play on a PvP server, you'll see the difference. Heck JM was easily 5 times more active a year ago than it is today.


That's why you don't see dips in the big servers, everyone on the shrinking or dying servers went to the big ones. Compare the low pop servers, what they are now compared to what they were a year ago, they are just decimated. As much as people complained about mergers then, it's far worse today on those servers.

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Go play on a PvP server, you'll see the difference. Heck JM was easily 5 times more active a year ago than it is today.


That's why you don't see dips in the big servers, everyone on the shrinking or dying servers went to the big ones. Compare the low pop servers, what they are now compared to what they were a year ago, they are just decimated. As much as people complained about mergers then, it's far worse today on those servers.


Completely separate issues here. Tux and I came from POT5. We both have first hand experience on a pvp server. It's why I left them specifically out of the discussion. They've been in decline far far longer than this companion nerf has been in existence, or even this expansion has been in existence. Thus, the reasons for pvp server demise are much greater than the discussion at hand. PvP server population is an outlier when it comes to analysis. And, unfortunately, it will not provide adequate representation. Also as a secondary question, wouldn't PvE servers specifically be more of a target to look at anyway since the companion issue is a PvE issue and not a PvP one?

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This isn’t a progression game, if you think their making their cash from progression raiders you’re mistaken. They’re making their money from the collectors playing Star Wars dress up and decorating strongholds. When Bioware’s done nothing for PVP in 3 years and added no new content for raiders in this expansion except outdated their armor and offered them the same content to run its pretty obvious those players are not their core source of revenue . They make their money from selling cartel packs and mounts to pokemon collectors … gota catch em all! … And there’s nothing wrong with that, they just have to admit there not WoW, they’re not going to be WoW and it’s time to shake that off and be more like Diablo. They have a giant game but they’ve decided to delegate anything worthwhile doing to handful of instanced areas that largely people want to solo …just like they solo’ed the 65 levels getting to cap. When they find out they can’t and there collecting of things grinds to an end they move on.


Well it was until this expac for the most part... needing to grind those yavins dailies till your eyes bled and the grind before was much the same. I completely understand that some people may say "this is a TOR game so it should not be this way..." BUT that and the design that BW has had since they started adding all the MMO grind stuff in 2013 shows that is also mhow they see it.


I have said before and I will say again... what the BW:TOR fans in search of TOR 3 fans WANT, and what the BW Devs have been designing, are two very different things and they have been at odds since Ohlen said at GDC 2013


Based on BioWare's pre-launch metrics, the team expected players to get through the content in three or four months. ... "Within four and five weeks, we suddenly had close to a half a million people at the endgame," Ohlen said. "It was something we didn't expect at all." Players were unsatisfied and began to exit the game.


They decided to go with the "typical" MMORPG model because of this realization. They did it, in their own unique BW stykle of course, right up until 4.0 launch. Then they saw what was happening and had a flashback to 2012 and said "crap!!!!"


I know some people don' agree with this concept, even rail against it bt for proof all I o is say look at the mechanical structure of this expac and then look at the nerf they did on Tuesday. I really think the evidence speak for itself. We don't have to like what the evidence says. I deal with that on a daily basis in my job. I may say "I know..." or "I feel 'A' to be true" but if the evidence says "B is true" then I must act on "B" and not "A"/

Edited by Ghisallo
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I'm going to do a bit of a comparison here:


For example, as we all know, World of Warcraft has been dumbed down quite a bit as well over the years. But, the players are given some options without having to disable core mechanics of the game to tailor the game more to their personal play styles and preferences.


There is heirloom armor that levels your character much faster and also makes your character quite a bit more powerful as opposed to the player who just uses gear from quests, dungeons, crafting, etc. The armor also levels with the character. I personally choose not to use the heirloom armor because I hate steamrolling over content in levels and difficulty. The heirloom armor is not a core mechanic of the game like companions are in SWTOR. Heirlooms are a convenience for players who prefer easier leveling in speed and ease in difficulty.


So there I have my choice. I choose not to buy or equip heirloom armor and I am happier. Many, many players do but in big part due to the xp increase it gives you.


I don't like outleveling content at the blink of an eye or doing gray quests where I one shot everything in site. The option given in WoW is you can actually disable your xp for 10 gold. You can then therefore pay 10 more gold to turn it back on when you like.


I like these options. I like these options because it gives the player choices to play the game more to their liking. You want to speed level, you can do it by running dungeons non stop and having heirlooms. You don't want to speed level? Don't equip heirlooms and just play the game at your own pace. There isn't a war among players (to the best of my knowledge) about these choices.


You want to level to 100 in less than a week? You can do it. Or, if like myself, you are going for the loremaster title and achievement and are actually having fun stopping to smell the roses for once and just enjoying the journey along the way, you can disable your xp to avoid outleveling content which can make the content less fun for players like myself.


My point in this comparison is that things can be done in a way where a game company can cater to more than one type of player. It doesn't have to be going from one extreme to the next.


WoW isn't a hard game to play these days either. The content is much easier than it was when I first started playing it 10 years ago. But, at least Blizzard has given it's players some choices so that they have satisfied the hardcore gamer along with the casual gamer. The gamer who prefers more of a challenge and the gamer who prefers everything very easy. It can be done all.


I really do like SWTOR. The story in this game is amazing and a lot of fun to play through. But it was also meant to be an mmo, not just an rpg like other Bioware titles. And for the sake of it being an mmo, maybe Bioware could at least consider adding some choices to their game like some other games have in place that will not take away from the core mechanics of the game, but will add that balance a bit more to satisfy multiple play styles. Just a thought.

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To all those people giving thanks for the nerf, because the game was too easy with OP companions:


If the game was so easy, why didn't you simply dismiss the companion?

Oh, wait, maybe you like having a companion at your side. Ok, then...


Why didn't you set the companion in passive mode?

Oh, wait, maybe you liked the companion doing things, not just walking. Ok, then...


Why didn't you toggle off some or most of the healing/dpsing abilities of the companion to make it way lesss overpowered?


No more excuses. No more lies. You weren't mad because how boring and easy was the game with those OP companions. The truth is that you didn't want bad and casual players to be able to do things that you consider should be only achievable by you.


I really didn't realize there was a nerf until looking at forums today. Why? Because it felt about the same difficulty as pre-patch to me with a rank 7 companion. Only difference I noted was that I was actually getting to run through my rotation instead of just spamming my highest damage powers because what I was doing didn't really matter. Was the best time I've had in weeks. I didn't adjust my companion because I didn't see the point. I'm here for the story, but appreciate the combat challenge. I've felt like the companions were a bit much ever since I noticed my companion regularly doing about 3x more damage with their powers than I was. I'm a tank, so damage isn't really my thing anyway, but that seemed more than a touch overboard.

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Progression does not necessarily imply progression raiding. Progression can be obtaining more companions, increasing their influence to gain power, getting better gear to be more powerful, leveling up the recruiters to get their buffs, etc. If the game can be soloed by your level 1 companion, then your character is never going to gain power and you're essentially working towards nothing until a new chapter of story comes out.


I’m not arguing that point, if you want to call progression, obtaining new stuff to hang on your wall progression that’s fine, and in that case there is literally no end to the content with the amount of mounts, pets, appearance armor, furniture, trophies, and companions the game now offers. I think the fear here over the companion nerf is for some that solo path to obtaining these things is roadblock because they simply prefer to play the game that way.

I don’t think anyone expects to do it with a level 1 companion, however I think it is reasonable to expect a solo path to obtaining these things (for this game) this is not WoW it’s a shared space KOTOR and would serve itself better adopting that approach…..IMHO

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I never said it was perfect before, I'm talking about those who think it's fine as it is now...it's clearly not. At least when they were OP, we had more people playing. Those who favor the current extent of the nerf support less people playing.


TUXs! :eek::eek:


I am in the boat of, yes they were overpowered and needed a nerf BUT no no, NOT this much at all. It was a ton of fun with them being so powerful and I could see why the nerf but they did way too much of a nerf. :(

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