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NO ONE will care about the voice acting in one more month.


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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


Your playing the wrong game 'bub.

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The point OP the was getting at is we're pretty much playing Mass Effect (Star Wars edition) with occasional drop in co-op.


It doesn't feel very MMOish and won't have a lot of replay value. It feels like BioWare sacrificed gameplay, open world exploration, and other MMO aspects all for a good leveling experience.


Don't get me wrong, I'm loving this story on my first time Jedi Knight, but I fear this game will turn out to be just that. A leveling experience I won't play anymore after my free time is up.




(P.S. fix that bloody ability delay because it's awful and absolutely ruins smooth, responsive gameplay)

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Bioware - Please do not listen to these downers. If God himself came down and handed them a MMO they would still not be happy.


The voice overs are absulutely awesome. I have been playing MMO's since EQ1. When WoW released there was a huge amount of content in that game that I was not used to from a MMO. That was the draw for me. More content. Richer content.


This game so far has done just that, added more content - richer content to a tired old quest dialogue box that gave only what your imagination could add to a NPC's personality. Now the NPC's come to life! ... and I still think that was Arnold doing voice overs for the flesh raider on Tython.


Keep up the very creative and great work, Bioware. I am enjoying it!

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The fact that you skip the story is your own fault.Tell me do you want to keep seeing a wall of text for the next ten years of MMO gameplay?I know i dont.Hardware tech is way more advanced than the current level of MMOs in gameplay.I say increase the voice overs by employing people for these games.


There are significant twists and turns in this game.Tell me, randomizing your choices , youll be in for a grind when you try to get your Lightside /DarlsideLevel 5 swoop wont you?There are items that are light /dark side only.The player who does stick with one side gets the rewards for doing so.

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Ok, I will admit I know people who spacebar through the voice overs, there is some people who don't care for them. But I also know many who love them, including myself. Making a blanket statement like "NO ONE" will like them is laughable. If you don't like them, skip them, no reason for this pointless doom and gloom post by an OP that is clearly making false and unknowable statements to prove his point.
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Bioware - Please do not listen to these downers. If God himself came down and handed them a MMO they would still not be happy.


That already happened. It's a MMO called real life and most people don't like it a lot of time and I can't blame them.


At least with computer games you have the choice between multiple titles :)

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The only way I manage to retain any sort of joy from those choices is through my RP nature. I pretend my actions have consequences. Once you realize the harsh truth of things, it doesn't matter in the slightest. Since whether you kill him or let him live, after that quest is over it'll never come up again.



It is not strictly true that it will never come up again. I've been berated by Darth Baras for my choices in the Sith Warrior story line. I've received emails from people I chose not to kill. Are the differences earth shaking? Probably not, but they are there. The story is the only reason I'm playing alts at all at this point.


I'm pretty sure that not everyone will be skipping dialogue in a month. Just those with a short attention span (which unfortunately is a good percentage of the population).


Are there issues with the game? There sure are: the UI sucks, there is no usable LFG or LFD for those that want it, key binds and UI changes can't be saved and loaded between characters, crafting is woefully unbalanced, I get disconnected from the server (by the server) and then put into a queue to get back on... etc...., etc....


The story is not an issue with the game. The story IS the game.

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I agree, the Voice Acting is nice fluff, but it should have been added only after the game itself was complete


Core > Fluff


Yet for some reason, BioWare spent half their budget on ONE ASPECT OF FLUFF, and well... this is the result


For Bioware the VO is the Core, so youre playing the wrong game mate.

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I was undecided on the value-added benefits of full VO to an RPG. After playing through L30, I can say that it has really made the difference for me.


This game is so very, very linear and seeing the same planets over and over will eventually get monotonous. VO is the only redeeming quality of this game's replay-ability.

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Oh dear Lord! Of all the things to complain about...


My opinion? I <3 the voice narrations! I'm sick to death of new MMO's talking about how they're story driven and immersive etc, then falling WELL short! Well Bioware actually did it! Nice job! This is the first MMO where I actually listen to (and often read) the quest details and choices. It adds to the feeling of immersion, and of being invested in your character and what they're becoming. FINALLY someone ante'd up and put their money where there mouth was! To that I say WELL DONE!


If yr L22 and already skipping the quest narration, ask yourself why. Is it because Bioware spent a lot of money on it and yr pissed off? Doubt it. More likely its cos you wanna speed level, or you're bored with your toon, or can't find anything else to whinge about. Either way, I don't judge you, we all have our priorities and likes etc. But I'm pretty sure you're in the minority.

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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.


I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.


And you expect people to care about your opinion of the story when you admit at the start of your post you've ignored it since lvl 22?

Edited by Hellbrass
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I cannot say if the OP is right or not( and neither can he :p)




I think you are cutting yourself short by skipping it at what,..level 22ish?

You paid for content,..may as well eat it!


My friend and I are enjoying the game. and listen to every story and choice,..we are doing sort of a 'good cop bad cop' thing,..and I love when I win the dark choices.hehehe


I will give it it's fair shake and listen to it all the first time through,..now, if I had to do it again,..yeah,..I can see myself skipping all that. That's a big IF on the reRolling, not sure yet if this game has that longevity.



All I can say is it cracks me up when I so blatantly disregard authority to those empire stiffs,..

and just the thought of Darth Jadus Nuking( literally sending me to the medProbe) for repeatedly not kneeling before him makes me smile,..


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I only started skipping after I beta tested so much I could practically speak along with the characters. But once I got into new content I hadn't seen, I STOPPED TO SMELL THE FLOWERS.




And yes, your choices affect some content beyond light/dark points. I had additional quests open up, so you're probably missing out on stuff.

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The voice acting imo adds a whole new experience to the game. You are able to select your attitude and how you want to do things, the tone of voice and the actions that unfold makes a whole other connection to the character so of course it is a big thing.


I for one loves the voiceovers and will certainly not skip them. When I run a flashpoint for the umpteenth time, then I might do some skipping but honestly, thanks primarily to the voiceovers I will level one toon of each class just to see their stories unfold. Thats a first with me anyway.


But sure, to each their own I guess.

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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


Thanks for once again proving, that everyone has an opinion.....


and generally they arent right.

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