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NO ONE will care about the voice acting in one more month.


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Stop speaking for everyone. I enjoy the story, some of them do get long and boring at times, but that's what the space bar is for. I'm enjoying seeing how the classes progress with their own story line.


To say that "NO ONE" will care is just ignorant. You don't know this and you don't speak for the majority.

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I'll milk this game for all its got. I've managed to fit in over 100 hours in both of the mass effect games and they were tiny compared to this.


If you are whipping through the dialogue you're missing valuable character development and story telling.


It's like reading the cliff notes on a book then deciding that the book is bad.

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I enjoyed Bioware games, too (except DA2 and ME2, those were horrible). But even as a big fan of their former titles, you just have to be realistic and admit that the formula that worked there (and that was better there since they could implement wideranging changes depending on your decisions), will NOT work for an MMO that people should play for YEARS to come. It just doesn't work and if you can't see this, you don't know a thing about MMOs.

IMHO BW overrated itself and their stories and someone had the (bad) idea that they could do the same thing as always, but just for an MMO this time. They just relaxed on their glorified storytelling and did nothing for the actual long-term playability. This game will fail.

This gamedesign neither works for the hardcore raiders / pvpers nor for the big casual crowd. Accept it.


accept what ? your lack of information/ignorance ?


are you aware that this kind of game design - providing of content DURING game instead of 'end' game, has been working very well for lotro for years now ?


to the point that they had so many players and had the potential to attract so much more that they had gone free to play, totally being able to rely on the income that can be generated through microtransactions instead of monthly subscriptions ?


lotro continually pushes up books (which are actually content chapters) every 3 months.


so, if you are done with a book, lo ! there is a new one waiting for you when you are done with it.


this is the formula that works for the 'casual' crowd. voice acting/cinematics on top of that kind of formula, would be a spectacular overkill.




and in contrast lets check wow - they have been losing subscriber interest in their game after the initial 'wow' factor (endless legions of hardcore gamers talking about it everywhere, bringing in friends - which is how i got my friends into the game too btw - and advertising), they discovered that only 5% of the player base has seen the 'end game content' (raids, instances) in their vanilla and tbc iterations ?


and then they moved to make things more accessible at wrath of the lich king. which worked to some extent, but when the 'hardcore types' have blabbered about 'progress, competition, too easy, carebears' etc, they mad cataclysm harder, and what happened ?


600,000 subscibers lost in 3 months.


no. it doesnt work. there is no way to satiate hardcore gamer crowd. and while trying to satiate them, entire games are ruined.

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I enjoyed Bioware games, too (except DA2 and ME2, those were horrible). But even as a big fan of their former titles, you just have to be realistic and admit that the formula that worked there (and that was better there since they could implement wideranging changes depending on your decisions), will NOT work for an MMO that people should play for YEARS to come. It just doesn't work and if you can't see this, you don't know a thing about MMOs.

IMHO BW overrated itself and their stories and someone had the (bad) idea that they could do the same thing as always, but just for an MMO this time. They just relaxed on their glorified storytelling and did nothing for the actual long-term playability. This game will fail.

This gamedesign neither works for the hardcore raiders / pvpers nor for the big casual crowd. Also it won't work for the oldschool MMORPG crowd coming from Player/community/guild-driven gameplay.

This game works well for Single-Player fans not disgusted by the story yet. For one month or two.

Accept it.


^^ LOL OK Mr. ImTheDefinitiveAnswerAndKnowMoreThanAnyoneElseSelfAbsorbedEpeenYouShouldJust"Accept"WhatISay Guy.

Edited by pattongb
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Except it was advertised as one of the big, new main things. That, to me, makes it a core element and not fluff.


I am LOVING it personally. My Consular and Smuggler, even though i play both as good, are so different that its refreshing to play them both. Can't really say that for any other MMO I've played.


Although i do think if i hear my smuggler say "Im sorry/...tough break" or its varieations one more time i may strangle something :p


Also, coice does matter. Ive noticed that some of my actions do have consequences / rewards. and that choing A led to either a c or d option, while b led to options e or f.


Exactly. I seriously do not understand how people can utterly fail to pick up the fact that BioWare said this was what they were doing from the very beginning. Also the story dialogue choices do make a difference and do have an impact. I've done Black Talon three different ways so far depending on the majority choice at specific parts of the story.

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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


Go back to your cave, bud.

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haha I know huh.. your playing sorry PAYING to play this why? To skip something you never heard why? But what says it all is when the OP says it makes no difference. Everyone should have just laughed and moved on.


You know people toss money away all the time and heres a guy that could careless what he does with his money.


Its like going to watch a movie and just going for the pop corn and staying there. So its only get quest go kill get reward and why you doing this? No clue but I am PAYING for it!

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accept what ? your lack of information/ignorance ?


yadda yadda yadda


You realize that going f2p and pay2win is just trying to get a few more dollars out of a dead and failed MMO?

I seriously laughed hard about the


to the point that they had so many players and had the potential to attract so much more that they had gone free to play, totally being able to rely on the income that can be generated through microtransactions instead of monthly subscriptions ?



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P.S. OP, you are stupid and assumptive. Knock that **** off.

No need to get offensive about this (but well, you're not the first). Just wait and see...

Get real guys, the same interactive movie can't entertain you forever. It WILL get boring and it WILL get tedious. It doesn't matter how amazed you're about it now.

Edited by Gunfox
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You realize that going f2p and pay2win is just trying to get a few more dollars out of a dead and failed MMO?

I seriously laughed hard about the




that would be because you dont know jack shizz about gaming industry and how things are happening.




Someone is going to create a social game that pulls in a billion dollars a year in short order, said Sebastien DeHalleux, vice president of business development and strategy at EA Interactive and former chief operating officer of EA’s Playfish social game division.


Speaking at the Inside Social Apps conference in San Francisco today, DeHalleux said that hitting that milestone for the social game industry — which is only about two years old on Facebook — would be astounding. But he noted that the goal is based on a matter of simple math.


as you can see, vice president of business development and strategy at EA, disagrees with you.


microtransactions are what social gaming has brought to gaming scene. the stuff like farmville at al. microtransactions existed before social games, but noone took them seriously.


when farmville was able to get 5 to 8% of its 80 million players pay for stuff without necessarily doing anything, lights went on in gaming industry.


now everyone is after the pay to play scenario.


especially after the proliferation of smart devices (some are easily playing entry to mid level 3d games now) and tablets/netbooks - gaming population has become huge.


even valve, id are eyeing social gaming market for casual gaming, and civilization is now online on facebook.


that is the new trend. it will go further with html5 and what it will bring as 3d rendering to browsers.


it is inevitable that online games who use legacy formats like wow, eq, lotro to follow the same format.




being ignorant of developments is okay. insisting on remaining ignorant, is not.

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that would be because you dont know jack shizz about gaming industry and how things are happening.






as you can see, vice president of business development and strategy at EA, disagrees with you.


microtransactions are what social gaming has brought to gaming scene. the stuff like farmville at al. microtransactions existed before social games, but noone took them seriously.


when farmville was able to get 5 to 8% of its 80 million players pay for stuff without necessarily doing anything, lights went on in gaming industry.


now everyone is after the pay to play scenario.


especially after the proliferation of smart devices (some are easily playing entry to mid level 3d games now) and tablets/netbooks - gaming population has become huge.


even valve, id are eyeing social gaming market for casual gaming, and civilization is now online on facebook.


that is the new trend. it will go further with html5 and what it will bring as 3d rendering to browsers.


it is inevitable that online games who use legacy formats like wow, eq, lotro to follow the same format.




being ignorant of developments is okay. insisting on remaining ignorant, is not.


You just called Farmville a game? Oh boy.

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that would be because you dont know jack shizz about gaming industry and how things are happening.






as you can see, vice president of business development and strategy at EA, disagrees with you.


microtransactions are what social gaming has brought to gaming scene. the stuff like farmville at al. microtransactions existed before social games, but noone took them seriously.


when farmville was able to get 5 to 8% of its 80 million players pay for stuff without necessarily doing anything, lights went on in gaming industry.


now everyone is after the pay to play scenario.


especially after the proliferation of smart devices (some are easily playing entry to mid level 3d games now) and tablets/netbooks - gaming population has become huge.


even valve, id are eyeing social gaming market for casual gaming, and civilization is now online on facebook.


that is the new trend. it will go further with html5 and what it will bring as 3d rendering to browsers.


it is inevitable that online games who use legacy formats like wow, eq, lotro to follow the same format.




being ignorant of developments is okay. insisting on remaining ignorant, is not.


The social gaming scene does seem to have set off a chain reaction that will not be stopping anytime soon.


You just called Farmville a game? Oh boy.


I don't like it anymore then you, but our opinions on farmvilles let say quality, and the financial facts about it are two different things.

Edited by Fyuria
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You just called Farmville a game? Oh boy.


yes. it is a full fledged farming simulator that is much more complicated, time consuming and detailed than the farm simulators back in 1990-2000. complete with upgrade routes, options, progression and many more. the only thing missing from it, is the serious financial aspect of banks, loans and that kind of accounting management.


it baffles me why grannies, grandfathers who would not be persuaded to even look at any farm sim/strategy games back then, are now playing it every day.


only those who are of young age, or totally inexperienced in long time gaming, or untrained in game development would look at the skin of a game (oooh cute cows in farmville ! it MUST be a simple game lol !) and then make an opinion out of it. or stupid people maybe.




how hardcore gamers sees online social gaming and the casual crowd does not matter zit. there are 80 million people playing that game as of now, and 5 to 10% of them are shelling out cash regularly for a lot of stuff, to the point that zygna issued cash cards purchaseable in brick and mortar stores to use in-game.


what is more amazing - the fact that zygna has succeeded in making people who would not play any kind of computer game for the life of them, to play painstakingly complicated, time consuming,




like it or not, there is 80 million people in farmville alone. there are many more in zygna's and others' other social games. and they are shelling out major cash.


this is why a lot of mmos have gone not only simpler to attract those huge crowds, but also went free to play in order to attract the cash that is going around.


and again, i would like to refer the EA strategy director's statement ; someone is going to make a social game that generates 1 billion $ soon.

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That's a tragedy indeed.




since early 2000s gaming has gone on a very, very bad route - cash milking consumers by building timesinks and carrot/sticks into game.


the main format was subjecting the player to some easily generated repeating effort, and spill rewards/cutscenes/content at any point you desire to make the game take longer.


we have diablo 1 to thank for it. in case you noticed, it was the first game that has embodied and tested the format with all its features. then it was carried over to wow in all its glory.


so we got milked for around half a decade by everquest/wow clones. just because we were hardcore gamers.


and this also kept more casual gamers and easygoing people out of games too, and retarded gaming.




but now, because noone from that 300-400 million (already) crowded social gaming/casual gaming crowd will arse for it, the companies will have to make their games fun at any given point in the game in order to attract their business.


the old format of 'make the gamer work like a slave and spill rewards/cutscenes at whatever point you see fit' will not work. the process of progress in the game, however that happens, will have to be fun in its act itself too.




i had had opened a thread discussing this issue in detail with references before actually :



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yes. it is a full fledged farming simulator that is much more complicated, time consuming and detailed than the farm simulators back in 1990-2000. complete with upgrade routes, options, progression and many more. the only thing missing from it, is the serious financial aspect of banks, loans and that kind of accounting management.


it baffles me why grannies, grandfathers who would not be persuaded to even look at any farm sim/strategy games back then, are now playing it every day.


only those who are of young age, or totally inexperienced in long time gaming, or untrained in game development would look at the skin of a game (oooh cute cows in farmville ! it MUST be a simple game lol !) and then make an opinion out of it. or stupid people maybe.




how hardcore gamers sees online social gaming and the casual crowd does not matter zit. there are 80 million people playing that game as of now, and 5 to 10% of them are shelling out cash regularly for a lot of stuff, to the point that zygna issued cash cards purchaseable in brick and mortar stores to use in-game.


what is more amazing - the fact that zygna has succeeded in making people who would not play any kind of computer game for the life of them, to play painstakingly complicated, time consuming,




like it or not, there is 80 million people in farmville alone. there are many more in zygna's and others' other social games. and they are shelling out major cash.


this is why a lot of mmos have gone not only simpler to attract those huge crowds, but also went free to play in order to attract the cash that is going around.


and again, i would like to refer the EA strategy director's statement ; someone is going to make a social game that generates 1 billion $ soon.


Dude, it's just paying to build a cute farm. And the more you pay, the cuter it gets. No simulation included at all. How in the world can someone in a gaming forum defend this crap? You just kicked yourself out of the discussion.

"Social Gaming" is nothing more than trying to pull money out of your grandmas wallet.

Edited by Gunfox
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Weldone for defeating the purpose of this game. Being wrapped up in a story is a brilliant experience to behold in an MMORPG. I've been paying this game for almost a month, beta, early access and I still don't skip any scenes unless I've seen them a few times.


Your statement claiming NO ONE will care is very inaccurate, as clearly many of us do. Nice trolling attempt though.

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Dude, it's just paying to build a cute farm. And the more you pay, the cuter it gets. No simulation included at all. How in the world can someone in a gaming forum defend this crap? You just kicked yourself out of the discussion.


have you played any farm simulation back in the last 10 years.


i guess not.


and if you look at it, what you would call wow is just an overexpanded diablo 1, repeating the same mechanic over and over again. the only difference is the presence of auction house.

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have you played any farm simulation back in the last 10 years.


i guess not.


and if you look at it, what you would call wow is just an overexpanded diablo 1, repeating the same mechanic over and over again. the only difference is the presence of auction house.


There's not a single bit of skill involved in these social games. Pay and your game gets better. That's not a game!

What the hell are you trying to explain me here?

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Weldone for defeating the purpose of this game. Being wrapped up in a story is a brilliant experience to behold in an MMORPG. I've been paying this game for almost a month, beta, early access and I still don't skip any scenes unless I've seen them a few times.


Your statement claiming NO ONE will care is very inaccurate, as clearly many of us do. Nice trolling attempt though.


actually, when im run out of the story in this game, im ok with shelling out 15 a month, if they just keep giving me a new chapter in this 'online kotor' every 3 months.


i dont give a flying fyscke about instances, raid drops, 'endgame progress' et al. even when i was into hardcore gaming harder than many of those who claim to be hardcore here, kotor would supersede any kind of harcoreing. even starcraft ladders, diablo 2 hardcore (once your char dead, it was gone), and any mmo (ultima online and so on).


kotor spawned kotor 2, mass effect 1/2, dragon age 1/2 just from the same company, which went on to become huge successes. not to mention how much it was imitated in rpg gaming.


what did wow spawn ? numerous unsuccessful wow clones. even everquest, which was the originator of that 'endgame repetitive raiding' concept, is going up and down on the edge of the cliff now.

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There's not a single bit of skill involved in these social games. Pay and your game gets better. That's not a game!

What the hell are you trying to explain me here?


you need to know about things before you talk about them. attempt playing farmville past the point of start.


you will find that it speedily becomes way too cumbersome with micro management of that cute little farm. i was playing for the sake of my friends/relatives, and i was flabbergasted with how fast it became as tedious as wow grinding with similar hard progression courses that you could not circumvent. farming equipment has capacity, they burn fuel - which is you have to carefully plan if you are trying to grow your outfit -, and if you want to concentrate on cattle herding etc it is a whole different occupation in itself. there are different yield crops which also pay differently from each other, so its not so simple as 'pick and plant'. moreover, some stuff require action from your 'neighbors', so you are also obliged to who you are playing the game with, you cannot just pick a tool and do everything with it - the seeder doesnt do what something else does, another tool doesnt do what another tool does and so on. it goes on and on as you enlarge your farm. i noticed past an entry point, it became way too big an effort to plan and enlarge the farm with all the stuff that it entails.


so the amazing thing is, there are actually people who you could not persuade to look at a computer game, playing it.


actually, there are 80 million+ people playing it. if they spit, we hardcore gamers would all drown in their drain.


lets face it - this is the direction of gaming. but thankfully, its not so simple as you claim to be in your ignorance.

Edited by Enako
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Actually I will still care , since I haven't reached level 22 yet because I had been busy ( real life stuff . ) Maybe you should play less and not burn through the whole game .


I have a lvl 24 gunslinger and a lvl 8 Jedi. How much less shall I play?

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