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NO ONE will care about the voice acting in one more month.


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This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


You say you want to write your own story, then you say you don't want story. Something tells me you're just another petty hater, talking out his/her ***. You contradict yourself, and rely too heavily on strawman arguments to be sincere.


If you don't want story in a game, don't play RPGs. Oh and the gameplay is also very good. Better than 90% of the mmorpg's on the market. So your either/or fallacy is moot.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Hey OP. I have read a lot of your responses and cannot tell if you are trolling and looking to get the community of this game up in arms about the VO's.


I can tell looking at the responses that most people disagree with your opinion. I would like to know what other MMO's you played and for how long.


I have played a lot of MMO's and put the most amount of time in WOW. The only time I ever read a quest in any other MMO was to see what to do and this was before Quest Helper and before these games told you exactly where to go on a map. Story meant nothing to me in any of these games.


I find the story in this game really enjoyable. I have a 25 SW and 5 classes 10 and above. I have not skipped a VO once. I will probably skip some of the side quest VO's that I have completed at some point but have not felt the need too yet. I am more interested in what happens next in the story than leveling which is a first for an MMO.


Does anyone know how much money they spent on these VO's. I keep reading people saying they spent over 100M on this game and all of it went to the VO's , what did they spend their money on. I have been reading that voice actors only make 30 to 50 K a year (does not include the known actors for movies and tv shows). With 20 Voice actors getting paid for the past 5 years it would be roughly:


20 * 40K = 800,000 a year * 5 years = 4,000,000. This is a rough estimate but this seems to be a very small amount of money from a budget of 100M plus. The writers probably get paid more and every MMO needs writers.


I do not think I will be able to ever play another MMO to end game without a good story or VO unless the combat/Gameplay is so amazing.


OP, accept the fact that not everyone has the same opinion as you.

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You should remember this post and in six months still see if you care about the voices. I'll spoil it for you, you wont.



Since you know so much, tell us what else we aren't going to like. Personally, I don't care for your opinion of yourself and your opinions...but that's just me.

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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


So you like to sound smart arent you.


You just bought a bike, red one use it for 2 hours and after that complain that you though it was a car, but not a car, a Ferrari.


That doesnt sound so smart now isnt it?


Sir do you like to embarrassed yourself in this way by looking stupid?


If you dont like the game ---------> Exit Door


Dont call us, we call you

Edited by Phenyr
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It's a nice gimmick, but sadly it's just that, a gimmick. Voice acting is certainly not the future of MMOs, that's for sure. MMOs are about replay value, you need to be able to play for months on end, so any voice acting gets dreadfully stale. It's also why a story-driven MMO is nothing but a pipe dream. A story-driven MMO is akin to reading the same book over and over and over. Eventually it just gets to the point where it doesn't matter.


I still have fun with it, and it was a nice change of pace. But it's very obvious TOR will be the only one to do it on such a scale.


Edit: Although I have to agree with the lack of choices. You really can just skip dialog and choose at random and your story will play out the same as everyone else. This part really dissapointed me. I was hoping that my choices would actually shape my story in some manner, but nope. Regardless of what you say or do, the story remains the same.


No MMO lets you shape the gameworld in any significant manner. Instead, they are about creating the illusion that you do. I find the voice acting to be a very effective illusion. And there are consequences. Obviously, they do not change entire zones or planets, but you do get different updates on many storylines via mail, etc.

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you know what never gets old ? interactions in between people. we call this life. we talk, learn, laugh, trade, love, yell - the stuff we do in life. we live entire life based on it and we get excited on it.


that is why there is something called 'rpg'. because, this stuff never gets old. and that is why if there are MANY different ways to play a rpg and many different settings/outsets, eventually one of them gets to you real bad and hooks you in, even if you are the hardest of hardcore gamers.


in the end, you are still a person. there are things/situations which would attract you like honey to a fly. and because people just dont change overnight, those kind of situations would be attractive to you for a loooooooong time to come in years.


thats the promise of this voice acting/rpg/situation thing over the 'grind and drop' format.


Games where the content is "talking to other people" fail. We can do that in real life whenever we want. A game should be a game, not a chat room.

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You heard it here first :)

I've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything! I have yet to see a consequence that adds more than more voiceover and in the rarest cases killing one insignificant dude. The stories of the sidequests have the quality of a c-movie at best.

And this is where the major part of the budget went? Sorry, but this makes me laugh.

Will the decisions change your quests? Nope.

Will the decisions change the world or parts of the map? Nope.

Will the decisions change following decisions? Nope.

All they do is adding more pointless, boring textlines.

Will parts of your gear change based on a soulless number counting how "good" or "evil" your decisions were? Well yes, I have to give that point to Bioware.

I'm finished with this boring, pointless abomination called a story.

I really hope the gameplay gets better, but honestly I don't have much hope.


This is an MMO, let us write our OWN stories! Not follow a pointless path some underpaid or just plain bad writer sucked out of his fingers.

If I want a story, I'll go watch a movie or read a book. Gameplay is what counts in a game.


Can you name an MMO that lets you write your own story? The point is creating an illusion that you are involved, and I find the voiced cutscenes to be very immersive. Nor do they prevent roleplaying and other forms of personally created narratives.


The dialogue of course does have impacts in gear, follow-up emails, etc.


The idea that video games are about gameplay rather than story is a) a statement of personal preference and b) not borne out by the history of human art, which revolves around stories. So try not to overgeneralize out of passion.


I would point out that the "Star Wars" films from which all of this springs are C-movies at heart. Never stopped me from enjoying them, or this.

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Games where the content is "talking to other people" fail. We can do that in real life whenever we want. A game should be a game, not a chat room.


Examples and statistics, please? There is no game in which the sole content is talking to other people. There are many games that rely heavily on talking to other people, and many of them have run for years, such as WoW and Second Life. Any MMO is by necessity and design about talking to other people. You are just setting up an exaggerated straw-man criticism.

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Games where the content is "talking to other people" fail. We can do that in real life whenever we want. A game should be a game, not a chat room.


no we cannot.


tell me where you can 'talk to other people' in a starbase in real life.


see my point ?


its interacting with other people in different settings. and the atmosphere/immersion/setting the game itself creates.


you could also interact with REAL people in wow stormwind square and /1. but even the feeling and mood there was much more different than the one here.

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What the OP fails to see or understand is that these dialogues are part of your leveling experience, and they transformed, at least for me, the standard mmo leveling into an epic journey.

It also somehow "explains" why your character is what it is at level cap.

He's part of a world. If you dont like it, skip the movies, go ahead. And?

What you are skipping is only the leveling part.


At level cap there wont be much dialogues anymore, just as there wont be experience to gain anymore.


People are complaining because SWTOR has a soul, and should be like all other mmos a brainless rush in which grinding quests unlinked to each other, has no other interest than the experience they give.


Hey OP, cant you hear?! Yes, it's clearly pandas, and they are waiting for you. With them, no worries, no need to read the quest, and collecting 10 mushrooms or killing 5 boars will be so much fun!

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I love the voice acting.

. It even makes running with friends more enjoyable as I get to see their choices lived out. A lot of the vo work is very good and evocative for me and really sets the tone for the game. One of the reasons that I love this game is that the story is so awesome and really draws me in, a big part of that is the quality of the voice work. I definitely will care about VO in the coming months and years as I play this game and I deeply hope it is part of the game as it grows and matures....

I don't care about playerbuilthousing, I don't want mods and macros, I like the crafting system as it is.....PVP is fine, however the interactive group story arc is why I am here.


I will probably end up with a BH alt. Just because I loved the male BH voice so much during beta.

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Well, from experience with other mmos, your own stories are written by elitists that tell you how it goes.


If you don't spec how they say or gear how they say, you are screwed when it comes to group content.


Sorry, but that just kills my story immediately.


Its obvious that anyone that finds the voice acting and the side quest stories pointless or something like that are just not bioware rpg fans and are indeed just mmo gamers that (i hope) will be gone within the free month.


I have personally gone through Coruscant over 10 times, done each quest the same amount of times and i have yet to get bored of the voice acting, though the alien speech can be tedious, i personally suggest you put in a univeral translator that translates whats being said, just like how Freespace and Freespace 2 had it when you talk with Vasudans.


Other then that, the game is perfect, despite the bugs.

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I agree, the Voice Acting is nice fluff, but it should have been added only after the game itself was complete


Core > Fluff


Yet for some reason, BioWare spent half their budget on ONE ASPECT OF FLUFF, and well... this is the result


This is very well stated, and I agree that Bioware put too much into the voice acting (particularly having it done in THREE separate languages when English would have been more than sufficient). It makes me cringe to think what game-play features/improvements Bioware could have implemented with the money it spent on German and French voice actors alone.


That said, I do think that voice overs add a new degree of depth to the MMO genre, and it lends a quality to this game that is certainly absent from other MMOs. I do think that the core of this game is very solid (it could be better), but only time will tell if Bioware has enough content to keep players happy in the long run.

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Really don't agree with op's post (my opinion) love the story and voice overs. Sure beats the click/accept/do/hand in without reading much of what you have to do style of questing. I think a lot of people are ignoring that this game is primarily a story-based game!!!

Oh one more thing the flag button is there for good reason. (and believe me it works)

Have a good time all playing SWTOR and may the Force continue to be with us for many years to come.


Gotta say this lol one of the best lines ive heard my character say (i wont spoil by saying who) in response to an npc's story about why they need help "Is there a point to this sob story" made me lol irl

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you heard it here first :)

i've started to skip every conversation at lvl 22 and pick my answers at random now, only paying attention to good / light side points.

Everything you say will be pointless after the conversation ends. Everything!


you do know this is a game and nothing matters in the end right

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