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What many are missing about the Comp Nerfs and Other Nerf Decisions by BW


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You still can solo all the heroic 2 content. So Eric's comment wasn't wrong or misplaced. What I've found is that some players are going for higher level heroics (maybe for achievements I have no idea what their motivation for doing so is) With the change it's shown that they can't really do it. The nice thing is there's a ton and I mean a ton of heroic 2s from starter planet up to like Hoth that can be completed right now without any issue what so ever. I found that the difficulty started getting higher on Voss. Before Voss though, they are virtually the same as before.


Yes, technically people can. However, by the time you are able to, there is no point. The rewards do not match the level of character you have to be to do it.

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Here is a bit of ratonal you seemd to have missed from Eric:




It would seem the the intention was to make the game so one COULD solo the Herioc 2 content.


I'm confused what I supposedly missed. I never stated that Heroic 2 aren't for soloing and confused how this is came about. Second it's not my rationale since its BW. If BW tweeking made it so those statements contradict then they have choice to side with one or fulfill both promises. Are they soloable? Again I dunno and whether they should be I'm indifferent. However if BW states they can be solo'd with nerfed comps than its their goal of making both visions true (They could be true now but again I dunno)


As for my rational for anything here it is :)

Edited by FerkWork
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You still can solo all the heroic 2 content. So Eric's comment wasn't wrong or misplaced. What I've found is that some players are going for higher level heroics (maybe for achievements I have no idea what their motivation for doing so is) With the change it's shown that they can't really do it. The nice thing is there's a ton and I mean a ton of heroic 2s from starter planet up to like Hoth that can be completed right now without any issue what so ever. I found that the difficulty started getting higher on Voss. Before Voss though, they are virtually the same as before.


Please read the whole quote;


Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Not some Not low level planets ANY Heroic 2

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I hardly believe you can prove that. That's just emotion breaking through which is fine. But, at some point people need to step back and look at things without letting their emotions cloud judgement and rational thought.


Or you can stop kidding yourself and use common sense. Let's say they did test it like you are alluding to. They can't do a quick fix or let people know right away? They got to wait 3 weeks and do a death star nerf out of nowhere? t's bad anyway you try to look at it. False advertising is false advertising, you don't see that fine. Stop trying to tell everyone to be like you because you are in the minority.

Edited by Hotrod_
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They said the community was "divided" and it wasn't divided. The majority were fine with the changes. If the Pro Nerf crowd didn't complain literally everyday for almost two weeks. That was their entire objective complain, complain and hopefully they get a nerf. A small minority of players ruined this game for the majority we have them to thank for this nerf. Edited by RogerApple
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Please, don't even give us that.

The companions in 4.0 were overpowered (And I was fine with that) and you don't need statistical analysis to see that. A single competent QA tester can tell you this.

And they should have tell us "We're still tinkering with companions, expect changes.".

But they didn't. They let us fool around for a month, get hyped up and all. Then nerfhammer once the money is in their pocket. Well, I suppose joke's on them. My sub expires in 9 days as it was taken before KOTFE. Not falling for Bioware's "Artistic Integrity" again.




Yeah they did. Less than 24 hours before patching. When dataminers leaked the news.

They kept silent for three whole weeks. The situations with companions was obvious to me as soon as I logged into KOTFE, with Kira being nearly 3x as strong as before. Yet you are telling me they needed to analyse anything when they developed the damn game?


You'd need to analyse by how much they are not working as intended. So I mean you can get annoyed with me or the process as much as you'd like to. It's still a process. Cutting corners doesn't help anyone. So while it was obvious that they were (definitely no disagreement there) by how much they were overpowered was the question. They answered that with the patch. Maybe they could have said we're looking at companions 3 weeks ago. I'm not sure it would have eased any angst with the patch.

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It really doesn't matter what the OP thinks people are missing - including the message that it was the company vision on companions that forced the change.


Why doesn't it matter?


It's not the reason - it's the result.


If the company vision aligns with the majority of players you've got a successful outcome and hopefully an increasing playerbase.

Conversely, if this vision turns out to be at odds with the majority, boy have you got problems.


The **** storm on here points away from the former.

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Or you can stop kidding yourself and use common sense. Let's say they did test it like you are alluding to. They can't do a quick fix or let people know right away? They got to wait 3 weeks and do a death star nerf out of nowhere? t's bad anyway you try to look at it. False advertising is false advertising, you don't see that fine. Stop trying to tell everyone to be like you because you are in the minority.


I'm not trying to tell anyone to be like me. If they were like me they would barely feel the companion nerf in game, because I certainly have not noticed it as much as some people are feeling it. I'm just asking people to use the lump three feet above their back sides. I have no idea where false advertising comes in to play though. They advertised companions that you can use in any role. They delivered that cause you can put them in any role. They advertised that as influence grew so did your companion's power, and as it grew so did the companion. My 25 lana is better than my level 17 T7. Sometimes the minority has a point, and I think Fek is right on. Could they have had some precursor communication where they said that they were actively looking at companions probably, but that's still a subjective thing isn't it? It comes down to differences in people's desire for timely communication. I thought the in depth post 24 hours prior was fine, others do not. So we can never have a consensus they did that correctly or not since it's a divided opinion. Also I wouldn't want anyone to be like me. If anything I hope more people are like Brad Pitt. Way more successful and better looking than I'll ever be.

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Please read the whole quote;




Not some Not low level planets ANY Heroic 2


I don't think he missed the point. People are and have solo'd every Heroic 2 since the change. He never promised that it would easy or could be done without any strategy, at any gear level, any skill level, or without very high companion influence.

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Please read the whole quote;




Not some Not low level planets ANY Heroic 2


You can solo every heroic 2 in this game still. Minus like the poison gas one on Makeb unless you're super ninja like quick (which I'm not). There inevitably will be people who can't solo every one, but the point remains the same that they are all soloable. People are soloing them still, therefore they are all still soloable.

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Please read the whole quote;




Not some Not low level planets ANY Heroic 2


I still don't see how this has to do with my point which I think you are the one missing it. Please read my post again. Again you are confusing my opinion (which is indifference) to BW goal. BW wants them still soloable with nerfed comps. If not case let them know. :)

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They said the community was "divided" and it wasn't divided. The majority were fine with the changes. If the Pro Nerf crowd didn't complain literally everyday for almost two weeks. That was their entire objective complain, complain and hopefully they get a nerf. A small minority of players ruined this game for the majority we have them to thank for this nerf.


Wrong. The community was divided on the issue. No one said it was an equal division. Jesus H. Christ when will people stop thinking in extremes and start using basic logic?

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They said the community was "divided" and it wasn't divided. The majority were fine with the changes. If the Pro Nerf crowd didn't complain literally everyday for almost two weeks. That was their entire objective complain, complain and hopefully they get a nerf. A small minority of players ruined this game for the majority we have them to thank for this nerf.


BW made that decision. You are fooling yourself if any of these posts we make are decisive in making decisions.


It comes down to balancing Arstistic Vision vs Paycheck. Whether good or bad it is what it is.

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BW made that decision. You are fooling yourself if any of these posts we make are decisive in making decisions.


It comes down to balancing Arstistic Vision vs Paycheck. Whether good or bad it is what it is.


They made the choice because the Pro Nerf crowd created a dozen threads a day for almost two weeks complaining about it. BW also cited the company's response to say you had nothing to do with it if you were one of the people complaining every day for two weeks and I think everyone knew about those threads. Then they get a nerf but you don't want blame anyone was complaining is just misleading.

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They made the choice because the Pro Nerf crowd created a dozen threads a day for almost two weeks complaining about it. BW also cited the company's response to say you had nothing to do with it if you were one of the people complaining every day for two weeks and I think everyone knew about those threads. Then they get a nerf but you don't want blame anyone was complaining is just misleading.


Sweet time to create some threads to bring back Kephess. Let's get this started since it works!!!:D

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Wrong. The community was divided on the issue. No one said it was an equal division. Jesus H. Christ when will people stop thinking in extremes and start using basic logic?


Basic logic would show that a 70% majority in a poll would be the one to go for. Damn this logic nuisance.

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Wrong. The community was divided on the issue. No one said it was an equal division. Jesus H. Christ when will people stop thinking in extremes and start using basic logic?


never happen


go look at a political thread now a adays

its all about extremes

hell they so extreme that when a moderate posts

they all veiw him/her as a extreme


This is society now a a days sadly.


As for companion ADJUSTMENT

Was needed.


I saw such a huge line of players blitzing through the content and leaving. Saying they will be back when next chapter drops.


Thats lost revenue for EA and its probably the only reason the ADJUSTMENT actually got put in.


The game was to easy.

To simplistic

To unchallenging


people blitzed through in a few hours and shut down account as been there done that it in hours


EA had to toughen up the game to make the existing content last longer

and part of that was the companions being adjusted

I expect more tweeks and adjustments to make the content we have loast longer.


Personally I have been saying since closed beta that they needed to do this from the start.


The problem with being able to walk through content is it put extra pressure on the devs to delive 5,10,20 times as much new content as normal, or see the subscribers move on.


Its always been a issue with SWTOR and I'm hoping they have finally acknowledged it and starting to address it.

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I hardly believe you can prove that. That's just emotion breaking through which is fine. But, at some point people need to step back and look at things without letting their emotions cloud judgement and rational thought.


Yea. Lets step back and look at things without emotions.


Bioware drops Knights and subs come flying in. People are having the most fun since the launch of the game. Many re-sub expecting the enjoyment to continue.


Less than 24 hours before Patch, Eric pops out a post saying 'Hey! We're nerfing companions but it'll be okay. You can still do HEROICS NP!' afterwards people really find out why he posted. Data leaked to players.


Patch day maintenance comes. 4 hours turns into 'We don't know when we'll be done.' 7 hours later the patch drops. People find out about the non-tested orbital nerf. 30 hours later people STILL haven't finished patching. Players discover they CAN'T do HEROICS like they were told because companions fall faster than rain in a thunderstorm. After Biowares complete 180 flip, players again begin to un-sub.


The SWTOR forums explode, as well as many of the major MMO sites start getting threads about Biowares version of the NGE patch. Posts still popping up 30 hours hours after patch voicing players disappointment with the patch. Elitist minority voices drowned out by incoming casual players actually being heard for the first time.


No response from Bioware. Not a peep. The only activity seen is to shuffle posts into the Off-Topic sections. Damage control is in effect.


Patch still downloads at 56k speeds. No updates, nothing.


Bioware epic faceplant is still in effect.

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I see many of the hardcore players talking about how they finish without trouble the content and they enjoy it and how the rest of us just want a magic I Win button and things like that, They say we need to learn to play the game and more across the post on the forums talking about this nerf.


Im sure many of us can still finish some of the Heroics ((not all)) but theres a thing they dont understand. Between can play the content and enjoy the content theres a big diference and for many, me included theres no more "Im enjoying this game" If you do i happy for you, keep playing the game and now enjoy the content as you want it, but at the same time let the other's express we dont like it and that way BW work in a solution for us.


I just feel like i know the Father of Megan Fox and he told me to date with her, was like live on a dream for almost a month, but suddenly her father told me she was too good for me, now i gona date with Jocelyn Wildenstein because Megan ****s in a extreme way but Jocelyn ****s in the way it was to mean planned.


Can I do the same things with Jocelyn? Yes!! Im enjoying like with Megan? Noooo!!! I want Megan Back :,(


P.D> Sorry english not my firts language.

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I get what your saying OP I don't mind the nerf if you give me the control back on how my comps are built. Right now it is all about influence so my only option is to raise that and cross my fingers. I had no issue with play before 4.0 I spent time on gear and mods my comps did fine. They took that away and added level sync (which I also don't mind) I have no ability to alter or build up my companion the way I want for specific battles. The nerf is painful because that with the level sync means for me to do exploration or personal story I have to spend much time on endless trash since my aggro is greater and with a companion who may or may not be capable of doing a decent job. The only solution I have is to sit around and craft companion gifts or buy them. Not fun game play for me.
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I no longer subscribe to the theory that BW has any "vision" about anything anymore lol.


It's just one reactive move after the next.


If they had this "vision" they'd naver have released KOTFE with companions in a state they were. Doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist to conclude that having companion do 2-3 times as much dmg/heals than a PC would counter said vision.



This is just one more example of them not thinking a thing through and then backtracking, and not a bit, but insanely.


I don't think many a people would argue companions werent due a nerf. But the complete and utter battering they recieved again just highligts how YOLO designed TOR is. And it erodes confidence in the entire project, to have this many "lol ***" moments, design dead ends, abandoned features and 180 turns.

Edited by aeterno
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Disclaimer: Personally I am indifferent to buff then nerf of Comps.


While I can understand why people are upset, I want to point out since seeing all these finger pointing threads that "whiners or People wanting a challenge" (Dependong on your PoV) ruined comps is mostly wrong. That and it makes the community quite toxic. Whether you are for against BW did not make a decision by tallying the number of threads


Here is there criteria on how they made the decision




So it comes down to their vision of how the Expac and game itself should play which they gauge the validity via their data. Yes the metrics we like to belittle all the time but I digress since BW states here that they use it as the main tool.


Now this is BW vision of comps



As you can see their goal is stated here. While you may or may not personally disagree with that view. their data showed that their view wasn't being fulfilled. This is the reason not whining or defending or whatever. What matters for BW is their data and their vision of the game to all customers and potential ones. Now whether the nerf is too extreme and contradicts the part of comps being valuable support is an issue that BW will also decide with data on adjusting if they deem it so.


This view that forum posts are deciding things is a toxic ones as it makes people view others as not only opposed but also perceived as the ones taking away and causing the things. Which isn't true at all. So be Civil, and to paraphrase Drew Carey, "Welcome to Swtor Forums, where the posts are made up and opinions don't matter." :D


TLDR: 1 person rambles about how even his opinion doesn't matter. Uses fancy quotes but lack of dank memes. A not satirical thread from me Ayy lmao :p


Ya well ultimately i decided based on this stupid *** patch to cancel my sub , so they can have their goals all they want , they screwed up my fun which is what i pay them for so now they dont get my money , and i am boycotting future BW games for a while after this debacle.

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They made the choice because the Pro Nerf crowd created a dozen threads a day for almost two weeks complaining about it. BW also cited the company's response to say you had nothing to do with it if you were one of the people complaining every day for two weeks and I think everyone knew about those threads. Then they get a nerf but you don't want blame anyone was complaining is just misleading.



This it was obvious they did it in response to the threads , then they use some marketing speech , oh its actually due to our "vision" of the game , no thats BS they caved to the elitists , and guess what those elitists were not leaving the game , they were just complaining , but the droves of casuals who enjoyed the game post 4.0 and now with 4.0.2 think its tedious unfun and feel like we have been fleeced by BW after we got good companions an then they took them away , well those numbers will be noticeable , because unlike hardcore elitists , casuals just move on when they dont like a game , they find a new game , because unlike those hardcore elitists we are not tied to one game indefinably if we decide the game starts to suck.

Edited by Artaniz
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