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URGENT: Depopulation of a Very Heavy Server


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Dear Bioware, yesterday evening, my server Red Eclipse, which is one of the historically most populated server (very heavy every week end, especially with release of KOTFE) is completely empty in comparison of Monday and last week....Usually there are 5 to 7 hubs in the Sith station at this time, and yesterday it was 1 at 21:40 and now only two.... My guild is empty we passed from average 25 to 8 players, I do no want to argue about the reason of that, but please in the name of god, do something !!!!
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Dear Bioware, yesterday evening, my server Red Eclipse, which is one of the historically most populated server (very heavy every week end, especially with release of KOTFE) is completely empty in comparison of Monday and last week....Usually there are 5 to 7 hubs in the Sith station at this time, and yesterday it was 1 at 21:40 and now only two.... My guild is empty we passed from average 25 to 8 players, I do no want to argue about the reason of that, but please in the name of god, do something !!!!


If it helps,i cannot patch the game and log to Red Eclipse. Once i will be able to,i promiss to fix the issue.

BTW - 5-7 fleet instances on Imperial fleet? On Wensday at this time? Never ever ever saw it.

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Dear Bioware, yesterday evening, my server Red Eclipse, which is one of the historically most populated server (very heavy every week end, especially with release of KOTFE) is completely empty in comparison of Monday and last week....Usually there are 5 to 7 hubs in the Sith station at this time, and yesterday it was 1 at 21:40 and now only two.... My guild is empty we passed from average 25 to 8 players, I do no want to argue about the reason of that, but please in the name of god, do something !!!!


Some people are still apparently unable to log in.

So that would probably be the cause.

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People are angry and upset and rightly so! We feel baited by the 4.0 patch, just to get shot in the face with patch 4.0.2 made companions worse than they were before patch 4.0! :mad:


I canceled my sub and took time to type the reason in the comment field. I voted with my wallet!

Everyone else, who is angry should do the same thing! Devs won't listen, unless you hit them were it hurts! Vote with your wallet!


I am sick and tired to be part of some idiotic social experiment by these devs! Using the live servers continuously as beta test servers, with knee jerk reactions and see how the playerbase reacts on it! :mad:


That's NOT what I pay 15 bucks a month for! :mad:

Edited by Jeronas
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Yesterday there was a lot of patching issues and even after the servers came back up 9 hours later the patching process was incredibly slow for many people. People still can not log into the game. We only had 30 people on Fleet most of the evening last night and only the one instance. I'd give it a day or two and see if things get better. Edited by Jerqa
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Server population for Red Eclipse is showing as standard atm (7 pm in Europe, so practically prime game time). After KoFE launched it would vary between heavy and very heavy but hardly ever fall below that. In the morning it was light which I can't remember ever happening before.


Either a whole lot of people are having issues with downloading the patch or there's a massive boycott of SWTOR due to companion changes.

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Server population for Red Eclipse is showing as standard atm (7 pm in Europe, so practically prime game time). After KoFE launched it would vary between heavy and very heavy but hardly ever fall below that. In the morning it was light which I can't remember ever happening before.


Either a whole lot of people are having issues with downloading the patch or there's a massive boycott of SWTOR due to companion changes.


There are a few reasons for the changes. First, it is no longer the week of launch and everyone isn't piling onto the servers every day. Secondly, they increased the server capacities shortly after launch so it would require more players to reach the same threshholds. Lastly, I'm sure there are those boycotting due to companion changes that will come around eventually to realize the sky has not fallen and they are still able to play the game solo. In fact, the ease at which all the content could be completed solo may be contributing to the lack of participation in the game as many players finished everything they intended to do the first week.

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There are a few reasons for the changes. First, it is no longer the week of launch and everyone isn't piling onto the servers every day. Secondly, they increased the server capacities shortly after launch so it would require more players to reach the same threshholds. Lastly, I'm sure there are those boycotting due to companion changes that will come around eventually to realize the sky has not fallen and they are still able to play the game solo. In fact, the ease at which all the content could be completed solo may be contributing to the lack of participation in the game as many players finished everything they intended to do the first week.


Pretty much this. There's nothing unusual going on here and only thing that Bioware can do is to release more content.


Main reason is that all the people that flocked here during the release expansion have completed the story, did everything they can , and when their subscription expired simply moved on in anticipation of further chapters, like some of my friends, which will return when thy would have something new to do.


KoTFE chapters 1-9 weren't that long and offer zero replay-ability factor (once you have seen the story with one character, you have seen it with all), so there's nothing really to keep people an masse until Chapter X comes out.

Edited by Pavijan
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I've unsubbed as well although I've got 5 months remaining due to paying 6 monthly. It sounds like the companion nerf is too hard from the feedback from here and from my guildies. My reason for un-subbing isnt about the companion nerf. Its more the dreadful state of the end game. We had a great story to do with this expansion it was great the first time around. However its got limited re-playability I've done it I know the gist of the story, selecting a few different choices each time doesnt change the content enough to make it fun to replay, the story is still totally linear.


Aside from that we've got the same list of flashpoints and operations. Nothing new at all apart from the star fortresses which arent particularly fun. The new tatical balancing mode in flashpoints is very broken and if you end up in a group with lots of lowbies its just endless frustration. There isnt even a new daily hub just heroics which I'm already at the point where I question why the hell I do this grind.


If the state of the game had been good then yesterdays complete and abysmal failure of a patch and the fact that I'm still patching now after starting 9 hours ago I wouldn't have unsubbed. But this was just the tipping point for me to see just how dreadfully boring this game has become.

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The population on The Red Eclipse has been taking a nose dive for the last week.


Since 4.0 dropped the server was regularly running at Heavy, with occasional moments where it was full. It's pretty much back down to Standard as the bulk of the people who came back for the xpac have finished the story and left again.




Last night was particularly bad but I'd put that down to the patching fiasco.

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Unfortunately I noticed it too. It started before 4.0.2.


Yeah, who could have guessed that no new repeatable content would do that?! It's like players didn't want to keep replaying the same exact story, where no choices mattered, over and over and over...it's too bad nobody saw that coming.

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The population on The Red Eclipse has been taking a nose dive for the last week.


Since 4.0 dropped the server was regularly running at Heavy, with occasional moments where it was full. It's pretty much back down to Standard as the bulk of the people who came back for the xpac have finished the story and left again.




Last night was particularly bad but I'd put that down to the patching fiasco.


Wouldn't the launch of Star Wars Battlefront have anything to do with people not being on last night? That, combined with Fallout 4 and Tomb Raider launching last week would impact any PC game.

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Might be so people are still patching. Took me 12hrs to patch.


It is not only because of the patch people barely running pugged operations on the JC, i'm not saying 0 but pretty rare specially during EC and TOS days...:rolleyes:


Theres no point on running the same old content and regearing again for what purpose? except if you are a new player of course...

Edited by psikofunkster
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It is not only because of the patch people barely running pugged operations on the JC, i'm not saying 0 but pretty rare specially during EC and TOS days...:rolleyes:


Theres no point on running the same old content and regearing again for what purpose? except if you are a new player of course...


There are always fewer PUGs on server reset. Most progression groups are running the targeted HM in guild, not pugging SMs.

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