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Why no official response on companion nerf???


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I think they're slowly realizing that they cowtowed to a vocal minority of maxed out characters rather to the vast silent majority of casual players.


I re-subbed and put money into the game because of Bioware's promise of a casual experience. I loved it, and bought several items over the last few weeks. I have now unsubbed since Bioware has gone back on their promise, and they won't get one more red cent from me until it's changed back to 4.0.

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Why can't we get a official response on the overwhelmingly negative view of the last patch and how useless companions are now? Personally, I'm starting to view their silence as another slap in the face, with the nerf to companions being the first slap. What happened to better communication? Even if your not gonna change anything, why not a statement to all the outrage? If you don't get it, let me point it out for you. Your silence is only adding to the frustration and outrage .


Devs, please break the silence and signal your intentions to either stay the course or roll back the changes, so your paying customers can choose whether we will be staying or going.


Even a statement saying that you are having a huge nerf war in the cubicles because the developers are as split about the changes as the community is would be great.


But the silence... the silence is killing you.

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Thousands of posts is a bit misleading. 1,000 different people have not individually posted on this forum today speaking out against the change.


Ummm, yea. Erics post alone has hit 1500 in the last 24 hours.


Plus all the rest.


I'll bet it's pretty close.


There will be more when the rest of the player base finally gets done downloading the patch between now and next Tuesday at current download speeds.

Edited by EightSided
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I think they pretty much have responded. In no certain terms they already posted the reason for the nerf. They felt they were not working the way "they" being BW wanted them to perform. Now that they have tweaked them, they need to examine the metrics to see if things are falling where they want it to.


Using words like "overwhelming" or "everyone hates" or "no one likes" is ludicrous. The only people that are posting for the most part are the complainers. I would bet that fun every person posting here complaining about it there is at least 3 or 4 times that many that are fine with the changes but don't feel like they have to come here and post that they like it. Do I have real numbers that back up this, not specifically, just like you don't have the whole picture just looking at what is posted here. BW has all the data.


I have talked to the scores of people I play with across different servers and for everyone 1 person that has told me they don't like it, there are 10 that are fine with the change or even prefer it better.

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I have talked to the scores of people I play with across different servers and for everyone 1 person that has told me they don't like it, there are 10 that are fine with the change or even prefer it better.


Wow. That's weird because I've talked to people across different servers and for every person who said they liked it there were 10 that said they didn't.


We must move in totally different circles man...

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No sir, don't like it. Not only that, but they also have failed to give me my Cartel Coins, both from Resubing and Purchases. I sent in a ticket, completely ignored so far. Nope. Giving them 24 hrs then cancelling my sub and moving to something else. Bio Ware obviously cannot be trusted with our money.
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My companions in healing mode are starting fights against random mobs just to make it that much harder also there healing ability went from great to my current healer influence of 39 healing me for 1.2k over 4 seconds while I have ove 70k hits and am getting hit for 6 to 7 per second jesus bio where u must hate us or something to make the companions so useless
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Ya, you let them cry out, in the mean time.. people are dropping subs like crazy.. Looks like they removed the posts that was up to 50 some pages of people dropping them..


They deleted those? ***? Nothing like censoring the discontent to make it all look better than it is.

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I've been waiting to see if they would respond to my thread here and all the people that seem to agree with me in there desire for a response. Since they won't yet respond maybe some facts for them to consider. The following are real stats from my real toons in the game and his companion.


level 65 sorcerer healer..........................................Lana level 5 influence healer


Innervate-10920.....................................................Enlivening force-3278


revivification-6067-over 10.....................................mending-4781-over 9


Dark infusion-6234-7334........................................ Soothe-2512-3976


The difference is crazy in regards to healing ability. I understand the player should be a little stronger but that is just to much of a difference. There is no way the companion can keep up and this is why. The base abilities from a player healing to a npc healing are just to far apart. Even if the abilities did about the same the player would function better or should function better.

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Why can't we get a official response on the overwhelmingly negative view of the last patch and how useless companions are now? Personally, I'm starting to view there silence as another slap in the face, with the nerf to companions being the first slap. What happened to better communication? Even if your not gonna change anything, why not a statement to all the outrage? If you don't get it, let me point it out for you. Your silence is only adding to the frustration and outrage . Your players feel betrayed. That you lied to them. How long will you wait? How many players will you permanently lose before you address this?



Forums are for venting. Cancel your sub. That's how you get their attention by taking away their money. With all the other MMO's out there and other games it's an easy call.

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I decided to test this on a H2 Star Fortress with my Shadow and rank 50 Lana as a healer.. Before the patch I would basically never drop below 90% hp and even then that would only be for a few seconds.


Exarch fight before patch

Exarch fight after patch


It was still soloable, I just had to use defensive cooldowns and actively try to not take damage. (ex. I actually used interrupts and moved out of all the red)


Clearly comps were hit pretty hard, but tbh the difficulty felt about right.

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