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Why no official response on companion nerf???


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They waited two weeks before doing the much deserved companion nerf. They're likely going to wait at least a week and analyze their data before deciding how much it needs to be undone, if at all.


3-4 weeks actually depending on which launch you were in.

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They will do the same thing they did when they swung the Nerf bat at the Slot Machine.

Not a damn thing.

Complain all you want, they have your money now and don't care.

They will ignore it and it will just go away.

Between the Alliance quests just sucking and now this, they will lose a few subs but they don't care.


Just like the Slots, they tell us "All is fine, working as intended", then they swing for the fences with the nerf bat, make a major change to what they told you was "working as intended" and then tell you "What we meant was, it's all fine now and now working as intended".


They'll care when the subscribers drop to intolerable levels and EA decides to pull the plug.

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You can't spit in someone's eye and then expect favors. Most of the "feedback" on these forums consists of inconsolable weeping. If I worked for BW, I too wouldn't dignify these threads with acknowledgment.


The game experience is different for each player. As such each player is entitled to their own opinion regarding changes to that experience, whether they be positive or negative. If you don't like their opinions don't come to the forums. Shallow, close-mindedness isn't helping the situation and furthers the hostility found on the forums and in the community in general.

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I don't even feel like loggin in, I died too many times yesterday doing the Heroics for the packages (Belsavis) I'm only doing those to get the extra companions and to raise the Alliance and having 19 alts... seems like too much grinding Edited by pchiman
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Because one is neither warranted nor needed.


Companions are exactly as the should be.


As are the reducing subscriptions - yep exactly where they should be


......oh, apart from the thousands of posts dissatisfied with the change, the cancelled subscriptions, the stopping of subscription renewals, the firestorm headlines on multi-national gaming sites, the ignoring of the 70% in favour of leaving the companions as they where.


Yep, can't see a problem here.

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" Some of you will certainly ask, why the need to nerf Companions? This is something that we definitely saw the community be divided on, and it was good for us to hear feedback from both sides. Ultimately, this decision came down to our own goals for Companions, along with data on how they were performing. What we saw in those instances is that Companions, simply put, were just way too good. Their healing and damage output could be greater than that of a very skilled player with a fully maximized character. In order for you to understand why we are making these changes, we thought it best to explain our goals for Companions in Fallen Empire. "


That's the explanation, whether we like it or not ( and I don't like it either, but still surviving )


Sorry. :(

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As are the reducing subscriptions - yep exactly where they should be


......oh, apart from the thousands of posts dissatisfied with the change, the cancelled subscriptions, the stopping of subscription renewals, the firestorm headlines on multi-national gaming sites, the ignoring of the 70% in favour of leaving the companions as they where.


Yep, can't see a problem here.


Thousands of posts is a bit misleading. 1,000 different people have not individually posted on this forum today speaking out against the change.

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"One of the things that we felt was really important with Knights of the Fallen Empire was to make it a love letter to all of you, our players. It is your passion and support over the years that has allowed us to go on this incredible journey together."


Bruce Maclean

Senior Producer


If this is their love letter to us, they are Floyd Mayweather Jr. :(

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" Some of you will certainly ask, why the need to nerf Companions? This is something that we definitely saw the community be divided on, and it was good for us to hear feedback from both sides. Ultimately, this decision came down to our own goals for Companions, along with data on how they were performing. What we saw in those instances is that Companions, simply put, were just way too good. Their healing and damage output could be greater than that of a very skilled player with a fully maximized character. In order for you to understand why we are making these changes, we thought it best to explain our goals for Companions in Fallen Empire. "


That's the explanation, whether we like it or not ( and I don't like it either, but still surviving )


Sorry. :(


Where did you get that explanation, may I ask?

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Well given how maturely and reasonable people have been acting, I can't possibly imagine why Bioware doesn't feel like communicating to us. ;)


What do you think they could say, after ignoring the majority of player requests not to change the companions ahead of the patch?


"Hi folks, we previously acknowledged player comments on the forum, including the 70% poll majority telling us not to do this change. But we did it anyway!

We continue to value your input, which as our track record shows, we will completely ignore.

We also acknowledge there has been considerable interest in these changes, so for neatness sake we have collated many of the replies and dumped them.

Please do not forget to renew your subscriptions ready for the next chapter happening sometime soon or later.

May the force be with you".

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Thousands of posts is a bit misleading. 1,000 different people have not individually posted on this forum today speaking out against the change.


Significantly more posts than those from the people content with this. We're talking a difference of peaks to pebbles.


The hurt from this decision is only amplified in the actual game as well. After 4.0, it felt like POT5 was finally turning around. We were getting new people interested in PvP, and solo queues were taking half the time to pop. Come this patch?...fleet is even more of a ghost town and all of the queues are taking twice as long as they did BEFORE 4.0.


So yes, I'd argue that thousands is a pretty accurate assessment at the point, even i they're not all in posts here.

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I posted this on the original thread, but seems BW has placed the thread in a hidden or off topic area, can't find it anymore. So I thought I'd share my thoughts here before BW hides this one as well,,,


original post in now hidden or off topic folder:


I've subbed to this game since launch day, to be honest, I had as many as 6 accounts subbed for the first year and a half. I have kept 3 of the accounts on 6 month auto renew since the beginning, and to date. I am an old school gamer from the days of coin op video games, heck TV Tennis if I want to go back that far. I still have my Tel-star TV Tennis console boxed, and in the basement. I pay for and play Star Wars the Old Republic for enjoyment. I was about 14 when Darth Vader first hit the big screen and I was in a movie theater in awe, seeing something like we had never seen before. Sure we had Star Trek, but Star Wars was just over the top, and out of the box, back then.


I am with everyone here saying the Companion Nerf was way over-done. Comparable to the now famous Slot Machine fix. But at least that was a decoration, not a game stopper. This is a game stopper. This is your support team in game, your Companion, that now, can't even match the healing of a dps Telekinetic Sage's off-heals. Totally unacceptable in my opinion, and yes, I am entitled to an opinion when I pay them $450 a year to play this game.


That said, I do not PvP, and I do not do OP's. When my Consulars, Gun Slingers, and Jedi Knights speak to M1-4X and he won't join us until we PvP, I immediately click the untrack button and forget about ever getting M1-4X, and same goes for Peirce on my Imperial characters, only my Troopers and Warriors will have those two companions, again not a game stopper.


Some are coming into this thread attempting to tell others how to play the game, group with others, do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that. Funny thing that has been since the dawn of time, everyone has an opinion, everyone has different likes and dis-likes, no two people play or do anything the same. It's pretty much what makes the world go around, as they say.


Now with that said, I don't PvP and won't ruin the hard core PvP players game by joining 20 matches in which I have no clue, nor desire to participate in. But when it comes to the Dev's saying that your Companion will still carry it's own weight and so on, and you will be able to solo Star Fortress and any other Heroic 2+'s, and yet after a couple of attempts on two different, pretty well geared, and Influence around 20 with Lana, characters, I was self healing better then Lana was healing. I could not make it through the Star Fortress, I stopped after I couldn't survive more than a minute with the Champion Zakuul Paladins on each of the 2 Characters I tried. This to me is a game stopper, as this content is needed for the Alliance grind, and Achievements if you are like me, and like to get those too.


Those that come into this thread telling players to Learn to Play, use Heroic Moment, use CD's, or use Legacy Perks such as Unity, and so on. After 4 years of playing, Legacy level 50 for almost 3 years, I'm pretty sure, and others are too, aware we have those to use. But when the Champion Paladin is hitting for 6 to 10K and Lana is healing 3K, the math doesn't take long to figure out, it's not working.


The same can be said for those saying to group with others, make friends, and so on. Well, this game is and always has been advertised, something along the lines of, Create YOUR epic character, journey through an epic saga in the Star Wars universe in YOUR epic storyline. Key words obviously being "your". Any group I've been in, has at least one player who's intent is to skip content, get it done asap, and get out. There is no enjoyment in that, at least for me, I can't and won't speak for everyone.


In the 90's I created maps for DN3d, and each map I self tested before sharing it with others. I took the time to create an environment and game play that was doable and enjoyable. Nascar was another I created maps or tracks for, and went about it the same way. After 5 years of playing WoW, and 4 years here in SWtOR, I see how I wasted my time with all the details I put into maps with a majority of the game players. At least in my experience with groups, nobody seems to take the time to check out all the artwork and details put into the maps. I do.


Finally, and sorry it's so winded, but, when it reaches a point that I can't see what's behind door #2 because a Champion Zakuul Paladin is standing in front of it, and my Companion has been rendered virtually useless by the developers, and my only options left are to stand around spamming chat LFG for (insert mission here), waiting, waiting, spamming, finally getting a taker, then having said taker, rush me through to get it done asap, my enjoyment of this game ends here.


Sadly, because I do, and have, since age 14, love the Star Wars Universe, but the time may have come to find it somewhere else out there.

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This is EXACTLY the thing going through my mind!



You have this quote:





"One of the things that we felt was really important with Knights of the Fallen Empire was to make it a love letter to all of you, our players. It is your passion and support over the years that has allowed us to go on this incredible journey together."


Bruce Maclean

Senior Producer





And yet, I have seen recently (and when I played and subbed 2 times previously, before leaving) this constant reaching out for answers, for responses, for anything which let the people know they were being heard.



I know that this morning there was a post but, since then, people have been giving their opinion in their droves. Well, maybe "venting their opinion" is sometimes closer to the mark. How about addressing this?



We don't need a time-frame although, naturally, it would be nice. But we DO need to know that it WON'T remain like this! If it does, you are going to lose so many people, it seems.



Does Bruce Maclean think that this patch was a love letter...? If so, I refuse to go on any more dates and I'm looking to get an injunction out on him...


Love this post..

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Same thing you do with a dramatic child. Make sure they aren't in any real danger or the like, then let them cry it out.


If you treat your customer base like children you deserve the horrible reputation this company has in todays market.


That being said its you who wants them to treat people like children which is petty and child like itself. Ill leave it at that.

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Go to Twitter guys!!!! Use the hashtags #SWTOR #FAIL and #STARWARS to get Disney's attention. It works better than posting here.


This is actually not bad advice , if Disney thinks BW is trashing its product then they might actually put market pressure on them. IM just not a twitter person sadly and canceling my sub is enough for me i dont have it in me to get all social justice warrior on a video game but any that do you are fighting the good fight.

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Not saying anything is pretty much Bioware SOP at this point. You have to be really, really loud in order to get anything at all, like with the response to ME3's endings.


Just look at the situation the people who bought the last-gen version of DAI found themselves in. A barely functional (if that), buggy as hell husk of a game, thousands of posts about it, and the only response from Bioware was a nicely worded "You're making too much noise, pipe down" post.

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