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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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My 2 credits worth, I've been subbed since launch, collectors edition, 3 accounts all paid subs, almost 4 years each, was fully enjoying 4.0 thru 4.0.1a, until now. I've always enjoyed checking out the scenery, artwork if you will, environment, design, storylines, voice acting, well you get it, anyway, I pay my subs to enjoy the game, at my own pace. I'm not going to (have) to group to complete content and when I do group, I really can't enjoy it, because let's face it, when grouped, people don't want you to be looking around for a Codex you may have missed, or just checking out the cool artwork, or whatever. They want you to spacebar through anything that can be skipped. So I finally get in here to see this, and here's the group in the chat window "spacebar", "Spacebar is your friend", or "okay who's watching this (enter explicit here)". Just not enjoyable.


This patch has officially taken the enjoyment out of the "Game" for me. You give us what? 20 or so Companions, Nuke the life out of them, to the point my dps Sorcerer and Sage do better heals then they do. I attempted 2 Star Fortress' last night, one with Sorcerer, one with Sage, both in at least 208 gear, my Sage has some 220's, 216's and 208's and both failed missions. Even the regular mobs showed me Lana with Influence of 20+ was having a hard time keeping up with the damage. The Gold or Elite Zakuul Knights almost killed me if not for my off-heals.

And now I'm going to keep paying money to play something that's becoming more work then play?

I must think this over.


I, like others have said, will stay for now. If they don't look into this, and realize just how ridiculous of a Companion Balancing attempt this was, and fix it, then sadly, it may become time. I hate to think I've wasted 4 years worth of subs, but then on the other hand, I could save 4 more years worth of subs by un-subbing,,, hmmm


For now, I'm just a very disappointed customer,

and if you don't need or want my money,

keep doing things like this patch,,, (sarcasm off) :mad:

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Well, I have a level 65 dps char with 216 gear, level 23 influence Healer comp.


I can barely get through the Heroic 2+ missions (I'm not talking about star fortress) which give me the stuff I need for the allience grind. I have to wait for ages between fights to get my defensive cooldowns all off the CD between them.


Before KOTFE, my char had 192 gear and Old Quinn healed better. I didn't even have to forcefeed him gifts. So its not me being a bad player, since I never had trouble during Shadow of Revan.


I'm not subbing again. I just bought the 60 days for levelling alts, but ... I can't do that now. I don't have the money to do what BW and elitist scum wants, to spluge money into cartel coins, than sell those for credits which I can buy gifts with so I can raise a healer to influence 50 just so I can do content again.


Well, they say you get what you pay for . KOTFE is free, and now I am worse off than I was in Shadow of Revan.

Hey BW, just take KOTFE away from me. Put my char at level 60, 192 gear, give me my Old companions back as they were before KOTFE, and I'll be performing better than I do at 5 levels higher. LOL

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I've unsubbed because I can't be dealing with more slow grinds. The companions made the older content efficient and blitzable so I could enjoy the end game. Not anymore! Combine that with the downright awful Cartel Market changes, I've no reason to stay.
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With SWTOR no longer taking my money. I'll be putting that 15 dollars into company that Listens to my feedback and cares more about their customers, Games Workshop. That nets me around 7 paints that last me a year, or I can get a big model every 2 months.


(((Yes, I know GW doesn't really care much abotu their customers, but relatively, compared to BW, they are still doing better. And if you do worse to your costumers than GW, you really, really take the cake. )))


I would cancel my sub but its the 60 days one, so I'll just let it run out.

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With SWTOR no longer taking my money. I'll be putting that 15 dollars into company that Listens to my feedback and cares more about their customers, Games Workshop. That nets me around 7 paints that last me a year, or I can get a big model every 2 months.


(((Yes, I know GW doesn't really care much abotu their customers, but relatively, compared to BW, they are still doing better. And if you do worse to your costumers than GW, you really, really take the cake. )))


I would cancel my sub but its the 60 days one, so I'll just let it run out.


The only issue with GW is how they handle their lore. And the pricing is sometimes ridiculous. :p

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when I do group, I really can't enjoy it, because let's face it, when grouped, people don't want you to be looking around for a Codex you may have missed, or just checking out the cool artwork, or whatever. They want you to spacebar through anything that can be skipped. So I finally get in here to see this, and here's the group in the chat window "spacebar", "Spacebar is your friend", or "okay who's watching this (enter explicit here)"


This is the main reason I try not to group, and don't do FP or even OP's, except with my Guild. Can't stand rage quiters as well "What, you never done this FP before?" *leaves group*

"Please link achiv"

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The only issue with GW is how they handle their lore. And the pricing is sometimes ridiculous. :p


Only sometimes? GW's prices are always ridiculous, but at least it is a very high quality plastic model.


BW now entered the Forge World broken resin territory. Pay ludicrous money for something that is sub-par and broken. I'm not paying for that.


If I wanted to do slow grinds like that, I can do it with STO where I get FOUR COMPANIONS for the same grind, and I don't need to sub at all.


But no, slow grinds are a big problem for people who:

-Have a job.

-Have a family.

-Have any other hobby.

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Only sometimes? GW's prices are always ridiculous, but at least it is a very high quality plastic model.


BW now entered the Forge World broken resin territory. Pay ludicrous money for something that is sub-par and broken. I'm not paying for that.


I'll trust you on that. Haven't bought any models for years. I only follow Black Library now.

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Still subbed because I still have some things to see after 2 years out...


Not for long I think because really nothing has changed, too much times redoing the same flashpoints/heroics has never been fun and will never be, time/cash sink only crafting skills have never been fun and will never be.


Companions were OP in 4.0.1 and needed to be balanced, i'll see how it went, but it's not a valid reason to unsub.

Edited by JMCH
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Still subbed because I still have some things to see after 2 years out...


Not for long I think because really nothing has changed, too much times redoing the same flashpoints/heroics has never been fun and will never be, tine/cash sink only crafting skills have never been fun and will never be.


Companions were OP in 4.0.1 and needed to be balanced, i'll see how it went, but it's not a valid reason to unsub.


It is a valid reason to unsub, because they are now even worse than they were before Kotfe.

The powerful companions were what made the stupid level synch bareable. But with that gone, do the math.

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To tell the truth I'm happy ea/bw has made the game unbearable with the over priced CM the level sync and now the companion nerf. I took the money that I would normally us in the CM and to renew my subscription and got the new Fallout 4 game (loving Fallout 4) so thank you EA/BW for making it easy for me to shelf this game and replace it so easily.
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Been here since beginning, always sub'ed. Leveled all classes Empire and Republic. Maxed all companion dialogs/rep (pre - expansion) for the bonuses. Feels like a kick in the b@@ls for all the hard effort and time, so really smiffed


Have put my money were my mouth is and just cancelled my sub.


Sad day.

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Companions were OP in 4.0.1 and needed to be balanced, i'll see how it went, but it's not a valid reason to unsub.


It is, actually.

Because now, soloing took a massive blow to the ba*** and the Alliance grind has gone from rather tedious to unbelievably so.

Meaning the game isn't fun anymore for those concerned.

When one isn't having fun in a game, they stop playing it, mostly.

And in a MMO, it oftens translates to cancelling one's sub.

So yes, Companions being nerfed into oblivion IS a valid reason to unsub.

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Companions weren't properly level sync-ed, or was it my tank? Anyway, they were perfectly useable from the start, just not as tough as played toons.


The issue is not companions themselves, it's the fact everything is grind except PvP (which varies from excellent to frustrating) and Ops (which doing multiple each week and the same week after week is not really fun).

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Still subbed because I still have some things to see after 2 years out...


Not for long I think because really nothing has changed, too much times redoing the same flashpoints/heroics has never been fun and will never be, time/cash sink only crafting skills have never been fun and will never be.


Companions were OP in 4.0.1 and needed to be balanced, i'll see how it went, but it's not a valid reason to unsub.


Clearly you haven't even started Alliance grind yet. You will change your tune once you do. ;)

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Clearly you haven't even started Alliance grind yet. You will change your tune once you do. ;)

I've got 80 crates, so I've done some grind already, but not since 4.0.2 because it's taking forever to patch here.


More than that is already too much, even having to complete all the corridor story and SF with all my toons isn't engaging. SWTOR wasn't an MMO and the more it goes the more it diverges from the concept.

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I've got 80 crates, so I've done some grind already, but not since 4.0.2 because it's taking forever to patch here.


More than that is already too much, even having to complete all the corridor story and SF with all my toons isn't engaging. SWTOR wasn't an MMO and the more it goes the more it diverges from the concept.


Now imagine that grind for 13 more alts!

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He won't make it on one with the new changes to comps. Forget the alts. :D


I got 15 alts, all well maintained during Shadow of Revan.


I only did Kotfe on 2 of them, and only one of them did heroic star forts. THe grind is so much, I can't do alts. I won't even finish the one I'm half done on.

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I can not believe the difference in game this is insane!! did they not test this? I expect a patch asap to correct this nerf or I will unsub as I was enjoying the new pace in game with the companions. Brought a whole new level of fun and finally finish off levelling alts so they can do alliance stuff, but now its going to be a epic nightmare/grindfest so rinse/repeat with alts on alliance yeah right not going to happen the way it is now.
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I got 15 alts, all well maintained during Shadow of Revan.


I only did Kotfe on 2 of them, and only one of them did heroic star forts. THe grind is so much, I can't do alts. I won't even finish the one I'm half done on.


I have gotten 3 characters out of 14 to lvl 10 alliance only 1 has lvl 20. the grind is real and now they have slowed it way down to the point I don't want to do it.

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Why on earth would you do that for every toon? That's begging to hate the game.


Because a lot of people love playing alts and many of us did before KOTFE and alliance grind was introduced. Infact SWTOR had one of the most alt friendly model for MMOS. Second would be WOW.

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