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Companion Nerf, Who is leaving/unsubbing poll


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No, but a lot of people have already convinced themselves before the patch even dropped that it was, so that is how they are going to see it.


Im sorry but this is a lie , from what i can only guess is a BW fanboi or paid shill.

My rank 32 lana , is now a worthless healer , she does nothing cant even keep up heals on a silver elite let alone a gold.


As a tank she goes down so fast it isnt even worth using her i literally put her away and just shield myself and aoe stuff and it was less work than trying to keep her alive.


And worse than that in DPS mode which i thought was not getting touched , she no longer does any damage , pre patch she was a beast in dps mode and as long as i kept all the aggro she destroyed stuff , now she barely hits for any damage and i ended up killing everything.


Now maybe you will say i should have her at rank 50 but , comps were more useful when i geared them pre 4.0 at rnk 10 let alone rnk 32 , shouldn't a companion that you have grinded that much influence on be at least strong enough to be noticeably efficient on heroic 2+ weekly's ?


All my testing was done in heroic 2+ on Hoth as i felt it was a solid middle ground place to test this stuff.

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You know whats worse than the companion nerf? Everyone that is quitting simply because of a companion nerf. Not a class nerf or overall nerf. Just nerfed companions you use to run weekly heroics and a fp you did in group mode solo. Thats why there is a solo mode! The companions were so over powered it was ridiculous! I was on zakuul at level 64. Attacked a 64 op. I was a shadow tank we both had t7-01 as we were both in that point in the story. The fight went on for 10 minutes and neither player ever went below 90%. Even with 3 interupts I couldnt stop that companion from topping the op off. The op was stunning me on cd. It was utterly ridiculous. The lowest I ever got t7 was 70%. I was a tank and wasnt geared so I didnt do much damage but that shouldnt matter that much.
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You know whats worse than the companion nerf? Everyone that is quitting simply because of a companion nerf. Not a class nerf or overall nerf. Just nerfed companions you use to run weekly heroics and a fp you did in group mode solo. Thats why there is a solo mode! The companions were so over powered it was ridiculous! I was on zakuul at level 64. Attacked a 64 op. I was a shadow tank we both had t7-01 as we were both in that point in the story. The fight went on for 10 minutes and neither player ever went below 90%. Even with 3 interupts I couldnt stop that companion from topping the op off. The op was stunning me on cd. It was utterly ridiculous. The lowest I ever got t7 was 70%. I was a tank and wasnt geared so I didnt do much damage but that shouldnt matter that much.


Balancing anything in this game around the desires of open world PVP is a good way to ensure the game dies a fast death.


Seriously i pvp warzones all the time , but i dont want them balancing my pve side of the game based on open world pvpers and what they think is a good time. The pvp servers are dead for a reason.

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Unless the companions are fixed by next Tuesday, 11/24/15, my sub will expire and not be renewed.


pls no fix by next tuesday. that will mean next 12 hour downtime....and do u really expect bioware to do anything ? they will handle it like the slot machine affair. no talking bout this, no info bout this and not in 10000000 years they will admit they made a mistake.

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Yes, I've unsubscribbed as well. The only reason -- literally the only reason -- I returned was after hearing that companions were being beefed up a bit to make solo play a lot less grindy.


With that gone, this game can go eff itself. Just like I decided after the first two months of playing when it was first released.


But hey, at least there's Fallout 4 now. Woo!

Edited by NeuroticCupcake
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.. I will probably bail... I have many toons I have not played since they fixed companions and gear scaling. If you already did all your questions and are max level you probably have terrible influence. This means your max level and now your companions are freaking terrible. It makes playing solos no fun at all.
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I enjoyed the story. I played the game for the story. I'm going to go ahead and cancel my 6 month recurring sub. I'll be here for another month, so I'll see what changes, but, yeah.... I liked the direction you started going. I don't give a **** about group content. I don't want to play with other people. If I do, I join a guild.



Edited by GelstonJ
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Already un-subbed. The comp nerf is just the straw that broke the camels back. The bugs, and the bugs, and the more bugs, the issues just trying to patch after this extremely long downtime, without a sincere apology. (other games I play when there is an issue with downtime, they credit at least a day of play time if you are a sub or premium account holder). Here its like oh well we don't care.

A lot of other games I can spend my money and time on. 17 days left on current sub, not sure ill even bother.

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STAYING --- nerf isn't that bad --- really

I need to adjust how I play and do some changing of companion spec on some mobs ( elite mobs in weeklies take a dps spec -- healers die -- for me anyway ) other mobs are ok with healer --- and need to get my old Everquest II training out again and get GOOD at finding ways around mobs -- the old adage, "use your environment to your advantage" still applies in this game

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I used the last of my 60 day cards not too long ago, in an effort to give myself a final timeline, so to speak. I don't plan on giving any more money or renewing until some of the other glitches are fixed. Primarily, for me, is the romance glitch. I am tired of feeling like a paying Beta tester to not even get a comment or statement back about a thread almost 35 pages long.




I am getting beyond annoyed, here.

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I really hate to blow away everyone's over-inflated sense of self-importance here, but even if every single person who posts here unsubbed, what exactly is that in terms of the total number of people who play this game? One percent?


Good luck with that, people.


Forums are a microcosm of the game , while many of us will come here and say why we are displeased , many will just log in find nerfed companions , and log out and cancel and never be heard from again . You can be flippant about this all you want since you obviously dont care about the companion changes , but deluding yourself into thinking that the amount of customers unhappy over this is insignificant is well a delusion.

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I am just tired of BioWare's antics in general.

(FYI - I am a subscriber & heavy cartel-coin buyer)


First, BioWare removed all of the fleet vendors, so they can sell random packs in the c-market. Players lost the ability to pick and choose items, so they can customize (personalize) player characters and npcs.


Second, as a result of pushing the level cap to 60, the premade gear for level 50 and 55 were removed. Instead of using them as incentives, BioWare took them completely out of the game. After you finish the second act, within the core mission, the game falls into a complete pit of boredom. Striving to obtain level 50 and 55 gear was a good motivational element.


Third, within every single-player rpg that has ever existed, the ability to out level bosses was a time and honored tradition. As a matter of overall fact, the ability to out level a boss was a goal. Level syncing pretty much killed a very long tradition.


Fourth, "Knights of the Fallen Empire" contains a very nice story; however, the expansion is more of a movie than a game. Also, since many of your choices loop to the same conclusion, the consequences of your actions really don't matter.


Fifth, after you reach the end of the current chapters, the romance story doesn't fully bloom into anything. Players are left with a gap in the story; thus, the lull between chapters will kill the mood. You are essentially taken out of character.


Sixth, operations, flashpoints, and many other missions do not reward enough crystals. Since I am approaching the game casually, I am not able to timely buy a full set of level 60 gear. I work 40 hours a week. During the two days I have off, I spend my time on a wide variety of projects. I don't have a mess of time to grind out a ton of gear. If I find that progress is taking too long, I will just end up moving onto something else. Its called disconnecting.


Seventh, random c-market armor, crystal, and weapon packs remove the player's ability to choose. I want to spend money on items 'I want'. I don't want to spend money on items 'I don't want'. I have thrown out more items than I have saved.


Eighth, I could add something about augments and augment slots; however, I think my list was long enough.


I personally think BioWare has taken power away from the players; thus, the new game changes were made to make them filthy rich. BioWare has made changes in which disrespect 'paying' (subscribers and CC-buyers) customers. Once you put the wallet before the customer, you end up eventually losing the customer.


Although I agree with the nerfing of NPC healers, I personally think they did it to the ultimate extreme. BioWare intentionally 'made it hurt'.


...and, I think that sucks.

Edited by Linyivee
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Tested it. Ran HC2 Star Fortress, which I had not much issue completing before (only dying a couple of times in the final part, mostly by too much confident) and now I got killed by the first lonely Elite knight, even with me using all my healing and defending skills (sith marauder) except heroic moment, I am not seeing even a chance against the 2 elites in the final part... unsubbed till it's fixed or at least balanced. Edited by Vurczi
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I join to the general feeling and i cancel my subscription right away, the way you manage to nerf the companions made the game play unpleasant for me and theres no reason to pay for a game im not enjoying :,( - why you dont better give all that crying players an options for play with companions pre 4.0?? that way they can go and do the missions as they want, but a lot of US are solo players, and companions was a great help to do the content we cant because we dont team much... way to F... the thinks honestly :( .
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How many of these people unsubbing are the same crew who were outraged and threatened cancelled subs because of level sync?


doesn't matter...driving players away is always the prediction and this time it appears to be coming true! Wasn't hard to see it coming

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To be honest I'm not quite sure what to do with this.


I am a casual gamer, and by no means very good at this game. I usually don't do any of the Ops or FPs because I'm not that great (who pulled is usually me. Sometimes I just don't realize throwing my lightsabers is gonna pull that group too :D ). Thus I play 90% of the time solo and with family members.


Now I'm lucky in that I sometimes play with my brother, who has explained a lot to me so I understand the basics. As such I had pretty good gear before KotFe and blowing through all the heroics it's been relatively easy for me to upgrade. Therefore right now I'm in pretty much all 216, two 208 pieces and one 220 piece because I got dragged into a storymode op and got lucky with a roll. (( so sorry for the healer in that group and much thanks for keeping me up :D ))


This was why pre this dumb patch this was REALLY FUN for me. I understand that companions might have been a bit OP but really they could have left it alone. I was able to do all the herocis I'd never done before and now needed to do for my alliance. I was really enjoying that, and even more so because there was a story based point to it all. I was just barely able to do the Star Fortress Heroic with Lana. It was just hard enough for me and I managed with my Carnage Maraduer. Lot of CDs, predation, on those last bosses. The first time I did it, I died a lot from the final boss until I finally got the hang of it. It got much easier once I was able to get the buffs from having lvl 10 alliance leaders and got Lana's influence level up.


I logged in tonight and tried three heorics, one in Voss I forgot to write down the name, the one where you go into the temple an have to kill the robot. Lights Out and Wookie Revolt. So, gear in mind I used Lana on the Lights Out quest and she's at influence 30. For the most part I was fine, I almost died once and had to pop a health pot. Voss had no issue. For Wookie Revolt I used Pierce who I have at level 13. He was able to keep me up but I am noticing the difference and I can imagine on my alts where I do not have this level gear, or influence level on my companions this is going to be a nightmare. I didn't even bother trying to the Star Fortress, if my Lana can just keep my health at 45% while under attack during the Heroics those last bosses are gonna kick my booty.


So. Thus is my problem. If it's going to be impossible with lower level gear/companion influence 10 there's no point in going through this alliance grind on my alts. This is a sad thing as I really enjoyed Kotfe and I was looking forward to it. What I will end up doing is finishing up the heroics now just on my main to get my alliance to level 20 and let my sub run out. I'll come back just for the story chapters.


Just a shame. They could have managed this somewhere in the middle. For anyone on the Ebon Hawk server who normally plays solo because people are mean and sometimes suck and needs help with the Heroics or the SFs I don't mind assisting, LareasVires is in the in-game handle.

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I'm a founding member and i'v been on an off sense launch i think it was a good idea to scale down the companion they where a bit OP but in saying that i think bio ware has gone a bit far on the down scale i didn't like the level sync but they gave us boosted companions so it wasn't all bad but with the level sync and the nuke nerf its pretty much turn a fun enjoyable game into a diablo 3 grind fest to get any where. I shouldn't have to struggle to do the weekly 2+ heroics with 216/220 gear and a level 29 lana. My lana was struggling to heal me on tatoonie when i was doing my heroics i need to offheal and pop CD to live from a 2 elite and 3 rare mob group. I think they need to start think about the minority not the select few. they need to do something about this or people will start leaving the game. There are a lot more casual gamer's out there then there are pro nerd gamer's
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You know whats worse than the companion nerf? Everyone that is quitting simply because of a companion nerf. Not a class nerf or overall nerf. Just nerfed companions you use to run weekly heroics and a fp you did in group mode solo. Thats why there is a solo mode! The companions were so over powered it was ridiculous! I was on zakuul at level 64. Attacked a 64 op. I was a shadow tank we both had t7-01 as we were both in that point in the story. The fight went on for 10 minutes and neither player ever went below 90%. Even with 3 interupts I couldnt stop that companion from topping the op off. The op was stunning me on cd. It was utterly ridiculous. The lowest I ever got t7 was 70%. I was a tank and wasnt geared so I didnt do much damage but that shouldnt matter that much.


You have any idea how much it costs to level a companion's influence to level 50? It is ridiculous compared to what their capabilities are now. It was still ridiculous before, now there's absolutely no point in leveling influence to 50. And look at all the time it took, they took away your accomplishment and turned it into dust.

Edited by Hotrod_
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Now that I've had the chance to try it out, I have mixed feelings. I tested a handful of H2s at varying levels with a Sorc in 216 partial DPS set bonus, lightning spec and Lana Beniko set to heals at influence 21, also legendary player presence buff. On imp side I tested H2s on Balmorra, ilum, and Belsavis. The first two were easy as pie, Belsavis however was difficult. I died on the first group, comprised of 3 elites and a few easier enemies. These enemies are in your path so absolutely no way to pass them without stealth.


I think they went a little too far with the nerf, I will most definitely be playing less because of this. Also, when my sub time runs out I doubt I will re-up. Had this year not have so many great game releases it might be a different story for me, but with Fallout 4, Battlefront, and JC3 soon, I see no reason to put up with nonsense like this for the time being. If I need to scratch my MMO itch I can hit up Wildstar or GW2, even STO if I'm really desperate.


Edit: The heroic on Belsavis is called Breakthrough. Just in case anyone wanted to give it a go.

Edited by pegasussgc
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