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Everything posted by CoffmansB

  1. You say that as if "Everybody" had all day, everyday to login and grind credits. Not all players have the luxury to spend all day playing a game.
  2. what has already occurred is the elite gamers had their 220 bonus gear already optimized and were playing 1/4 of the time the past 2 weeks. The average player base was pushing through EV HM last week so were occupied there while fleet populations remained low for most of the week. Now, this patch issue crops up and everybody is in decision making mode to stay or go without really giving the game a chance to try to self correct itself. This is what happens when the gear drop rate is adjusted so high in low tier ops and everything is bolstered to the point that anybody can run any fp irregardless of mode set...only the tacticals were tested and it was determined that you could fire a dps and just use a comp as heals to complete it...the players caused the issues by exploiting the game!
  3. doesn't matter...driving players away is always the prediction and this time it appears to be coming true! Wasn't hard to see it coming
  4. I am having the same issue...5pm ready to play and crash...5 times
  5. nobody chases achieves in fp's and/or heroics....I have been soloing all mine when it was soloable at 60 but alas, I gave up on the game last year...it's a never ending process that nobody has ever worried about except in ops runs where you need the achieves to get invited to them.
  6. 95%....whoah. I've been at 7% then jumped to 10% and been stuck there for an hour with a download speed of 512000k. Like watching paint dry...that's how slow this process is...don't be in a hurry because it's not gonna be that fast!!!
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