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Convenient Server Outage


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So on the day EA launches another big Star Wars game the SWTOR servers just happen to go down for an extended period with no ETA for return. Some might think this was planned in an attempt to get people to consider giving the other game a try while waiting on the servers. It's not the kind of game that may pull many from SWTOR over the long term but if they can make a few extra bucks why not.
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So on the day EA launches another big Star Wars game the SWTOR servers just happen to go down for an extended period with no ETA for return. Some might think this was planned in an attempt to get people to consider giving the other game a try while waiting on the servers. It's not the kind of game that may pull many from SWTOR over the long term but if they can make a few extra bucks why not.

Well,since it is EA,i cannot rule this possibility out completely but Darth Occam's lightsaber suggests that it is usual incompetence.

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So on the day EA launches another big Star Wars game the SWTOR servers just happen to go down for an extended period with no ETA for return. Some might think this was planned in an attempt to get people to consider giving the other game a try while waiting on the servers. It's not the kind of game that may pull many from SWTOR over the long term but if they can make a few extra bucks why not.


Conspiracy theory much? lol

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So on the day EA launches another big Star Wars game the SWTOR servers just happen to go down for an extended period with no ETA for return. Some might think this was planned in an attempt to get people to consider giving the other game a try while waiting on the servers. It's not the kind of game that may pull many from SWTOR over the long term but if they can make a few extra bucks why not.


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illuminati slanted pyramid tactics?

Edited by runescapeisgood
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So on the day EA launches another big Star Wars game the SWTOR servers just happen to go down for an extended period with no ETA for return. Some might think this was planned in an attempt to get people to consider giving the other game a try while waiting on the servers. It's not the kind of game that may pull many from SWTOR over the long term but if they can make a few extra bucks why not.


lol! I dig the conspiracy theory. A bit far-fetched... but fun to speculate on nonetheless. :p

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Well,since it is EA,i cannot rule this possibility out completely but Darth Occam's lightsaber suggests that it is usual incompetence.


Why attribute to malice what can be more easily explained by incompetence? True.


Although, why not both? :D

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i bet it's more to do with using the SWTOR servers and bandwidth to run Battlefront; they're also likely making the SWTOR staff help roll the other game out ... maybe by getting coffee and giving foot massages. i doubt it's anything as nefarious as trying to make us buy a different game. it's probably all hands on deck for the new roll out. if anything they dropped the ball scheduling an apparently pretty invasive update the same day as Battlefront drops
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Well,since it is EA,i cannot rule this possibility out completely but Darth Occam's lightsaber suggests that it is usual incompetence.


Like you my money is on Darth Occam's lightsaber, after all there is a long history of fumbling incompetence, indifference and general "We don't give a f%$k" attitude....

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So on the day EA launches another big Star Wars game the SWTOR servers just happen to go down for an extended period with no ETA for return. Some might think this was planned in an attempt to get people to consider giving the other game a try while waiting on the servers. It's not the kind of game that may pull many from SWTOR over the long term but if they can make a few extra bucks why not.



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I have to say, that one EA Star Wars game not working properly doesn't give me the confidence to try out another one, so I would say having this failure with SWTOR today actually is bad for Battlefrong too, since it will not bring people from here to check out the other game, but give up EA altogether.
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i bet it's more to do with using the SWTOR servers and bandwidth to run Battlefront; they're also likely making the SWTOR staff help roll the other game out ... maybe by getting coffee and giving foot massages. i doubt it's anything as nefarious as trying to make us buy a different game. it's probably all hands on deck for the new roll out. if anything they dropped the ball scheduling an apparently pretty invasive update the same day as Battlefront drops



well thought out post


*closes the cookie jar and hides it from BW/EA*......let them eat brussel sprouts.

Edited by Krikos
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I was at work until about an hour ago. Now I'm settling in to play more Fallout 4.


I'll eventually go look at our gimped companions ...eventually, because I'll have to sooner or later... but since I can read and comprehend things, I'm not exactly excited for when the servers will be back up anyway.


I know what I'll find there. The only question is how much of a pointless nerf they've inflicted, and that's kind've like trying to get excited to find out how much more I'll have to pay in taxes this year compared to last.


Might not bother logging in all fricken week. Fallout 4's got loads to do, and there's not a single soul being a personified disease anywhere in sight.

Edited by Uruare
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