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for all the crying and whining


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It's refreshing to say the least. I never thought I would see big bad pvpers complaining about being griefed and having their play disrupted by pve'ers. How did that happen ? :rak_01:


In any case, your honesty is welcome. N00bs, badly geared players, afkers in WZ are only a problem if they happen to be in your team. If they are in the enemy team, it's awesome and it's farming time, yup....

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This is what I have always said about the WZ requirement for Pierce and 4X. Reluctant PvEers queue up, do nothing, 1337 PvPers get easy kills (which is what most PvPers care about, anyway), PvEer gets match credit. Win-win.


And there's nothing wrong with that. And if we get even 2% of those PvEers who catch the bug and get tired of beating up on AI, that's a great bonus.

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It's a sad day when people celebrate and enjoy mediocrity or less coupled with the dismay and unhappiness of others.


PVE-ers do not want to be forced into warzones. PVPers like competitive games. Having admitted PVE trolls not even attempting to PVP makes the chances of a fun match even less likely than before...


Yet, some people are happy with this?


You can't get better when the match is garbage and 1-4 PVE players sit on a node and afk. If you are on their team, it's frustrating because you stand no chance if the other team has less PVE trolls who are AFK. If you are on the opposite side fighting AFK PVE trolls, it's not fun because you might as well be beating on a training dummy that sits and does nothing.


Well, hey. Whatever floats people's boats, right?


BW needs to create PVP options for those who want easy matches against AFK players. There should be an option alongside "regular", "ranked" that is called "novice and AFK". That way people who enjoy the present state of AFKs and awful gameplay can have a place to continue enjoying this crap.


In the meanwhile, BW should remove the forced PVP, OR make it so that only wins count for the PVP matches that are needed for the companions. Make people actually have to try to win.

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rather be enjoying the new reality so far instead of being crying and whining and spending energy expecting something that will not happen anytime soon at least for the time being


so can all go cry a river expecting bw to change their minds which i believe wont happen or start to adjust now instead, i choose adjust now and i dont really care if my team has 6 pvpers which dont have a clue, someday they will have a clue and they might even get better, like all of us did once and for sure you all did


so instead of flowing with the horde try to make a change and adopt your noob instead

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PVP would be more attractive to newbs if they were placed on teams and against teams whose Expertise levels were more closely matched. There is nothing worse than being in a PVP game with low Expertise ratings and hearing the call "X is unbeatable"; you know the game is a wast of time right away.


You can only get points towards Expertise based armor by winning, and you can't win if you are battling players with high level Expertise. And that is why I say, screw the companions that need that, I'll stick with PVE.

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PVP would be more attractive to newbs if they were placed on teams and against teams whose Expertise levels were more closely matched. There is nothing worse than being in a PVP game with low Expertise ratings and hearing the call "X is unbeatable"; you know the game is a wast of time right away.


You can only get points towards Expertise based armor by winning, and you can't win if you are battling players with high level Expertise. And that is why I say, screw the companions that need that, I'll stick with PVE.


I agree, there should be entry level pvp where you can only enter if you have less that 2018 expertise

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TIL There are people literally forced at gunpoint to PVP


TIL People who primarily PVE are sometimes incompetent at PVP


Something I already knew: most people who are really, really good at one of these tend to be at least competent at the other.



SO essentially both PVE Heros and PVP heros are complaining about most people not being great at the game.



Well, that is certainly news.



I just want people to play even if they stink because selfishly I want the game to be around for a while.


Also selfishly, I have had more 2 and 3 on 1 victories the past month than ever before.


Bow down before the slayer of noob and tremble for he comes for your refer a friend. I sacrifice these souls to the great sorc nerf of removing skank heals and madness/lightning hybrids. In the name of NERF I SLAY THEE

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It's a sad day when people celebrate and enjoy mediocrity or less coupled with the dismay and unhappiness of others.


PVE-ers do not want to be forced into warzones. PVPers like competitive games. Having admitted PVE trolls not even attempting to PVP makes the chances of a fun match even less likely than before...


Yet, some people are happy with this?

I would venture to say most PvPers are happy with this.

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That's a good idea. Or, if they could just fix bolster. :p


Yep. I suspect the stupid bolster system probably hurts getting new people into PvP more than a lot of other things. Mostly because I guess there is no way for the new person to really know that part of their getting demolished is that they need to downgrade their gear.


People can cry all they want about "they should read the forums", "they should read guides", etc. But I totally disagree on that. You should not have to do any research into what the basic gearing rules are. BW should ditch the over-complicated system they have that doesn't work right 80% of the time, and even when it does no one that it's intended to help knows what it's doing anyway. If they asked me (and they didn't), I'd just give flat stats based on your discipline until you get actual PvP gear. As it is, it's just another artificial barrier between "those in the know" and the people just starting out.


I help a new person in the 65 bracket understand bolster a bit better today. S/he made the most telling statement I've seen yet, "never had too-good gear before".

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I have a lot of fun in PvP even if I am a badly-geared noob. It forces me to *gasp* learn how to play my character instead of just spamming my AoEs on mobs. There's nothing funnier than my little 20lvl character taking out a capped player. They get all butt-hurt and hunt me down. It beats PvE which can be boring and even daunting.
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I have a lot of fun in PvP even if I am a badly-geared noob. It forces me to *gasp* learn how to play my character instead of just spamming my AoEs on mobs. There's nothing funnier than my little 20lvl character taking out a capped player. They get all butt-hurt and hunt me down. It beats PvE which can be boring and even daunting.


you cant get in a warzone with a lvl 20 versus a 65 toon (its 1~39 if i recall correctly...) ... unless you are talking open world pvp? then yeah if you do that the guy must get rly upset LOL (and/or be bad /afk/distracted/low on health xd)

Edited by James_Mcturney
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That's a good idea. Or, if they could just fix bolster. :p


I'd rather they just remove bolster and stop handholding people. What's the point of getting 208 gear when you still need separate crystals to get 2018 expertise compared to the free 1936 that everyone and their mother gets?

Oh no, a marginal 2% increase in damage and 1% in damage reduction! Totally worth all the grind!


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I'd rather they just remove bolster and stop handholding people. What's the point of getting 208 gear when you still need separate crystals to get 2018 expertise compared to the free 1936 that everyone and their mother gets?

Oh no, a marginal 2% increase in damage and 1% in damage reduction! Totally worth all the grind!



Can't tell if joking... lol.

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