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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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If I were to tweak individual roles....




Needs the least amount of help IMO....however, the damage nerf seems to have reduced it's capacity to hold aggro again. So I would increase the threat created by their abilities substantially.




Personally I feel the changes needed would be served by the overall suggestion to either increase base stats by around 3 to 5 percent or increase presence/influence effect by 5 to 10 percent.




This is the role that needs the most help IMO. Single target heals are far too weak, and performance is not up to pre 4.0 standards. I would suggest that area healing doesn't need as much help, but single target healing is far too weak...overall healing could use a 10 to 25 percent boost to at least match pre 3.0 performance.


Tank below 65 seem ok - at 65 no they need Tank secondary stats fixing ie Defence Shield Absorption

Heals - agro is still way off, and heals need to be returned to 80% of what they were in 4.0, and then the metrics should be observed

DPS - stlll wet noodles at 65, again return to about 90% of 4.0 baseline and measured over a period of time


What then needs to be done is QA test a pre4 affection 10 in 192 correctly geared (ie not the internal mad stats but the optimal playerbased as a baselne) and a curve created from that for improvement to the equivalent BiS player gear at 50 (or close to that)(agn not inhouse stated gear but player optimised)

Edited by GythralSWTOR
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I almost un-subbed to this game but I waited for this expansion and I was very surprised and very happy with it and I loved all it had to do with companions.


What you have done bioware is basically taken the game from me. I am a solo player 95% of the time, its what I liked because of my job working stupid hours and like someone else said this grinding shouldn't feel like a second job.


It is for this reason and the fact they you won't freaking restore my character I asked about 50 times that I am going to unsubscribe.


I'm not paying for this game anymore. I was happy too with not hesitation because of the companions but now since you can kill one with a wet noodle or they can't heal my scratch I'm done.


Bioware you really did destroy swtor for me and it pisses me off because of all the time I have invested. Gee thanks for nothing.

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Well this latest companion "adjustment" is a deal breaker for me. I was very happy and excited with the changes to companions before this last patch. The companions are pretty much useless for me. Congratulations. I don't pvp. I don't like to group and I liked to run solo and craft. That's all I had time for or interest. That appears to be a non starter now. Thanks a lot.


Same for me, I used be all ready to play now I don't give a crap. I'm going to unsub.. I really enjoyed this game too but they killed it for me.

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Except I know for a fact I am a much better player than you. I haven't died once soloing H2 SF. Stooping to my level makes you just as much of a ****. Don't you think? I baited you into acting like that and now you are no better than me, *******.


Now, I'm off to actually play the game and not waste money arguing about stupid **** like you're doing.


Baited heh, like we said ... troll and now you'll be known as such. Well done. ;)

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Turns out we can't do SF H2 , technically that is a heroic. Letting you know.



psst. population is getting lower now. Maybe those leet gamers aren't helping the 90% in their heroics and just logging off instead.



Nah, the "leet" gamers' opinion of this is that half the payerbase hasn't been able to install the patch because of issues.:rolleyes:

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Please rollback 4.0.2


Playing during 4.0-4.0.1 with the new companions was the most fun I've ever had in the game. It felt like the game had finally struck a perfect balance between the group and casual/solo content. You could enjoy playing the story missions, leveling, and heroics without the drama of toxic players or tedious grinds.


The changes didn't prevent me from grouping in the slightest as I still found things like heroics faster and more fun with other players. But at the same time not being limited to have to play them at the whims of others was liberating. The companions as they were, left the harder challenges where they belong - in the flashpoints, WBs, events, Ops etc. I love all this other group content as well, I simply do not want all content to be that time consuming, stressful or or exhausting.


I so fell in love with game during 4-4.0. I was planning on re-playing each of the classes missions of both factions at least once if not more. I was also planning out long-term plans for working on all achievements and others things I had never even considered before with grinds as they were. I had also purchased more Cartel Coins than I ever had before as well. All due to my excitement and direction the game had taken.


To me the pre-4.0.2 companions completely opened up the game and made it so much more fun and accessible.

Please revert the companions to pre-4.0.2 levels and let the separate sides of the game both co-exist. Fun solo, casual/coop, story content and harder challenging group content like flashpoints and Ops.


As of now I have unsubscribed and am letting 3 months of my gametime run out and not planning on returning unless 4.0.2 is rolled back.

Edited by Mauvros
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Please rollback 4.0.2


Playing during 4.0-4.0.1 with the new companions was the most fun I've ever had in the game. It felt like the game had finally stuck a perfect balance between the group and casual/solo content. You could enjoy playing the story missions, leveling, and heroics without the drama of toxic players or tedious grinds.


The changes didn't prevent me from grouping in the slightest as I still found things like heroics faster and more fun with other players. But at the same time not being limited to have to play them at the whims of others was liberating. The companions as they were, left the harder challenges where they belong - in the flashpoints, WBs, events, Ops etc. I love all this other group content as well, I simply do not want all content to be that time consuming, stressful or or exhausting.


I so fell in love with game during 4-4.0. I was planning on re-playing each of the classes missions of both factions at least once if not more. I was also planning out long-term plans for working on all achievements and others things I had never even considered before with grinds as they were. I had also purchased more Cartel Coins than I ever had before as well. All due to my excitement and direction the game had taken.


To me the pre-4.0.2 companions completely opened up the game and made it so much more fun and accessible.

Please revert the companions to pre-4.0.2 levels and let the separate sides of the game both co-exist. Fun solo, casual/coop, story content and harder challenging group content like flashpoints and Ops.


As of now I have unsubscribed and am letting 3 months of my gametime run out and not planning on returning unless 4.0.2 is rolled back.


I agree those few weeks of kotfe were the best this game has ever been since the beginning. They just had to mess up perfection.

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Meh, they'll probably just slap in a GSI type buff - like on Makeb - or some crap in so it's optional. Funny how that wasn't thought of before.


Probably not.


That takes Dev time and a little money, which they do not have.


The most loved movie franchise has an MMO that can't afford a simple fix like this. Boggles the mind how far the game has fallen.

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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Best lie EvR. \o/

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I don't know if this has been said or not, but the H2 mission on Makeb called False History cannot be soloed with a companion, it never could. The first part of it makes it impossible. you need to release 4 of those gas vents and you cannot do it by yourself before the gas kills you, not even a companion set to healer role can keep you up, they couldn't when they were super powerful and they certainly can't now they they are nerfed.


The thing with this mission is that the things you need to click vary depending on the number of people in your group. if there are 2 of you, there are 2 consoles lit up in the next room with the lasers, if there are 3 players, then 3. so it's actually harder to do it more than 2 people. Now, if you are gonna make this mission solo with a companion, the number of gas vents you need to disable in the first room needs to go down to 2 at maximum if you are only 1 person, 4 just won't do. And the next room after that, only 1 of the 4 consoles should be lit up if you do it solo and so on.


if you truly mean these should be able to be soloed, then nerf/fix this mission please.

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I don't know if this has been said or not, but the H2 mission on Makeb called False History cannot be soloed with a companion, it never could. The first part of it makes it impossible. you need to release 4 of those gas vents and you cannot do it by yourself before the gas kills you, not even a companion set to healer role can keep you up, they couldn't when they were super powerful and they certainly can't now they they are nerfed.


The thing with this mission is that the things you need to click vary depending on the number of people in your group. if there are 2 of you, there are 2 consoles lit up in the next room with the lasers, if there are 3 players, then 3. so it's actually harder to do it more than 2 people. Now, if you are gonna make this mission solo with a companion, the number of gas vents you need to disable in the first room needs to go down to 2 at maximum if you are only 1 person, 4 just won't do. And the next room after that, only 1 of the 4 consoles should be lit up if you do it solo and so on.


if you truly mean these should be able to be soloed, then nerf/fix this mission please.


I can solo this on my BH/Commando toons using their speed boost and my SI/Consular toons using their teleport. An Agent/Smuggler using Roll could probably do it. Warriors/JKs might have a tough time of it though Maras/Sents do have Predation and the Sentinel mirror. Jugs/Guardians may have the short end of this stick unless we can make our comps stand still and Intercede to them. I haven't tried it yet.

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I wanted to quote the post below because it perfectly sums up my thoughts. Prior to this nerf, 4 was the most I've EVER enjoyed this game. You could get through all the tedious heroics with speed and actually enjoy flashpoints solo.


A 20% nerf would have corrected the comparison vs player power. 70% was just silly and seems like the arbitrary decision of someone who doesn't play often.



Please rollback 4.0.2


Playing during 4.0-4.0.1 with the new companions was the most fun I've ever had in the game. It felt like the game had finally stuck a perfect balance between the group and casual/solo content. You could enjoy playing the story missions, leveling, and heroics without the drama of toxic players or tedious grinds.


The changes didn't prevent me from grouping in the slightest as I still found things like heroics faster and more fun with other players. But at the same time not being limited to have to play them at the whims of others was liberating. The companions as they were, left the harder challenges where they belong - in the flashpoints, WBs, events, Ops etc. I love all this other group content as well, I simply do not want all content to be that time consuming, stressful or or exhausting.


I so fell in love with game during 4-4.0. I was planning on re-playing each of the classes missions of both factions at least once if not more. I was also planning out long-term plans for working on all achievements and others things I had never even considered before with grinds as they were. I had also purchased more Cartel Coins than I ever had before as well. All due to my excitement and direction the game had taken.


To me the pre-4.0.2 companions completely opened up the game and made it so much more fun and accessible.

Please revert the companions to pre-4.0.2 levels and let the separate sides of the game both co-exist. Fun solo, casual/coop, story content and harder challenging group content like flashpoints and Ops.


As of now I have unsubscribed and am letting 3 months of my gametime run out and not planning on returning unless 4.0.2 is rolled back.

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I can solo this on my BH/Commando toons using their speed boost and my SI/Consular toons using their teleport. An Agent/Smuggler using Roll could probably do it. Warriors/JKs might have a tough time of it though Maras/Sents do have Predation and the Sentinel mirror. Jugs/Guardians may have the short end of this stick unless we can make our comps stand still and Intercede to them. I haven't tried it yet.


I've done it on a guardian but it's always down to the last second. Poison still gets me every time thou. :p


Doable but the fact that if you miss it by the second means you have to fight your way through 3 pulls of mobs again for another try just means I rather log another toon and do other heroics than waste time on Makeb lol.

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