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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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Here is my feedback in regards to the changes in 4.0.2:

I've played since launch and I've had the most fun playing post 4.0. I play on an open PvP server and yes in an instance of open world PvP the healing companion was indeed OP. However for every other aspect of the game (from a casual primarily solo player) the companion was fine the way it was. I think that the best course of action would be to remove the ability to summon the companion in open world PvP and HM FPs and OPs and put the companions back to the way they were or at least close to it for the normal noncompetitive game play areas.

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Well, lets be fair....PTS feedback that players give is ignored quite often. I can't speak as to why, but I could speculate that they have certain ideas in mind that are set in stone regardless of feedback.


Having said that one could wonder why they bother having a PTS in the first place.

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Well, lets be fair....PTS feedback that players give is ignored quite often. I can't speak as to why, but I could speculate that they have certain ideas in mind that are set in stone regardless of feedback.


Because PTS feedback is generally underwhelming. The only people who provide feedback are those who genuinely enjoy or hate something that is there, not the average player who is busy playing the game, not testing it. It would be much like the forums were before the patch, where players had already determined their feelings about the change simply by seeing it was a nerf before they ever logged in. Then they post their "feedback" in the PTS forums without actually testing.

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Because PTS feedback is generally underwhelming. The only people who provide feedback are those who genuinely enjoy or hate something that is there, not the average player who is busy playing the game, not testing it. It would be much like the forums were before the patch, where players had already determined their feelings about the change simply by seeing it was a nerf before they ever logged in. Then they post their "feedback" in the PTS forums without actually testing.


I can see your point, but they have ignored game breaking bugs, and even made changes that were suggested in PTS long after it went live.


I tend to think it is because though they may solicit feedback in PTS, often they do not like the feedback they receive, especially if it means the work they have done is wasted.

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I can see your point, but they have ignored game breaking bugs, and even made changes that were suggested in PTS long after it went live.


I tend to think it is because though they may solicit feedback in PTS, often they do not like the feedback they receive, especially if it means the work they have done is wasted.


No, the feedback just isn't representative of the players. Let's say they put the companion change on PTS. How many average players do you think will even know they did it and of those that do, how many do you expect to actually download, login, test, and provide constructive feedback?


It will be filled with everyone who thinks any nerf to companions will ruin the game. Some will at least test the changes to prove to themselves they hate it, others will just post about what a terrible change it is with no data whatsoever. Most players are completely unaffected by this change. The solo game feels more like 3.X than 4.0, but they aren't incapable of playing any longer.


This isn't to say that anti-nerf players are unique in this respect. Literally any change going to PTS will be like this. The players with the strongest opinions on the subject will participate and most players won't care.

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I do not think that they are overreacting or being emotional. It's a genuine rage and frustration because now they must actually PLAY their class.


I had a long talk on TS with a person in the guild about this. He is about to cancel his subscription for the sole reason that now he is forced to use interrupts and move his hero out of bad stuff on the ground !! When i asked him to elaborate he made it crystal clear that as a subber he demands the option to play the game by doing just the absolute minimum. "If i wanted to use crowd control, interrupts and watch where my character steps on i would play a different game".. where his words. And this comes from a former WoW raider in one of the top EU guilds.


As for the nerf, i did some of the Belsavis HC's with both healer and tank companions. Yes, they are a bit harder now however the nerf is nowhere near as bad as many on these boards claim to be.

The fact you find it a bit harder shows how bad you are at the game. It isn't harder at all.
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I was gone for about a year and re-subbed to play 4.0 about 10 days ago. I was actually shocked at how easy the game had become.


I have not played since this latest patch but welcome more of a challenge. I am very interested to see what it is like with the "nerf".

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I was gone for about a year and re-subbed to play 4.0 about 10 days ago. I was actually shocked at how easy the game had become.


I have not played since this latest patch but welcome more of a challenge. I am very interested to see what it is like with the "nerf".

Comps are pretty much still OP.
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The fact you find it a bit harder shows how bad you are at the game. It isn't harder at all.


Maybe you should pull your head of your *** and try to read and comprehend what i wrote.


I wrote that the HC's are a bit harder now compared to 4.0. I did NOT claim that they are hard. I wrote that the nerfs are not nearly as bad as everyone screams about.

Edited by Galentor
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So you are saying that a designer said that 2h are really 4h? no wonder the games is screwed.


Because companions were designed to be as good as a player initially,


2 players plus a group ... I'm not saying the designer said it, go read it for yourself and stop pretending like I'm inventing or misinterpreting it ... unless you don't understand basic English you can't possibly fail to not understand what the blog says.

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I have sub for years and will still do till they sort it.

So go play on your down under server and show your solidarity with your Elitist.


Unlike Your Mightiness with all the whistles and bells, some CANT now do them No.

Go Read the other threads and take your head out of that roos pouch.

You may love the pain of the mare it is now, it's worse than 3.0 Mako heals worse than ever.

Instead of Slating those without your view try Understanding where the Majority are coming from.

But remembering a lot of your posts, I doubt your give a damn.


So in other words I'm right, you're wrong and you'll resort to some sort on nonsensical nonsense about roos and whatever else it is your trying to say to make yourself feel better.


I'm actually happy to talk compromise, already done so in this thread with shawnthegeek I believe the posters name is, unfortunately the majority of you solo players running around with your hair on fire don't want compromise, you want it how it was before and you certainly must be able to simply do the SF HM by yourselves with little trouble ... pfft.

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It's WEEKLY H2 -- that I was doing fine -- just fine -- before -- READ my post and comprehend it please --- these are what Eric said we wouldn't have any problem doing ... read -- there are problems there weren't before --- I'm asking that it not be a terrible grind since we HAVE to do it for Alliance -- should something we have to do for the game to advance be so hard that we die multiple times ? :rolleyes: if you like this -- please go and play EQ2 or Everquest -- they are grindy -- you'll love the "Advanced Solo" content you can't do without buying a merc with real money ( yes that's a lot of fun ) and yes we complain about it ......


Well you can read Eric's latest post about the difficulty of HM SF, it supports fully what I've said all along.


Also I don't believe you HAVE to do it at all, if you do HAVE to do it then go get a group and do it.


I can't believe you are wanting to do the hardest possibly solo content in the game and are upset you might die a few times ... pathetic.


On a siden ote I have no intention of doing the SF as many times as you seem to imply we "have" to do it for the alliance. I guarantee I will have no issue doing future parts of the story either because there is no way they are going to gate future content behind this "difficult" content. It is OPTIONAL, not MANDATORY.

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Maybe you should pull your head of your *** and try to read and comprehend what i wrote.


I wrote that the HC's are a bit harder now compared to 4.0. I did NOT claim that they are hard. I wrote that the nerfs are not nearly as bad as everyone screams about.


Ay him no heed, I think he's trolling you now.

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Quoting myself from a thread moved to Off-topic:


"I didn't appreciate all those calling for a companion nerf. I did agree they needed to be toned down some.


But, I can't fathom how some became a nuke from orbit.


I am locked in through next March, so I won't be leaving, but I certainly hope they can find some acceptable middle ground between OP and NUKED. It would be nice if it didn't take too long, too (yeah, right! as if). "


As I noted, companions needed to be toned down. You went too far.


There is a common tactic by MMO Devs, which I have seen numerous times. Overnerf something, and then mitigate the outrage by bringing it back closer to where it actually should have been nerfed to. This way, the populous feels like they got something back and the Devs get the nerf they actually wanted. I hope this is where you are going with this, although I find this tactic very distasteful and disingenous.

Edited by Caulderone
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Rank 50 heal comp went from face rolling heals in SF HERIOC with crazy burst (20k+ heals) when they aren't geting stuck and stand there doing othing while they try to kill me.


to not bursty ( 8k max burst heals maybe ) when there NOT getting stuck and doing nothing. and out right dying with more then 2 golds.


There heals where OP before but now there just wth bad Fix the bad ai where they just stand there doing nothing while i die and nerf would be that bad


20k+ heal burst became 8k burst heals would might be fine if the AI wasnt constantly getting stuck and doing nothing while i killed

Edited by Kyuuu
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Good post.


Anyone find a new game with similar solo story driven structure out there?


Especially since it is F2P, I recommend most everyone - or at least the non l2p eppeeners who care about story -should at least get a hobbit through the Shire in LotRO. It's an older game

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I did like kotfe until you nerfed my companions. So now it's worse than before kotfe even came out where I could gear my companions. I'm done playing this game. I will not be coming back unless they are back how it was when kotfe first came out... And you should care I spend more money on this game then most by far each month.
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