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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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Depending on how badly they nerfed the companions, if soloing becomes more of a slogfest tedious grinding chore doing the Heroic2s . Then all the fun will be pretty much drained away, i left Everquest cause i got sick of the constant grind that forced you to have to group. Soloing was the main reason i gave SWTOR a try.

I have a couple rank 50 companions, all 8 classes done with Legend status and all Datacrons done. I have 16 toons, one for each class and sub class all in 186 purples, my imp (Sorc DPS) and rep (Guardian Tank) mains are in full 216s with 220 BPs. So yeah, im sure ill still be able to solo, but the point is it will take a hell of a lot longer to solo especially the Heroics of Belsavis on up (and were suppose to farm these every WEEK to get alliance and and junk), couple of those Belsavis and Makeb ones were brutal even with a rank 50 companion, with so many gold and silver mobs bunched up together. Star Fortress Heroic2 solo is the one where most people will not ever be able to solo (especially not casual folk), only those in endgame gear or close to it will even be able to and then it would take an insane amount of time to even do it, it already takes nearly 2 hours solo on a tank class and healing comp, less with DPS comp and DPS class.


There is no challenge to this, none what so ever, it is just gonna make things take a hell of a lot longer to do. A challenge is a end boss to beat, NOT THE FREAKING TRASH MOBS, that is just beyond tedious. I dont think i have the patience for it anymore. Ill give it a try, but if it is a ton harder to complete these Heroic2s week after week, its just not worth it. Right now there are so many people doing Heroics on every planet, this change could really make or break this game, if things become to hard after how it was before this nerf, you are gonna loose alot of people. My best friend who got me to play this game will most likely quit for sure if he finds out companions got nerfed. He doesnt read these forums, and i havnt told him about the nerf, but man is he gonna blow his top when he logs on and finds out. He was already angry over the level sync messing with his Role playing (yes hes one of those role play freaks), the companions were the only thing keeping him in the game.


Bleh, just thinking about all this, makes me not want to bother logging on to see how bad the nerf really is. I really wish they had never had the companions OP in the first place, cause now you got people thinking and feeling a certain way for weeks and then you are gonna turn around and take it away. Thats just bad, bad, bad no matter how you look at it. With the level sync on top of it, the companions only made that tolerable lol.

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OK just ran Poisonous Strategy on Ilum as a tester for the new companion nerf. My companion now heals worse than they did pre KotFE expansion. I've played since launch and that's one of the heroics I've done pretty much every day for the past few years. I knew there was going to be a nerf ... but this is totally insane.


RIP swtor

Edited by Drunken_Ewok
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OK just ran Poisonous Strategy on Ilum as a tester for the new companion nerf. My companion now heals worse than they did pre KotFE expansion. I've played since launch and that's one of the heroics I've done pretty much every day for the past few years. I knew there was going to be a nerf ... but this is totally insane.


Many of us tried to warn the vocal over the top posters calling for companion nerfs that Bioware would screw it up and nerf them into oblivion. Everyone that wanted companion changes deserves this, because they asked for it in the face of all past evidence.


The rest of us, well....we get to suffer the consequences.

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Many of us tried to warn the vocal over the top posters calling for companion nerfs that Bioware would screw it up and nerf them into oblivion. Everyone that wanted companion changes deserves this, because they asked for it in the face of all past evidence.


The rest of us, well....we get to suffer the consequences.


I'm thinking... there are parts during the KoTFE storyline that I felt with a healer character where really though, only doable because how strong the companions were feeling. I wonder how we'd fare now...


Honestly, I can't understand the complain about companions. You could always dismiss them and play without them if you wanted a challenge...

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Many of us tried to warn the vocal over the top posters calling for companion nerfs that Bioware would screw it up and nerf them into oblivion. Everyone that wanted companion changes deserves this, because they asked for it in the face of all past evidence.


The rest of us, well....we get to suffer the consequences.


W.T.F would they want the companions nerfed? This is what I don't understand.


I would love to find a game where the developers said "Nope this is how the game is played so learn to play it that way. If you don't like it then go play SWTOR" LOL

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OK just ran Poisonous Strategy on Ilum as a tester for the new companion nerf. My companion now heals worse than they did pre KotFE expansion. I've played since launch and that's one of the heroics I've done pretty much every day for the past few years. I knew there was going to be a nerf ... but this is totally insane.


RIP swtor


Not at ALL surprised. SO much for those who were saying it would still be better than pre-KotFE even though most of said otherwise. BW doesn't know how to "tweak". They do orbital nuclear nerf strikes. So, as usual, we casuals are being shat upon even though we are the main player base and the ones who sub most often too and the vocal minority of "hard-core" players get catered to.


The weekly H2+ was a grind to begin with and not exactly "fun" but it was tolerable (barely) because I knew I wasn't going to be bogged down in it at least. Now it appears that will change and it will truly become "the GRIND from hell". It's not like we can opt to not do them if we want to advance our alliance and companions either. After having been a sub since launch with only a small break due to illness, I foresee my sub running its time out and me saying a sad good-bye if grinding becomes a big pita slog fest now. :(

Edited by mrsrachelm
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If you cant solo the Heroic, that is not a problem with the game, that is a problem with your play style. Do the STORY mode for solo.....


Why play a MMO? There is tons to do in this game that does not require grouping.


Is this guy for real? Heroics have story modes? Dang I've been missing out.

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It really is that bad?? I cant get on yet due to the dumb patcher taking forever.

no, just noticed it was on hoth so level scaled down, it's more on a lvl65 area:





so 75% nerf was accurate

Edited by Asaxor
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Its that bad of a nerf? My worst fears was a nuke nerf like the contraband slot machine. Should have just been a tweaking around the edges, sounds like they took the nerf bat and bashed it into the ground. Edited by Allamirr
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Parses perhaps? You vs companion? No point in parsing content you wouldn't bring a companion into in the first place.


I generally didn't parse myself soloing content with my companion, because quite frankly, any content that isn't operations is only done for money or to complete some achievement. (for me).


Obviously I can't log in game right now and parse myself alongside Pierce since my patch is moving slower than a Hutt after a 100-course meal, and even if I could, it wouldn't matter now since when I DO manage to log in, he'll have been nerfed.


A better solution to ALL of this, which would have solved ALL problems without hurting anyone's feelings or rustling anyone's jimmies would have been to do the following:


All companions auto-dismiss/become unsummonable under the following circumstances:

a) Player enters 4 man HARDMODE flashpoint (Let's get real guys, who cares about tactical flashpoints? People have always been able to solo or duo these, anyway)

b) Player enters an operations instance/joins an operations group

c) Player engages in pvp combat (Open world/Duels)


All problems solved.

Edited by silvershadows
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Sounds like you need to group up with other players to do things. You know... The point of an MMO.


That is NOT the point of an MMO, that is a tired, old argument that holds no water.


The point of an MMO is to have a gameworld in which other players exist and have an effect. The point of an MMO is to have a gameworld which is dynamic and constantly changing, having new content added. The point of an MMO is to be able to chat with other players while playing. The point of an MMO is to be able to group up with others when you want.


It's been my experience that people who say that the point of an MMO is that you 'need' to group up with other players to do things are generally people who are incapable of doing anything for themselves, without someone else carrying them on their back - or people who don't want to have to put in the work to earn something themselves, and would rather someone else share their burden.


Just sayin'.

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Sounds like you need to group up with other players to do things. You know... The point of an MMO.


Not when said MMO offers achievements for soloing things, and has repeteadly said they want Heroic content to be soloable. They haven't made the game more challenging, nor social. They just made that our dailies are, depending on your class, a) much more time consuming or b) impossible. Either of them is "not fun"; you know, games are meant to be fun.

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Sounds like you need to group up with other players to do things. You know... The point of an MMO.


FAIL! The "point" of an MMO is to have massive multi-players in an online environment who then have the OPTION of grouping for hard-mode content. It's logic: MMO does not stand for "Required Grouping to play" it stands for "Massively Multi-player Online". Your comprehension skills need tweaking.

Edited by mrsrachelm
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So, as a tank, I'll be looking for a healer to join me for the heroic flashpoints, and we'll use our dps companions.


This solves....nothing, for the majority.


If dps companions are worthless as well...


Why are the companions a big part of the game, if they're going to be rendered useless?


We can't even dress up the new dress up dolls.

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Sounds like you need to group up with other players to do things. You know... The point of an MMO.


Except that isn't the point of a MMO any more back in the day it was, these days MMO's are mainly solo affairs with grouping if you feel like it not a forced necessity most don't have the time to waste spamming LFG I sure as hell don't

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When BW says "do not believe to dataminers" - BW is very right! 50%?! Ha! Try 100%. No, seriously - where it was thousands now it's around a hundred (A hundred - lower and a bit higher), the strongest kik from my lvl 18 companion I saw today was 414! It's... I have no words. Edited by Mirandel
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