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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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I am talking about H2's and you do need them for those filler slots cause I am poor and cant afford to blow a percentage of my little funds on the gtn for those items.


As I said : just playing the story missions will give you enough credits to buy something for that slots. If you are piss poor you just buy those at 30th level and youll be fine for a lot of time.


But if you SOMEHOW waste even that little of money somewhere else, just do story a bit more till you gather the creds back . So there you go. No need to group EVER. Never was, never will be.

Edited by Pavijan
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So, you want mega-strong companions so you can faster grind stuff that has no purpose than to make your companions even stronger...?


If there was ever a chance I would do it on more than one companion why the hell not make that grind a bit easier and tolerable?


Sorry, but I really fail to see what is exactly the real point of this companion affection thing...

I just did the alliance stuff sto unlock all the companions and then moved to other stuff.


Its called something to do but it still doesn't need to be unnecessarily tedious. Are you so limited in forward thinking to think they made 22 companions you can get and planned that you would only grind it out once? of course not. They want you to do it more. Nerfing them makes sure more wont ever touch it but on a the rarest of gamers. It will now be just to tedious in something that was already tedious but at least with a powerful companion you could stomach it a bit.


Companions don't give you any new dialogue, or actually anything of supstance, so why are people putting them selves through all this is beyond me. But If you like the grind, it 's - Ok everyone has his own ways of enjoying the game, and that's cool.


And having a powerful companion was part of that enjoyment. It made playing solo fun and entertaining. Nerfing them because "Oh no they could heal better than some skilled players." or the "Oh my God, companions made game play easier." is not justification for a nerf especially when it was content that was never meant to be a challenge anyway - Story and 4 year old heroics and we all know star fortress was never meant to be a real challenge because it was designed to be soloed from the start.


So yes, powerful companions was fun and entertaining. Nerfing them does not make the game more fun or entertaining but makes it more tedious in areas that just didn't need to be especially for the reasons BW coughed up.


But if you think that it's a chore, maybe doing it, when only benefit is to speed up the process of doing, it isn't a very logical thing... ;)


Better than the stance you seem to have of, lets make it take longer or worse yet, lets make the grind just a bit more "grindy" because why the hell not. :rolleyes:

Edited by Quraswren
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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Ok be prepared then cause everytime I die more then once I will be telling you eric

Edited by CombatLord
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I've soloed heroic 2s with my companion dismissed, you'll be fine


Pretty sure you one of those that are uber geared out so doing so is not a issue or your one of those that like grps and are social, I however don't like grping and don't talk to anyone in chat or in the guild unless I am talked to first and even then I usually just respond with one word answers.

Edited by CombatLord
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" But believe me they will still carry their weight and fill the role you need them to in combat "


Not alot of faith that this is true.


Oh, it is all true. Its just very vague on how good they will fill their role after the nerf.


Tanks will tank (with zero armor apparently), DPS will do damage, and Healers will heal. But how good they will be at fulfilling their roles is a whole other story that remains to be seen

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I've soloed heroic 2s with my companion dismissed, you'll be fine


So, which Fortress H2 have you done solo without a companion?




Do Star Fortress solo tomorrow after update with no companion, must have video proof then post it here so we can see, then I'll be impressed :)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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No ranting, no raving. Will try it and see (but I'm basing it on past "balancing" when I say that I'm highly dubious). If the game is not playable by my standards, I'll provide my feedback in a language you - Bioware - may understand. $$$ lost.
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Just ran Tactical flashpoint me and the wife , my Sage , her sent a healing t7 rnk 16 and my lana as dps for trash and tank for bosses at rnk 32 . Was pretty easy if we CC all the time through the trash , and on the final boss a few times she had to put t-7 on passive and run to the other side to force him to run out of the red ring of death.


If we cant do tactical like this after tom patch then im just going to stop logging in. I dont mind pugging but i refuse to put my wife through this community , they are not nice to new people , they are aggressive and intolerant , and they generally have no patience for someone learning an instance. Now currently that is irrelevant because we can do the tacticals with us and 2 comps. If that does not change great ill resub , if we cant then i made the right call canceling my sub as soon as this information broke.

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Just ran Tactical flashpoint me and the wife , my Sage , her sent a healing t7 rnk 16 and my lana as dps for trash and tank for bosses at rnk 32 . Was pretty easy if we CC all the time through the trash , and on the final boss a few times she had to put t-7 on passive and run to the other side to force him to run out of the red ring of death.


If we cant do tactical like this after tom patch then im just going to stop logging in. I dont mind pugging but i refuse to put my wife through this community , they are not nice to new people , they are aggressive and intolerant , and they generally have no patience for someone learning an instance. Now currently that is irrelevant because we can do the tacticals with us and 2 comps. If that does not change great ill resub , if we cant then i made the right call canceling my sub as soon as this information broke.


Your views on this are close to mine. Before 4.0, you could do the level 55 flashpoints with two people and two companions for the Tactical Weekly. I was concerned with 4.0 that would be going away with everything being scaled up. I was very happy when logging in to see that it was still possible to do most of the flashpoints in the same style afterwards (Blood Hunt withstanding, but with enough micromanaging I would think it could be done too.) So for anyone saying "You just want to clear group content without helping anyone!", this was possible before and thus should be now.


Now if this takes away the ability to do that, I see little point sticking around. For all the time and cost it takes to get a companion to high influence, they better be a significant jump over having to group with some random level 15 that is in their first flashpoint.

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BW, you seem to worry too much about companions and too little about dps class balance. You should fix that before the people, whose classes got killed get fed up and leave the game. That's the real elephant in the room!


Balancing player characters for group content is obviously not as important as nerfing companions for solo / story play.


And it is especially galling since a lot of the balance issues all trace back to undisclosed changes made to certain classes crit passives (reducing them from 30% to 10%) while not doing the same for all classes.

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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Well 1 heroic, you can't solo: On Makeb.[ Need to press 4 buttons in like, 10 seconds or gass kills you. Which is impossible on your own. It possible couild of been done with a healiing comp but when the comp dies [in this situation] it gets treated as if u died.

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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Does this include Heroic Star Fortresses?


I will be very angry if my max-influence companions are no longer strong enough for me to solo these. I enjoy farming them for the decorations, achievements, and for additional armor pieces/mods for my alts. Nobody I know has any interest in doing Star Fortresses since we are a progression raiding guild and all way outgear the content, and they have no interest in decorations. Soloing Star Fortresses is how I've been enjoying my time in KotFE.

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According to Eric they were not broken companions were intended to be powerful it's just BW overcompensated and made them more powerful then they intended them to be.


There's "broken" as in "this wasn't intended/is bugged" and then there is "broken" as in "they can't possibly be serious about this tuning."


Companion healers were the latter. There was math posted on Reddit that found the HPS of a pretty basic companion (Rank 2 Xalek) was close to the theoretical max of a geared healer doing a full rotation. It also easily surpassed what a Heroic Zakuul Knight could do in DPS even if the player just stood there, used no cooldown mitigation or CC and no heals of their own or from the instance buff.


The player will never die to an elite Heroic mob even if AFK.


Rank 40 Lana with all buffs was basically a top raid single target healer, achieving 7779 HPS against 8650 HPS from a max-gear (224) fully augmented and buffed Sage/Sorc.



That. Is. Ridiculous. Oh, and the human number is theorycrafted max while the companion numbers are observed. Humans will not achieve theoretical max, basic rule of the universe. AI does not have this problem, see "observed number." It's even more loony when you realize that the companion isn't designed to heal raids, world bosses or heavy PvP damage; they can't be used for any of those. The companion is healing a much lower level of tuning.


Robots took r jerbs.

Edited by Canareth
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Does this include Heroic Star Fortresses?


I will be very angry if my max-influence companions are no longer strong enough for me to solo these. I enjoy farming them for the decorations, achievements, and for additional armor pieces/mods for my alts. Nobody I know has any interest in doing Star Fortresses since we are a progression raiding guild and all way outgear the content, and they have no interest in decorations. Soloing Star Fortresses is how I've been enjoying my time in KotFE.


This is actually what I have been referencing when I say "H2"


If not over geared?


Ask the following question... "Is it designed to be soloed when it also has a separate solo mode?"

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This is actually what I have been referencing when I say "H2"


If not over geared?


Ask the following question... "Is it designed to be soloed when it also has a separate solo mode?"


Do the achievements for soloing it answer your question?


If I have to wait for other people, on my time, to take part in content, I'm not going to take part in content. If I can do other stuff WHILE I wait, like with group finder, then it's not a problem anymore. But standing around at the event horizon for the SF instance waiting for someone running the same one as me is not what I'd call getting the gameplay I'm paying for with my subscription, so if I put the call out for a group, and no one answers, and I can't solo it, I ain't running it. I'm going to move on to something I CAN do. And if that hinders my story progress, I ain't subbin to that, either.

Edited by Idoya
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This is actually what I have been referencing when I say "H2"


If not over geared?


Ask the following question... "Is it designed to be soloed when it also has a separate solo mode?"


There are achievements for soloing the H2 SFs so obviously they are meant to be soloable which according to Eric means I should be able to run them with myself and my companion and complete them. Whether that remains to be true after the patch is the question

Edited by Anaesha
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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




No need to wait for tomorrow, the [Heroic 2] For the record is barely doable with only the companion. The gas room instant kill is extremely hard to beat. The slightess issue doing it end up in dead. I've got a rate around 10 death per succes in that room on a sentinel with all the speed boosts that I've got. Never did it succesfully on a gunslinger, commando or guardian alone.

Edited by ludoviccb
typo error
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