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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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Every story mission gives you 12 Common crystals (basic commendations)... while every modification costs 2 of them!


Concidering that gear upgrade isn't that much important during the leveling and you can actually do it every 20th! level, and that group was NEVER needed for ANY of the story content i conclude that you must be joking...


No I mean the H2's to fill out stuff like ear pieces and relics. I dont have access to a crafter as I play alone and don't rly talk to my guild and I don't have enough creds to pay the high GTN prices.

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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Yea "lets us know" so we can ignore you .


They're fixing recent issues tomorrow so they arn't ignoring us.

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Only good source of basic comms or whatever they are now at the lower to mid lvl's is H2's and after tomorrow soloing them are out again so I guess I have to go back to begging in chat for a grp and then put up with ppl in the grp that go afk cause they suddenly get a phone call, yea rly fun.


I wouldn't suggest engaging. That person basically called KrazieFox a liar. So, it's obvious this isn't a conversation with that person. Totally keep posting, CombatLord. I tend to agree with you btw.


I just suggest to not respond to posters like that. It's not a real discussion. Your call though.

Edited by DalrisThane
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And that overcompensation made them broken...

Reasonable cause, totaly flawed execution.


you're grasping at straws to justify your ranting. Something working better then you intended it doesn't make it broken it just means you have to tweak it to bring it down to the level you wanted it at.

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Every story mission gives you 12 Common crystals (basic commendations)... while every modification costs 2 of them!


Concidering that gear upgrade isn't that much important during the leveling and you can actually do it every 20th! level, and that group was NEVER needed for ANY of the story content i conclude that you must be joking...


Well you don't really need the crystals for mods while levelling anyway because you get a gear box right up until level 60. However, if you're max level and grinding the heroics for alliance crates and crystals to buy companion gifts - the companion nerfs might make this more tedious.

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No I mean the H2's to fill out stuff like ear pieces and relics. I dont have access to a crafter as I play alone and don't rly talk to my guild and I don't have enough creds to pay the high GTN prices.


As I said you only should (not even need) to update those every 20 levels, and you can find GREEN QUALITY ones you don't need better than those at all) on GTN for a EXTREMELY low prices (we are talking about few thousend credits).


You don't need to do a single heroic in order to gear up. (But if you for some reson want to, you could do it before 4.0 and you will be able even easier now).

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Well you don't really need the crystals for mods while levelling anyway because you get a gear box right up until level 60. However, if you're max level and grinding the heroics for alliance crates and crystals to buy companion gifts - the companion nerfs might make this more tedious.


True but in cases where you're using Cm gear you might need the crystals if you are not making your own armor plating, mods, and ehancements

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What we saw in those instances is that Companions, simply put, were just way too good. Their healing and damage output could be greater than that of a very skilled player with a fully maximized character.


So what you are saying is you randomly assigned stats to companions in the first place? You didn't even test them after you randomly assigned stats to them?


I hope you realize that when children fall on the floor in a store, screaming and kicking their legs because you wouldn't buy them the toy they wanted, if you reward that behavior by buying them the toy to shut them up you are teaching them that throwing a tantrum is an effective way of getting what you want.

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Is the healing of the new companions OP as hell. Oh God yes. Do I love it... more than anything else about this expac.


For me at least this new balancing will be critical. I have never done an Operation or FP with anyone other than a close family member that also plays. We play SWTOR because we can solo / duo so much content and no longer enjoy the massive part of the MMO genre. Plus its a pretty cool game.


I just hope it doesn't become too tedious doing the H2 quests. That is one hell of a rep grind. If it becomes overly annoying soling I will probably just move on and play something else.


Lets hope the OP got it right.

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Drat. Well, it was fun while it lasted. A lot of fun. Wish there was time to squeeze just one last toon through the expansion before the grind returns.


Thats part of the problem. Companions were a lot of fun. Helped make the massive grind a bit easier to take.


Nerfing them doesn't add any more fun or entertainment back into the game. No more at least then you could do yourself by using a one of the 22 companions that you have that are not maxed out. Just adds more wasted time in the 250K grind and makes tedious things more tedious.

Edited by Quraswren
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As I said you only should (not even need) to update those every 20 levels, and you can find GREEN QUALITY ones you don't need better than those at all) on GTN for a EXTREMELY low prices (we are talking about few thousend credits).


You don't need to do a single heroic in order to gear up. (But if you for some reson want to, you could do it before 4.0 and you will be able even easier now).


Yea it is easier now and I dont have to put up with a grp and their idiotic batter in chat. And after tomorrow I will have to again....

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Well you don't really need the crystals for mods while levelling anyway because you get a gear box right up until level 60. However, if you're max level and grinding the heroics for alliance crates and crystals to buy companion gifts - the companion nerfs might make this more tedious.


Those Heroics are "Heroic" now in name only, even if we forget about companions. They are all (except for few select ones) turned to little more that regular missions in strength. Those at low level planets are especially easy. I don't think that anyone will have any real problem with "Heroic" missions after the patch drops

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Well, on the bright side, you only need to max influence on one companion per character since they all can be whatever role you need. I do feel sorry for the completionists who will be OCDd to max them all.


I am glad i did get one toon through all 6 Heroic Star Fortresses, that one can be my "Finish the future chapters" toon, the others can just putter around til I get bored and find something else to do.


Slogging a dozen or so dps alts through the 6 Heroic Star Fortresses after the nerf isnt sounding very appealing to me :p (My marauders are squishy :D)


I took one tank through with a healing comp and it was slow going then, i dont even want to know how long it would take after the heal nerf :eek:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Well, on the bright side, you only need to max influence on one companion per character since they all can be whatever role you need. I do feel sorry for the completionists who will be OCDd to max them all.


I am glad i did get one toon through all 6 Heroic Star Fortresses, that one can be my "Finish the future chapters" toon, the others can just putter around til I get bored and find something else to do.


Slogging a dozen or so dps alts through the 6 Heroic Star Fortresses after the nerf isnt sounding very appealing to me :p (My marauders are squishy :D)


It didn't sound appealing to me before the nerf so you can imagine how I feel about it after the nerf.

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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.



Can I just say for the record, thank you for unlike another developer who's name I won't mention (but I'm sure many of us are familiar with) for communicating the reasoning behind a change like this clearly and concisely as well as indicating you're open to further feedback. I think most of appreciate that openness. Makes a big change of pace coming from a certain other game.

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And... you exactly need group for what...?!


No solo content in this game ever required group...


I am talking about H2's and you do need them for those filler slots cause I am poor and cant afford to blow a percentage of my little funds on the gtn for those items.

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Well, on the bright side, you only need to max influence on one companion per character since they all can be whatever role you need. I do feel sorry for the completionists who will be OCDd to max them all.


I am glad i did get one toon through all 6 Heroic Star Fortresses, that one can be my "Finish the future chapters" toon, the others can just putter around til I get bored and find something else to do.


Slogging a dozen or so dps alts through the 6 Heroic Star Fortresses after the nerf isnt sounding very appealing to me :p (My marauders are squishy :D)


I know right.. that place is boring enough as it is. If the nerf hammer makes the planetary heroics take longer I'll just come back after the whole story has been released and finish it only on the characters I've done SF heroic on. I've been putting off buying Fallout 4 because I knew I'd completely forget about everything else if I had it in front of me.

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Can I just say for the record, thank you for unlike another developer who's name I won't mention (but I'm sure many of us are familiar with) for communicating the reasoning behind a change like this clearly and concisely as well as indicating you're open to further feedback. I think most of appreciate that openness. Makes a big change of pace coming from a certain other game.


Yea I guess I should say thank you for telling me I am screwed instead of just letting me find out I am screwed.

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Thats part of the problem. Companions were a lot of fun. Helped make the massive grind a bit easier to take.


Nerfing them doesn't add any more fun or entertainment back into the game. No more at least then you could do yourself by using a one of the 22 companions that you have that are not maxed out. Just adds more wasted time in the 250K grind and makes tedious things more tedious.


So, you want mega-strong companions so you can faster grind stuff that has no purpose than to make your companions even stronger...?


Sorry, but I really fail to see what is exactly the real point of this companion affection thing...

I just did the alliance stuff sto unlock all the companions and then moved to other stuff.


Companions don't give you any new dialogue, or actually anything of supstance, so why are people putting them selves through all this is beyond me. But If you like the grind, it 's - Ok everyone has his own ways of enjoying the game, and that's cool.


But if you think that it's a chore, maybe doing it, when only benefit is to speed up the process of doing, it isn't a very logical thing... ;)

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I did the Alderaan Fortress H2 on an Arsenal BH and Shadow, last night and today respectively. I'll do it with my Sorc (would do it now but the 208 vendor in the Force area has vanished so I can't get out of the 190s he's wearing) tomorrow, and if need be confirm it again with the BH and Shadow. Have to say that it wasn't a cakewalk in 208s for the BH with Lana healing in the final couple of fights and wound up strafing/kiting for half of the final fight since I couldn't pull the boss wench off of Lana and she got obliterated.


Lana is only at 11 on both of them and the same on my Sorc...so we'll see.


If the data mining is correct and you aimed at anything like a 50% nerf I think you went way too far, but again, we'll see.


It's pretty clear that the "we'll scale them up with influence" is nothing more...or less...than a "spend, spend, spend on influence items or forget the companion you are used to...or anything resembling it" mechanic. It will reward, instantly, those in a position to spend their way to 50 inf.


I use an healing Lana too: I've done all six heroic fortress solo in two days with a tank toon (never repeating the experience again, in 216 gear the fortress are not really hard, only a slog to get through, only decent challenge are the Exarch if you don't use the turret, which does massive damage for some reason ) and a LV33 influence Lana in healing stance can decently facetank all the Exarch for a good amount of time, even when they go in a frenzy (after they lose 50% hp I think), I don't even think she get the boost from the alliance level. I've got only five datacrons and only the human race presence boost.

She can die If left alone though (so the tank have an easier time I think), and in DPS stance she dies pretty quickly even with simple mobs if left to fend for herself .


As of now I think the Star Fortress will not be as soloable as they are now without massive influence boost (which means grind) and pretty good gear, but that won't probably be true for the planetary heroics; from my experience I think the Heroic Star Fortresses are a lot harder and long than any heroics from the terminal (the Makeb one are more cheap than difficult... and the same is true for a great part of the SF in my opinion, since the enemy aren't hard if you apply normal tactics).

I don't even know if they include the SF in the list of Heroic 2 missions, If I'm not wrong they are not heroic mission in itself, but an heroic version of a flashpoint, it even has a solo version (pretty useless as far as the story go, but SF are not critical purple flashpoint ). Maybe they're the equivalent of a HM flashpoint pre-4.0, which you could solo with the right gear and companion tuning?

Don't know, but they're clearly harder and more time consuming than the planetary heroics

Tomorrow we'll see, I'm not necessarily against having to use my medkits again though (never done since 4.0 happen) but I think the situation will be more or less the same as now if you grind influence. Which is in itself not a good thing (it's tedious).


Anyway I'm beginning to think the solution it's a godmode button which automatically disable itself where the player is not supposed to be invincible (like OPS, SFH2+ and HMFP, endgame group content).


No shortening of the spawn time for the Taris Rakghoul heroic or the Vorantikus in Voss though? Can you make them spawn quickly in the next patch?

Pretty please?

Edited by Kalfridian
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