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Is Bioware really going to leave it like this?


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I am confused on why the agent is so low, because the sniper is the most insanely OP single target class in PVP right now. They easily get top kills and top DPS, beating sorcs and even AOE spamming bounty hunters, and can take out a target in 5 seconds or less with good crit. They also have a huge range,


There are a few snipers in my guild and they just chew everything up. It make me want to reroll my sorc.

Edited by Dgator
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I am confused on why the agent is so low, because the sniper is the most insanely OP single target class in PVP right now. They easily get top kills and top DPS, beating sorcs and even AOE spamming bounty hunters, and can take out a target in 5 seconds or less with good crit. They also have a huge range,


There are a few snipers in my guild and they just chew everything up. It make me want to reroll my sorc.


Didn't have as much fun leveling him. I might go back to one later.


Really, there are so few 50s right now, it'd be pretty odd for them to be completely balanced. You should give the populations more time to stabilize.

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2 years of pvp only (Bloodline champions and Wow ), one warzone as guardian made of realise that with current playability and in current state there is no point playing melee if you arent ready to put in 3 times more effort than ranged. At least this gives lesser players ability to shine, as long until everyone plays only good classes in pvp. And yes, i made ranged pvp-alt, but as did everyone else its stupidly boring.
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1. Inquis - Darth Maul

2. Bounty Hunter - Jango/Boba Fett

3. Imperial Agent - That guy that was choked by vader?

4. Sith Warrior - Uhm...Va--hmmm...


Point is, people go to the characters they want to play--whether it's because the ****** character was it or whether they really enjoy gameplay. All classes are equally balanced, so I don't see the problem with it. It's not like there's going to be a lack of healers, tanks, or dps by not picking a certain class. Just means your diversity sucks.


No need to make a thread about it. BioWare made sure to deal with this problem by providing ACs. They can't forbid people to make Inquistors because there are alot of them. Could you imagine trying to make a character and the character creation saying "Woops. You can't do this. There are already xxxx amount of people playing this character."


In fact, I can imagine any sort of limitation working against them. For example, let's say they only allow 400 inquisitors. Some guy could make an account full of level 1 inquistors and sell his deleting of a character to the highest bidder. Or if it was limited to an account, people would never join heavy or standard servers and you'd have people cancelling subs because they can't play what they want.

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I am confused on why the agent is so low, because the sniper is the most insanely OP single target class in PVP right now. They easily get top kills and top DPS, beating sorcs and even AOE spamming bounty hunters, and can take out a target in 5 seconds or less with good crit. They also have a huge range,


There are a few snipers in my guild and they just chew everything up. It make me want to reroll my sorc.


Because these numbers aren't because of imbalance but because of how "cool" they are. On the Republic side there's not a huge number of troopers yet they're the same as bounty hunters, the difference is that boba fett was a bounty hunter not a trooper.

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Ya, I feel bad for the agent. I thought the agent looked boring as hell... so in beta I decided to play one so only the LEAST interesting class would be spoiled to me.


I was an idiot.


So far the agent has the greatest story imo. I'll admit they don't have the coolest gameplay, but they certainly don't have the worst (shiving people NEVER gets old).


Right now, I feel like the agent is the hidden gem of the empire side, much like how the trooper is the hidden gem of the republic side.

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This is what happens in all MMOs people go to classes they are familiar too.


Wait till people see how good Smugglers/IAs are, they will become the most popular class.


Bad players will suck with melee because you can't keyboard turn to victory, if you click please stay away from melee classes, wait a couple of months and you will see people QQing over melee classes.

Edited by Bollah
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This is what happens in all MMOs people go to classes they are familiar too.


Wait till people see how good Smugglers/IAs are, they will become the most popular class.


Bad players will suck with melee because you can't keyboard turn to victory, if you click please stay away from melee classes, wait a couple of months and you will see people QQing over melee classes.


I hate those f'ers. Their CC is ridiculous. I don't know if it's a bug or what but I've had a lvl 12 IA kill my lvl 25 commando in 5 freakin seconds during a weekend beta. Stun and then like 2-3 attacks and I'm dead before the stun wore off. People just don't know.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Yep, I called it


Warriors/Knights are too easy to kite around, and a Class that has to use a Cover System in an MMO is not viable


Expect the Bounty Hunter to overtake the Inquisitor, in time; as people wear off from the "I am the Emporer" feeling of shooting Lightning, and realize that a Ranged DPS/Healer Hybrid that wears the Heaviest Armor in the Game is stupid OP


Except the cover classes do a ridiculous amount of burst damage.

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2 years of pvp only (Bloodline champions and Wow ), one warzone as guardian made of realise that with current playability and in current state there is no point playing melee if you arent ready to put in 3 times more effort than ranged. At least this gives lesser players ability to shine, as long until everyone plays only good classes in pvp. And yes, i made ranged pvp-alt, but as did everyone else its stupidly boring.





A full 1/3 of PvP right now is Huttball, and melee tanks shine in Huttball.

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284 Bounty Hunters

67 Imperial Agents

302 Inquisitors

49 Warriors




That is the class distribution in 50 PVP Warzones on Warriors of the Shadow.


And what would you have BW do? Nerfing a class just because it is popular would be the most retarded thing to do.

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They could balance the classes better


Not that complicated


Yeah - WoW has done a great job because it is so easy to do.


They haven't been balancing classes, unsuccessfully, for 7 years have they?


Wait . . .slimshady is that you? Man, I can't believe I fed a troll. Oh well, might as well hit the submit button. What harm could it do?

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This is what happens in all MMOs people go to classes they are familiar too.


Wait till people see how good Smugglers/IAs are, they will become the most popular class.


Bad players will suck with melee because you can't keyboard turn to victory, if you click please stay away from melee classes, wait a couple of months and you will see people QQing over melee classes.



No use provocating, conversation gains nothing from it. Please try to keep this as we would be facing each other, no point be a hole even if we cant see other posters irl.


First thing upon login was for me to change A and D for strafe and bind all quickslots, so that drops your claim in this case.


I understand it can be really difficult to admit there might be issues with game if you have been waiting it a year. The game has been out 7 days, it has more issues than we both are even able to notice.

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#1 Problem with IA is that NPCs use cover too, making pve leveling a pain.

#2 Using cover takes up to 1 second, reducing your dps by up to 66%(may be redzone lag)


Solution: Accept as ranged dps you die when focused, position youself to not get focused. As melee. gank with a marauder or bh, chain stun, burst and run.




#1 Problem with SW Jugg is sticking to the target in PvP

#2 Problem with Marauder and Jugg is lack of internal damage reducion.



The following would ballance out SW classes:


Faster resolve filling. (yes it works)

+Defence should effect single target lightning (like Windu v Palpatine)


Justification: Having 60% armor as a jug and a 20% defence roll means nothing when you're being hit with lightnings internal damage and rockets/missiles.


Alternate solution: Remove all damage types aside from kenetic/weapon.

Alternate solution: Include +internal resistance items



PvE Solutions:


None needed. All classes are exceptional pve. IA sniper less so, due to npcs using cover dojin your stuff

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No use provocating, conversation gains nothing from it. Please try to keep this as we would be facing each other, no point be a hole even if we cant see other posters irl.


First thing upon login was for me to change A and D for strafe and bind all quickslots, so that drops your claim in this case.


I understand it can be really difficult to admit there might be issues with game if you have been waiting it a year. The game has been out 7 days, it has more issues than we both are even able to notice.


Melee ACs are some of the strongest in game at the moment in PvP. Again, bad players will complain over everything, even if their class is overpowered. People crying over melee classes have no clue what they are talking about, they shine later on.


The game has issues, so does every other game in history. No one said this game doesn't have issues.


But I do agree there is a massive sorceror/sage overpopulation.

Edited by Bollah
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Yep, I called it


Warriors/Knights are too easy to kite around, and a Class that has to use a Cover System in an MMO is not viable


Expect the Bounty Hunter to overtake the Inquisitor, in time; as people wear off from the "I am the Emporer" feeling of shooting Lightning, and realize that a Ranged DPS/Healer Hybrid that wears the Heaviest Armor in the Game is stupid OP


On the cover system.. as a sentinel which is reliant on force leap I personally hate it. But have come to deal with it if the person isn't aware of their surroundings. Quite often have I been able to approach from the side or behind and drop them cos they don't move from cover.


With my trooper I sticky them then chuck out mortars lol.. always good fun there.


I think they should change the cover mechanic so whilst you can't be force leapt head on, you can be from the sides or rear. I mean let's face it your only protected from the front anyway, just stands to reason.

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When people say Warriors/Knights are too easy to kite around, they are clueless. Juggernauts/Guardians are the most mobile ACs in the game.


LOL.. the HELL they are.


(as a sentinel) IF.. and I say IF your specced focus then you have Zealous leap to use after your knock back from force leap.


If you get Leg slash off or crippling throw off you get counter stunned/slowed


IF as Combat spec you will notice that 90% of the time the Talented Root effect for Master Strike doesn't work.


Can't speak for watchman haven't played that.


My trooper has slaughtered HEAPS of jugs/marauders even guardians and sentinels.. all just by circle strafing and spamming hammer shot, while chucking out the odd explosive round/stock strike/cryo grenade/full auto.


Melee PvP as it stands is practically useless 1v1 in ANY class

Edited by Pigdaddy
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Melee classes require higher skill cap, they are harder to master which is why sub par players suck with them, stick to ranged.


I find it amazing that people such as yourself always try to come back with the ol' "eh you must suck" line.


I just laid out in black and white how alteast 90% of melee wz encounters happen and all can be said is that.. really?..


The only time I so far see a melee do exceptionally well (not including stealth class here) purely JK/SW is in a group situation, preferably with a pocket healer.

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