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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Upcoming nerf?


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75% not 50%


And we still don't know whether swtor_miner used the base values or the complete values. If he used the base values, it could be as low as 20% and as high as 40%.


Still, I haven't heard anything about class nerfs lol!

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sorcs are one of the lowest dps class's at present due to crits not working properly like other class's.


why does it want nerfing?


doesn't stop this company from poopin' all over scoundrels/operatives for the last 4 years.


that class was fantastic to play at launch. then the january 2012 patch hit. that class has NEVER recovered.


please keep this in mind when you complain about your class not being good at dps right now. at least it hasn't been a full 4 years since your class was good at that role.

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doesn't stop this company from poopin' all over scoundrels/operatives for the last 4 years.


that class was fantastic to play at launch. then the january 2012 patch hit. that class has NEVER recovered.


please keep this in mind when you complain about your class not being good at dps right now. at least it hasn't been a full 4 years since your class was good at that role.


Lethality is one of the higher parsing specs. The roles were reversed in 3.x with Concealment parsing higher. In either case they had/have higher parses on parsley than Sorcs. Sure it has a lack luster AOE but ST is far more important as there is no fight outside of possible NiM Draxus that has a lot of adds that is a tight DPS check. On Cora HM no one cares about your AOE as your focusing only 1 target at a time.


Or is this about PvP. If so, What is PeeVeePee?

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Lethality is one of the higher parsing specs. The roles were reversed in 3.x with Concealment parsing higher. In either case they had/have higher parses on parsley than Sorcs. Sure it has a lack luster AOE but ST is far more important as there is no fight outside of possible NiM Draxus that has a lot of adds that is a tight DPS check. On Cora HM no one cares about your AOE as your focusing only 1 target at a time.


Or is this about PvP. If so, What is PeeVeePee?


I would assume the original complaint was made in regards to PVP as that is the only place I have heard people complaining about sorcs. It wouldn't be surprising if healers got a nerf at the very least, maybe something with madness, but I wouldn't put to much stock in it. Just because someone whines something should happen on the forums doesn't mean anything will actually change. Classes get buffed and nerfed as the seasons come and go, sometimes totally at random it seems.

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Only disciple for sorcs that would get nerfed if it even ever happens would be corruption the heal specs overtunned heals with the easiest force management . Sadness could use better force management so it can actually sustain a rotation and sorcs as a whole specfically for lighting could use a recklessness fix for super crits.
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sorcs do need a nerf, but not to damage. they need to have their survivability turned down. especially healers.


Only healers I would say.


My DPS Sage one on one definitely does not feel OP at all. We melt fast. I died from a 22K hit the other day in a warzone. And I'm still feeling the undocumented Force Speed nerf.

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Only healers I would say.


My DPS Sage one on one definitely does not feel OP at all. We melt fast. I died from a 22K hit the other day in a warzone. And I'm still feeling the undocumented Force Speed nerf.



Thats a bummer. Wish they'd revert that or at least adjust the talent (3rd tier too) for a bigger cd reduction like the merc's HO got. Phase Walk is very situationnal and requires planning not always doable. The situations where it might be useful for a sorc are mostly better suited to assassins. (ex node guarding in WZ).


Wish sorc at least had their own version that don't require them to place it somewhere and just warped them backward like the merc's ability.

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Thats a bummer. Wish they'd revert that or at least adjust the talent (3rd tier too) for a bigger cd reduction like the merc's HO got. Phase Walk is very situationnal and requires planning not always doable. The situations where it might be useful for a sorc are mostly better suited to assassins. (ex node guarding in WZ).


Wish sorc at least had their own version that don't require them to place it somewhere and just warped them backward like the merc's ability.


I would not trade Phase Walk with the Merc ability. Phase Walk on Sorcs is borderline broken if used properly.


Yes, you pointed out that using it properly requires pre-planning, but hey, that's what makes the skill fun to use IMO.

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I would not trade Phase Walk with the Merc ability. Phase Walk on Sorcs is borderline broken if used properly.


Yes, you pointed out that using it properly requires pre-planning, but hey, that's what makes the skill fun to use IMO.


To me it's another worthless ability in PvE. Only surpassed by trololol PT tank Transpose

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To me it's another worthless ability in PvE. Only surpassed by trololol PT tank Transpose


Its not worthless in PVE, but the player needs to know where to put it and when to use it. This obviously requires knowledge of the fight beforehand, and planning.


I agree, it is not something that you can just use because the CD is up, which is the gimmicky part of it, but when used correctly, Phase Walk is possibly the best of all the 'new' movement abilities, with sin/ops teleport closely behind it.

Edited by Kaytrine
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Its not worthless in PVE, but the player needs to know where to put it and when to use it. This obviously requires knowledge of the fight beforehand, and planning.


I agree, it is not something that you can just use because the CD is up, which is the gimmicky part of it, but when used correctly, Phase Walk is possibly the best of all the 'new' movement abilities, with sin/ops teleport closely behind it.


you are right some fights I know I'll be happy to have it, but its very situationnal and fight specific.


Most of the time it will be used as a form of disengage tough, which is why i prefer the merc version. Both have pros and cons but I feel force speed already covered very well repositioning in those fight phase walk can be useful in.

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