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Stronghold decor insanely expensive for what?


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I earn six figures a year and won't spend $20 on a vanity item in SWTOR. Why? Because an EA customer milking is just that. It's called common sense.

Yet you pay $15 a month to play what in the eyes of many is a silly computer game, so in those same eyes you lack "common sense."


Also, it's hard to take seriously someone who brags about his income on the anonymous internet, where we are all billionaires married to supermodels.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Aye, I don't make tons of money, but I am smart with it (IE not spending insane amounts on stupid game items) bad enough i pay a sub....just bought myself a brand new 2015 f150 when all of my friends are wondering how the heck I can afford it....because while they are all spending money on stupid things like games or beer etc... I'm saving. Retirement here I come!
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I spend money on this stuff from time to time and I will explain why.


I spend a great deal of time playing this game, I enjoy it and decorating my strongholds is what I enjoy the most. I did same thing when I played SWG, I took a lot of pride in decorating my houses and trying to obtain difficult to get items.


Now as far as money goes, honestly 20 or 30 bucks for something I like and something I can see in game is not thay big of a deal, in fact I can think of worse ways to spend money; just last night I went out bar hoping with some friends and lets just say...I am out nearly 150 bucks and other than a hangover I have nothing to show for it. Heck, one trip to the burger joint down the street from my house runs me dang near 20 bucks. I get a better return on the investment if I drop 20 bucks on some cartel packs than on a hamburger

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Stop whining and play the game.


You will make the amount you want and buy it off the GTN. Do some dailies, OPs, gathering missions, etc.


I've NEVER bought CC but I can afford anything I want on the GTN (and I play on a RP server) because I spend a few hours every other day playing the game. I run some dailies, level up an alt, run some OPs, in-character do some heroics and I have made a few million.


I'm serious, just play the game and stop whining on here and you will have the credits you need.

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Yet you pay $15 a month to play what in the eyes of many is a silly computer game, so in those same eyes you lack "common sense."


Also, it's hard to take seriously someone who brags about his income on the anonymous internet, where we are all billionaires married to supermodels.


Its not just a stupid videogame. Its a hobbie, a relativly inexpensive one to say the least. When you have a career and kids, sometimes its nice to just sit back relax and play jedi hero. Its fun and 20 bucks here or there shouldnt really break the bank. I mention the kids and career because thats when i found myself playing online games, when I was younger I went out...alot more often but as I get older I find myself staying and playing SWTOR is more fun than just staring at the tv sll day watching shown after show like so many people.


Im just saying that if people are enjoying something and want to throw a little extra loot at something that they enjoy, its no big deal. Is 20 bucks steep for a single outfit, yes...is it a huge deal though, no.


Besides most of the stuff can be bought on the gtn and that just means to run some dailies.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've spent probably close to 300 million + credits (I'm not even exaggerating) on my three strongholds and a fourth and fifth stronghold (ostensibly owned by my best friend but shared between the two of us). Why? Because it's virtual money and it means nothing and can be made back. Why else? Because I roleplay and I'll be damned if my strongholds aren't perfect.


You want something, then earn it. You don't have to pay real money, you can pay credits. Or... you don't have to pay credits, you can pay real money. You don't want to pay? Then you can use all the free basic decorations and achievement only decorations.


What's that? You want that awesome light/throne/bed/couch/rug/chair? GUESS YOU BETTER EARN IT THEN. If you aren't willing to earn it, you don't really want it.

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For fun!


I paid real money for the Arneclin Masterpieces art collection because I though a classy painting would look cool in my character's personal suites within my stronghold. I looked at the bare wall and said: I think there should be a painting there, and there happened to be a pack of 8 of them n the cartel market! It made me happy to decorate my stronghold, even if I am the only one who will ever see it for as long as the game lasts.


While everyone else is doing their tedious grinding which apparently they hate, and ranting on the forums about how powerful their companions need to be for them to be able to survive an elite mob, I am in my stronghold re arranging furniture giving exactly zero ***** about how fast I can max out my companion's influence.


I max out my fun, and if spending $10 on 8 silly paintings makes that happen its money well spent, and frankly it lasts longer then a case of beer would and causes a lot less problems.

Edited by PulseRazor
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Why are vanity items in the millions on the GTN and thousands of cartel coins to buy? They are nothing but vanity items...decorations, you can't even interact with 99% of them. Who in their right mind would pay $20 for a virtual decoration just to look at?


Is there a way in game to earn decorations? Besides the 60000 trophies I have and the few things I've seen drop doing star fortress stuff I've only seen the occasional datacron drop.


I would love to decorate my stronghold, even contribute to the guild's...but ...yah, 1.4 million for a bar stool? 2 mill for cantina sign?


These things level off in price at whatever general price point that demand will bear.


It's a free market thing. Just go farm a bunch of credits and you'll be fine.

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I max out my fun, and if spending $10 on 8 silly paintings makes that happen its money well spent, and frankly it lasts longer then a case of beer would and causes a lot less problems.


After a super hard work day - the kind where I don't even want to do WZs or Ops - I'll grab some beer and redecorate my SH. It's fun.

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Is there a way in game to earn decorations? Besides the 60000 trophies I have and the few things I've seen drop doing star fortress stuff I've only seen the occasional datacron drop.


I would love to decorate my stronghold, even contribute to the guild's...but ...yah, 1.4 million for a bar stool? 2 mill for cantina sign?


For your information, those 60000 trophies you have are worth just as much toward your stronghold completion and its contribution to your guild as any 2 million credit barstool, the game doesn't offer your stronghold more influence based on the market value of the decoration you have, every single person playing the game can have a maxed stronghold for free, it just wont have the charm that someone who has put some thought and creativity and invested time and resources into it would. You have to decide if that charm is "worth it" to you.


Take your flashpoint trophies, and slam them on the wall in every open hook you can find, you will get 100% completion.

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I silently resented GTN prices on things that I wanted for years...until I starting selling everything I had accumulated over a long period of time but never used. Some things I couldn't believe would sell were selling for millions. One of the ugliest chest pieces I had sold for close to a million. Some really ugly color modules sold for 100's of thousands when much better ones were selling for less than 100k. Decos sold quickly and for high creds. Just selling my unwanted, ugly, accumulated crap got me over 7 million in less than a week.


One man's junk is another man's treasure.

If you can't beat'em, join'em.

A fool and his money are soon parted.


Take advantage of the people who are buying this stuff. GTN prices are high because people keep buying things at high prices. Quit complaining and join in!

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I just gotta add one more thing in reply to the previous comparing real world art to in game items...


think of this, if you google a picture of the Mona lisa and print it out, does that sell for thousands? Millions? No? Why not?


I disagree with that line of logic. . Its not like the credits used to buy an item off the GTN are any more real. A rare fake bed is going to cost lots of fake credits if people want it. Some people are motivated by a .01% increase in damage, so will pay a stupid amount of credits for that. Others are motivated by appearance items. I dont give a damn grinding for some purple mod I wont even be able to tell the difference once its installed, but add a rainbow mullet or a golden statue of a stormtrooper wrestling a bear, and we're on. In terms of cartel coins, its all trading real currency for an appearance only item anyways.

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Wow.....I am honestly feeling sick from the number of people defending spending that much real cash on vanity items..

no wonder bioware thinks it can get away with it...then again, I'm sure most of you use mom or dad's money anyway so why should you care right?



I would think that any sane, hard working person with a life, friends, responsibility would see that paying even $5 for a tiny vanity item is not only not worth it....it's ludicrous. If you can honestly compare it to real world economics you need help. Any item I get in this game is gone when I quit. I can't pack it up and ship it over to another game to use later. It doesn't carry over. I buy a chair in game, it's gone when I move. I buy a chair in real world, I put it in the back of my truck when I move, you see the difference yet?


There is no logical reason for the costs to be so high on the CM, besides BW is a greedy hutt.


I make a rather uncommonly decent six figure income annually and live way below my means out of sheer preference for a simple lifestyle.


If I want to buy a thing that pleases me, I'm far, far beyond needing parental permission for anything.


And I certainly don't require yours either.

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Aye, I don't make tons of money, but I am smart with it (IE not spending insane amounts on stupid game items) bad enough i pay a sub....just bought myself a brand new 2015 f150 when all of my friends are wondering how the heck I can afford it....because while they are all spending money on stupid things like games or beer etc... I'm saving. Retirement here I come!


There was something my dad used to say. Saving is good but if you worry about saving everything and don't enjoy your life now then what good is it. He saved but he made sure that we enjoyed things as well.

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Ummm....because those are real world, actual items.


Both have a rarity to get. If you don't want to pay for them, get them in game yourself or don't bother.


As you said it is a vanity item, and not necessary for game play, so you don't "need" them at all. If you don't want to spend in game or IRL to get them, that is your choice, others have (to the benefit of my in game wallet). They are willing to pay those amounts.

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think of this, if you google a picture of the Mona lisa and print it out, does that sell for thousands? Millions? No? Why not?


If I want a quality print and framed copy of the Mona Lisa, I will have to pay a significant amount. Your comparison doesn't hold true.

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easy to say using moms credit card huh?


Why would anyone need to use a credit card with the ease of earning in game credits to buy whatever you want, and also you get a stipend of Cartel Coins each month.


Some people have no used for Cartel items and just buy stuff to sell with their stipends.


Some players have enough credits stored up and nothing else to buy with them. So throwing a million credits on an item is nothing.


Perhaps you should think before you ridicule. As it seems you are too lazy to do the simple means other do to earn in game money. Let me guess, F2P complaining not everything in game is free to you.

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Ummm....because those are real world, actual items. They took a skilled person hours and hours to make (in most cases) . Because they have an actual value and can't be reproduced at the click of a button...


1. Just because they make digital art doesn't make them any less of an artist. Be it actual panting with a digital program or computer programming of a video game. Actually, programming the digital artwork and decor in this game is a LOT MORE WORK than a digital painting.


2. Ever heard of a print? Go to a site like Deviant Art and you will find that, if the artist has the option enabled, you can 'click a button' and be mailed a high-quality printout of their artwork. That is 'reproduced at the click of a button'...


Seriously, just because it's digital doesn't mean it has no value.

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