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Maintenance: November 17th, 2015


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i'm a programmer (in europe) for cloud accounting software

when we do an update, we start at 23pm till 4am


thats what we call "customer centricity"

maybe bioware should google those words


100%. It took years to bring the DC in NA in line to our policies to work as intended like in Europe. Quality of Service and customer satisfaction were literally secondary there before we bought them. Their focus was on income enerated and investors satisfaction. Bad enough. After we sent our german admins over things started to work out.

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Let's let the EU have 4-6 hours of early access, and pay an entire second development team?

Makes perfect sense to me.


Honestly, during normal maintenance, it ends at, what? 5pm? How early do you guys get out of work/school over there?


Not everyone works 9 till 5 myself as a parent have from 9 till 3ish and would like to at least get some time in playing

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Gods...yes...this 100x!!! It amazes me what a bunch of whiny babies some gamers can be! it's just a game, for crying out loud. Your world will not end if it's down for a few hours. Maybe this is a good time to find a new hobby, go clean something, get outside, pay attention to your family, etc. The poor developers are stuck in a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation every day where if they don't patch bugs, people gripe, but if they take the servers down for maintenance so they can fix bugs, people still gripe. I'm a subscriber who pays money to play too, but you know how much it's costing me to not play today...provided we assume that I'm playing every single day of the month (which I don't since I have this thing called a life)? Basic math...$15/month, average 30 days in a month, that's a whole 50 cents you're losing by not being able to play one whole day. If anyone is so wound up over a whole 50 cents, then by all means, I'll mail them two quarters if that's the price to stop the incessant whining.


Heck yeah! That's what I was thinking but just didn't say it in that way! It's just a dang game. In the end, that's all it is no matter what you have spent on it. Someone had quoted me and said that being a plastic surgeon, they'd do what they wanted to me and take no whining from me. Really? All of these crazy messages from people so bent out of shape because their video game won't load. Get a life! Video games are fun distractions yes, but that's all they are or should be. Quit letting your games get you so wrapped up into them that you forget what's really important in life.. Yes, life.. You know, the place that evolves outside of your computers????

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You read what I said at all? I know they were OP as hell, ffs, but I don't want to be pushed back to my old "Xalek tanking for me" days where he could withstand FAR MUCH less damage that I could. As a healer.


I'd take that any day, over what we just had, tbh. And yes, I did read what you said. I disagree with your opinion. Companions being equal to a player in 220 gear is just... absurd...

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Hey everyone,


The servers and website will be unavailable on Tuesday, November 17th from 5AM to 9AM PST (1PM - 5PM GMT) as we apply Game Update 4.0.2.


Date: November 17th, 2015

Time: 5AM - 9AM PST (1PM - 5PM GMT)

Version: 4.0.2


This patch is primarily bug fixes, and Patch Notes will be available on Monday.




um so im screwed since it froze and i exited out of it? or am i safe very confused and scared now lol

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Let's let the EU have 4-6 hours of early access, and pay an entire second development team?

Makes perfect sense to me.


Honestly, during normal maintenance, it ends at, what? 5pm? How early do you guys get out of work/school over there?


I work from 8 AM. to 3:30 PM.


Some go to work at 6 AM, and are home again at 2 PM.


We dont do the 9-17 work day in europe.

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As i said in other thread. Because of situations like this, i more and more appreciate the "no downtime patent" in GW2. Hour notice, hour passed, dc, download, login, play :). Game has 3 years and there was maybe 2 or 3 hour maintenance over this time, impressive.


Anyways there is not reason to whine, You can do many productive stuff today. You will play tommorow :)

Edited by nehezbegar
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Hey everyone,


We've seen reports of people getting stuck while downloading or encountering other issues with the Launcher. We recommend not attempting to patch the game while we are investigating the ongoing issues. If you are already in a stuck state, we will update you later on what needs to be done to resolve your issue.




Then WHY is the patch still being pushed out.........................................................................

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People need not worry I am sure they will get it fixed before it becomes an issue for the US players.


While European players have to learn they aren't as important and shouldn't expect the devs to care if downtime effects their experience. As soon as we learn this and temper our expectations accordingly the happier we will be as we will no longer expect things.


But we need not worry in a few hours the US will be inconvenienced and I am sure the servers will be up before that becomes a problem.


I completely agree with you.

One of the things, that would convince me to leave swtor, would be their awful attitude towards european players. But hey, obviously US is more important than anything, anywhere.

Its 10 pm here right now. I have launcher stucked at 93.36%. Raid night is gone because of this, my PAID TIME is gone due this and guess what... Bioware doesnt care... we dont belong to the important nation, it seems.

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Most people who write "I don't understand what the problem is"... literally don't understand.

Go try writing a "Hello World"...in any language, any at all.

When you're done with that, congratulations, you just learned about a billionth of the knowledge required to make something like an MMO work.


So cut those people some slack, please...

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It's ridiculous to expect 100% uptime on an MMO. Things break. They take time to fix. Sometimes the team doesn't know how long it will take. I'll take "No ETA" over "1 hour extended, again, sorry again, oops one more" any day. No ETA means "go do something else". If they put the servers up and there's something broken, ppl will just whine about how broken it is. "Why are the servers even up if they're like this!? Gawd Bioware!!!" Dry your tears and go do something else.
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