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Dear Bioware, please implement 12x story XP so I can resub


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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (walking long distances, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.

Edited by Xenharmonicthree
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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (combat, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


Oh FFS!! People are leveling fast enough right now to make 60 before even completing chapter 2 and you NEED x12 exp back?

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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


And how is it a lie? Let me think... Oh wait, it isn't. As you can tell, you can do class quests + heroics (not planetary quests.) Once I finished with all my class quests + heroics, I was level 57.

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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


You are talking out of your ***. We know what we're talking about because we have actually been IN the Game and experienced how fast the leveling is. Have You? :rak_02:

Edited by Anaesha
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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


It is not a lie that you level ridiculously fast now. Clearly you didn't actually play the game prior to 4.0.

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You are talking out of your ***. We know what we're talking about because we have actually been IN the Game and experienced how fast the leveling is. Have You? :rak_02:


Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve. Even this was way too grindy as Planetary quests are nowhere near as fun as main story ones. As to the guy above, no I will not grind your silly dungeons and heroic missions. I'd prefer to just play the class story like people did several months ago, which even then if you wanted to waste your life mashing buttons you could disable the XP boost.

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Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve. Even this was way too grindy as Planetary quests are nowhere near as fun as main story ones. As to the guy above, no I will not grind your silly dungeons and heroic missions. I'd prefer to just play the class story like people did several months ago, which even then if you wanted to waste your life mashing buttons you could disable the XP boost.

Seriously if THIS is to "grindy" for you then clearly MMOs are not for you. Go play a Korean MMO then come back here and talk to me about grindy.


Until then shut up because you don't know jack about what you're talking about.

Edited by Anaesha
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Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve. Even this was way too grindy as Planetary quests are nowhere near as fun as main story ones. As to the guy above, no I will not grind your silly dungeons and heroic missions. I'd prefer to just play the class story like people did several months ago, which even then if you wanted to waste your life mashing buttons you could disable the XP boost.


So you play the game after the 12 xp expires, when It was stated that it would end Oct. 19 so you come to the forums stomping your feet and fussing because you waited till now to sub and didnt' get the 12 xp. and you you state you will not sub until they put the 12 xp back in the game when you have only been a sub for a week? Interesting.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve[\QUOTE]


You are a liar, it's impossible now not to get ahead of the curve. I just started a new Toon with KOTFE and only using the XP boosts they give me as quest rewards I am nearly a planet ahead at Nar Shaddaa. If you want to skip planetary quests buy all the XP perks and buy XP boosts.

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OP is a troll. He has to be. Nobody can be this lazy and whiney/ Seriously, OP, if you think this game is too grindy because you have to do planet and class then go play something else because MMORPGs are NOT for you.


By the way, can I have your stuff?

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OP is a troll. He has to be. Nobody can be this lazy and whiney/ Seriously, OP, if you think this game is too grindy because you have to do planet and class then go play something else because MMORPGs are NOT for you.


By the way, can I have your stuff?


lol, He only played to lvl 15 he ain't got anything worth taking. :p

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OP is a troll. He has to be. Nobody can be this lazy and whiney/ Seriously, OP, if you think this game is too grindy because you have to do planet and class then go play something else because MMORPGs are NOT for you.


By the way, can I have your stuff?


Well this game is an MMORPG, and at one point it had 12XP for months on end. Therefore your logic is flawed.

If it once again had 12XP then it would indeed be "for me".

Edited by Xenharmonicthree
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Zero buffs and bonuses to XP, 1-54 just class mission and heroics and I was on Hoth at that stage at the beginning of Act 2, I deliberately stopped doing some thing so I had something to level too as once you hit max you don't wanna grind no more, but hell its fast as hell to level OP there's zero grind at all
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Firstly no, because grinding sucks. Secondly, this is a lie. It takes both story and planetary missions now to level, which is unacceptable.


Story + Planetary are what Bioware intended. 12xP will probably never return outside of another major expansion and this is no where near a grind. Its still ridiculously easy, you want to see a grind? Go back and play in early 2012.

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Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve. Even this was way too grindy as Planetary quests are nowhere near as fun as main story ones.


I honestly do not understand how you could possibly be behind the curve. I leveled a Jedi through Tython and ended that at 13 (usually you'd end at 9) and Coruscant at 20. Honestly you're making way too much of this... 12XP isn't coming back, but it's just about as fast as it was before.

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I honestly do not understand how you could possibly be behind the curve. I leveled a Jedi through Tython and ended that at 13 (usually you'd end at 9) and Coruscant at 20. Honestly you're making way too much of this... 12XP isn't coming back, but it's just about as fast as it was before.


the only way possible is if you were only doing the class missions, and not the planetary story arcs (which you can take 1:1 and always be in the same general area) and he was stealthing past every mob he could, and he would absolutely not have been in a flashpoint or pvp match, because that would have given him at least 2 levels per game.


Agreed, OP has to be a troll.


Recommend that moderators close this thread and ban this user.

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Agreed, OP has to be a troll.


Recommend that moderators close this thread and ban this user.


Oh come on, he's not a troll, he just wants 12XP back. Having an opinion does not equal trolling.


I don't agree with him at all, but he's got a right to his opinion, and we have a right to counter with things like the fact that it really doesn't take but a tiny fraction of time more to level now than it did during 12XP.

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Dear Bioware.

You are an amazing game developer and have created a lot of great content in SWTOR.

The problem is, the "mmo" aspects of the game (walking long distances, quest grinding) suck. I've only been playing for a week but I read that months ago you had 12x XP for story missions, which would make the game way more fun.

Please implement this feature so I can resub and enjoy the class story. As it stands, there is way too much grinding (EG: Planetary missions) to justify playing 1-60. I'm playing KoTFE during my month of subscription, which is great, then ragequitting.

I will come back if you implement 12XP again.


Dude I literally level at the exact same rate, if not faster, than when I had 12x xp... learn to lvl bro...

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0/10 Troll attempt.


If by some lunacy you actually think getting 1-15 it too grindy then you've got to have been grinding on mobs alone (no quests) or somesuch nonsense, hell proper planetary story arc's don't kick in til Taris/Balmorra and with current rates of XP you'll have barely got off the starting planet.


My FE trooper's just arrived on Hoth at lvl 45. she was lvl 19 when she first set foot on fleet and she didn't even touch a planetary arc til Tat.


How you're not higher if you got to the capital world is beyond me.

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Yep. Did Planetary and Story quests to level 15 and was still a level behind curve.

Solution: Get legacy XP boosts for class missions and exploration, and use the XP boost consumable.


This will allow you to skip quite a few of the planetary missions.


You can then throw in the occasional solo flashpoint, solo H2+, warzone or space mission for the rest.

Edited by Khevar
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Oh come on, he's not a troll, he just wants 12XP back. Having an opinion does not equal trolling.


I don't agree with him at all, but he's got a right to his opinion, and we have a right to counter with things like the fact that it really doesn't take but a tiny fraction of time more to level now than it did during 12XP.


I agree. He's not a troll. He's just an idiot. Can we stop this thread now, please?

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