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Most fitting class for KotFE?


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Just wanted to have some opinions from you people. Which class is "most fitting" for the story of KotFE? Since the plot is highly driven by and is about force-users, it makes sense for a JK to be the lead character (much like the trailers), but I wanted to know your personal feeling on the matter.
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The JK for the overall story, but for the very beginning on Marr's ship it makes more sense with the SI, he's a fellow councilor and Darth Marr would logically contact him first to join the hunt, because I think he trust him the most. Edited by Lazproperty
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Hum...story wise Sith warrior or JK apparently . Although , I haven't played DS take tha Power as anything but Sith Sorc , so I don't know if the gained power is different (I doubt it). But for me it was fitting . Sorc use lightning and It would feel odd for me if my sith warrior start zapping electricity . Just like my Sorc using force choke..that was weird :confused:
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Putting in a vote for the Imperial Agent, of all people.


Things in your head, being an outsider, desperation, and sneaking around? It's pretty much familar territory for my boy, and he actually felt the most at home out of those I've taken through so far. Add a heavy touch of heroic BSOD with what happens to what's left of Intelligence, and it was actually a pretty fun pile of pathos. And there's some fabulous class specific lines. (My bounty hunter was all like "Great, yes, when do I get paid.")

Edited by AKHadeed
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I have not played Rep side, but I would go with Inquisitor over Warrior. Wrath has more history and connection with Emperor, but Inquisitor makes far more sense as leader type. Same problem with IA, BH and Smuggler as they (as well as Wrath) would work better as specialist/expert within their respective field. I have not played Trooper, JK or JC yet to comment them. Edited by Chaloss
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I have not played Rep side, but I would go with Inquisitor over Warrior. Wrath has more history and connection with Emperor, but Inquisitor makes far more sense as leader type. Same problem with IA, BH and Smuggler as they (as well as Wrath) would work better as specialist/expert within their respective field. I have not played Trooper, JK or JC yet to comment them.


JC is the great leader, like the Inquisitor, and has their own connection with the Emperor through the Children of the Emperor. So the Emperor knows of the Consular very well.

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Probably Consular for Republic and Inquisitor for Empire. Besides a lot of Space Wizard stuff, the Alliance is a political project. The Consular already did that; the Inquisitor already is a leader of the Empire and inherently wants to rule.


The other six can be heroes but are implicitly or explicitly badly suited for leading this kind of entity and/or dealing with Valkorion and Vaylin. The dialogue choices can be a little suicidal for some of them (wanting to fight Vaylin in Chapter 3, for example).

Edited by Canareth
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The Jedi Knight and the Sith Warrior are the best, imho.

I'd even go as far to say as that Sith Warrior is the best because of what happens in the base story. But thats my opinion of course.

I'm playing with Sith Warrior and it just fits so amazingly well.

Edited by Aridea
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The JC had dealings with the emperor as well - although indirectly through his so-called "children" in the 1-50 story. I thought the lines suited my consular quite well throughout, as well as my JK. The "alliance" is very much what my JC did through the initial storyline, and the JK did a similar job on Corellia, with various allies coming together for a "final" showdown. <both of them for me are LS, so again, no problem with the dialogue options>


My RT and Smuggler felt sort of "why am I here" most of the time.

My agent had some interesting dialogue, but again - as she says on Ziost - why me, I'm just the help? She felt forced into making some lightsided choices as well. Thank the darkness, she has diplomacy as a crew skill.....


My wrath felt forced by the story that it was trying to convert her to the light side. Noooooooooo....

and then the whole ... build the alliance thing... It's like telling Darth Vader to build the rebel alliance, ya know?


My inq I haven't run thru the whole story yet. He's busy running around doing heroics and Yavin4 with Marr as his companion.... :p He wants the POWER......

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The JC had dealings with the emperor as well - although indirectly through his so-called "children" in the 1-50 story. I thought the lines suited my consular quite well throughout, as well as my JK. The "alliance" is very much what my JC did through the initial storyline, and the JK did a similar job on Corellia, with various allies coming together for a "final" showdown. <both of them for me are LS, so again, no problem with the dialogue options>


My RT and Smuggler felt sort of "why am I here" most of the time.

My agent had some interesting dialogue, but again - as she says on Ziost - why me, I'm just the help? She felt forced into making some lightsided choices as well. Thank the darkness, she has diplomacy as a crew skill.....


My wrath felt forced by the story that it was trying to convert her to the light side. Noooooooooo....

and then the whole ... build the alliance thing... It's like telling Darth Vader to build the rebel alliance, ya know?


My inq I haven't run thru the whole story yet. He's busy running around doing heroics and Yavin4 with Marr as his companion.... :p He wants the POWER......


I ran Black Talon a few times. A lot of te "LS" choices felt like they could be equally "DS." I ran it through on my Inq and I liked it. Wish I had more time to be psychotic in her though :(.

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I ran Black Talon a few times. A lot of te "LS" choices felt like they could be equally "DS." I ran it through on my Inq and I liked it. Wish I had more time to be psychotic in her though :(.


The part that gets me, is sending the General to a worse fate is LS! But later on the BH sending someone to a worse fate is DS! It just doesn't make sense!

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The part that gets me, is sending the General to a worse fate is LS! But later on the BH sending someone to a worse fate is DS! It just doesn't make sense!


Indeed. What killed me was refusing Valk's power was Lightside. I get that often this would be the case... But I was trying to save Lana and Senya! Luckily my SW is DS but ALOT of people in my guild had a problem with this. And I refused his power when I didn't need it. As in the fight with Arcann. Apparently this is a LS choice? Come on BW...

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<< What killed me was refusing Valk's power was Lightside.>>

Think of the SW prequel.

Palpatine to Anakin - <Paraphrase>- you can only save <padame> if you learn my teachings -<dark side> "not from the Jedi" <in the scene at the opera>

and again - in the original trilogy-

Vader's words to Luke in "return of the jedi - "only together can we strike him <palpatine> down"

Word for word what Valk says to you about Arcann. The voice even sounds identical. ;-)

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I ran Black Talon a few times. A lot of te "LS" choices felt like they could be equally "DS."


You've got me curious, how about you point out all those LS choices that are really DS?


Indeed. What killed me was refusing Valk's power was Lightside. I get that often this would be the case...

That it's the 'bad' thing to do is obvious, but often? It either is or it isn't darkside. There's no 'in some cases' a darkside choice is lightside.


But I was trying to save Lana and Senya!

Saving your beloved companions doesn't make the choice lightside, in fact, it is why the Jedi Order doesn't like it's members engaging in (romantic) relationships.

Edited by nimmerstil
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Any Force user is ok


I've seen this from several people in several topics, but is there actually a legitimate story reason why the Outlander should be a Force-user, other than the general prevailing attitude that non-Force-users just "aren't powerful enough" to hang out with big boys? Because by this point in the story, my various mundane heroes have beat the Sith outta plenty of arrogant Force-users who thought magic gave them an automatic advantage.


I'm honestly curious, as I've only done the first few chapters so far, and I'm trying to decide who to make my "main" for KotFE, since it's considerably less alt-friendly than the story leading up to it.

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You've got me curious, how about you point out all those LS choices that are really DS?



That it's the 'bad' thing to do is obvious, but often? It either is or it isn't darkside. There's no 'in some cases' a darkside choice is lightside.



Saving your beloved companions doesn't make the choice lightside, in fact, it is why the Jedi Order doesn't like it's members engaging in (romantic) relationships.


Refusing the power times 1 and 3. On number One you could be dooming your allies- Morality Choices can be situational. And number 3 is defeating a mad man. Those are two examples. Number 2 I view taking the Dark Side as "easy route" and really not necessary- if you don't NEED him to win it should be DS IMO.

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I've seen this from several people in several topics, but is there actually a legitimate story reason why the Outlander should be a Force-user, other than the general prevailing attitude that non-Force-users just "aren't powerful enough" to hang out with big boys? Because by this point in the story, my various mundane heroes have beat the Sith outta plenty of arrogant Force-users who thought magic gave them an automatic advantage.


I'm honestly curious, as I've only done the first few chapters so far, and I'm trying to decide who to make my "main" for KotFE, since it's considerably less alt-friendly than the story leading up to it.


You mean how the class stories tell the non force user "Oh crap!" except for the Hunter? Where in the story, the Force User is "okay okay okay" and the non Force User is "What the hell is going on"? standing around with a look on their face of "Ummm...why am I here?"

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You mean how the class stories tell the non force user "Oh crap!" except for the Hunter? Where in the story, the Force User is "okay okay okay" and the non Force User is "What the hell is going on"? standing around with a look on their face of "Ummm...why am I here?"


The Smuggler on Tatooine has a brief moment of frustration with a Sith Lord, but beats her pretty easily, ultimately, and she's even weaker than the old washed up crime boss fought during the same mission. Agent takes on quite possibly the toughest Sith in the Empire outside of the Emperor himself (albeit with deception and creative application of technology) and comes out on top as well. Trooper...okay, I admit, I can't remember a part in the Trooper class story where something like that happens. But still.


And the stories aren't limited to the class stories anyway. Smugglers and Troopers can take down multiple Dark Council members in duels.


If you feel that breaks your suspension of disbelief for whatever reason that's fine, that's your prerogative. I enjoy this game and its story, but I've never been able to get myself into the Star Wars expanded universe very deeply, so I don't have the pre-conceptions that many others do to create that disconnect. Hence, my curiosity as to why people think Force-users are more appropriate than non-Force-users for KotFE, and whether it's based on those pre-conceptions, or if there's something in the story (outside of "being powerful") itself that indicates it as such.

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The Smuggler on Tatooine has a brief moment of frustration with a Sith Lord, but beats her pretty easily, ultimately, and she's even weaker than the old washed up crime boss fought during the same mission. Agent takes on quite possibly the toughest Sith in the Empire outside of the Emperor himself (albeit with deception and creative application of technology) and comes out on top as well. Trooper...okay, I admit, I can't remember a part in the Trooper class story where something like that happens. But still.


And the stories aren't limited to the class stories anyway. Smugglers and Troopers can take down multiple Dark Council members in duels.


If you feel that breaks your suspension of disbelief for whatever reason that's fine, that's your prerogative. I enjoy this game and its story, but I've never been able to get myself into the Star Wars expanded universe very deeply, so I don't have the pre-conceptions that many others do to create that disconnect. Hence, my curiosity as to why people think Force-users are more appropriate than non-Force-users for KotFE, and whether it's based on those pre-conceptions, or if there's something in the story (outside of "being powerful") itself that indicates it as such.


Yeah they win, they have to or the story doesn't continue. It still has in the story "I'm out of my league here." when facing them. Agent also doesn't take down the most powerful Sith, they talk them down or trap them in an energy field, because it's stated "You're not likely to beat a force user as it is, but Jadus, you really have no chance."


Planet stories are one story for everyone. Which has been said before, doesn't mesh up with what they tell you on the class stories :p It's what bothered me about Agent's ending! What do you mean?! I just beat them up on the following planets!


What the non force users do have, is none of them are weak willed (though they seem to have weak willed companions) and can't be force persuaded.

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