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When it comes to pvp....what drives you?


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So here's a question I have for pvpers on shadowlands.


When you are in a warzone, what is your mindset?


Do you go for as much damage as possible, wanting to destroy everything around you?


Or are you purely objective focused? Not caring so much about how much dps you are caring, but focusing your attention on key targets that will help ensure a win?


Or hand and half?


I've discussed the different styles of attitude with several friends. Some tell if it's a difference between a win and high damage on the score board, they'll actually go for the loss because they are big number crunchers.

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I don't know of anyone who would take numbers over a win in every warzone. When it does happen, it's usually because they've looked at the pugs, concluded a loss is probably inevitable with that team, and decided to make the best of things. On the flipside, if a premade looks at the opposing team and decides they're going to roflstomp them no matter what, why not farm numbers for the lulz?


Personally I like to win. Depending on which class I'm playing I'll go about that in different ways. On RDPS (outside of huttball) I'll usually look to clear nodes for a cap through kills. This usually results in high numbers, but as I'm actually looking to *kill* quickly rather than just damage, I sacrifice a little total DPS overall in exchange for burst. If I'm playing a stealth class, then I may look for sap caps and ninjas. I'm only human, and I make mistakes - there are certainly more 'objective minded' players about that me, but I'm better than average.


Some people are VERY quick to assume you're ignoring objectives if you have high numbers (or even 2k dps mediocre numbers). This is mostly because they are terrible, and cannot fathom how someone could both play objectives and do significantly more damage/healing than them. As anyone who remembers the best teams from the days of 8v8 ranked knows, good players do both. Back then, there wasn't a single successful ranked team that consistently ended matches with low damage whilst 'playing objectives' - because they would just lose to high damage teams that played objectives equally well. The ability to DPS was just considered a 'do you know how to play your class?' baseline, on which everyone added objective play.


These days, the average player struggles to break 500 dps, so 2k dps looks huge to them. But 2k wasn't even particularly high back in 3.0 - and damage has gone up significantly (perhaps by as much as 40%) since then.


TLDR - If you're guarding a node, or stealth ninjaing an off-node, then there is no need to DPS. But pretty much everyone else should be maximising their output (dps/heals/protection) while playing objectives.

Edited by Jherad
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Too many players think they're "objectively-minded" when in reality they are just plain bad. Obsessively trying to cap a node in vain or run that orb while getting your butt kicked is not being "objectively minded" - it's being trash. The key is to surgically destroy the enemy team while defending the objective and seizing the objective at the right time. The best players balance kills and objectives.
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Teamwok for me and when I have ops lead that makes it 1000 times easier to relay such teamwok. On that point, for teamwok to also work ppl really need to put out a certain amount of effective damage and effective healing to actually get to objectives the only real time and place for that "numbahs isn't everything" is mostly when ur losing by a small amount and know you can break off with another preferably a stealth and side cap a node in X amount of time. Because most of the time if its agasint a team thats thrashing you and manage to cap one of their nodes odds are they will just get serious and pulverize you, sometimes it might work but if it does it pretty much means they had no intention of winning for the lil green victory symbol and all they wanted to do was crush hopes and dreams.




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I enter pvp with the same mindset as Lebron, Curry, and MJ.


What does it take to be a champion?


I enter to dominate. Simple as that. Dominating involves rickrolling kidz in the dogfight while simultaneously being conscious of, and achieving, the map objectives. All the while supporting and invigorating your teammates. Thats the essence of a true leader, a true champion. In certain situations, it also implies sacrifice. If you need to defend a node against 3 enemies but you are alone, you still fight with the utmost courage and valor without shying away from your duties.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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Need to be constantly hitting targets, using abilities on gcd and switching from a target to another. Game needs to be as fast paced as I can make it or brain isn't stimulated enough and I get bored. Donna can confirm


When are you and everyone else coming back from Harb? That would drive me to pvp more :p

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When I queue regs(lol), I have a different mindset than I do in ranked. If I feel like node guarding, I will. If I feel like damage farming, I will. If I feel like doing nothing and roasting bads, I will(usually goes along with node guarding). When I queue regs its about what I want to do, which is have fun. Ranked is a different story, If you queue up you're going to get dumpster'd by me, The Gerd.
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